The House on West 10th Street

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The House on West 10th Street Page 16

by Helen Phifer

  When she finally reached her apartment block she let out a small whoop. She was hot, smelly and needed a glass of wine or a candy bar to boost her energy, probably both. Relieved to be in the cool foyer she leant against the wall as she called the elevator, it was quiet in here. Compared to the hustle out on the streets, she’d cut through the park which was busy. It was always busy, just how she liked it. Maybe after they’d eaten they could sit in the park and watch the world go by. It would be perfect if Marvin was playing tonight, even better if Sam was singing along. When she walked out of the elevator on her floor she saw Miss Green come out of her apartment and did a double take. She was dressed as impeccably as ever, but she looked as if she had aged twenty years since yesterday.

  ‘Maria, I’m glad you’re here. You left your front door open, what were you thinking? I came home a couple of hours ago and it was wide open. I called out, but there was no answer. I had a quick look inside, it didn’t look as if you’d been broken in to. So I shut it behind me, I hope you have your key?’

  Maria felt every nerve-ending in her body spark to life as the adrenalin began to rush through her veins. She didn’t want to scare her neighbor who quite frankly already looked terrified.

  ‘Thank you, I’m so sorry. I rushed out this morning and can’t have shut it properly.’ This was true, so panicked about Frankie she had literally run out and couldn’t remember whether she’d shut the door behind her. Still alarm bells were ringing. She smiled at her as she stepped into the elevator.

  ‘I do hope everything’s okay, honey. I’ll catch you later; you still owe me some gossip.’

  Maria laughed, waiting what felt like an age before the elevator doors finally closed. Pulling her gun from the holster she wondered if she should call one of the cops from the station to come down and check her apartment. Her not very big apartment which she could clear in two minutes. Deciding against it she put the key in the lock and pushed open the door. Lifting the gun, she stepped inside.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Maria paused for a moment, pushing the door wide open so she had a clear view of the hall. Reaching in she flicked the light switch waiting for the flickering light to stay on long enough to illuminate the apartment. She stepped in, moving from room to room. Opening one door after the other, she checked under the bed in the closets and behind the curtains. Nothing looked out of place, there wasn’t anything missing. Saving the bathroom until last she had a fleeting moment of fear, wondering if there was anyone hiding in the tub behind the shower curtain. Grabbing it and ripping it to one side she let out a sigh of relief. In her panic about Frankie she must have left the door ajar, there was no other explanation how it could be wide open. Turning around she saw that the toilet seat was up and felt the hairs on the back of her neck prickle. Stepping closer she stared into the bowl which was clean. She never left the seat up and always shouted at Frankie whenever he did, so how was it up now? Had she lifted it up to clean it? She knew she hadn’t, but she’d checked the apartment. She went into the bedroom to check her drawers, pulling them out one by one she couldn’t see anything amiss. She sat down on the bed and wondered if she should call it in? Get CSI out to dust for prints. She could hear Addison’s voice now. ‘Tell me again why you need CSI, Miller? Because you left your front door open and nothing has been disturbed except your toilet seat?’ Fuck that, he’d think she was going crazy. She did another check of every room. It didn’t make sense, unless someone had come in and used the john while they had the opportunity. She went back to the bathroom and took a photo of the offending toilet seat. Then shuddered, she didn’t know who had used it. Pulling on a pair of rubber gloves she set about immersing the bowl, seat and every other part of it in a bleach bath. It was so strong she felt as if the hairs in her nose had been burnt off by the chemical. Satisfied it was clean she stripped off the gloves and dropped them in the waste basket. Are you losing it, you might have spent twenty minutes cleaning a toilet that only you’ve used. She laughed at the possibility. Feeling better she turned on the shower and stripped off, she needed to get ready to meet Harrison. At least she didn’t have far to go, The Black Tap was only three blocks away.

