Shocking the Senator

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Shocking the Senator Page 6

by Leanne Banks

  Her mouth rounded in surprise. "What do you mean? I haven't been playing games with you."

  "Damn right you have. Every step I take toward you, you take one back. So, what is it, Nic? Do you think I'm too old for you or not? Do you want me or not?"

  She gasped. "I never ever said you were too old. You were always the one to harp on that."

  "So you don't have a problem with my age," he said crisply.

  "No." She glanced from side to side, then back at him. "Your maturity and experience have always been a turn-on for me. I've always been drawn to how decisive you are," she added grudgingly.

  The tension inside him eased a millimeter. "Then it all comes down to what we want. I want you, Nic. I want you bad, and I don't give a damn who knows it. The question is whether you want me or not."

  Nicola closed her eyes. "You're not making it easy for me to do the right thing."

  "What's the right thing, Nic? Letting our chance to be together slip away because I'm an elected official?"

  She inhaled shakily and opened her eyes. "You're not making this easy for me at all," she repeated.

  Abe saw the wanting written in her eyes, but he wanted her to admit it. He wanted to hear it. Needed to hear it. "I can make it a lot easier," he said, lowering his head.

  "You're not going to kiss me in front of all these people," she whispered, her eyes wide with shock.

  "Watch me."

  * * *

  Nicola acted out of pure damage-control instincts. She turned her head and Abe's mouth landed on her cheek.

  He squeezed her shoulders and chuckled next to her ear. "You stinker. I would never have taken you for a chicken."

  Her head shot up, her ego pinched by his accusation. "I'm not a chicken."

  "Do you want me?" he asked her in a silky, sexy voice that slid through her like fine wine.

  She struggled against his effect on her. "I told you it's not always about what I want."

  "In this case it can be about what you want, Nic, because I sure as hell want you."

  Nicola gulped at the heat in his eyes and the rock-hard decisiveness in his voice. She'd heard him use that tone before, but never with her name in the subject line.

  "Think about what you want, Nic," he said as he stroked the bare skin of her arm. It was a hidden intimate touch that made her breath uneven. "This party will be over soon enough."

  An odd lump in her throat kept all her snappy rejections from popping out. Abe led her back to her seat and nodded to the rest of the people at the table. "Later," he said to her and her heart hiccupped. Later could mean so many things.

  She'd never seen Abe so serious about her before. Maybe his feelings ran deeper than she'd assumed. Maybe he wanted more than the secret affair they'd alternated between giving in to and squashing. Maybe he almost loved her.

  Her heart hammered in her chest and she felt her blood rise to her cheeks. Her mind raced with all the possibilities she'd disciplined herself to never consider. What if he actually grew to love her? What if he wanted them to be together all the time? Married? Could he come to terms with the baby? Her stomach twisted at that thought. She absolutely didn't want to spend her life trying to get Abe to love their child. She couldn't do it.

  She glanced across the room at him and he must have felt her looking at him because he returned her gaze boldly. As if he didn't care who might see him looking at her that way.

  Her heart skipped a beat and her doubtful mind bounced up and down with hope. If he could change his mind about wanting to have a public relationship with her, then maybe he could change his mind about other things, too.

  * * *

  After the ball, Nicola joined Abe in the limo for the ride to the hotel. They discussed the various political contacts Abe and Nicola had made throughout the evening. Underneath it all, however, Nicola felt a hum of anticipation between them. The driver had already checked them in, their overnight luggage was waiting in their rooms. She and Abe arrived at their respective rooms, placed side by side.

  "Hope you like your room," he said, and surprised her by going inside his room.

  He hadn't even tried to kiss her, she thought, surprised and a little disappointed. She shouldn't be disappointed, she told herself as she opened her door and stepped inside. If he was going to be so up and down about this, then she didn't need— Her mental ranting broke off when she realized theirs were connecting rooms and the doors were open.

  That devil. That dog. Abe stood in the connecting room doorway, tugging loose his tux tie. "Does this suit you better? Since you don't want to be seen with an old fart like me?"

