Arazhi (Kirenai Fated Mates (Intergalactic Dating Agency) Book 1)

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Arazhi (Kirenai Fated Mates (Intergalactic Dating Agency) Book 1) Page 5

by Tamsin Ley

  She sat up and reached for his waistband. “I want to see you, too.”

  He took her hands in his, stopping her. “Do not be alarmed.”

  His words made her gulp, eyes locked on his bulge. “I wasn’t until you said something.”

  Whatever was under his clothes was pulsing—actually pulsing. She was about to see an alien cock. What if he was too big for her? Or shaped strange? She didn’t mind a little kink, but just how kinky was this about to get? Were they even compatible?

  Then, right before her eyes, his pants seemed to melt away, and she was looking at a thick blue shaft between heavily muscled legs. It looked like her favorite vibrator, a pronounced head with ridges along the top of the shaft and a clit tickler at the base—except this piece of masculinity was very much alive. A small bead of pre-cum glistened at the tip.

  She gasped and raised her eyes to his. “Your pants were an illusion?”

  He laughed. “I guess you might say that.”

  She ran one finger along the top of his curved length. His skin was hot, and he grunted softly at her touch, thrusting his hips forward. She leaned in, inhaling his clean masculinity. She’d never wanted to taste a man like she wanted to taste him. Circling her tongue over the turgid head, she wrapped one hand around the base of his shaft. His taste was rich with a hint of spice that was potently male.

  He remained perfectly still as she explored. Mouth opening wide, she took him in deeper. As her fingers circled his dick, she felt another protrusion below his shaft, between his ball sack and dick. Her pussy clenched, imagining what that might be for.

  Flattening her tongue against the sensitive underside, she sucked in her cheeks and drew back.

  He groaned, a low, deep sound that sent heat straight to her pussy and spread up her abdomen to her nipples.

  She took him in again until his cock bumped the back of her throat. He was the perfect length, thick and solid.

  His fingers released her hair from its messy bun, threading through the strands as she worked his shaft, losing herself in his flavor and heat.

  Suddenly, he pulled away, urging her backward onto the soft iridescent sheets. He slid a knee between her legs, spreading them under his hungry touch.

  Her nipples were rock hard, and wetness soaked her panties. His breath fanned over her inner thighs as he pulled her panties from her, then kissed his way up the inside of her legs to her center. He pushed a finger inside her, his tongue circling her clit as he drew out, then thrust back in. Out. In. Long thick finger driving in until his knuckles met her outer lips, hot tongue flicking over her clit. Her juices coated her thighs.

  An orgasm rose inside her, hot and tight, and she bucked her hips in time to his plunging finger. She couldn’t remember ever needing to come this fast. As she strained to reach the crest, he pushed in hard, and she felt a firm probing at her back hole. Before she could clench, he’d entered her there.

  She screamed as the wave broke, pleasure shuddering through her as he continued plunging in and out with both fingers.

  When she came down enough to regain her senses, he crawled up her body, sucking in one nipple, then the other. “Are you ready for me, Georgie?”

  “Yes,” she gasped. She needed more of him. Needed to be filled completely.

  He settled between her legs, thick cock pressing her entrance. It stretched her opening almost to the point of pain. But he didn’t hurt her. Pushing in shallowly, he locked eyes with her, rocking in and out, sinking deeper. Deeper. She could feel every ridge along his shaft as he entered.

  When his hips met hers, he let out a long sigh. “So hot.”

  She panted against his shoulder, hands clawing his back. That part of him she’d thought was a clit tickler did exactly that, cupping and kneading her swollen bud and making her squirm with pleasure. The smaller protrusion below his main shaft prodded her ass without entering, which was good. His cock alone was huge, and she wasn’t sure she could take more of him inside her.

  He eased back, tilting his hips in such a way that kept his tickler on just the right spot, then thrust in again. She gasped, bucking in time to his increasing rhythm. As her muscles spasmed, she tossed her head against the covers. Her hands clutched his shoulders. All she could do was hang on as ecstasy flooded her.

  He drove forward, hips slamming into hers. Heat exploded against her inner walls, and he grunted.

