Silent Whispers (Totem Book 2)

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Silent Whispers (Totem Book 2) Page 8

by Christine Rains

  Ransom and she ran through the woods. Her feet felt no pain from the rocky ground, numb as they were from the cold. The mosquitoes assaulted them in swarms like she’d never experienced before. Good for the purpose she wanted, but she was going to be one puffy bug bite afterward.

  The whispers said nothing. Did they want her to do this? Was she right?

  Before she found the totem, they’d told her to leave it and she ignored them. But she did leave it in favor of saving Ransom. Did the whispers wish for her to lose the token? She always felt they were on her side. But maybe she was wrong.

  Too much to think about now. Kinley needed to concentrate on the situation at hand.

  When they got to the site, Ransom went to the pole with the junction box and flipped on the flood lights. She squinted at the brightness. Not that either of them needed the lights to see at night, but it would attract more mosquitoes.

  “The propane tank from the trailer is the biggest. If we can make that explode, the fire will be hot and brief. We can do it in the foundation hole.” Ransom jogged toward the metal canister, motioning for her to help him.

  “But how will we ignite it? And it will have to be at the right time.” Kinley pressed her shoulder to the cold container and followed his lead in pushing it to the hole. “How will we get it in there?”

  “Push it. It won’t explode. It needs a hot spark to do that.” Ransom heaved and grunted as he gave the canister one last push. It clanged as it rolled into the hole. “As for igniting it… A gun.”

  Kinley rubbed her arms and smacked away the bugs. How were they going to get a gun? They were standing nude in the middle of a ruined construction site.

  “I’ve got one in my truck. I’ll be fast.” Ransom shifted just as he said that last word and darted toward the road.

  Alone on the side of a mountain. She was a prime candidate for a scene for a horror film. Except she wasn’t a screamer.

  The mosquitoes were getting worse. She was the only food source for them. They’d never been so aggressive before. She flipped her hair around and flapped her arms to keep them off her.

  Their whining buzzed louder. A few tried to fly into her ears. Her nose and eyes were next. She squeezed her eyes shut, jumping and flailing in one spot.

  Beneath the hum, something whispered.

  Kinley honed in on it and picked it out like she did earlier. As easy as reading a text message.

  Run fast and hide.

  Oh yes, she’d love to run away as quick as she could and hide from these hungry monstrosities too. But there was still a job to be done. She had to make certain the giant was gone.

  Her whole body crawled with the feeling of mosquitoes on her. How many were there? One got stuck in her nostril, and she frantically blew it out. She covered her nose with one hand. They were going to suffocate her.

  A gun shot and a ping near her feet.

  Ransom was back. But why was he shooting while she was still standing there?

  Kinley turned toward the sound and opened her eyes a crack. She faced the mountain and the darkness carpeting it. It was the opposite direction Ransom had left.

  Oh God. It wasn’t Ransom.

  Run fast and hide. Her legs wouldn’t move fast enough.

  A second shot clanged against the propane canister.

  Faster. The boulder. Could she make it in time?

  The third shot hit its target. The explosion deafened her as she dove. She closed her eyes as she smacked into the ground. Rock and dirt scraping up her already battered skin. Searing heat enveloped her for a few brief seconds.

  Two more shots. Everything hurt. She couldn’t make her body move.


  Ransom. The ground crunched with his footsteps. She managed to force open one eye.

  With a shotgun in one hand, he fell to his knees at her side. “Oh fuck. Are you shot? Burned? Can you hear me?”

  No mosquitoes. Other than his heavy breathing and her fluttering heart, there were no other sounds.


  Yes, the giant was gone. She didn’t need the whispers to tell her. Every fiber in her being assured her of it.


  Repetitive, but comforting. She swallowed and tried to say Ransom’s name, but it came out more as a croak.

  “I’m turning you over.” Ransom laid down the gun and gently rolled her. He blew out a long breath. “You’re not shot. Maybe a little crispy, but nothing that won’t heal after a good meal and sleep.”

