Shifters in the Snow: Bundle of Joy: Seventeen Paranormal Romances of Winter Wolves, Merry Bears, and Holiday Spirits

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Shifters in the Snow: Bundle of Joy: Seventeen Paranormal Romances of Winter Wolves, Merry Bears, and Holiday Spirits Page 30

by J. K Harper

“Daelan,” she started, taking a deep breath while Daelan held his. “I…I love you, too.”

  He let that breath out with a whoosh, smiling wide.


  There’s always a but.

  “I’m going to need time. To figure you out. To trust you. I want nothing more than to give Deon a family, to keep him close to the people who love him and who can teach him everything about his heritage. Lord knows I can’t do it alone.”

  “So you’re saying you need time,” Daelan nodded.

  “I’m saying we need to take it slow,” Marley said evenly, though her lips were tugging up into a smile slowly.

  “I can do time. All the time you need. As long as you’re not too far from me. We can go to Boston, we can go to Antarctica for all I care, as long as you say there’s a chance.”

  “There’s…there’s a chance, yes,” Marley allowed.

  In the next second, she was scooped up in his arms along with Deon and he was twirling them around in the snow. Deon was laughing out loud and Marley had one hand on Daelan’s shoulder and the other gripping Deon slightly. She was grinning wide, matching Daelan’s smile.

  “I love that answer!” Daelan exclaimed. “It’s the best one I’ve ever heard.”

  “I’ve got one caveat, though,” Marley said sternly as he set her down and plucked Deon from her arms, hugging the boy.

  “Anything,” Daelan promised.

  “We spend Christmas here. And you make up with your cousin.”

  Daelan’s brow furrowed immediately. Getting along with that pompous douche of a Silvertip was completely out of the q—

  Marley gave him a look and Daelan sighed.

  “Okay, fine. I’ll get along with my cousin,” he said with the tiniest hint of sourness.

  The things this woman is doing to me…

  He couldn’t complain though. So far, every change Marley had brought into his life had been one that had been sorely needed. From the child in his arms to the love blooming in his chest, she’d filled his life with happiness and something to look forward to.

  Daelan would only hope that he could become the man that a woman like Marley deserved to be with.

  Without further ado, he pulled Marley into his arms and kissed her.

  The whoops coming from the airplane told him in no uncertain terms that at least Slate had definitely been keeping an eye on this little love story. Daelan didn’t mind. In fact, the more people who could take part in his joy, the better.

  Definitely something that wasn’t normal for the Silvertip dragon, either.



  “You know, I think starting a radio station here could be a great idea. What would you call it? Something simple, like the Shifter Grove Station? Dragons’ Den? SGR, for Shifter Grove Radio? Ooh, I’d finally have somewhere to contribute locally!”

  Sabrina was practically clapping her hands together in excitement as they sat around the large Christmas tree on Christmas morning, all dressed in their jammies and watching Deon and Dante tear into their presents.

  The two little dragons were inseparable every time Marley and Daelan came over, and it had been an almost daily occurrence since Daelan had talked her off that airplane. He’d taken the whole ‘get along with your cousin’ thing really to heart.

  “I think we could probably hold a poll or something? I mean, I have the gear for it. If I end up moving here…”

  “If?” Daelan asked, quirking his brow.

  She’d never seen him look more ridiculous than he did now, clad in red PJs with little Santa Clauses and reindeers on them – which was apparently some sort of a communal joke because all of the Christmas-themed pajamas available at the local general store had reindeer on them. They were called the ‘Frost Special’.

  It was one of those inside jokes Marley hadn’t yet cracked about Shifter Grove, but she was eager to nonetheless.

  They’d spent the night at Snarling Dragon Manor so the Silvertips could be together for Christmas morning. The look on Donovan’s face when Daelan suggested it had been priceless. Sabrina, of course, wouldn’t let Donovan live it down, either.

