Dr. Ohhh

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Dr. Ohhh Page 6

by Ana Sparks

  “Nice skirt,” I commented, ignoring her words. I dropped one hand down, keeping my other arm wrapped around her waist, and slid my free hand along the skin of her leg. “Very naughty as well. It would be so easy for someone to just…”

  I slid my hand up her leg, underneath her skirt, and Jessica moaned quietly. I kissed the skin behind her ear.


  My hand slid up higher, too high to be decent, and I sucked her earlobe into my mouth, biting on it gently. Jessica gave a little gasp and her head fell back onto my shoulder.

  “We should—we should be playing the game,” Jessica whispered, her voice already starting to sound rough.

  “But we are playing a game,” I pointed out. “Maybe not golf, but a game nonetheless.”

  “Oh, are we?” Jessica stepped forward, peeling herself away from my arms, and gave me a surprisingly devilish grin. “In that case…”

  She stepped back into me, cupping my dick through my pants. Her touch was light but firm, and her eyes bore straight up into mine.

  “Game on,” she whispered, and then dove in and kissed me.

  Before I could even react properly, she was pulling away, but not before giving my dick a squeeze that had it jumping in her hand. I struggled to get my breathing under control and watched as she bent over, ass in the air directly in my line of sight—which couldn’t be a coincidence—and took her shot.

  It was a hole in one.

  Well played, I thought. Well played.

  By the tenth hole, I felt like a wreck. Jessica hadn’t been kidding when she’d said game on. She was kissing me, rubbing herself up against me, palming me through my pants, and throwing a double entendre over her shoulder after every shot.

  My golf game—which wasn’t as good as hers even when my concentration wasn’t shot—was abysmal, since all the blood in my brain had abandoned ship in order to flush south.

  Luckily, I was managing to give as good as I got, and I was sure that it was only constant practice and her familiarity with the course that kept Jessica from playing as badly as I was. I had been scattering kisses all over her neck, and if I could get my hands on her legs, those would distract her enough to let me suck a mark into her skin. Jessica, it seemed, had a thing for me grabbing her or for trailing my fingers up the insides of her thighs.

  Now, we were on the tenth hole, and I craned my neck to make sure that nobody was watching. We were over by the trees, at the bottom of a hill, and I didn’t think that anyone else would be coming along any time soon. In fact, I hadn’t seen any golfers other than the ones in the clubhouse. It seemed that everyone else had already played their games.

  That didn’t mean that nobody was going to come along. A straggler, a gardener, anyone could stumble upon us at any moment.

  At this point, I didn’t really care.

  Jessica was lining up her shot, supposedly, but she was doing a terrible job over it. She kept glancing up at me through her lashes, looking coy and far too smug all at the same time. My fingers itched to dig into her skin and hold her down and make her cry my name. And if someone came along to interrupt us, screw it.

  I strode towards her, and some of my purpose must have shown on my face, because Jessica opened her mouth to say something as her eyes widened a little. But then I had a hand around the back of her neck and was kissing her and she sagged against me, going deliciously pliant and molding herself against me.

  “Game over,” I growled in her ear, grabbing one of her legs to hitch it up around my waist.

  “Oh, oh,” Jessica gasped, clawing at my shoulders and thrusting her hips up against me. “Asher, someone could—anybody could just come along…”

  “Do you want to go somewhere else?” I asked, sucking at one of the marks on her neck. “I want you right here, right now, but we can move if you want.”

  “Somebody could come across and find us,” Jessica whispered again, and I pulled back. Her pupils were wide and her face was flushed, and it hit me like a freight train.

  “You like that idea,” I murmured. “You like that somebody could just come here and find us, find you all wanton like this, grinding against me—”

  Jessica moaned at that and kissed me, but I wasn’t going to let this go. So she had a little bit of a kink for getting caught? Naughty girl.

  I got an arm around her waist and dipped her, lowering myself, lowering both of us until we were on the grass.