  She smiled. At least she hoped her mouth curved that way. She lifted her hand and put it on his.

  Ransom gripped her hand and gave it a light squeeze. “Did you see the gunman? He’s gone now. The bastard was trying to kill you.”

  Kinley stiffened and sucked in a breath. Gone. The hunter had escaped. Disappeared with the token.

  “I’m going to pick you up and carry you to the truck. We need to get somewhere safe. Can you hold the gun and help me keep an eye out?” Ransom slipped one arm under her legs and the other behind her back.

  “Yes. Hurry.” She took the shotgun as he rose up with her in his arms.

  Ransom ran to his truck parked on the road. Kinley watched over his shoulder, but nothing moved on the mountain. The hunter had fled and taken a piece of hope for all shifters with her.

  “The hunter’s dead. I’m certain of it.” Ametta folded her arms and held her chin high.

  Lucky nodded and sighed. “She was definitely dead.”

  “But it was a golden eagle shifter who took the token. Then she shot at me. It certainly sounds like the same hunter.” Kinley placed her hands flat on the counter and leaned. Her burns itched, and she needed to keep herself from scratching. After a day, she was mostly healed, but nightmares kept her from getting a good sleep.

  “It could be another hunter. Or she could’ve been playing possum.” Ransom suggested, resting his hip against the counter.

  “She was fucking dead!” Ametta snapped. “And no one asked you. You shouldn’t even be here.”

  “Mett, don’t—”

  “All of you need to stop your bickering.” Their father cut Kinley off. “There’s a hunter still out there. Whether it be the one from before or another, we know she’s there. And she has the owl totem. We need to find her and get it back.”

  “Kin shouldn’t have been out there looking for it.” Ametta shook her head. Her knuckles grew white with the grip she had on her own upper arms.

  “No, she shouldn’t have, but—” Her dad grumbled and gritted his teeth when Kinley interjected.

  “It wasn’t as if I was off by myself. I had Ransom and Azarius with me.” Her throat tightened at the mention of Azarius.

  “Now Azarius is dead, and he shouldn’t even have been there!” Ametta flung a hand in Ransom’s direction.

  “You do know if he wasn’t there, I’d be dead, right?” Kinley squirmed with the heavy tension in her house. She hated when her family fought and hated it even more when she argued with them. Ametta’s attitude was uncalled for, especially in relation to Ransom.

  Ransom placed a hand on the small of her back. It eased a small bit of stress, and she breathed a little easier.

  Her father growled low in his chest. “Stop it. What’s done is done. No one does anything else until Sedge and Saskia return. You girls need to stay inside, be cautious. The hunter could strike at any time. Never go anywhere alone.”

  “We girls?” Ametta snorted. “In case you haven’t noticed, Dad, we’re grown women. I don’t need an escort. I don’t need anyone.”

  Ametta turned and marched out of the house. Lucky watched her go out and slam the door behind her. He turned his head back to the others. “Don’t worry. I’ll look out for her.” He pointed a finger at Ransom and then at Kinley. “And you keep an eye on this one.”

  Ransom nodded. “Already am.”

  Lucky rushed out before Ametta could drive away and got into her car with her. Kinley leaned to better see the two of them arguing and smiled
a little. She hoped Lucky wouldn’t back down. Few people could hold their ground when it came to Ametta. She was used to getting her way.

  Her dad walked around the counter and hugged Kinley. “Stay inside, rest, heal. Please say you’ll do that this time.”

  Kinley squeezed her father. “I will.”

  “I haven’t managed to get a hold of Saskia or Sedge yet, but hopefully soon. They’ll come back immediately once I tell them what happened.” Kunik heaved a sigh. “I’ll go see to Azarius. Then wait until everyone is here before we send him to the sky.”

  “Okay.” Kinley couldn’t get any other words out other than that one.