  Riding out her own wave, she managed to crack her eyes open and watch his abs flex as he continued to pulse inside her. He was staring at her, his intensity sexy enough to make her orgasm flutter once more.

  When she could breathe again, he lowered himself on top of her and murmured into her neck. “Next time will be even better. I promise.”

  She couldn’t imagine better. Her body felt like a giant marshmallow floating in a sea of hot chocolate. But hell if she was going to say no to a next time.


  They made love several more times before Georgie could no longer stay awake. She’d never lost herself so deeply to any experience. Her brain was in a heavy fog as she lay on her side with Arazhi’s body curled around hers. She was surprised by how safe she felt as she drifted to sleep.

  She didn’t know how much time had passed when she opened her eyes and stretched to find herself alone. Her heart constricted. She’d hoped to find Arazhi next to her, smiling with that sweet dimple. To spend a few lazy hours in his bed, talking and getting to know him. But that wasn’t what he’d promised. He’d offered her a mere few hours of pleasure, nothing more. Now she’d return to Earth, and he’d find a woman who could provide what he wanted—a baby.

  Get over it, Georgie, she told herself. She wasn’t meant to be a mother, and she barely knew Arazhi, anyway. When she got home, she’d see what she could salvage of her wrecked event planning business, get out of her parents’ apartment, maybe adopt a dog, and get on with her life—assuming the chaos with the poisoned aliens hadn’t caused the end of the world.

  Thinking about Earth again got her blood flowing, and she once more worried about her friends. No longer wanting sleep, she reached for the floor near the bed, searching for her glasses. She didn’t remember taking them off, and hoped they hadn’t gotten crushed. Thankfully, they were fine, folded neatly and waiting for her by the bed on a low table she hadn’t noticed earlier. She settled them on her nose and spotted her dress hanging against the opposite wall. She would’ve liked to wear something more comfortable, but none of the shelves held clothing, only the curios and image cubes she’d noted earlier.

  Rising, she went over and pulled down the garment. The strap had been repaired as if by magic, with no sign of damage. Arazhi’s ship must have some sort of fabric repair technology she wasn’t aware of. That had been nice of him, at least. A parting gift before he sent her on her way. Her bra and panties lay folded on the shelf nearby.

  She stepped into her dress while examining a nearby cube with flickering images. In one photo, a blue-skinned man stood between two aliens with green and yellow scales. He bore a slight resemblance to Arazhi, but she couldn’t be sure if it was him or a close relative. The next image was a different blue-skinned man with his arm around a short woman with alabaster skin and dark blue hair. The woman wore a crown that looked like it was made of interwoven diamonds and gazed at the man with obvious adoration. Arazhi’s parents?

  The image shifted to a short video of the same woman, only without a crown this time, bouncing a small blue toddler while the blue man watched with obvious love in his gaze. Double moons hovered over rolling purple hills in the background. That must be a young Arazhi and his parents visiting the fields he mentioned. Georgie’s chest tightened at the thought of Arazhi taking his new family on a trip, his dark eyes filled with love as he watched over the mother of his child.

  Enough torturing myself. Turning away, she went to the lavatory and cleaned herself up. At least a lavatory was a lavatory, even on an alien ship. When she returned, soft music was playing, and a small table and two chairs had app
eared in the room. A rich, buttery smell with hints of fruit wafted from a covered plate on the table.

  Arazhi entered carrying two glasses. He set them on the table. “I was hungry and thought you might be, as well. Please, sit.”

  A wave of giddiness passed through her. He didn’t just use and abandon me. Or even leave a servant to see to her. He’d come back to take care of her himself. Suddenly ravenous, she gladly took the seat beside him, wondering what alien delicacy he had for her today.

  He lifted the lid, exposing what looked like sticky buns. “Baked kazhitu. A type of nut that grows on my mother’s planet.” He picked one up with his fingers and put it on a small plate in front of her. “I believe you will like it.”

  There were no utensils in sight, so Georgie picked up a bun with her fingers. She took a small nibble, surprised by how soft it was as it all but melted on her tongue. The sticky glaze tasted like apple pie filling. “Oh, wow.”