  “I don’t think there are any ifs about it,” Daelan continued. “I already put a deposit down on the cabin.”

  “Wow!” Sabrina said, smiling. “You move fast.”

  “Awfully small house for a dragon,” Donovan remarked with a playful smirk.

  That was another thing. Apparently Donovan could smile. And when he did, he looked a lot more like Daelan.

  “You did?” Marley asked with surprise. “But I thought we—I mean, I thought you’d have to get something different because of the hoard.”

  “Houses can be moved. And you like that one.”

  He said it like it was the most natural thing in the world.

  It’s true. I do like that house, Marley pondered, still reeling from the news.

  While they’d shoved Hank on the plane and sent him off, Marley had decided to stay through Christmas with Daelan. He hadn’t stopped for a moment, constantly showing her how good of an idea it had been to give him another chance.

  It was like the weight he’d been carrying had suddenly been lifted from his shoulders and he’d turned into that man she’d met initially, with the added bonus of being a fantastic father. He was funny, carefree and loving, the perfect companion during the days, and the most awesome lover she’d ever had during the nights.

  It was a miracle she’d gotten any sleep since her decision to stay, though admittedly most of that sleep had come in the form of naps with Deon.

  “Well, I’m looking forward to you two moving closer,” Sabrina said, sipping on her hot chocolate.

  A few days ago, Donovan had revealed the location of Daelan’s hoard to him. It was in a carved out hold near Snarling Dragon Mountain, just a short drive or an unnoticeable flight, as the dragons would say. Daelan had been in an even better mood since that and his relationship with Donovan had obviously moved forward by leaps and bounds as well.

  “Me, too,” Daelan echoed. “And I’m looking forward to flying to Boston to get the rest of Marley’s stuff.”

  Though it had started off as a bit of a joke about how she’d move in immediately, it was becoming more and more real by the day. The fact of the matter was, she couldn’t imagine being away from Daelan anymore. Even less so could she imagine taking Deon away from his father again.

  “Me, too,” Marley said softly, smiling. Donovan’s knowing smile as he turned to watch the kids playing was evidence enough that Marley’s decision to stay was obvious to all those around her.

  She didn’t mind. This was family, after all.

  Daelan moved closer to her and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her in for a long, gentle kiss. He was not shy about giving physical affection and she wasn’t shy about receiving it, or dishing it out either.

  “I love you,” she whispered so only he could hear.

  “I love you, too,” Daelan said, his free hand cupping her chin before he kissed her again.

  Out of all that drama and wasted time, they’d arrived somewhere truly good. They had a future in front of them that promised to be far better than either of them had expected and neither of them would ever be lonely again.

  Surrounded by family and during the happiest time in the year, Marley could truly say that she was right where she needed to be, with the man that made her love life every day.

  Enchanting Her Alphas

  by Auriella Skye

  Chapter 1

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

  Rynn Duval didn’t look up. She only had one thought in mind. Get the hell out of there. “I can’t talk to you when you’re like this, Billy.” She grabbed her clothes and stuffed them into her royal blue suitcase. Actually, it was her only suitcase and her current lifeline, but she didn’t want to think too hard about that.

  “You think you can walk out on me?” Billy asked.

  “It’s your fault
. I told you if you ever came home drunk again, I’d leave. That’s what I’m doing.”

  “I don’t understand why me drinking makes you so upset. We met in a bar. You were the fucking bartender, or did you forget that? ”

  “Yeah, but you were sober then. You went from social drinker to…whatever the hell this is. Things change.”

  “Not for me.”

  “You’ll never change. I’m beginning to understand that now. It’s all about you and to hell with everyone else. It’s so damn selfish.”

  “Don’t do this, Rynn.”

  “You’re not giving me a choice.”

  A car horn honked outside. Thank the goddess, her cab was there. At least she could leave soon.

  Billy went over to the bedroom window and peeked out. “What’s that taxi doing here?”

