Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), UN 573
football 347, 477, 617
Ford, Henry 227, 247, 411, 527, 634
Ford workers 247, 341
Fordism 247, 278
Fordlandia, Brazil 527, 528
fossil fuels 2, 669, 684
Foucault, Michel 188
framing 6, 7, 11–12
France/the French: 18th-century 22; advertising 173; and American culture 305, 306; army 167; Asian textiles 65; Bourdieu’s cultural map of French society 345–6; bourgeoisie 94, 165, 181, 225–6, 250, 345, 374; Chèques Vacances 533, 536; childcare 453; co-operatives 285; coffee 79, 165, 166; colonies 79, 82–3, 122, 132–3, 165, 172, 252, 347; comités d’entreprise 532–3, 534; communists 307; company services 532–3; consumer goods expansion 1954–75 301; cotton 67; credit 414, 416; discretionary and leisure time 452; domestic appliances 247; elderly people 507, 508, 511; elite and high culture 340, 345, 346; ethical shopping 569; families and generational bonds 520; film-making on mobile phones 465; firm clubs 531; free time activities of men and women aged 20 to 74 (1998–2002) 458–9; French films on TV 353; French Revolution 111–12, 113, 147; holidays 453; and the home 189, 243, 339, 453, 459, 643; household debt 409, 425; ICT 685; income share of the rich 436, 437; industrial revolution 161; and inflation 415; joie de vivre 455; law on French content of radio broadcasts 353; Ligue Sociale d’Acheteurs 155, 159; localism 586; luxury denunciation 100; luxury goods spending by millionaires 439; and Marshall Plan exhibits 307; misery U-index 454; mobile phones 464, 465; Napoleonic Wars 116; open trading 120; over-indebtedness 431; paper waste 644; Paris see Paris; pensions 542, 679; Popular Front 545; reading habits 460; recycling 639–40, 645; royal court 42; Royer Law (1973) 349; rural transformation of everyday life after Second World War 302; school hygiene 177–8, 189; servants 68; service sector 685; shops 351; silk export 67; smuggling 91, 162; social spending 537, 537, 539, 679; socialists 552; sport facilities and practice 545; standards agency, AFNOR 565; state relationship to consumers 551–2; students 496; sugar consumption 165, 166–7; sumptuary laws for clothes 40–41; Sunday restrictions 478; supermarkets 349; television 353, 411, 455; Third Republic 133, 172; time spent on different activities 454; tobacco 162; trade unions 532; travel for shopping, eating and hobbies 685; urban density 93; water supply 178, 182; and Waterloo 120; wine 169; women 453, 508; working hours 449–50
franchise 156–7, 283, 680
Francis, Neville 445
Frank, Robert 434
Frankfurt 187, 272, 321–2
Frankfurt Kitchen 249–50
Frankfurt School of Social Research 266
Frankfurter Zeitung 211
Franklin, Benjamin: Poor Richard’s Almanac 406
Fraser, Arthur 194
Frederick II, the Great 86–7
Frederick III 85
Frederick, Christine 222
free trade 136, 151, 158–9; exotic drugs and the era of 168; and female emancipation 157; force of trade liberalization 146, 161, 162–3; liberal empire of 91, 120–21, 122, 140, 141, 146, 161, 163–4, 167, 572; and mass consumption 162, 164; as original fair trade movement 572
Freecycle 654, 682
freedom: America’s cycle of democracy, social mobility and 237; of choice see choice; and consumption 289, 325, 419–20; and credit liberalization 419–20; democratic see democracy/democratization; of dress 111; emancipation from stuff 222; emancipation through things 135; female emancipation 157, 181, 196, 199, 222–3, 255–6; free labour 91, 122, 129; free unions 307 see also trade unions; and the French Revolution 111–12; Marxist delusion about 113; from Nazism 307; and personal lifestyle 274, 321; rights of 321; sexual 304, 325; and slavery see slavery/slaves
Freetown 130
freezers 207, 254, 305, 348, 650, 664, 674
Freie Deutsche Jugend (FDJ) 333
Fresno, US 632
Freud, Sigmund 210, 627
Freudianism 284, 487
fridges 235, 240, 244, 247, 254, 257, 280, 283, 301–2, 307, 327, 331, 336, 337, 355, 365, 367, 368, 375, 378, 382, 436, 528, 591, 619, 647, 649–51, 653, 654, 664, 672, 673, 686, 687 see also freezers