  He sat there cross legged not daring to breathe, it was amazing how she hadn’t checked the crawl space in the closet. It was tucked away at the back, behind the rack of coats. He was lucky that he had found it, but he’d known there would be someplace in the apartment to hide. It was tiny, and he could only just fit inside. He had managed to stretch his legs enough that he didn’t get cramp, but he didn’t know how long he’d be in here for. He hoped it wasn’t too long. However, he was furious with himself as the only thing he’d done was pee. Habit had made him lift the seat and he hadn’t even considered whether he’d left the seat up or down. He wouldn’t make that mistake again, he’d make sure of it. If she left the apartment he would make his escape through the window next to the fire escape. He should have got out when he had the chance, but he’d wanted to see her relaxed. Stupidly he’d left the door open, but that was how he’d found it and he didn’t want to arouse her suspicions too much. She could have come back at any moment, as soon as he’d found his snug hiding place he’d crawled inside. The warmth and the dark had made him feel safe and he’d drifted off, awaking to the sound of someone throwing open doors and slamming around. At first he’d felt disorientated wondering where he was and then the closet door had been thrown open and he’d smelled her perfume, it was Chanel. It all came back to him, he was taking a huge risk. One that was worth it in every sense, even if she dragged him out and shot him at least he’d die looking into her eyes. Finally, he heard the shower turn off. It had taken every ounce of his self-control not to sneak out and take a peek. He didn’t know what he’d do if he saw her naked body. He wasn’t a sexual predator. Anya had slept with him of her own accord, but he didn’t know if the sight of a naked woman whose apartment he was hiding in would be too much for him to bear. So he stayed where he was, pins and needles beginning in his feet and legs. He shifted slightly, hoping that she was going to go back out soon or he’d have to risk it all. The closet door opened again and he got a stronger smell of the perfume, she must be going out. He could see her bare ankles, the heels she was wearing not too high. Just enough to accentuate her slender calves and he felt himself getting hard. He couldn’t see how short her dress was. He didn’t think she would be the kind to wear a short skirt; she would go for a knee length dress. Something black; he didn’t care to be honest. He knew she would look good in anything and he couldn’t wait to get her back to the apartment. The beast was getting restless; it had been waiting for an eternity to be set free. When it was, he would have the power to attract any woman he wanted – women like Maria would flock to him and be ready to satisfy his every need. This city wouldn’t know what had happened and he would be there for the ride.

  She left her apartment, this time checking the door was shut tight. She had to push down the butterflies which were fluttering in her stomach. She felt nervous about seeing Harrison, but she felt more nervous about coming home late at night to an empty apartment. Checking her watch she was a little late, but that was a woman’s prerogative. As she reached the door a little breathless she waved at Harrison who had somehow managed to grab the window seat. She walked into the restaurant and her stomach groaned at the smell of burgers and fries with the underlying smell of sweet vanilla. There was a table behind them full of students all sipping at the most amazing strawberry pink, candy floss creations in a glass she’d ever seen. Harrison stood up, he opened his arms and his lips brushed against her cheek.

  ‘You look and smell even better than those milkshakes.’

  Maria giggled. ‘I’ll take that as a compliment because right now those milkshakes are the best things I’ve ever laid my eyes on. They smell amazing.’

  She sat down in the window seat opposite him, he looked a little bit uncomfortable surrounded by laughing teenage girls.

  ‘Sorry, I didn’t realize it would b
e so busy or so loud.’

  ‘Don’t be sorry, I had to stop myself from drooling at the food when it was taken to that table over there.’

  The waiter appeared and Maria rhymed off her order without looking at the menu. Harrison looked at him. ‘I’ll have the same please.’

  He took their menus and disappeared. Maria was staring into space and he waved his hand in front of her face. ‘Are you okay?’

  ‘Sorry, it’s been a long day. Yes, I’m okay.’

  ‘Do you want to talk about it?’

  Instinctively she shook her head, always the one to act tough. Her eyes betrayed her though and she felt stupid when they began to tear up.

  ‘Hey, talk to me. It’s what friends do and I’d like to think I’m your friend, that you value me enough to be able to tell me what’s bothering you.’

  Picking up a napkin she dabbed at the corner of her eye and laughed. ‘I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m so sorry, I guess I’m tired.’

  She looked at his face and realized that she wanted to talk to him, to tell him all about her fucked up day. The worry of finding her apartment door open and her fear of someone being inside, before she knew it she was pouring out the day’s events to him. Only pausing when the waiter brought their milkshakes over, she smiled wondering how she was going to tackle drinking it.

  ‘Did you call the cops, Maria?’

  She laughed. ‘I am the cops, no I didn’t.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘I couldn’t be sure if I’d left the door open and the toilet seat up. I was so scared about Frankie I ran out of there. My head was all over the place, I’m probably being paranoid.’

  ‘Well, you’re not going home tonight. When we leave here we’re going to my apartment. I have a spare room you can stop in. Tomorrow I’ll go with you to yours and we’ll check it out, I have a friend who can fit a camera on your front door and extra security measures. I want you to be safe.’

  He reached out and stroked her cheek, for the first time in a long time she knew that this was what she wanted. She didn’t want to be alone tonight; she wanted to spend the night with him. Preferably in his bed, with his arms wrapped around her feeling safe and loved.

  ‘Would you not mind?’

  He laughed. ‘For a moment I was expecting you to give me a whole load of crap about not needing a man to keep you safe. I can think of nothing that I would like more, it would be my pleasure.’

  ‘Thank you, that’s great.’ She wondered what Frankie was doing and how he would react when he found out she’d stopped at Harrison’s. Then she realized that it didn’t matter what the hell he thought about it because this was her life and she was tired of being lonely.

