Tender Torment

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Tender Torment Page 8

by Jane Archer

  Both Hayward and Doctor Elder looked at her questioningly. Fascinated perhaps, they thought, but marriage? They knew the blockade runner better than she did, and they knew he had never yet been faithful to one woman. He would never marry Caroline no matter how much she wanted it.

  Hayward, Doctor Elder and Alexandra struggled through the long meal uncomfortably. The food was delicious, but Alexandra could not eat. She felt a deep depression take hold of her as she tried to keep her eyes on her plate, and yet at the same time she felt a rising excitement within. She was beginning to acknowledge the fierce drive of desire as her eyes kept slipping to the others. She felt something responding in herself, something awakening that she had not known existed. And she wished she had not been so well brought up, or that she had so much icy control at all times, or that she had been raped. What would it be like to enjoy feeling a man's hard naked body against your own? What would it be like to forget all else except the moment, the man—Jake.

  Alexandra suddenly found her eyes locked with Jake's, and there was an answering fire in his eyes, a yearning for her. She blushed furiously, tearing her gaze from him.

  When Alexandra thought she could endure the spectacle at the table no longer, the meal finally ended. She had drunk more of her wine than she had intended and she felt slightly lightheaded when Hayward helped her out of her chair. She found herself leaning heavily against him before she quite knew what was happening, and looked up to see Jake staring at her with barely concealed anger in his face. He grabbed Caroline and pulled her out through the front door. Alexandra could hear her sultry laughter as she let Jake lead her down the verandah steps. Captain Sully raced after them.

  "Hey, Jake. Let's share the bounty," he called out.

  Hayward led Alexandra down the hall to the parlor, and the doctor joined them.

  "I fear the others may not be joining us," Alexandra said, smiling.

  "One never really expects Caroline to join the party after dinner," Doctor Elder said. "She usually makes her own. This is not unusual for us, but I do hope it doesn't alter your opinion of Caroline. She is really a lovely girl, but she simply has this need for reassurance."

  Hayward nodded agreement.

  Alexandra could only wonder if they really believed what they said. She was the closest thing to a whore that Alexandra had ever seen for she sold herself to any man for compliments and reassurance. But, remembering her companions, Alexandra would not let these two men see her true opinion of Caroline.

  After several weak attempts at conversation, the doctor excused himself. When he had gone, Hayward got up and came to sit close to Alexandra. With her new heightened sense of femininity and her slightly dizzy feeling from too much wine, she was very much aware of his presence as a man, a handsome young man who desired her. She knew she should move, or make him go away, but a kind of lethargy seemed to steal over her and she remained immobile, awaiting his next move.

  "Alexandra," Hayward said passionately, "I, I want you to marry me. I love you. Could, could you ever, could I hope that you might some day marry me, love me, Alexandra?"

  He held both her hands in his, leaning toward her, his breath warm against her face, his brown eyes puppy soft. She felt paralyzed, helpless, trapped. She couldn't marry this man. She felt nothing for him. Her senses, her emotions no longer seemed hers to control: they were to be caught up with another man.

  "Tell me, Alexandra. I must know."

  "It's too soon, Hayward. Please," she cried, pushing him away from her and jumping up.

  He stayed where he was, looking completely dejected.

  "It's not that I don't like you, Hayward," she said, trying desperately not to hurt him. "It, it's too soon. I hardly know you."

  He watched her closely, a strange gleam beginning to glow in his eyes. "You know, my dear, I have Caroline's dislike of being rejected. Neither of us would care to be thrown over for someone else."

  "There is no one else."

  "But you have no memory, or do you? Is this all some kind of game to you? Do you play at collecting men's hearts? Do you, Alexandra?"

  He had risen, and stood over her now. She could not fail to mistake the savage gleam of passion in his eyes, or the jealous leer on his handsome face.

  "Am I so repugnant that you would not even give me a kiss this evening, after all I've done for you?" he asked, putting his hands on her shoulders and drawing her slowly to him as his eyes tried to mesmerize her to his will.

  "I will not play the whore for my room and board," Alexandra said angrily, having done with being nice. "Let me go. I'm going to my room."