  She didn’t answer. Instead, she finished with the packing until she had everything tucked tightly away in her suitcase.

  Rynn had hoped to be out of the house quickly, but it had taken her longer than expected to get all her stuff together after getting nauseous and dizzy. She really needed to eat something.

  All that could wait. Right now she needed to get away from Billy before everything escalated.

  She’d gotten outside when he yanked her by the arm, and she realized it was too late. He was already drunk enough to get violent.

  “I don’t think you understand, babe. I’m not letting you go anywhere.”

  “Billy, get your hands off me right now.” She hated when he got like this.

  “You’re not leaving me.”

  “Let me go. You’re hurting me.”

  “Good. Maybe that’ll teach you to do what you’re told.”

  “Let go of me, Billy, or I’ll make you regret it.”

  “What are you going to do? Make it rain on me? You don’t have any water for your magic to use. Just stop playing and come back in the house.”

  He had to challenge her, didn’t he? Apparently he’d forgotten about the garden hose on the side of the house. She focused on the water trickling slowly out of the wound-up hose, so small that anyone who wasn’t connected to a water element wouldn’t have noticed it. Rynn saw it clearly, and she needed to use it to her advantage. She found her inner flicker of magic and brought it forward to connect with her surrounding element.

  As soon as she found the trickle of water, she yanked it forward to pull it to her. The dripping became a full rushing force of power that she called out until the garden hose flew up with a force aimed straight for Billy. It knocked him across the lawn and into the trash cans.

  He groaned, and she knew he would live. That was all that mattered. Since she hadn’t killed him, she could escape without that guilt on her conscience, not that he didn’t deserve some kind of injury for the hell he had put her through while they were together. It took only seconds to run for the taxi and head to the bus station.

  Why had she been so stupid? Believing he was going to change wasn’t the same thing as Billy doing it. She dug through her purse for a tissue or something to wipe her eyes before the cab dropped her off. That’s when she hit against the small box, one of two she bought earlier that week but had put off opening and using.

  “Damn it,” she cursed, realizing she’d left the other one at home in the bathroom. If Billy found it, he’d track her down for sure. She just had to get two of them, two tests in case one was wrong. Now, she only had one anyway and a possibly pissed-off ex-boyfriend.

  The bus station bathroom was cold and empty. It was the last place Rynn wanted to be when she learned she was pregnant, despite the physical evidence of a plus sign on the stick that she held tightly between her fingers.

  “Bastard,” she muttered under her breath. “No-good bastard.”

  There had been a time when she wanted a family with Billy. It was a time before she actually knew who he was and learned of his daily drinking habit. He hid it from her at first, and then she’d made excuses for not leaving him after she found out.

  What was wrong with her? She should have known better than to stay with him for as long as she had. One year was a long time. It was time she would never be able to get back.

  Where was she going to go now? Since she’d moved in with him, she had no place for herself. There were no local people she felt comfortable calling. She had one or two acquaintances in the witch community in Boston but no one she truly trusted.

  Her best friend Zara had gone home to Kala West for her mother’s funeral and decided to stay after finding her mates.

  She called the only person she could from the stall. It rang so long that Rynn thought she’d get voicemail. Then the click of the phone hit her.


  “Zara, it’s Rynn.”

  “Rynn?” Zara asked. “You don’t sound good. What’s wrong?”

  She couldn’t keep the crying back. “I hate to call like this, but I need your help.”

  “Anything. Just tell me what I can do.”

  Rynn’s sobs slowed with relief. She needed her friend now more than ever.

  The bus trip from Boston to Florida was a long one that left Rynn stiff and tired, but she didn’t care if all Zara had to offer her was a sofa or if it was an actual bed. Anything was better than staying with Billy. At least she didn’t have to deal with him.

  Zara was there at the Kala West bus station waiting for her. “Rynn!”