  Chapter Forty

  October 1952

  Emilia bid goodnight to Missy. They hadn’t spoken much after the priest had left, both afraid that the monster who was half living in this world and half in the underworld could hear them. They didn’t want to let it know what they were planning to do. She hoped that Father Morgan could help them, but if he went to the Archbishop he had to make him believe him. How long was that going to take? She wanted this resolved now. She wanted her home back the way it was: warm, peaceful and as happy as a home could be under these terrible circumstances. What had happened to James? She didn’t understand why he had done this; it didn’t make any sense. As she went upstairs to bed she couldn’t get the image of Mae out of her head. She wanted so badly to speak to her and ask her forgiveness. She went into her room and shut the door, turned the key in the lock and looked at the Ouija board. What did she have to lose? It was a stupid child’s game; nothing more. James was mentally unbalanced, he did what he did out of pure hatred and jealousy. She picked up the board, placing it on the bed and took the planchette from the drawer where she’d hidden it. Not sure if there was some sort of protocol to using one of these things she lit the candles on her dresser and turned off the lights. She placed the planchette on the board, not realising her hands were trembling until it began shaking. Now what? She didn’t know what the hell to do with it. Did it move of its own accord? She waited, staring at the board willing it to move with all her might. She pictured Mae’s smiling face and waited. Nothing moved, nothing happened. Tutting she stood up and walked across to blow out the candles. The sound was faint, like a scraping fingernail against a chalkboard and she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. She turned back to the bed where the planchette was edging its way across the board. A screech escaped her lips as her hand flew to her mouth. How? How was that happening? Her feet froze to the floor. She willed herself to go back to it, but a voice in her head was whispering Get rid of it, burn it, throw it out of the window. Whatever you do don’t try and communicate with it. The planchette moved to the H then I, E,M,M. ‘Hi Emm.’ She gasped, running back to the bed she sat on it, careful not to disturb the board. ‘Mae, are you there? Oh Mae, I’m so sorry, I miss you.’

  The pointer began to spell out more words and Emilia grabbed a journal and pencil off the desk.

  I,M,I,S,S ,Y,O,U.

  Emilia stared at the words and let out a sob. ‘I miss you to Mae, I’m sorry. Where are you?’

  H,E,R,E, R,U,N.

  She scribbled down the words hererun, where was hererun? She’d never heard of it, did she mean heaven? God she hoped so because if anyone deserved to be in heaven it was her. There was a loud knock to the left of her and she whipped her head round to see where it had come from and who had made it. There was no-one or nothing there, she turned back to the board when an even louder thud made the floor vibrate. It sounded as if someone had jumped onto the wooden floorboards, a foul stench filled the air making her gag. Where was that coming from? There was movement in the corner of the room once more, yet she couldn’t see anyone. Picking up the planchette she lifted it to her face to study it. Unable to work out how this simple, teardrop shaped piece of wood with a piece of glass in the middle could move on its own. Holding it to her left eye she peered through the glass wondering if it was like the magnifying glass her pops had on the library desk. The room loomed larger through the lens, the walls seemed much closer, covered by a dark shadow which moved. She lowered the planchette. She couldn’t see anything. There was a scrabbling noise behind her. Turning her head she lifted it again and closed one eye, whispering, ‘Mae is that you? Where are you, I can’t see you.’ Movement again. There was something there. An overpowering smell of rotting garbage seeped into her nose and she dropped the planchette on the board. It began to move again.


  Itshererun, she breathed out a white plume of smoky breath. She cried out, ‘Where is hererun, I don’t understand Mae. The candles flickered wildly then the flames extinguished, just as she had split the words up. ITS HERE RUN. A growl, low and guttural, filled the air and Emilia threw the board off the bed. The words were screaming in her mind: ‘It’s here, run.’ She ran for the bedroom door, throwing herself through it. She screamed at the top of her voice and ran down the staircase as fast as she could, Missy came running out of her room. Emilia grabbed her hand.

  ‘We have to leave now. There’s something in my room.’

  Missy stared up the staircase wondering what it could be while Emilia began to pull the woman as hard as she could. Before she could tear her gaze away from the top of the stairs she saw a huge, black cloud begin to form into two, cloven-hoofed feet.

  ‘Missy, move now!’

  Missy let the girl tug her towards the front door, and they ran out onto the sidewalk. The door slammed in the wind behind them. Emilia kept on tugging Missy’s hand until they were running across the street to the opposite side. Emilia looked up to see a black, shadowy figure at the second floor window, it was her bedroom window it was staring out of. They hammered on Mrs Smith’s front door, screaming to be let in. The poor woman opened the door to a pair of screaming banshees, wild eyed, their faces stricken with horror. Mr Smith appeared with a gun, thinking they were being chased. Mrs Smith
slammed the front door shut.

  ‘Child, what on earth is wrong with you?’

  Emilia couldn’t speak, her voice was hoarse. Missy looked at their neighbors who looked as petrified as they did. Composing herself, she whispered.


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