  “You’re going to stain our clothes,” Jessica laughed, sounding young and carefree and possibly how she had been before other men had taught her that she was inadequate.

  “Here, then,” I told her, rolling so that she was on top of me. “Work better?”

  “Much better,” Jessica purred, sliding her hands up inside of my shirt and feeling my chest.

  She had a thing for my abs and chest, which I had to admit was great fuel for my ego. Not that my ego needed much help in that direction.

  “Tell me, Miss Banks,” I said, addressing her as if she were a patient. I even slipped into my doctor voice. “Do you like being this naughty?”

  “Oh, my God,” Jessica groaned, her jaw nearly dropping open.

  She scrambled for my pants and I sat up, kissing her, grabbing a breast and gently kneading it. Jessica sighed into my mouth, finally getting my pants undone and pulling me out of my briefs. She gave hard, firm strokes, ones that made my hips jerk up into her hand.

  “Are you sure about this?” I asked. “What if—”

  “I want you in me now, Asher,” she begged. “C’mon, get inside me, please, please, please.”


  “I want you to, please, someone could come any second, please!”

  I couldn’t resist her when she begged so prettily. I lay back down, helped her to spread her legs and hike up her skirt, and then she slipped down over me. She was wet, extremely so, and it didn’t take much work for me to enter her.

  I had to grit my teeth to resist the urge to thrust wildly up into her. She was so gorgeous like this, framed by the sun, her dark hair and shining skin, eyes bright with desire and mischief.

  She set a hard, brutal pace, and I did my best to match it, thrusting up into her and trying to keep my grunts to a minimum since we were, after all, defiling public property, and didn’t want someone to find us and arrest us. But God, she felt so good.

  I reached up and grabbed her breasts, running my thumbs over her nipples, circling them, then sat up and sucked at them through the fabric of her shirt, pleased she hadn’t worn a bra. Jessica seemed to like that, her head falling back and her hips gyrating wildly.

  This was it, I thought. This was the moment. She was so wild and desperate, I knew that this had to be when she’d orgasm. How could she not?

  “Come on,” she begged. “I want to feel you—let go, I want to feel it, Asher, please.”

  I tried to hold on, to keep thrusting up into her, but when she was asking me to come and she felt so hot and tight and was writhing on top of me like that…there was only so much a man could take. I came with a few more thrusts, kissing her so that neither of our noises would be heard, only the perfect, dirty slapping of skin on skin.

  Jessica rolled off of me afterwards, while I was still basking in that perfect liquid afterglow feeling.

  “Did you…?”

  I started to ask, but then I saw her face and I knew that once again, I had failed her. She didn’t look glassy-eyed and blissed out. She looked as alert as ever.

  “No.” She shook her head, but she didn’t look like she minded. “That was amazing.”

  I wanted to ask her how it could be amazing if she didn’t orgasm, but I thought that she might take that the wrong way. Perhaps I just hadn’t held out long enough?

  “Did you feel it building at all?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “An orgasm builds,” I explained, making an upward motion with my arm. “Think of it like a rollercoaster.”

  Jessica gave me an adorable little pout a
s she thought about it.

  “No, I’m sorry, nothing like that.”

  I sighed inwardly. That meant that it wouldn’t have taken just me holding out a bit longer to get her there. What the hell was I missing?

  “You don’t have to feel bad,” Jessica promised me. She stood up, trying to make herself look presentable again. “This is still the best sex I’ve ever had, seriously.”

  “Thanks,” I told her, honestly grateful to hear that.

  I would have to find out what else was holding her back, though. It must be something.

  And I would find out what that something was.

  Chapter 8


  That weekend, I took Jessica out to dinner again. I was determined to figure out what was going on, and I planned for this dinner to be the time that we discussed it. It had to be psychological, but I just couldn’t figure out what, and I could only solve that problem by talking to her. If a round of heady sex in a public place wasn’t enough to make her orgasm, then what was?

