Spaceport: Forget Me Not

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Spaceport: Forget Me Not Page 8

by Mikala Ash

Once at the apartment she ushered him inside. He swept the hood away from his head and grasped her tightly by the waist and drew her to him. His kiss was urgent, hungry. She could do nothing else but return it just as desperately.

  When he released her, Murukan apologized. “I've wanted to hold you ever since..."

  She wanted to ask him if he had remembered who he was, but was afraid that he would say no. Her mind was roiling in confusion. What to do? She had to think straight, and she couldn't do it with him standing so close, his arms holding her tight around the waist.

  Holly wanted to dissolve in his arms, to take him, Maxim or not. She wanted him. Her body was suffused with a sudden heat and her decision was made. She lifted her face to his, gazed into his eyes. “Kiss me."

  Her communicator beeped in her ear. She ignored it as she surrendered herself to his lips. The communicator beeped again.

  Murukan's hands were inside her jumpsuit, cupping her breasts, his fingers finding her straining nipples. He peeled away her suit from her shoulders, his fingers getting so entangled in the Forget-Me-Not necklace that it snapped and fell to the floor.

  She cried out in concern and broke away from him to pick it up off the floor.

  "I'm sorry, Holly. I was getting carried away.” He put his hands around her waist and drew her to him again.

  The communicator beeped. In frustration she held a restraining hand against Murukan's chest. “I better get this, it might be important."

  It was Silas.

  She stepped away from Murukan's hungry gaze and opened the line. Before Silas could tell her why he was calling, she told him she needed his help.

  "You want me to do what?” he said in astonishment when she had finished.

  "I want you to pay Earlobe to get Murukan away from Adana."

  "He won't go for it."

  "It's his way of scoring a point against Mischa. He hates her, right?"

  "That's not enough incentive."

  "I've got a thousand credits."

  "Not enough."

  "What do you have?"

  His jaw dropped open. “You're kidding me, right?"

  "We can't let Mischa kill him."

  He shook his head. “I smell a rat."

  "Sssh! We got him into this, we have to do something for him."

  "What do you mean we? I didn't do a story on Mischa's latest atrocity did I?"

  "Well, if you're going to be like that..."

  There was a long pause. “I didn't say I wasn't going to help."

  "Listen, throw in a thousand credits and I'll give you free advertising every other day for a month."

  "Twelve months."



  "Vinnie is going to kill me."

  "I have a feeling that by the end of this he'll have to join the queue behind Janga, Mischa, Earlobe and every other crime family on Adana."

  She nodded thoughtfully. “Add Zweep Dollavera to the list. He'll be livid if I ruin his arrangements with Mischa."

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Nine

  "Will he be gone long?” Murukan asked.

  Holly gave him a hopeful smile. “Not too long I expect. He seems to have a hotline to the bad guys around Adana."

  The silence was pregnant with possibility. Holly knew the heat that had spread across her body had flushed her face. After she had ended the call with Silas she had distanced herself from Murukan. If he came within arm's length she knew she would not be able to resist him.

  Her reluctance to take it any further with him sprang from an element of guilt. No matter how similar he seemed to be to Maxim, and how similar his recent history, she did not want to betray Maxim on a hunch and a whim. If only she could be sure he was indeed Maxim.

  If she spirited him away, she might lose track of him forever. She couldn't let that happen. An idea blossomed in her mind.

  "Listen, Murukan. Do you really want to find out who you are?"

  "Yes, of course."

  "Mischa will have records of your capture and treatment, wouldn't she?"

  "I suppose."

  "Where would they be?"

  He rubbed his jaw. “The only way I could get to records like that would be through Janga's computer. But that is in her security room on Mischa's ship."

  "Could you get me onboard?"

  "What? I want to get as far away as I can from her, not on her ship."

  "But she and Janga will be on Adana at the opening of the exhibition with all her security detail to protect her from the angry mob I've raised."

  "Angry mob?"