  But his hands only gripped her harder, pulling her to him, his mouth groping for hers, finding it, closing on it in possession. She struggled against him, but he ignored her efforts as he forced her mouth open to receive his thrusting tongue. Savagely he kissed her, trying to force a response from Alexandra, as he loosened his grip so that his hands could play over her body, finding her soft, yielding curves. Cupping her breasts, barely covered with sheer silk, he could feel her hard nipples beckoning him. With one hand around her waist to support her, he boldly thrust the other inside her gown, finding her warm, quivering flesh and her hard, ripe nipples. Groaning, his wet lips left her mouth to travel down her neck to the deep valley between her breasts where he paused, his lips burning, his need real and potent.

  At last Alexandra saw her chance to escape, and jerked back, surprising Hayward, then slapped him hard across the face. "You insult me, sir, and you are obviously no gentleman," Alexandra said hotly before turning and stalking from the room. As she hurriedly walked away, willing herself not to run, she condemned all men for their brutality.

  Hayward put his hand to his cheek, silently cursing his stupidity for rushing Alexandra, but at the same time the throbbing in his groin demanded release. He watched her body move gracefully, seductively from the room. He had to control himself not to rush after her, pull her into his arms and carry her to his room where he could lose himself deep within her. But he wanted her more than once, he wanted her permanently. He had never wanted any woman as much as he wanted this fiery eyed vixen. He had to have her.

  Alexandra rushed up the stairs, determined to make the security of her room before he could follow her. Was everyone in this house mad with lust? She slammed the door to her room, then locked it. There would not be any intruders into her room this night, she decided. She had to get off this island, away from these men.

  Chapter 8

  As Caroline slowly undressed before him, Jake tried to keep his mind from wandering to Alexandra. What was the matter with him? Caroline was one of the best women he had ever had, and here she was, eager for him. Forget the Yankee bitch, or think of her as Caroline. One woman was the same as another, once in bed, he told himself sternly, trying to enjoy Caroline's sensual beauty. Anyway, if Alex was going to play with that poor excuse of a man, Hayward, he was going to push her from his mind with Caroline.

  Caroline, now naked, walked slowly, tantaliz-ingly toward Jake who sat on her bed, fully clothed. He looked at her closely. Her long, black hair hung down around her shoulders, making a frame for her smooth olive skin. Her breasts were large, rounded, the nipples dark against her pale skin. Her wide rounded hips demanded attention, promising hidden delights to any man. Jake felt his blood stirring as she came to him. He pushed her back onto the bed, burying his face in her voluptuous breasts as he brought his knee up between her thighs. She groaned at his touch, pulling him closer.

  "Oh, I've missed you, Jake. I've needed you. Don't ever leave me again," she murmured in his hair.

  "From the way you played with Sully, I'd not have known it," he said dryly as he sought her pink nipples with his experienced tongue.

  "It was only to make you jealous. I got rid of him when it was time, didn't I?"

  "Did I need to become jealous to want you?"

  "I should hope not, my love."

  "And how do I know that he won't come to you later?"

Because you'll be here with me all night," she said. Pulling at his jacket, she whispered, "Take these off, Jake. I want to feel you against me."

  He quickly got undressed and turned back to her. The pale light fell on her soft, feminine body and his manhood stirred, but it was not Caroline he thought of as he covered her with his body for he saw golden-red hair and fiery green eyes. He covered her mouth with his hungrily, trying to quench the fire that burned in him, branding his need for Alexandra. Caroline returned his kiss with a passion that equaled his own, until suddenly he stopped, his body completely still.

  She groaned, trying to pull him to her. "What is it?"

  "Shhhh. I heard something. There—be quiet."

  "So—I thought you'd come to me, my lovely lady," Captain Sully said lazily, his voice coming from the garden.

  "Of course, even though you were brazen in calling up to my bedroom window. I must have my trunks back. I need them," Alexandra said sharply.

  "I know you need them and I know why you need them," he said, as if he knew all about Alexandra.

  "What do you mean you know why?" Alexandra asked, fear in her voice.

