Blind Witness

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Blind Witness Page 17

by Knight, Alysia S.

  “I want to be with you. You’re all I need,” she said softly, a smile radiated across her face.

  “Then will you marry me tomorrow?”


  “Yes, as soon as we’re done at the doctor’s office, I want to get a license. I’ll call Conrad to see if he can marry us.”

  Surprise rolled over her. “Britt.”

  “Rachelle, I know it’s sudden, but I don’t think it would be a good idea for us to announce it now. There’s no telling what the nut would do, but I want you staying with me.” He cradled her cheek and kissed her. “I know you just agreed to marry me.”

  “Yes.” The word slipped out of her mouth. Once out, she knew it was right.

  It was Britt’s turn to be shocked. “Yes?”

  “Yes, I’ll marry you as soon as we can arrange it.”

  “We can call your family now.” He reached for his cell phone.

  “They’re out of town. My brother-in-law’s family had a wedding, and they all went to it and turned it into a vacation.”

  “I remember you saying that. We can have another ceremony later if you want.”

  “I’ll think about it, but it really isn’t important to me.”

  “You name what you want and it’s yours.”

  “You!” She leaned forward. He was there for the kiss. Wrapping his arms around her, their passion grew taking them into a world of their own. The world shattered along with the back and front windows of the car.

  “Down!” Britt forced her head between the seats, shoved the car into gear and took off in a race for their lives.


  “Just stay down.”

  “Was that the windshield?”

  “Yes.” He shifted to see through the fractured glass.

  “Someone shot at us.”

  “Would you like to guess who?”

  “I could guess it in one if I just knew the name.”

  “You and me both.” Frustration poured from him. “Here.” She felt his cell phone pressed into her hand. “Stay down but call the police!”

  Rachelle fumbled with the phone as Britt rounded a corner. It seemed like forever before someone answered though it was only seconds. “Someone is shooting at us.” She gave her name. “Where are we?” she yelled as they went around another corner. Britt gave the street names as he watched for someone following around the corner. Rachelle relayed information, and two minutes later, they met up with the first group of officers and pulled over. They were still sitting in the same place an hour later when Detective Todd showed up.

  “I thought I was going to have a quiet weekend,” the detective greeted them.

  “What can we say,” Britt shrugged, his arm remaining around Rachelle as they sat on the hood of his car.

  “Sorry, I don’t have much to give you. They haven’t found the bullet so we’re pretty much stuck at a dead end. Except that we can count on it being our guy. He’s becoming more unstable though. This was a personal attack, and the gun is a switch. I will suggest that you don’t stop along any more roads just to sit and talk.”

  “Good idea.”

  “You want something positive?”


  “Well, if this guy is as good with the gun as we think he is, I believe he wasn’t really trying to kill you. This is all conjecture, but I think it was just his way of letting you know he was watching.”

  “Or you could be wrong. He’s a bad shot and just doesn’t care which one of us he hit,” Britt came back.

  “Right. Anyway, you’re free to go. I’ll have an officer give you a ride home. We’ll have to impound your car.”

  “Not like I can drive it with the windshield like that.”

  “I’m amazed you made it this far without running into anything.”

  “Desperate times. Is it all right if I get Rachelle’s suitcase out of the trunk?”


  Rachelle stayed by the detective. A minute later Britt was back. She heard keys rattle and she guessed Britt had tossed them over. “You ready to go?”

  She stepped to him as he took her hand. Moving with him had become as natural as breathing, even though her nerves were still all jumbled. She clung to his arm, pressing close, offering comfort as well as taking as she had been for the last hour. “You’re not going to send me away are you?”

  Brit found himself smiling again despite what had happened. “No, we’re getting married tomorrow as planned.”

  They were getting in the police car when Britt’s cell phone, which was still in Rachelle’s pocket, rang. “Just answer it,” he said, releasing her arm.

  “Hello,” she said, then waited when no one said anything. Figuring that whoever it was, was confused by a female voice, she was about to say it was Britt’s phone when the voice answered. “So Clairbourne’s having angels answering his personal phone, but I forgot you’re not an angel. What else do you answer to?”

  “Why are you trying to hurt Britt?”

  “You know why, but you didn’t listen. He took her away from me,” the voice whined. “He took you away, too.”

  “I was never yours. I don’t even know you. Or have we met?”

  There was a pause. “You could only think about him. Just like …”

  “Aubrey.” Rachelle finished, when he stopped.

  “Yes, she was beautiful and always got what she wanted. She always had me. She always came back to me. But with him, she wasn’t coming back.” The voice changed back to harsh tones. “And just to prove to you, that you should have stayed away from him. I left another surprise in Clairbourne’s big building. He has four hours to find it, or someone will die.”

  “Please don’t do this. I know Aubrey hurt you. I’m sorry. Let me help you. It wasn’t Britt Clairbourne’s fault. Please.”

  “It was him,” the man yelled. “He has to pay. He has to. All will be mine. All mine.” The voice quieted. “Even you.” The words turned sing song. “And it all will come tumbling down.”