  She laughed at his expression of horror. “I have connections with the poor. They don't take kindly to slavers. All too often they end up in their clutches."

  He appeared to think it over. “I do not have access to Janga's computer,” he said at last.

  "You just get me onboard her ship. I have someone who can get into that."

  He appeared surprised. “You do?"

  "Absolutely.” She studied him closely. “You can get me onboard?"

  "I'll have to think it through,” he said slowly.

  "Murukan,” she said impatiently. “Even if you aren't Ma ... my friend, I believe everyone should know their past. I want to help you find out who you are."

  He gazed at her speculatively for a moment. Holly felt her face flush with deeper warmth. She fingered the Forget-Me-Not anxiously, trying to fix it back around her neck. Resolve solidified in her chest. “We must find out who you really are."

  "Then let's go."

  She scooped up her smartcam and while she adjusted it, she activated her communicator and made a call. “I have to enlist someone to break into Janga's computer."


  "A really smart gal."

  * * * *

  After a quick introduction and explanation of her mission, Cindy Sherman readily agreed to assist her. She even wanted to come aboard with them but Holly insisted she stay in her shop and relay instructions to her. Cindy said she'd need some equipment, specifically a hacking device, and Holly said she and a friend would be right over to collect it.

  Murukan had donned his hooded cloak, which made him resemble a Lillonian priest, and they made their way to Cindy's computer shop.

  Cindy had been of great assistance in saving Robert, the abused robot, and shortly after she'd been viciously attacked in her shop. At the time Holly believed the attack had been the result of her assisting her investigation, but she later discovered that Cindy had stolen a xenite, a sentient dildo, from a BDSM parlor, so that she could copy its programming and circuitry. Holly hadn't reported the fact as she liked Cindy a lot and had made her promise never to do an illegal thing again. Until now.

  Keeping a wary eye on Holly's hooded companion, Cindy gave Holly a miniaturized hacking device. Holly stowed it in her bag, and after assuring her everything was okay, ushered Murukan out of the store.

  They made their way to the docks unhindered. At docking bay ninety-four they found the gate to Mischa's yacht unguarded. Murukan said they were probably with Mischa at the exhibition. If she was onboard there would be a very visible presence. He used his palm print to access the gate and they entered Mischa's deserted ship.

  This is far too easy.

  Even though there was not a soul on board, the overhead lights were powered up and the hull hummed with the converters. Holly asked Murukan about it.

  "She insists on the ship always being ready to depart in case we need to leave in a hurry."

  "I bet that has happened a few times."

  "Not while I've been with her."

  "Where are you taking us?"

  "To Janga's security center. It's just down here."

  They crept along the corridor, through several bulkheads and into a shadowy room lined with consoles which cast a lurid glow. Holly blinked her eyes to get accustomed to the dark.

  "Stop there!"

  Holly jumped in surprise, realizing she was alone. Murukan was gone. “Janga,�
�� Holly said, marshalling her fear. “I thought you were at the exhibition."

  "Sorry to disappoint you.” Janga had a pistol and she waved it impatiently. “Throw that camera over here."

  Reluctantly Holly did so. She winced as Janga crushed it underfoot. It was her favorite unit and had cost just shy of ten thousand credits. Vinnie would go spare at its loss. Luckily she had a second camera.

  "Empty your pockets."

  Holly complied, taking as much time as she could, dropping bits and pieces onto the floor. “That as well."

  Janga meant the Forget-Me-Not pendant. “No."

  "I'll shoot you."

  "I'm not giving it up."

  "First I'll blow off your left arm.” Janga raised the weapon threateningly.

  "I want it back."

  Janga rolled her eyes and laughed. “We'll see about that."

  Holly undid the pendant and hung it on the back of a chair. “Not good enough,” Janga said menacingly.

  Holly's eyes had adapted and she saw a shadow moving deeper in the room. It must be Murukan sneaking up on Janga. “It's not a camera or microphone,” she said loudly, to disguise any noise he might make.

  "Throw it here."