  Arazhi smiled and took one himself, devouring half in a single bite. He poured them each a large glass of what looked like orange juice and took a deep gulp.

  Cautious about chasing the sticky bun sweetness with sour juice, Georgie took a cautious sip. A flavor like sweet cream, only cleaner and more refreshing, hit her tongue. She took a bigger drink, realizing how parched she was. Not surprising, considering how active she’d been for the last few hours. Heat crept into her cheeks at the memory.

  A warm hand covered her thigh, sending a jolt of awareness straight to her tired pussy. She looked up, startled. Arazhi’s midnight eyes made her want to fall into them and never come out.

  “You’re very sexy when you enjoy your food, kikajiru,” he murmured.

  The heat in her cheeks intensified. “Uh, thanks.” Why was he still trying to charm her? She’d been very clear about their situation. She was tempted to set him straight again, but another part of her just wanted to enjoy being pampered. “What does kikajiru mean?”

  “Distracting one.”

  Unsure if that was a compliment or not, she changed the subject, pointing toward the picture cube she’d looked at earlier. “Is that your family?”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Yes. But I’m surprised you recognized them.”

  She shrugged. “I was just going off the fact that the man and baby were blue. What species is your mom?”

  “She’s a Vatosangan, from a planet two solar systems away from Kirenai Prime.”

  “Do Kirenai always buy their females? Like you tried to buy me?”

  He laughed. “No, my parents met at a game of bacca. She accidentally hit him with a disk. He, of course, fell immediately in love.”

  Georgie took another drink. So aliens could fall in love. Just not with me. She pointed to an ornately carved pink box on another shelf. “What are all those other things?”

  Arazhi rose and picked up the box. “Things I’ve collected during my travels. This is a G’naxian tolonovone. An antique.”

  He traced a raised curve on the lid and the box seemed to open like the petals of a rose. Pulling one petal free, he ran the slightly pointed tip down the outside of her arm, leaving a trail of golden light on her skin.

  Shock rippled through her. She ran her fingers over the light, expecting it to wipe away, but it seemed to be embedded beneath her skin like a tattoo. She had a black tattoo of rosebuds in a wreath of leaves around her ankle that was supposed to be in color, but the needle had hurt too much, and she’d never gone back to finish it. “That’s amazing. How long does it last?”

  Arazhi selected a second petal and tapped it alongside the line, creating glowing pink dots this time. “With this device, the patterns only last a day or so. New technology can make them more or less permanent, though you must be careful with your patterns.”


  A dimple appeared on Arazhi’s cheek as he removed a third petal and made small orange swishes around each of the pink dots. “G’naxians use light to communicate attraction and arousal.”

  She found it suddenly hard to breathe. The way his fingers held the petal, dancing it across her skin, was mesmerizing. She wanted him to paint her whole body. “What is the pattern you’re painting now?”

  “I’m not familiar with their traditional patterns.” He traced one finger over the swirling lines. “I simply enjoy making my own.” His midnight eyes rose to meet hers. “Will you allow me to use more of you as a canvas?”

  She nodded mutely, accepting his hand to help her stand. He moved behind her and slid her zipper down, loosening the straps of her dress, letting the fabric slide down her body to the floor. He unfastened her bra and dropped it, too, then rolled her panties down her hips.

  Breathless, she stepped out of them, feeling his gaze assess her naked body before he began painting, dappling her shoulders, outlining her buttocks, painting her toes. He smoothed wide swathes of gold light up the sides of her belly, circled her navel, and tipped her nipples in pink. The only touch he made to her face was her lips, a brief flutter of sensation, and she didn’t even know what color they might be.

  He stepped back and smiled, closing the petals back into a box. “You look like a G’naxian goddess.”

  Georgie looked down her front, taking in the vibrant display of color. “Do you have a mirror?”

  “Of course.” Arazhi moved to the wall and touched it. The spaces between the ribs in the walls, floor, and ceiling suddenly changed from lavender to reflective, like hundreds of mirrors.