  Nicola wanted to slap that sexy grin off his face. Or kiss him. Unable to choke down her chuckle, she laughed and met him in the doorway. She poked her finger at his hard chest. "You're the most ridiculous man in the world," she said. "Old fart? Nowhere near."

  He captured her hand and held it against his chest. "I figured that was the only reason you wouldn't want to be seen with me."

  Nicola sighed. "I told you it's to protect your image."

  "I don't need to protect my image that way anymore, Nic. What about you?"

  Her breath felt tight in her chest. "I think you know it was never about image with me. The more I got to know you, the more I—" Her throat went dry and she swallowed.

  "The more you what?" he prompted.

  "The more I wanted to be with you," she whispered.

  "You keep using past tense. What about now, Nic?" he asked, lifting her hand to his mouth.

  This could be a perfect escape, a temporary escape, the little voice of survival inside her prompted. She could say her feelings had changed. She could say she didn't feel the same way about him anymore, that he no longer had the power to make her heart stop and start with just a look, that she didn't dream about being in his arms every night. She could say that she didn't want him. Nicola opened her mouth, but the words stuck in her throat.

  "No answer, but your eyes are talking. Maybe I need to ask the question a different way," he said and lowered his head.

  This time his mouth took hers, and oh, he felt so good. The way he kissed her, sensually plucking at her mouth with his lips, made her feel as if she were a rosebud. Nicola swallowed a moan.

  He slid his fingers through her hair and gently caressed her scalp as he tilted her head for better access. Nicola felt her skin grow hot and she was caught between the mind-drugging sensation of his fingertips on her scalp and the desire to deepen the kiss.

  He deepened it for her, sliding his tongue inside and tasting her. He gave a low moan that vibrated through her nether regions. He gently consumed her mouth, making her feel like the most desirable woman in the world. The taste of his want made her light-headed.

  Unable to stifle her response to him, she reveled in the strength of his shoulders and craved the feeling of his bare skin against hers. Her mouth still fastened to his, she blindly unfastened his shirt. He gave a low growl of approval.

  She pulled away from him, gulping in a breath of air while her heart hammered against her rib cage. "You make it so difficult to resist you."

  "Thank goodness I've got something on my side," he muttered, tugging off his undershirt. "Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to watch those two guys trying to charm you out of your dress? Add their ages together and you'll get mine."

  Nicola couldn't resist a breathless chuckle. "They weren't trying to charm me out of my dress," she protested.

  He rolled his eyes. "Nic, you can be incredibly naive about your appeal."

  "And what's with the constant senior citizen remarks? Just trust me when I tell you those guys don't have one-tenth of your virility." Nicola could guarantee that fact. She had the evidence in her womb.

  Abe stopped and let out a breath of air, his gaze full of turbulence. "I want more than a night with you, Nic. I want more than a secret affair. I want a relationship and I don't mean a working relationship."

  Nicola's heart felt as if it had stopped in her chest.
"What are you talking about?"

  He took her hand. "I'm crazy about you," he said in a voice brimming with impatience and a sliver of anger.

  "You don't sound very happy about it."

  "I'm still working on it. I hadn't planned on this—you—happening right now. The way I feel about you, it's not convenient. But I can't turn it off. It's too strong. Even though I'm too old for you, I can't let you go."

  Nicola felt light-headed again, but she couldn't blame Abe's kiss. This time it was his words. The intensity in his eyes thrilled her and frightened her. She still needed to tell him about the baby. "You're making me dizzy. I need to sit down for a minute."

  Before she could blink, he picked her up and carried her to her bed. "Oh, no! You're going to hurt your back or get a hernia and it will be my fault!"

  Abe followed her down on the bed. "Quit exaggerating. You're the perfect size and I can prove it," he said, pulling her against him.

  "Don't kiss me. I need time to think," she protested.

  "I don't want you to think too much. That could be bad for me."

  She felt him unzip her zipper and one second later, her strapless bra was unfastened. "Oh, Abe, we really shouldn't—"

  He slid his hands to her breasts and her mouth couldn't produce anything but a sound of pleasure. Her breasts seemed more sensitive than usual.