  We sat down and ordered our drinks, and were just perusing the menus when another couple was seated next to us. It was a small restaurant, so the tables were all kind of close together; close enough, in fact, that I could easily have a conversation with whoever was next to us without having to raise my voice or crane my neck.

  I didn’t much notice the new couple—I was planning out my strategy while pretending to study the menu—but right after they sat down, I heard Jessica say in a choked voice,

  “Mom? Dad?”

  I put down my menu.

  There were two older people next to us—a woman with Jessica’s bright blue eyes, and a man with Jessica’s nose and cheekbones. Both were staring at Jessica, who was staring in horror at them.

  “Jess!” her mom exclaimed, smiling widely. “Oh my goodness, you didn’t tell me that you had a boyfriend! Is this the young man you mentioned the other day?”

  “I—Mom, I barely mentioned him, it was—”

  “Oh, nonsense, I know you too well for that.”

  Jessica’s mother turned to me and smiled. I could see Jessica’s face starting to flush pink, and not in a good way. She was embarrassed, I realized—no, mortified—that her parents had caught us.

  Although we had been going out a lot, neither Jessica nor I had brought up the subject of what our relationship was or if we were serious. I was avoiding that topic because I didn’t want to break her heart before it was time, but now with her parents here, there was only one thing to do.

  “I can see where Jessica gets her good looks,” I told her mother, smiling and holding out my hand. “I’m Asher. I’ve heard so many good things about you; it’s a pleasure to meet you both.”

  “Veronica,” Jessica’s mother said.

  “Charlie,” her father supplied.

  “A pleasure,” I repeated. “I know I’m going to sound like a sap here, but I have to tell you, you raised a remarkable woman. Only thirty-one and already the vice president of a company? She’s amazing.”

  “How old are you?” Charlie asked, ignoring Jessica’s expression of complete humiliation.

  “Thirty-six,” I told him. “I’m an OB/GYN; I work in the North Shore district.”

  “Wonderful,” Charlie said. “A doctor, what’s that like?”

  “Positive, since I’m usually delivering babies,” I told him. “It’s a miracle every time.”

  “And how did you two meet?” Veronica asked, clearly eager for details.

  “My date stood me up,” I explained, “And I happened to look across the bar, where there’s this beautiful woman who sounds like she’s being stood up as well. I thought, well, misery loves company, so I went over and introduced myself. We talked for hours and I just knew I had to see her again.”

  Jessica was staring at me with gratitude in her eyes, and I winked at her. Her parents might think that I was the charming boyfriend, but I knew that Jessica would understand that the wink was meant to reassure her that I had this under control. Parents always loved me.

  “So, what brings you two out on this fine night?” I asked. “Celebrating anything?”

  “Oh, no, just our normal date night,” Veronica said.

  “Wonderful. And what do you two do?”

  That was all it took to get Veronica and Charlie started on their work—Veronica was a schoolteacher and Charlie was a mechanic—and then from there onto how they’d met thirty-five years ago, and then stories about Jessica growing up.

  I responded with enthusiasm and listened and encouraged them to chitchat. After all, the more they talked, the less explaining about myself I had to do. But I also found myself wanting to know more about them. I wanted to find out more about the two people who had raised the woman playing footsie with me under the table.

  And, furthermore, I wanted to make a good impression. I told my best medical school stories and slipped in a few facts that I didn’t usually tell people, like how I liked to volunteer for Thanksgiving at a local shelter.

  I wanted them to think well of me, I realized. I wanted to make a good impression.

  But why? I was never going to see them again. As soon as I got Jessica to orgasm, this whole thing would be over, and if she complained to them later about that asshole Asher, what was it to me?

  Yet, I didn’t let up. I still wanted them to like me.