Friedjung, Heinrich 119
Friedman, Milton 5, 420, 421–2
Friedman, Rose D. 5
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 392
friendly societies 206
Friends of the Earth 639
Friesland 75
Fromm, Erich 305, 434–5
Fugger, Hans 38
Fujin koron 256
Fulla dolls 618
functionalism 249–50, 270, 525
funerals 39, 48, 150, 193, 361, 382, 399, 592, 593 see also burials
furnishings 36, 61, 181, 236, 240, 251 see also furniture; boom, late 19th century 224–5; carpets see carpets; and decor 47–8, 49, 117, 224, 225–6, 330, 348; luxurious 37, 60; mass market in home furnishing 224–5; and the polite lifestyle 107; in the Raj 145; reproduction paintings 226; and taste in line with one’s station 109; Venetian banning of luxurious 37
furniture 30, 31, 33, 61, 75, 108, 138, 226–7, 327 see also furnishings; American sales 279; bedroom 30, 31; functional 223; and identity 104; Louis XIV 251; paper 636; Soviet 327, 330
furs 23, 28, 37, 39, 138
fustian 66
Gaber, Giorgo 352
Galbraith, John Kenneth 7, 115, 254, 303–4, 414; The Affluent Society 7–8, 273, 302–3, 304, 305, 539, 678
Galen 84, 85
Gama, Vasco da 26
games 30, 467 see also sports; toys; board games 30, 36, 281; cards 22, 467, 471; drinking games 52; and elderly people 506, 508; in Japan 473; Muslim 618
Gandhi, Maganlal 298
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand, ‘Mahatma’ 296–8, 379–80, 389–90
garages, domestic 1, 661–2
garden waste 644, 648
gardening 4, 261, 456, 458, 462, 467, 507
Garstang, Lancashire 562
Garzoni, Tomaso 35
gas 4, 175, 176, 180–83, 248; boycotts of gas companies 183; cookers 178, 248, 554, 589; global trade in 683; lights 176, 178, 181–2; meters 176, 181, 183; profitability 182–3; stoves 176, 180, 181, 189
Gassman, Vittorio 315
gated communities 392
Gath, Alfredo 193
Gath & Chaves 193
Gaulle, Charles de 324
GDP see gross domestic product
gender see also men; women: and cooking 257, 332, 375, 448, 481; division between female consumption and male production 110; eating roles 14; and free time 450, 457, 458–9, 469; hierarchies destabilized by Second World War 305; and housework 260, 447, 448, 483, 546; loosening of gender hierarchies amongst the young 313; and lust for things 197; and luxury 36; recycling of gender inequality through Motivational Research 316; and shopping 6, 156, 198–9, 200, 204, 332, 350; studies 324
General Electric 287, 500
General Motors 411
generations 484–521; adolescents see youth and teenagers; age-specific advertising and marketing 314–15, 485, 487, 489–90, 494–5, 517; age-specific clothing 486–7, 494–5; age-specific culture of pleasure 313; children (young) see children; consumption as the glue between 520–21; defined by recreation 506; the elderly see elderly people; leisure in middle age 483; and store colour-coding 486
Geneva 117
Genji, Japanese tale of 472
Genoa 23, 28, 29, 31
gentry see aristocrats/gentry
geopolitics: and the Cold War 300–301 see also Cold War; consumption in context of 119–73; power as geopolitical hierarchy of things 132
George V 140
GEPA 567–8
German Labour Front 290–91
Germany: advertising 318–19; America and liberation from Nazism 307; bankruptcy 433; banks 416; beer 358, 559; brand explosion 169; children 491, 493; cinemas 215; clothing regulation 39, 41–2; co-operatives 275; Coal Council 276; coffee 166, 172; communal flats 323; and the consumer as source of national strength 275–6; consumer co-