  He lightly touched the sides, drawing circles with his fingers that came close but didn't quite touch her nipples. "You want me to stop?"

  "Ohhh, that's sooo—" She bit her lip as he rubbed his thumb over one nipple.

  "Good?" he asked, lowering his mouth to hers.

  "Yes." She felt as if every nerve ending inside her was buzzing. Her breasts grew heavy with arousal.

  Sucking gently on her tongue, he tugged at her nipples and Nicola felt a corresponding bloom between her legs. Her nipples grew stiff from his caresses.

  "Oh, Abe, you feel—"

  "I can make you feel better," he promised and lowered his mouth to one of her nipples. He licked and suckled, making her squirm beneath him. She loved the way his big hands felt on her. Inhaling the subtle scent of his aftershave, she felt her arousal rise with shocking speed.

  When he pulled back slightly she couldn't withhold a moan. "Don't stop, pl—"

  He transferred his wonderful, wicked mouth to her other nipple while still caressing the one he'd just suckled with his thumb and forefinger. He drew deeply and the restlessness between her thighs increased. He continued his mesmerizing caresses and she felt the tension in her nether regions draw into a knot. Her heart pounded and she couldn't lie still. He gave her a super sensual nip followed by sucking her deep into his mouth and Nicola shocked herself by climaxing.

  Catching her breath, she gaped in amazement. Was this due to her pregnancy? Had she read something about this in her pregnancy book? Her head was a fog and her body was still shimmering with pleasure. "Uh, that was uh—" She stared into Abe's sexy gaze.

  Abe's eyes crinkled with sexy humor. "That was a nice surprise," he said in a low, deep voice of approval that melted her bones. "Very nice. Now if I can get you out of the rest of your clothes, I'd like to do some mo—"

  A vibrating sound coming from his pocket stopped him. He glanced down. The vibration sounded again. Clearly conflicted, he met Nicola's gaze. "Damn, life was easier before these were invented. I should at least check who—" He pulled out his cell phone and glanced at the caller ID. "It's Marc. I have to take it." He gave her a quick, firm kiss full of promise. "Don't go anywhere."

  "As if I could," she managed.

  * * *


  « ^ »

  Twenty minutes later, Abe turned off his cell phone and headed back to Nicola. He couldn't wait to tell her the news about Marc. He couldn't wait to gorge himself on her body. He was still aroused by how she'd responded to him. He strode toward her bed and found her fast asleep. She'd shimmied out of her dress and draped it over her chair. With her shoulders bare, he suspected she was naked beneath the sheet. She'd left her bedside lamp on, probably full of intention to remain awake.

  He sighed and raked his hand through his hair. She looked exhausted and he would be a caveman to wake her and take her. But heaven help him, the woman made him feel like a caveman.

  Pounding sexual need warred with the voice of his conscience. The woman was worn out. Closing his eyes, he inhaled and slowly exhaled. There would be other times, he promised himself and turned off the bedside lamp.

  * * *

  Nicola awakened early the next morning. She immediately rolled to her side expecting to see Abe, but he wasn't there. Frowning, she stretched, trying to remember what had happened after she'd brushed her teeth, lain down and waited for him to join her in bed. She remembered feeling exhausted and trying with all her might to keep her eyelids open.

  It looked as if she'd flunked that endurance test, she thought, chagrined. She heard a knock on Abe's door and a low murmur. Catching the scents of coffee and bacon, she felt her stomach turn.

  His hair damp from a shower, Abe appeared in the inner doorway between their rooms. "Ready for some breakfast, sleepyhead? I ordered enough for two."

  She swallowed a surge of nausea. "Thanks. I must have overindulged on last night's dinner. I don't feel very hungry right now. Maybe some toast?"

  With one hand hitched through a belt loop, he loped into the room and grinned down at her. "I still feel hungry this morning."

  Nicola could tell from his expression that he wasn't talking about food. She winced. "I'm sorry I fell asleep. I guess I was more tired … and more satisfied than I realized."