  Reluctantly Holly tossed it over, trying not to let her eyes follow Murukan's progress through the shadows. Janga's pistol was aimed squarely at Holly's breast and she hoped that Murukan wouldn't do anything too rash. He was directly behind Janga now.

  Janga let the pendant hit her chest and fall to the floor. Holly needed to distract her so that Murukan could have maximum room to act.

  "What's going on? Will you enlighten me?"

  "If you make a false move, I'll blow your arm off. How's that for enlightening?"

  "I hadn't guessed you had a sense of humor,” Holly said.

  "I don't. I mean it."

  "Sense of humor or not, there's no reason you can't tell me what I want to know."

  "What you want to know is irrelevant to me.” She raised the pistol to point at her face. Holly decided that the moment Murukan made his move she'd throw herself down to the left. With any luck he'd push Janga's gun hand upwards and she'd miss if she actually loosed a shot.

  Murukan was close behind Janga now and Holly held her breath, waiting for the moment.

  "Why did you bring her here?” Janga asked unexpectedly.

  "She could not be diverted,” Murukan whispered in Janga's waiting ear.

  "I told Mischa you would fail."

  Holly's jaw dropped. “Murukan?"

  "You've created a problem,” Janga said.

  "How so?"

  "I am to meet Mischa at the courtroom for the final act."

  "You can still go.” Murukan gave Holly a wink. “I'll watch her."

  Hope soared in Holly's breast. Murukan was playing a dangerous double game. Janga laughed. “I think not. You are too unreliable. When she had me pull you out of the wreckage I knew it was a mistake to keep you alive."

  "What wreckage?” Holly asked.

  Janga laughed. “Murukan, go to the courtroom. Tell Mischa I have this bitch tied up and that I'll supervise the resurrection from here."

  "As you wish."

  Anger flared in Holly's breast. She didn't know what Murukan was up to but it wasn't helping her. He was giving up far too easily. “Don't you want to know who you are?” Holly shouted at him.

  His expression hardened. “Janga, do you know?"

  She shook her head. “Look it up. Computer,” she said to the air. “Open my file on Murukan."

  Holly's heart thudded powerfully as she watched him go to the screen and flick through some pages of text. He paused.

  Janga laughed. “Satisfied?"

  He looked to Holly. She saw the conflict raging behind his eyes.

  He's trying to remember me...

  Surprisingly he said to Janga, “Don't harm her or I will kill you myself."

  Janga laughed contemptuously. “If you don't go to Mischa, she'll have us all killed. Remember, she saved you for a purpose but she does not tolerate failure."

  He seemed to be torn between staying and following Janga's orders. She knew the latter had won when his sad eyes gazed at her. “Wait here, Holly. There is something I must do. Janga will not harm you or she will answer to me."

  He left before she could ask what he had discovered about his identity. “Wait!"

  Janga's lips curled in an amused smile. “Computer, close file."

  "Is he Maxim?” Holly asked, though it pained her to have to ask this pernicious bitch.

  To Holly, Janga's laughter was like breaking glass. “You love him, yes?"

  "Does it give you such pleasure to torture me?"

  "He is attractive, I agree. When I first pulled him from the wreckage he was burned so badly, his flesh ... well, let's just say he no longer resembled his pictures. I must admit I kept a file on him even before I knew we would hit the Euripides. He's all patched up now. Mischa decided not to match his former self. Why not make a new man of him, she said. As you know, he has a nice cock. That was undamaged. Do you know that after he fucks Mischa, I suck his come out of her cunt? Then we three kiss, sharing his seed. You know his taste, do you not?"

  The bile had risen in Holly's throat. She couldn't speak, she could only glare at the laughing harridan.

  Holly took a deep breath. I have to focus.

  Murukan said he would return. But would he? If he was Maxim he would not have left her in the hands of this bitch. Unless there was something important he had to prevent, something big.

  Bigger than the two of us?

  Holly couldn't imagine what that could be.