operatives 206; consumer complaints 558; consumer politics 275–6; consumer society 307; consumers in Weimar Germany 276; credit 409, 410, 414, 415–16, 433, 679–80; cultural state support 547; department stores 199–200, 200, 201–2, 479; discretionary and leisure time 452; East (GDR) 301, 327, 328, 330, 331, 332, 334–7, 438, 546, 645–6; educated bourgeoisie (Bildungsbürgertum) 416; elderly people 499, 507–9, 512, 513; ethical shopping criteria 567; fair trade 565, 566, 567–8, 574–5, 576–7; family relationships 521; films made in 312–13; First World War 275–6, 363 see also First World War; free time activities of men and women aged 20 to 74 (1998–2002) 458–9; fridges 302; GDP 12; German Jews 600; hazardous waste 652; holidays in Italy 603; home ownership 236; household cultural spending 548; household savings rate 420, 421; household waste 1980–2005 643; household wealth and debt 409, 425, 426–7; housewives’ organizations 275; Imperial 199, 276, 393, 394; industrialization 161, 166; inequalities 436, 437, 438; inflation 415; and the invasion of American consumer culture 306; Jewish-owned chains 196; kitchens 249–51; Kolonialwarenladen 164; Kritischer Konsum 576; leisure time in West Germany in the 1960s 301; localism 580, 582, 586; and the Marshall Plan 272; and migrant food cultures 597–8, 604; mortgage debt 425; national committee for consumer interests 275; Nazi see Nazism; outsourcing environmental burden 669; overindebtedness 431; pensions 422, 508–9; plastic waste 643; proportion of elderly in population 499; rag trade 628; recycling 639–40, 643, 644, 645, 646; restaurants 597–8, 601, 603, 604; savings 414–15, 422, 426, 430, 438, 679–80; and slavery 122–3; smartphones 465; Social Democratic Party 159, 433; social spending 537, 539, 541; socializing 461; standard of living exhibit 308; statesponsored sport and recreation 545; Sunday restrictions 478, 479; supermarkets 349; teenage market 495; theatre 466; trade unionists 278; urban density 93; urban water consumption 186; vending machines 278; wages 301; Wanderlager (discount stores) 205; waste generation lowering 640, 641; Weimar economic council (Reichswirtschaftsrat) 276; West 11, 12, 308, 309, 310, 312, 331, 414–15, 635–6; women 332, 457; working hours 449, 450, 451; youth riots 310; youth spending power 312
Ghana 131–2, 347, 579, 591, 614, 652, 653
Ghent 570
Giacomo da Sant’Andrea 49
Gibson, Mr (store manager) 202
Gide, Charles 155
Gierek, Edward 334
Gil, Gilberto 352
Gilchrist, Frank 524
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins 228
gin 80, 87, 124, 142, 315, 334, 478
Girl of My Dreams (Die Frau meiner Träume) 313
Girl Scouts 485
Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry 551–2
Glasgow 186, 209
glass 29–30, 222; beads 124–5; cabinets 202; and the democratization of desire 202; goblets 30, 33, 57; London production 58; mirrors see mirrors; plate 192; waste/recycled see waste: glass
Glass Manufacturer’s Federation 639
Global e-Sustainability Initiative 686
globalization 121, 140, 155, 159, 552; and fair trade 568–9; forces of 193; global ethic of care 573, 584 see also fair trade; global expansion of ‘Italian’ coffee 173; global materialism 381; global spread of the department store 202, 204–5; global trading system 162; global waste trade 652–3; and local markets 141–2, 169–73, 583–4, 586; of Mediterranean cuisine 603; social movements opposed to 391; world merchandise trade in 21st century 683
goblets 30, 33, 57
Godbey, Geoffrey 444
gold 29, 35, 37, 40, 42, 131; bells 69; buckles 40, 41, 42; cloth of gold tissue 39; embroidery 25, 36; and Hoover 237; imperial flow 82–3; jewellery 34, 48, 381; lace 40, 63; recovered from scrap 653; thread 39, 70, 139
Gold Coast (West Africa) 124
golden age club movement 503–4, 505
Golden Age Hobby Show 505
golden mean 390
Golden Rule 572
Golden Tours, Long Beach 511–12
Goldie, George 133
Goldschmidt (factory) 638
Goldthorpe, John 343
good-luck charms 616
‘good life’ 6, 12, 292, 302, 591, 614, 680, 681
Goodenough, Mr (engineer) 182
Göring, Hermann 291–2
Gossen, Hermann 321
Gothenburg 264
Government of India Act (1850) 141
grain 44, 45, 49, 54, 167, 683; rice see rice
Gramophone Co. 263
gramophones 223, 252, 263, 265, 268, 293, 295, 337
grave robbing 50
Great Exhibition (London 1851) 193
Great War see First World War