  Rachelle became aware of Britt holding her when his hand came up to take the phone from her.

  “What did he say?” Todd asked. He was close and she realized both he and Britt had been trying to listen to the conversation.

  “He has a bomb in the administration building. We have four hours to find it, or someone will die.”

  “I’ll get a team over there. If I can have your cell phone, I’ll get someone to see if they can trace the call. Are you sure about it being the administration building?”

  “He said the ‘big building.’ The big building would be the main headquarters building.”

  “It makes sense. He’s playing with us, giving us a time frame. But, if he’s doing like the psychologist said, he’s working a pattern, and if we discount the attempts taken at you, those are personal aggravations coming through. They’re throwing him off. Which Dr. Lamb also thinks he blames you for. He started at the receiving bay, and then the warehouse, the quad was in between.” The detective began to think out loud, “The main office or just outside your office. The next place would be inside your office, which he should be leaving for last . . . or the main lobby.”

  “But what about the hit and run on Mr. Mason? That wasn’t at Clairbourne or on us.” Rachelle had to ask.

  “Yes, but you were there. And he almost succeeded driving a wedge between you two, which was a blow to Clairbourne, and a boost to our guy’s ego.”

  “He knows every move I make,” Britt bit out.

  Rachelle’s hand settled on his arm.

  Britt laid his hand over hers. “Come on. I’ll go with your theory.”

  “You don’t need to come yet,” Todd said.

  “It’s my company. I’ll be there as soon as I find somewhere safe for Rachelle.”

  “I’m staying with you. You promised you wouldn’t send me away again,” she countered firmly as if she could see his objection coming. “Just look at the trouble I got in last time you left me. You just said
he seems to know everything you do. He’ll know if you leave me. He’ll come after me. You know that.”


  Rachelle laughed, knowing she had won.

  “Right by my side.”

  “No place else.”

  “What am I getting myself into?” He grumbled so she could hear him as he helped her into the detective’s car.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Three hours and fifty minutes later, frustration was rising in everyone. No bomb had been found in the main lobby, around Britt’s office, or the design area. Sweeps had been made of the whole building, but there was nothing.

  “I don’t like it,” Britt said, his arm around Rachelle as they stood in the main lobby. It was dark outside the windows that stretched from the floor to the opulent ceiling thirty feet above, on the east and west sides.

  “It looks like he’s just toying with us.” Todd shook his head.

  “I don’t think so. He wanted us here,” Rachelle spoke up. “I think you were right about the lobby too. It makes sense.”

  “We’ve checked every square inch.”

  Britt’s eyes scanned the room that was the size of a small basketball court. It was a large open area with elevators on both sides. A dozen couches made up seating in the center. The only other thing besides a few planters and a sculpture was a large receptionist’s desk. But he agreed with Rachelle. “It’s here. It’s like what Dr. Lamb said. He’s very methodical. That’s why the company first. It’s a symbol of power. He has to weaken Clairbourne. Each time he’s getting more showy. It has to be here.” It hit him that the detective had told him they couldn’t find anything once before. It had been in the warehouse right before the bomb had taken out the overhead crane cable almost smashing several people under the box it had been moving. It had been set high, out of the range of the dogs.

  Britt looked up at the lighting and high windows. Rachelle’s words came back to his mind, ‘he wanted us here.’ He wanted them here. Britt glanced at his watch. Two minutes and the four hours would be up.

  He looked up again. “Get everyone out,” he said, and then yelled it. “Get everyone out! Now! It’s here, up there. He wanted people here, people who are trying to help me. He wants to show what will happen to those who help me. Get everyone out of here, now!”

  Todd got what he was saying. “Everyone out! Clear it, now!” he gave the order. The men in the room looked around, but all headed for the doors.

  Britt started to lead Rachelle out then looked at the clock on the wall. The hand on the clock was almost straight up. The second hand was just past the thirty. “Hang on,” he said as he turned to Rachelle, wrapping his arms around her legs and lifted her up over his shoulder. Rachelle squeaked in surprise but didn’t fight him. Britt ran for the door as the other officers picked up the pace. Everyone was running now.

  Halfway across the quad they all slowed, moving together in a group, many turning to the building, while still backing up.

  “Is everyone clear?” The call came out.

  “All clear,” an officer in full protective gear and a headset reported back a second later.

  Britt set Rachelle on her feet, and she clung to his arms as she steadied herself.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  “Yes, just give me a little more warning next time you do that.”

  The explosion ripped the air making it impossible for him to answer, and for the second time that night, windows blasted out around them. This time it was in a shower of glass that would have shredded anyone close. Britt spun Rachelle away shielding her with his body though, fortunately, no glass reached where they’d stopped.

  In just seconds it was over, leaving everyone staring back in disbelief. A few lights survived in the lobby, showing not a single upper window remained intact. The ground glistened like it was covered with diamonds.

  “Is everyone okay?” Todd yelled, echoed by the man in charge wearing the headset.