  When he had read the file and then looked at her she saw his fight to remember. She saw he had tried but failed. She had to accept that he didn't remember their lives before the Euripides. That realization ripped at her heart.

  But that didn't mean they couldn't build a new life, but to have a future with him she had to get out of this mess.

  She needed time to think things through. Janga was grinning at her, a malicious gleam in her dark eyes.


  "What did you mean by the resurrection?"

  Janga rolled her eyes. “Enough questions. Turn around."

  "So you can shoot me in the back of the head? I'd rather make you look me in the eye."

  "So melodramatic. I am not going to kill you. You are still useful for the time being."

  "I wouldn't trust you to tell me the truth."

  "Suit yourself."

  Holly had time to note Janga's finger tightening on the trigger before she fell twitching to the floor. Janga had shot her with a stun gun, and while her body was afire with agonizing pins and needles she was vaguely aware of her hands being tied behind her back.

  "What's going to happen?” she asked when her body returned to normal.

  "Now you'll see a successful coup in action,” Janga said and turned to her communications console. “Saltz. Are you ready?"


  "I'll advise Mischa."


  "What's Saltz got to do with it?” she asked but guessed the answer before she'd finished speaking. The cadaveries, she realized, weren't works of grotesque art at all. Empty husks they might be, but with Saltz's collar they could become puppet soldiers.

  Holly had to hand it to Mischa. She had fooled everyone by playing her role as the glamorous fiend using one atrocity to hide an army.

  "I see you've worked it out at last,” Janga mocked.

  "If you want to hide something,” Holly muttered as she managed to get onto her knees and then stand. Her body was still wobbly after being stunned but she had her balance, and she preferred staring at Janga eye to eye. “Put it in plain sight."

  "An old trick, but still effective."

  "They are unarmed, though."

  "Not for long."

  Holly frantically searched for a way out and came up empty. She decided on appealing to Janga's humanity as a last resort. “Janga. I
nnocent people will die. You can prevent that. Help me stop Mischa."

  "Why would I do that?” Those eyes were cold and dark. No humanity there.

  "Have you always been such a bitch?"

  Janga smiled and glanced down at her feet where the Forget-Me-Not pendant lay. She raised a boot and ground it into the deck.

  A red curtain fell before Holly's eyes. She was aware that someone close by was screaming when she leaped toward Janga and knocked her against the bulkhead. Janga grunted in surprise and pain and went limp beneath her.

  Holly got up slowly, expecting a trick, but Janga was unconscious, a pool of blood forming around her head. Holly's assault had knocked her against something sharp on the console.

  Though still tightly bound Holly searched the console for a comm unit, and used her nose to punch in Silas Archimedes’ number.

  "Where are you, Holly? I have Earlobe and a couple of his friends with me at the apartment."

  "Listen, forget Earlobe ... no, no, don't forget Earlobe. Get to the exhibition. The artist, Saltz, is equipping the cadaveries with weapons. He's going to use the collar to animate them and create a small army."

  "Bastard! On my way."

  "Be careful, he's a psychopath."

  "In that case Earlobe can take care of him."

  She heard Earlobe in the background grunt his agreement.

  "Be quick, they are meant to be activated anytime. You'll find Roberta there. I asked her to examine a cadaverie and see if they were truly mindless."

  "How was she going to determine that?"

  "Never mind that."

  "Are you all right? Where are you?"

  "In Mischa's ship. You may want to come help once you fix Saltz."

  "Sit tight."

  Holly called Roberta and explained the situation.

  "These unfortunate humans have had their minds completely erased, Holly."

  "That's terrible, I know, but I need you to delay Saltz. Don't let him activate the collars!"

  "I understand."

  Holly killed the communicator, wondering if she had left anything undone. Until the coup had been put down there was nothing else she could do. She decided she had to track down Murukan, whatever his true identity, and get him away from Mischa.


  Holly had no time to react before Janga had her hands around her throat.

  "I'm going to cut out your tongue and eat it."


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