  "You had to get out of New York City fast, without anyone knowing, but yet you insisted on bringing all those trunks full of clothing. Now, the answer is obvious."

  "Is it?" Alexandra didn't see how that could have led him to the truth of her identity.

  "Don't try to play the innocent with me. I doubt if you've been innocent for a long time."

  "I really don't know what you're talking about," Alexandra said, trying to sound calm.

  "Now look, all I ever wanted was a little of what you've been spreading around, but you've played so hard to get—"


  "Lord, you're a cool one. I know they ran you out of New York for being a high class whore, but whore you are in my books no matter what kind you are."

  "A whore!" Alexandra said, laughing harshly. "You fool! I want my trunks. That's all I want from you, and I've already paid you well. I—"

  But she never finished, for his heavy hand came crashing down across her face, knocking her to the soft, damp ground.

  "You dare call me a fool, you little slut. I'll just show you what kind of man I am," Sully growled as he began to unbuckle his pants.

  "Leave me be," Alexandra moaned, unable to move.

  Cursing, Jake leapt from Caroline's bed. He quickly donned his pants, and as he rushed from the room, Caroline called after him, "You heard. She's a whore. There's no need to protect her. It's what she wants."

  But Jake was already halfway down the stairs when she finished her words. Caroline began hurriedly dressing. Jake was hers and she intended to fight for him.

  Jake took the stairs two at a time, fury driving him in coldblooded determination. Sully was just pulling Alexandra's gown up, exposing her long lovely legs, while she whimpered, hitting out at him helplessly, as Jake rushed up to them.

  "What the hell are you doing, Sully," he demanded, his voice deadly as it broke the still, island night.

  Sully jerked around and was on his feet in an instant, ready for Jake. He knew this was an opponent to reckon with for he had seen him fight during the war. But Sully wanted the girl and he intended to have her.

  "I'm taking what's mine, Jake. It's none of your affair. Go back to Caroline. You're the one she wants tonight. I've got a right to take my pleasure where I can."

  "You've got no rights where Alex is concerned, Sully."

  "Listen, big man, you don't carry no weight around here. This girl's mine. She's a whore. You don't want her."

  Jake struck Sully full in the face with his fist, catching him by surprise. Sully went down heavily, and when he began feebly trying to get up, Jake put his foot on the man's broad chest. "Stay down, Sully, if you don't want more of the same. I'm taking Alexandra with me. Don't try to follow. She belongs to me and don't you or any other man forget it."

  Jake took Alexandra's hand, jerking her to her feet, then pulled her behind him. She ran, stumbling after him as they quickly crossed the mansion's plush lawn. Just at the edge, where the native island growth began, Alexandra looked back. Sully was angrily getting to his feet, and Caroline was now with him.

  Alexandra was glad to be getting away from them, but she was not very sure of Jake either for he pulled her roughly into the thick underbrush of the island, having little concern for her thin slippers and sheer gown.

  They plunged deeper and deeper into the dark, dense vegetation, and she fought the clinging vines and clutching brush as she half ran to keep up with Jake's long strides. He was not hampered with a full skirt that threatened to be torn off at every turn, she thought angrily. She tried to pull her hand free from his grasp, but he only tightened his grip, jerking her along. She stumbled, almost losing her balance, then caught at his back with her free hand to steady herself. Why couldn't he slow down? Surely they wouldn't be followed. Her breath was coming in gasps now. There were pebbles in her slippers and her feet hurt with every step. Would he never stop?

  Finally, after what seemed an endless time, Jake halted, and she collapsed at his feet. Exhausted, disheveled, dispirited, Alexandra hardly cared what happened to her next. She just wanted to rest.

  Jake knelt beside her, saying softly, "It's all right now, Alex. They won't follow us here, and the ship's not far away. We're all alone. You're safe."

  Trying to control her ragged breathing, Alexandra looked up into his face made sharp and angular by the moonlight, and did not feel at all safe alone with him. In fact, she suddenly became very aware of his body so close to hers, his bare chest with its thickly matted hair, his hands coming toward her, touching her arms, pulling her towards him. And she was incapable of fleeing. He pulled her to her feet, putting his arms around her, pressing her against him, giving his warmth to her. His body was hard, muscular, lean. She could feel the heat of his naked flesh as her partially exposed breasts strained against him. When his head bent toward her, she moaned slightly, afraid of being hurt again and yet unable to escape.