  Britt ran his hands over Rachelle then pulled her tight against him. “You’re okay,” he kissed her hard needing to prove to himself that she was, in fact, unharmed.


  “We’re all right.” He kept Rachelle wrapped in his arms.

  “What happened?” Rachelle asked against his chest.

  “The windows all blew out.” He kissed her on the head, staring back at the building, hardly able to take in what he saw.

  “Britt?” There was a question in Rachelle’s voice, and he knew she was picking up a mood change in him.

  “You realize with this maniac,” he paused, “you could be left a widow before your honeymoon’s over?”

  Her hand came up to his lips. “Don’t talk like that.”

  “We have to face it. I’m being selfish wanting to spend every minute I have left with you, but you have got to understand the chances you’re taking before we’re married.”

  Rachelle nodded her head against his chest. “I learned something in my accident. There are no guarantees in life. Things can change in an instant. I want to have all the time I can have with you, whether it be a day or a century.”

  “I’m going for the century.” A smile came back to his face, and he vowed that this maniac was not going to take a minute of their time together from them.

  He pressed her back tight against him. Everything was all right with Rachelle. His mind shifted back to the foray of activity around him. “Will you stay with me while I talk to Todd then make arrangements with security to close off this part of the building until clean up and repairs can be done?”


  It was late when the detective finally gave them a ride to Britt’s apartment. Passing the security guard, Britt directed Rachelle into the elevator. Setting her suitcase on the floor as the doors closed, he pulled her to him. Rachelle’s arms came instinctively around his waist, resting her head on his chest. It was becoming his favorite stance. He relished the feel of her, amazed how much he liked the touch of her, just to hold her.

  “What would I do without you?” He groaned, not needing an answer. “I’ve been alone so long and didn’t even realize it.” It was true. He hadn’t realized he never had much physical contact when he was growing up, not since his mother had died. He had been an only child. His father worked long hours and kept to himself. He had fallen into the same role himself.

  She shifted, turning her face to his, sliding her hands up over his shoulders, along his neck to caress his cheek. “I love you.” The feelings behind her words were evident on her face. “I’ve been lonely too. I think it’s been harder than not being able to see, because I know I’m missing something but don’t know what it is. Not what I feel for you. This, I’ve never had.” She kissed him. “I’m so glad to have found you.”

  He kissed her back. “I know what you mean. Tomorrow you’re mine.” He kissed her again as the doors opened. He had to push the door open button to keep it from closing on them before taking her arm and picking up the suitcase. “I’ll call Dr. Christensen in the morning and find out how the tests are going and then I’ll call Conrad.”

  The door across the hall opened and closed as a man stepped out. Britt steered Rachelle to the side but paid little attention until the man stopped. “Rachelle?”

  She froze.

  “You look incredible. I didn’t know you were out and about. You should have called.”

  “Why? What possibility we had was long over.”

  “Rachelle,” Britt called her attention, studying the handsome man who had the polish of someone who had stepped out of a men’s magazine.

  “Sorry, Britt, this is Richard Johnson. Richard, this is Britton Clairbourne.”

  “Clairbourne, so it really was you I saw in the picture. I couldn’t believe it.”

  Britt watched the man’s eyes run over him ending at the suitcase in his hand. Britt stiffened at the look the man gave it.

  “I guess something has changed.” Her ex-fiancé smirked. “You were too tight to gi
ve it before.”

  Britt dropped the suitcase and released Rachelle, stepping toward the man.

  “Britt.” Rachelle reached out, flailing to catch his arm.

  “You’re still blind.” The man gaped, stepping back as if it were contagious.

  Britt stopped at her touch and turned back to her.

  She stood straight, regal. “That’s right.”

  The man looked at her then back to Britt. “But why?” His eyes dropped to the suitcase. “Then again, I guess it doesn’t matter.”

  Rachelle caught his meaning and gasped. Britt started to shake off her hand, but she stopped him again. “He isn’t worth the trouble he would cause. He’s the type that would sue you. He’s very self-centered. I can’t believe I didn’t see it for a long time. But he’s right. It really doesn’t matter to a truly strong, confident man. A man who looks beyond pretenses.” She turned away. Britt held back a second, glaring at the other man before he picked up her suitcase once more and led her to his door.

  “Do your parents know where you’re spending the night?” The man managed enough bravado to yell after them before the door closed him out.

  “You can ask me now what I ever saw in him. I can hear the question running through your mind.”

  “I was trying not to pry.” A smile lit his face.

  “For a man that was about to get charged with assault back there, you sound pretty calm and happy.”

  “I am. You never loved him.”

  “No, I tried to convince myself I did because everyone expected it, but I never did. How did you know?”

  “You had no reaction to meeting him except as if it was an old acquaintance. There was no emotion. If you had ever loved him, there would have been pain or anger there. I would have known it, like I know love when you touch me. You don’t hide or turn off your emotions. They are too much a part of you.”

  “Is that so?” She felt the need to challenge him.

  “Yes,” he said firmly.

  “Then how do I feel about you?” She tilted her head up.


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