  Rynn spotted her long-time friend from across the long and high-ceiling hall, waving at her. “Oh, goddess. Zara!” She hugged Zara and finally felt a feeling of safety and comfort, two things she hadn’t felt in a while. It was so calming that it soothed Rynn’s spirit and calmed her inner magic. “Thank you for letting me come stay with you. I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “You’re always welcome here,” Zara said. “Are you okay?”

  Rynn felt a smile fill her face as relief washed over her from head to sole. “I am now.”

  Chapter 2

  Jax sniffed the air and came up empty. That was always a good thing when doing pack border patrol. He’d take a quiet night over anything. It relaxed him as he made rounds in wolf form. He knew the same thing wasn’t the same for his younger brother, Hendrix, who always did patrol with him. Where Jax was calm and serious, Hendrix was the opposite and always looking for trouble just so he could put a stop to it.

  While his younger brother found patrolling boring, Jax saw the peaceful task as the best time for him and his wolf. Jax wasn’t really sociable. He was polite when he needed to be and was always there to aid their alpha leader, Lance, when he needed help with the pack and securing their territory.

  But except for the company of Hendrix, he appreciated his solitude when strolling through their Kala West borders, which was on land given to them years ago by the local Elemental Board made of witches and warlocks.

  You need to get laid, Jax.

  Hendrix’s gray and white wolf coat came into view as his brother invaded Jax’s head space.

  What nonsense are you spilling out now? Jax thought back to Hendrix. Although they couldn’t read each other’s thoughts, they were able to project them in animal form like all other animal shifters communicated to their kind.

  Laid. You need to get it. Sooner than later.

  Sex isn’t the cure to everything, Hendrix.

  No, but it sure comes pretty damn close.

  In human form, Jax would have shaken his head. Instead, he leaned over the lake that bordered their lands. Where Hendrix’s wolf was gray and white, Jax’s was black and white.

  Jax’s animal whined back at him. No, he didn’t need to get laid. What he needed was his mate. That was one of the reasons why he stayed away from the other pack members. Many had their mates already, except for a few singles in the compound. He and Hendrix were mate-less. There were women in the camp who flirted with them and tried to win them over. He couldn’t do it. Over the years, he and his brother had their bed mates, even shared a couple of times, but his wolf was never satisfi
ed. Something was always missing.

  We need to go out, Hendrix said.

  We are out, Jax said, keeping his wolf from snorting. Outside is as out as you can get.

  That’s not what I mean. We need to get off the compound.

  Where their pack lived wasn’t an actual compound. It was a residential community of shifters who all had a house of their own. Many of the pack members joked that it was like living in a secluded compound, so they all nicknamed it that. It was far from some weird prison. It was more like their small shifter village inside Kala West. They were allowed to go through Kala West freely, but their community was the only place that was guaranteed safe ground.

  In Kala West resided mostly the ancestors of witches and warlocks who founded the town. Although the Elemental Board granted their pack amnesty and land, there were still people in the town who didn’t accept shifters, which is why they kept to themselves.

  We’re not doing any crazy idea you have now, Jax thought.

  Hendrix shook, making his shiny coat seem fluid with the almost-full moon. It’s not a crazy idea. We just need some R&R.

  You mean you need it. This is fine for me.

  Spare me the “being in nature is good for your wolf” shit. I get it. This has its moments, but we need to socialize and have some fun on two legs.

  I’ll think about it. Jax wasn’t in the mood for this conversation and usually brushed it off. So he wasn’t social. Who cared? All that mattered to him was having his time to himself, away from all the noise of the world.

  Which is your way of telling me to fuck off? Fine. I have one more round to make before we’re relieved. Hendrix didn’t wait for Jax to say anything before disappearing into the darkness.

  Jax knew his brother craved something beyond what they did as their alpha leader’s second and third, but their positions were crucial to the strength of the pack. Without the strongest there to protect their kind, everyone else would be vulnerable to attack, whether by some prejudiced magicals or rebellious packs in nearby cities and states.


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