Greece 13, 339, 413, 427, 644
greed 156, 324, 386; corporate 490
Green Bay Packers 526
Green movement 639, 644
greenhouse gas emissions: from aluminium production 684; carbon 2, 15, 538, 647, 666, 667, 675, 684; from internet/ICT 686
Greenspan, Alan 424
Grey, Edward 175
Grey Panthers 509
Grieve, T. R. 639
grocers 192
gross domestic product (GDP): Britain 12, 423, 668; China 24, 357; Europe 24; Germany 12; India 357; Japan 357, 363; and material flow 667, 668; social spending as percentage of 326, 537, 537, 538, 539, 541; as standard of living indicator 538–9
Grossmith, George and Weedon: The Diary of a Nobody 229–30
Gu Qiyuan 46
Guadeloupe 172
Guangdong 47, 49, 653
Guatemala 80, 579, 593
Guayaquil 162
Gucci on the Ginza (George Fields) 384
Guerlain, Jean-Paul 485
Guicciardini, Piero d’Agnolo 32
guilds 42–3, 54, 76, 157, 180, 205, 262, 278
Guiyu 653
guns 132, 133, 138
Gupta, M. K. 389
Gutmann, Bruno 135
Haarlem 54
Haber, Fritz 631
Habermas, Jürgen 86, 95
habits 233–4, 471 see also routines; drinking 9, 90, 166, 566; shopping 570
habitus 345
Habsburgs 84
haggling 190, 204, 209, 210
Hagin, Kenneth 610, 614
Haikou, Carrefour’s 371
hair: extensions 30; styles 46, 312
hairpins 47, 48
Haiti 590
Halbwachs, Maurice 280
Hall, G. Stanley 216, 501
Hamburg 166, 178, 205, 278, 470, 526, 630, 653; council (Konsumentenkammer) 278, 283; Haifischbar 351; second-hand shops 632–3; youth riots 310
Hamilton, John Potter 170
Hamilton, Scotland 176
Hanada Mitsue 365
handicrafts 262, 309, 456, 462, 565, 574, 575
handkerchiefs 63, 64, 65, 68, 170, 194, 495, 609
Hangzhou 44, 46, 178, 299
Hanover 189
Hansen, Karen 656–7
Hanway, Jonas 90
happiness 102, 105, 116, 237–8, 305, 452–3 see also well-being; and affluence 452, 455; electric goods as ‘Key to Happiness’ 364; family-centred 256; French joie de vivre 455; happy customers 310; as material comfort 334
Harben, Philip 597
Harbin, China 370
harmonized European time-use survey (HETUS) 456
Harrison, Thomas 60
Harrison, William 59
Harrods 193, 194, 200, 204
Harrods’ Catalogue 193
Harvard Business Review 517
hashish 142
Hassan, Muhammad 619
Hastings, Warren 137
Haussman, Georges-Eugène 198, 204
Hava 172
Havel, Václav 334
Havighurst, Robert James and Albrecht, Ruth: Older People 501, 502–3, 504
Hawaii 149, 602
hawkers 205
hazardous waste 652, 653, 684
health/healthcare see also well-being: American 556–7; benefits from fair trade 579; British spending on 542; and choice 556–7; Community Health Councils 556; company service
s, welfare and 513, 523, 525, 529, 530–31; cult of physical exercise 544–5; fitness wave 544–5; food, drink and 599, 605; homeopathic medicine 555; hospital waiting times 560; insurance 372–3; mental see mental health/illness; NHS see National Health Service; patient rights and activism 555–7; Patients’ Charter (UK) 556; self-help 555, 556; social spending on 148, 304, 326, 372, 429, 537, 542; support groups 555; voluntarism in 555, 556; and waste 630, 631, 632, 633–4, 653; ‘wellness’ and management culture 513, 530–31
Health Research Group 555
heating 15 see also stoves; central 15, 244, 244, 302, 339, 673, 687
hedonism 5, 9, 199, 291, 316, 603
Heidegger, Martin 234–6, 241, 378
heirlooms 104
Hellman, Ellen 252
Helsinki 189, 558
Henkel 254, 255, 291, 292
Henning, Richard 336
Henry VIII 39
Henze, Hans Werner 322
herring trade 26
Herzog, Herta 269
Hewes, Amy 257–8
hierarchy of needs 272–3
hijab 617, 618
Hilferding, Rudolf 119
Hinduism 142, 145, 380, 385, 613
hippies 323, 327
Hippocrates 84
hire purchase/instalment credit 114, 302, 308, 328, 342, 406, 409, 410–11, 413, 414, 415, 431, 440
Hitler, Adolf 122–3, 198, 289–90
hoarding 660–62
Hobbes, Thomas 95
hobbies 14, 229, 261, 458–9, 462, 546, 678, 681; of elderly people 507; hobby clubs 262; radio hobbyists 264; travel for 685
Hobhouse, Leonard Trelawny 321
Hobson, J. A. 119, 157–9, 160, 161
Hofer, Karl 172
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