  Her dad kissed her head and fetched his coat before exiting her house. The tension had lifted, but she didn’t feel any lighter. There was still so much to do. What if the hunter found all the tokens? What would she do with that power?

  Ransom wrapped his arms around her from behind and pressed his cheek against her head. “I don’t think your family likes me very much.”

  “Oh, that’s not true.” She shook her head.

  He chuckled. “Sure, it is. Your sister wanted to scratch my eyes out. Your brother-in-law gave me that I’ll-beat-you-into-a-bloody-pulp glare when he told me to look after you.”

  Kinley choked on a half-laugh, half-gasp. “Oh God. Don’t let Mett ever hear you call Lucky my brother-in-law. She’ll flip!”

  “Oh, come on.” Ransom lightly tickled her sides. “I’m sure if I made some not so nice comment about the big guy, she’d rip my tongue out. The two of them are like some old married couple. They fight and fight some more, but then BAM! Super-duper sex.”

  Kinley wriggled, trying to get free, and laughed. Not that she wanted to think of her sister having sex, but Ransom nailed that on the head.

  “And your dad, he didn’t even say a word to me. He doesn’t think I’m good enough for his little girl.”

  How did Kinley miss that? Her dad didn’t even look Ransom’s way. Huh. “I’m sure he doesn’t think that. Or it could be he doesn’t think anyone is good enough for his daughters.”

  “He likes Lucky well enough. Now your big sister, geez, she might just try to tear my head off.” Ransom stilled. His breath warmed the back of her neck. “None of them think I’m good enough to be your boyfriend.”

  Whoa. Hold on.

  Kinley turned to face him. Did he mean what he said? Did it mean the same thing as it did to her? Should she even consider being in a relationship with everything going on and with a hot guy way out of her league?

  “You’re giving me a look like you’re trying to analyze every word I’ve just said. It’s kind of sexy.” He leaned in to kiss her, but she put a hand between them.

  “I don’t know you very well…” She started and realized that probably wasn’t the best way to begin.

  “Uh oh. Is this the part where you tell me I’m a nice guy, say it’s you not me, and send me on my way?” He said this in jest, but she caught a slight tremble in the last few words.

  “No. What I mean is you’re not a nice guy.” Dammit! “Okay. You’re gorgeous and you know it. Cocky and wild. And loyal and brave. Clever and funny. And I really like you. A lot.” She swallowed and dug inside herself in an attempt to gather her courage. Hot guys made her a mess. “But I don’t know what you want with me. I’m the nice girl. The quiet one. Not the sort…”

  “Exactly the sort of woman I like. Incredibly smart, beautiful, and brave with a huge heart. And good taste in shows.” Ransom reached and caressed her cheek. “Yeah, maybe we don’t know each other very well. We can fix that. Give us some time. We’ve already proven we’re an awesome team.”

  Yeah, that they were. She caught herself before she could smile. “I’m not the type for flings or casual dating. When I invest myself in something, I’m serious about it. I don’t take relationships lightly.”

  “Good because I’m damn serious about it too.”

  Her stomach fluttered at his words, but she studied him. Did he mean what he said? She hadn’t had a boyfriend in years. Was she even ready for this?

  “Look, I know to most of the world I’m an irresistible bad boy.” Ransom smirked and lightly wet his lips. God, could he get any sexier? “And it’s fun. But inside, I’m a romantic. Just ask Bert. He’ll help you make fun of me.”

  At the mention of Bert, Kinley gnawed her lower lip. Though several of his organs and bones had been crushed by the giant, he was healing fast. He was even able to speak on the phone when Ransom called him to let him know the giant had been defeated.

  Drawing her from her thoughts, Ransom drew her against him fully. “Give us a shot. We’re so good together. Please. I’ll beg if you want.”

  Kinley grabbed his arms as he started to lower down to his knees. “I don’t want you to beg. I just want you to understand how I feel about this if I say yes.”