  He sank down on her bed and lifted his hand to her cheek. "I want to continue now, but we need to get back to celebrate with Marc and Dana. They've caught the members of the cartel who were trying to frame him."

  Nicola gasped and lifted up on her elbows. "Oh, that's wonderful. I know they're thrilled. I know you're thrilled."

  "It's great news. I would have told you last night, but you were out like a light." He tweaked her nose. "Rain check?"

  She nodded, but wasn't sure a rain check would be wise.

  He extended his hand. "Join me for breakfast."

  Nicola's stomach felt tenuous at best. She smiled. "You get started and let me take a superquick shower. Okay?"

  His lifted eyebrow emanated doubt. "Superquick? Women and bathing rarely equal superquick."

  She swatted at him playfully. "Don't be sexist." She tossed aside her covers and slowly slid out of the bed, trying to cover her light-headedness.

  Abe reached from behind her and slid his hand over her bare belly. "Are you sure I can't help?" he murmured.

  "Stop sabotaging me. There's no way I'll get out of that shower superquick if you're in there with me."

  Abe gave a sexy groan. "Oh, Nic, someday soon, I'm turning off my cell phone and I'm spending the entire day in bed with you."

  He kissed her neck and Nicola wondered if she could match his stamina for an entire day in bed.

  * * *

  That afternoon, several members of the Danforth family gathered for an impromptu celebration for Marc and Dana. Dom Pérignon flowed freely among the crowd and Abe lifted his glass in a toast. "To Marc and Dana, a great team in life and love. May your toughest battle be over and only joy and pleasure ahead." He clicked his glass with Marc and Dana, then gently clicked it with Nicola's glass.

  Meeting his gaze over the rim of her flute, she took the tiniest sip. "Here, here," she said, feeling lightheaded at the intent expression on his face. He'd been so attentive today she could almost think they had a future. Almost.

  She'd been a bundle of nerves since this morning, unable to eat anything except toast and crackers, which she'd munched throughout the day. Even now she felt a little woozy.

  "Nic," Abe said as if he was repeating himself. "Are you okay?"

  She tried to take a deep breath, but the room was spinning. "I'm fine. I just feel a little dizzy." Her knees lost their starch
and she tried in vain to stiffen them. To her chagrin, she felt herself fall.

  Abe caught her, whispering an oath. "What's going on here? You're pale as a ghost."



  She heard the concern in several voices, but a black curtain fell over her.

  * * *

  Nicola was mortified. She'd never fainted in her life. Now Abe had tucked her into her former room and was ranting and raving, twisting the arm of the family doctor to visit.

  "It's not necessary," she said, ignoring his shushing finger. She started to rise from the bed and he was by her side in seconds.

  "Don't even think about it," he said to her, then turned his attention back to his phone. "Ten minutes. Thank you for coming right over, Dr. Bernard." He clicked the phone off.

  "This is ridiculous," she said, boosting her pillow so she wasn't flat on her back. It didn't help her argument that he was looming over her. "I'm fine. I just got a little light-headed because I didn't eat enough earlier." She supposed she should have eaten more than crackers, but nothing substantial had appealed to her.

  "Then we'll fix that right after the doctor leaves," Abe said. "And I'll stay here to watch you eat every bite."

  "My stomach hasn't felt great today," she confessed. "Maybe it's a virus," she fibbed, then shot him a dark look. "Maybe you'll catch it because you kissed me."

  Abe shrugged. "I never get sick."

  Nicola rolled her eyes. "Don't rub it in. You'll make this mere mortal woman feel worse."

  Looking down at her, he stood beside the bed with his hands on his hips and sighed. "I don't like seeing you sick."

  Good thing he hadn't seen her those times she'd glued herself to the sofa until the room stopped moving. "I'm sure it's not fatal. Just a little bug, if that."

  He scratched the back of his neck. "Come to think of it, you've looked a little pale lately. Maybe you should make an appointment to get your blood checked."

  Nicola bit her lip. Wouldn't that be just what she needed? A blood test and Abe would, of course, demand to see the results. "I just had it checked during my annual checkup and I'm perfectly normal."


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