  His lips covered hers possessively. She pushed against his chest, trying to pull free, but he captured the back of her head with one hand so that she was unable to resist the hungry demand of his mouth as it pressed urgently against her own, forcing her lips to part. His tongue darted swiftly inside, plunging deep, deeper into her in his greedy search. His hand caught at her hair, pulling until it tumbled down her back, free. His other hand held her tightly to him and she could feel the hard muscles of his thighs pressed against her, unrelenting.

  Oh, but what was happening to her in his crushing embrace? For suddenly she found herself returning his kiss, and her arms moved weakly up his back until they found the soft hair at the nape of his neck. She had never felt this way before, it was as if there was nothing else except the fusion of their bodies and the hot pounding in her ears. Then his lips left hers and she was hardly able to stand as he placed small kisses down her throat to the hollow place where they lingered, burning her. His hands caught at her bodice, unfastening it expertly, then slipping his hands inside to cover her breasts with hot, urgent movements. She leaned against him, soft moaning sounds coming from her throat as his lips found her taut, straining nipples, teasing them with his tongue until a hard, warm core began to ache in her belly. What was he doing to her? Her mind couldn't seem to focus except where he touched her, leaving her skin on fire. She mustn't let him do this. She mustn't!

  Gathering strength, Alexandra pushed away from him, failing to see the surprised, then angry look cross his face as she rushed away from him. She found herself on the soft sands of the beach. Moonlight turned the incoming waves a phosphorescent silver as she hesitated, not knowing where to turn. The ship and the house—she could return to neither, but before her was the ocean and behind her Jake. Then she heard him close to her, and with a soft cry she ran desperately toward the ocean, scarcely knowing what she was doing. She couldn't reason any more—she was blinded by fear, fear of feelings she could
n't understand, didn't dare accept.

  But Jake easily covered the distance between them, catching her just at the water's edge. She twisted, jerking from his hands and they both fell into the shallow water, splashing noisily as Jake tried to bring Alexandra under his control, but she was almost wild with despair.

  "I won't hurt you, Alex. What has made you so frightened of me? I've never hurt you, now have I?"

  His words made sense, but she wouldn't listen to them, hitting out at him in her desperation. Finally, he caught her to him, feeling her soft body quiver against him as the waves rolled in over them. Pulling back from her slightly, he let his eyes run over her body. God, she was beautiful, he thought, savoring how the wet clothes molded to her curves, how her bare breasts were taut with desire. Her eyes opened slowly as he made no move to hurt her and she rapidly blinked salty drops of water away before the pale green orbs focused on him in confusion, fear, and anger. Their eyes met. And then, their lips came together hungrily. Instantly a flame flashed through them, urging them on. She found her hands in his hair, pulling him to her, wanting something she could not understand, but knowing that she must have it. He kissed her gently at first, then more roughly as the flames began to kindle, devouring them with it.

  "Alexandra, Alexandra," he murmured as his lips left hers and found their way down her throat. Moving quickly, urgently, he slipped the wet gown off her, and removed his pants. He lowered himself to her, covering her body with his own. She shivered as his warm body touched hers and she could feel his hard manhood pressing between her thighs.

  "No, no, Jake. Please—" she began, but Jake covered her mouth with his own, his tongue artfully bending her to his will, as his hands began exploring the soft curves of her body. Soon, she could protest no longer and lay weakly in the sand, feeling the cool, salty water hit her skin, then run swiftly around her body, outlining it, searching for its release.

  His strong hands moved over her breasts as he tore his mouth from hers to follow the pattern of his hands, searching the ripe fullness that was his to take. His tongue lightly plied the taut nipples that seemed to reach out to him, offering their sweetness. Then his lips moved lower, leaving a trail of searing kisses. She moaned, unable to control the deep shudder that went through her body. She hadn't known it could feel like this—a fire growing in her loins, demanding release.


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