  Saying it out loud gave her more clarity. She did want to give them a chance. Wanted it a lot. She couldn’t let her eagerness run on ahead of her, though. Not that they were whispering, but she didn’t want to fall for sweet nothings murmured in the heat of the moment.

  Whispers. Leave it.

  Her eyes widened. Did the voices from the Otherside know? They told her to leave the totem token even before she made the choice to save Ransom over grabbing it. Was it a warning about the token? Or was it a blessing for a relationship?

  “Did you hear something?” Ransom cocked his head a little to the left.

  “No. I think I understand now.” Kinley slid her arms around his shoulders. “Yes.”

  “Yes?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Yes, I want to give us a shot.”

  Ransom let out a victorious whoop before kissing her with equal enthusiasm. “Sealed with a kiss. Now you’re stuck with me.”

  “Yes, poor me.” Kinley giggled and playfully tugged on his hair.

  “We could seal the deal further by having wild sex… or maybe you’re the type to wait until after three dates or something like that.”

  It amused her to see him trying to figure her out. What made it even better was that she had no doubt he would be happy either way. He wanted to be with her. A hot guy wanted her. She should be the one cheering and jumping around.

  “Three dates seems like a statistically good number.” She kissed his cheek and headed to the stairs. Turning, she smirked at him over her shoulder. “But since I haven’t had sex in a few years, I have some pent-up energy I need to expend.”

  “That’s the hottest thing anyone has ever said to me.” Ransom’s eyes gleamed as he raced up the stairs to the loft after her.

  Her laughter was cut off as he tackled her to the bed and crushed his lips against hers.

  Kinley had thought the totem was meant for her, but she’d made the right choice in saving Ransom. Any victory would be hollow without him. The more he kissed her, she was certain that it was him who was meant for her instead.


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  Three sisters.

  Seven totem tokens.

  One chance to save their world.


  It’s a dark day when someone murders one of their own.

  Shifters across Alaska are going missing. When up and coming interior designer Ametta Dorn rescues the gorgeous Kodiak shifter Lucky Osberg, she comes into the crosshairs of two relentless hunters. While Lucky sets his sights on wooing her, the killers seek to not only capture her in her powerful polar bear form but to also take her skin.

  To prevent her murder and the deaths of other shifters, she must work with Lucky to track down and stop these merciless hunters. After all, their enemy’s plan for shifter skins is something much more terrifying than collecting mere trophies.

  Purchase on Amazon.

  Release date: October 17, 2016.

dd to read on Goodreads.


  No one messes with Saskia Dorn’s family and gets away with it.

  The same murderous shifters who had hunted her sister have attempted to steal a magical totem pole. Since the pieces are scattered across Alaska, Saskia, a polar bear shifter, takes her search to the tundra for any signs of the lost totems.

  Instead she finds Sedge, the latest reincarnation of the old Inuit Bear god, who just happens to be the man who broke her heart.

  They come across a small native village tormented by the Jinxioc, evil gnomes with an appetite for human flesh. Sedge declares he will rid the people of the menace, believing a totem token is nearby affecting the devils’ behavior. At his side, Saskia battles to save the tribesmen, but it could mean sacrificing herself.

  Purchase on Amazon.

  Release date: November 14, 2016

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  TOTEM #4 - Tentative release date: January 9, 2017

  TOTEM #5 - Tentative release date: January 23, 2017

  TOTEM #6 - Tentative release date: February 6, 2017

  TOTEM #7, #8, and #9 release dates yet to be determined.

  Want to learn more about Christine Rains’ work?

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  Paranormal Romance

  Of Blood and Sorrow


  The Marquis (The 13th Floor #1)

  The Alpha (The 13th Floor #2)

  The Dragonslayer (The 13th Floor #3)

  The Harbinger (The 13th Floor #4)

  The Oracle and the Vampire (The 13th Floor #5)

  The Ghost (The 13th Floor #6)

  The 13th Floor Complete Collection

  Paranormal Erotica

  Ghost Dancer (The Paramours #1)


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