  The pink in Jessica’s cheeks never completely faded, but she started to get a bit more responsive and playful as the night went on. The waiters quickly realized what was going on and pushed our tables together for us, and at the end of the night, Charlie insisted on paying the bill.

  “I have to say, I’m so glad that Jessica is dating a fine man like you,” Veronica said. “She’s never had a serious boyfriend, you know.”

  “Mom,” Jessica said, her voice sharp in warning.

  “She’s such a lovely girl; I don’t know why she doesn’t put herself out there more,” Veronica went on, ignoring her daughter’s protests.

  “Well, she has me now,” I said firmly, trying to derail the conversation before Jessica burst into tears, which was looking more and more likely with every passing second.

  Veronica smiled at me, and I felt something warm settle into my chest.

  She really likes me, I thought. That felt good, and felt right.

  “So, you two are official, then?” Charlie asked.

  “Yes,” I said quickly to cover up the way Jessica’s eyes bugged out. “I mean, we’ve only been together a couple of weeks, but when it feels right, it feels right.”

  “Exactly,” Charlie said proudly. I grinned. He liked me too.

  Once the bill was settled and we left the table, Veronica and Charlie departed for their car—after giving Jessica many hugs and kisses and giving me a hug or two as well—and then, it was just Jessica and me.

  “I am so sorry,” Jessica blurted out as soon as we were alone. “I’m so sorry, they just jumped right in and made all of these assumptions and—you handled it so well, thank you. I am so sorry.”

  “Hey, hey, it’s okay,” I told her. I pulled her in close and hugged her, letting her rest her head on my shoulder. “I know they didn’t mean to embarrass you. Parents can be a lot sometimes.”

  “Are yours anything like that?” Jessica asked.

  “Mine aren’t around anymore,” I admitted. “My father died a couple years back from cancer, and my mom died in childbirth.”

  “Oh my God.” Jessica pulled back to look up into my face. “I’m so sorry, Asher; that’s awful.”

  I hadn’t told a lot of people about my parents—and certainly never any of my clients—but it just felt right to share it with Jessica, somehow.

  “It’s okay. I miss them; my dad was the best. I loved him and he was a good father. And I know that my mother loved me. The OB/GYN who was with her saved my life, and was holding her hand while she passed. My dad said that it was a huge comfort to have that doctor with them. That was what made me want to become one myself.”
  “I think that’s the sweetest thing ever,” Jessica told me.

  Now it was my turn to blush. “Thanks.”

  “No, really, I mean it.” She cupped my face in her hands. “And thank you, for being so amazing back there. I was almost going to cry at one point.”

  “I could tell,” I said, laughing.

  “You really didn’t mind…all of that?” she asked.

  “Nope,” I promised, and I really didn’t.

  I liked that her parents liked me. I liked that they’d joined us for dinner. I liked that I had gotten to learn more about Jessica through them, even though their timing and assumptions had made Jessica uncomfortable. And I liked the idea of Jessica and me as an official couple.

  That thought made me stop in my tracks. What? No. No, that wasn’t okay. That wasn’t possible. Jessica was my client. She could never be anything more. And even if I did want her to be more, how could I explain to her my double life and my original reason for meeting her? What could I possibly say that wouldn’t make me look like a total heel?

  No, it was for the best that I end this thing as soon as I got her to orgasm. I just had to figure out what the hell was blocking her from doing so.

  The soft, warm feeling in my chest started to feel a little heavy, but I ignored it. I was Dr. O. This was what I did, and this was what I was good at. I wasn’t boyfriend material. Business and pleasure needed to be kept as separate as my career could possibly allow.

  Chapter 9


  I think saying that I was walking on sunshine would be a bit of an exaggeration, but I couldn’t deny that being with Asher was putting a new bounce into my step. Even Mary commented on it.

  “You seem so much more relaxed lately,” she noted Sunday morning over post-yoga coffee. “Finally had that orgasm?”

  “None of your business,” I replied, and went right back to whistling while I added cream to my coffee.


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