  “Whoa.” She took a step back, slightly dizzy as she was faced with a thousand versions of her glowing self. “This feels like a funhouse.”

  “What’s a funhouse? The word implies enjoyment, but you do not sound pleased.”

  “It’s okay, I was just startled.” She stepped closer, focusing on one image of herself. It was hard to get a true picture when there were reflections upon reflections of multi-colored glowing lines. “A funhouse is something they have at carnivals. Kind of hard to explain, but the gist is to disorient people. A lot of them have a mirror room, but they also have obstacle courses, moving stairs or halls, and the spooky ones have creatures that jump out and try to frighten you.”

  “That does not sound fun at all.” The mirrors disappeared.

  “Humans enjoy a bit of adrenaline now and then. A funhouse is pretty benign compared to other things thrill seekers do.” She smiled. “Can you put a mirror on just one wall?”

  “Here. I’ll show you how.” He took her hand, pulling her to where he’d been standing, and placed her palm on the wall. “Do you feel this?”

  All she could pay attention to was his warm skin against hers, but she tried to feel what he was talking about. “I’m not sure.”

  He guided her fingers over raised bumps of differing sizes and shapes. The sensation reminded her of braille on an elevator button. “You can see the texture difference, as well.”

  She circled one bump with her fingertip, and the lighting in the room brightened. “How do you tell which ones do what?”

  “By size and shape, of course.”

  Of course, she thought wryly. She squinted at the bumps and ran her finger across an elongated oval. A slight breeze wafted through the room, smelling of wintergreen.

  “That’s ventilation. This is the mirror control.” He pointed to a cluster of three small bumps. “To get a single mirror, touch one raised spot twice.”

  She did as instructed, and one wall became a mirror. Smiling, she turned and looked at herself once more. The glowing lines over her skin weren’t as garish as she’d first imagined, but the outlines along her hips and breasts definitely accentuated her curves. “Do you have any photos of G’naxians? I’d like to know who I’m ruling over if I’m going to be a goddess.”

  He laughed. “I believe so.” He went to one of his shelves. “Let me see…”

  As he was looking, a voice seemed to come out of nowhere, uttering syllables she didn’t understand. Then the floor shuddered as if they were having an earthquake.

hat just happened?” Georgie clutched her arms over her naked breasts, moving toward her discarded clothing.

  Arazhi turned to her with a smile. “We have arrived.”


  Arazhi let Georgie dress and then led her to the bridge where the view screen showed the curved blue and purple horizon of Kirenai Prime. Home. He was anxious to find out if his father was all right, but torn because his time with Georgie felt far too short. Now it would be back to duty for him, searching for a woman to bear his child. And as the first human arriving on Kirenai Prime through official channels, Georgie would be sought after as a rare bed partner.

  Jealousy rose in him as he thought about her in another Kirenai’s bed.

  Georgie moved close enough to brush shoulders with him and looked at the view screen. She let out an appreciative sigh. “Is that your planet?”

  He loved having her at his side. Loved feeling her awe. He would like nothing more than to show her the universe, if only to experience it again through her eyes. “Yes. Welcome to Kirenai Prime.”

  “It’s beautiful.” She traced a swirl of white clouds obscuring the surface of the planet with one fingertip. “I wish I could stay and see it, but I really want to check on my friends. How soon can we turn around?”

  Arazhi’s heart fell. He’d hoped their time together might’ve made her want more. Just put her on a ship and send her home. But he balked at the idea of her spending the return trip with another Kirenai. If he had to go back to Earth for another female, he might as well be the one who took her. “Would you mind if I visited my father first?”

  A dark wave of guilt flooded his Iki’i. “Of course,” she blurted.

  Her compassion moved him. She hardly knew him, and yet she cared. He wanted to ease her guilt. “The communication system can sync now. Let me see if I can contact my security officer. He’s still on your planet and should be able to provide an update.”

  The connection took a few moments before Zhiruto’s image appeared on the screen. He was still bare-chested, but his features had shifted, so he now had a slightly crooked nose and what looked like a scar above one eyebrow. “My prince. You’re safe at home?”


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