Joker's Wild

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Joker's Wild Page 7

by Ginny Sterling

  Another grunt sounded.

  … then a gag.

  It was the maniacal laughter and strange gagging that made her stop her attempts. Eyes wide, she stared forward into the darkness and tried to identify the shadows moving. The squish and faint pops made her wince as she realized it was the sound of flesh hitting flesh.

  She couldn’t keep quiet and couldn’t stay still.

  Struggling to her feet, she nearly fell as her sodden skirts kept her nearly pinned to the ground. Staggering, she got to her feet and headed forward, afraid that Joker was going to get hurt. As she stepped forward into the shadows, she saw one man was sitting on another man’s chest. A cloud moved over the moon, blocking the sight and dousing any remnant of light.

  Rosemary froze—waiting.

  As the clouds moved onwards, the moonlight illuminated the small glade enough that she could see several men were hogtied and lying face down in the mud, struggling and wiggling. Joker was sitting atop of Martin, shoving a muddy sock in the man’s mouth and giggling like a mad fool.

  “What are you doing?”

  “What does it look like I’m doing?”

  “Muzzling him?”

  “I’m stuffin’ the turkey, honey!” he laughed happily, winking at her. Rosemary felt herself smile as a warmth touched her heart. He was such a good man and anyone else could have killed these men where they slept, but not Joker. Instead, he found a way to rescue her without harming them and enjoying himself in the meantime.

  “Honey, can you hand me the twine?”

  “Sure,” she grinned, realizing the ridiculousness of their conversation. It was said as easily as ‘pass the salt’ and meant just about as much. She brought him the ball of twine that had gotten knocked to the side just out of reach, and as she got close, Martin began struggling in earnest. Glancing down, she saw that Joker was completely barefoot and his shirt was missing. Staring at the sight, she couldn’t help but ask the question.

  “What happened to your shirt—and your socks?” Rosemary asked, confused. “Where are your boots?”

  “My boots were ruined anyways,” Joker shrugged, rolling Espinoza over and making quick work of the man. He’d obviously hog-tied quite a few people during his lifetime.

  “And your socks?”

  “One’s shoved in his mouth,” Joker grinned up at her happily, pointing at Espinoza, and then pointed across the way to another guy.

  “… And another is in his mouth—or maybe it was that other guy over there? I don’t know, but he wasn’t happy about it either. I felt a smidgeon of guilt at my socks being so muddy and wet—but with this here fella…?”

  Joker stopped talking, shoving Espinoza’s head down brutally into a puddle. Rosemary winced at the splash and squish heard. Espinoza jerked his head back, and she saw it was covered in muddy water. The man struggled against his ropes and she knew if he ever freed himself, they would be dead. Joker got to his feet, putting one bare foot on Espinoza’s side and rolling him over before leaning down towards the man.

  “I felt absolutely no guilt at all with you, you hear me? You got the muddier sock and I hope I stepped in horse stuff first for taking my beautiful bride from me. You ever bother her again and I will kill you next time—are we clear? No one ever touches my wife.”


  Rosemary felt her heart sing at his words and knew she was blessed beyond belief to have found someone that treasured her. Her husband straightened up and looked at her sheepishly.

  “Sorry, empress. My temper got the better of me. Let’s get you out of these ropes,” he said tenderly, sliding a knife between her wrists and cutting through the bindings like it was nothing. As the rope fell away, she realized how close he was to her and she was aware of his bare chest. There was something so intimate, so special, at knowing that this man—this beautiful, playful, caring soul, was hers.

  “Are you okay?” he whispered, touching her cheek.

  “I am now,” she admitted, looking up at him and ignoring the chaos as the men struggled against their bindings and muffled curses flew around them. “How good are you at tying those knots?”

  “I’m really good—I promise,” he said with a grin.

  “Good. I wouldn’t want any of them to get free.”

  “Me neither,” he confirmed. “How about we leave them here and send the law after them from a safe distance?”

  “Can we find some warm clothes and maybe a bath?”

  “How about that hotel room you mentioned, my little empress?”

  “I like the way you think, husband,” she said huskily, reaching up to cup his face. “I am such a lucky girl to have found you.”

  “I was just thinking the same thing,” he teased, his voice thick with emotion as his eyes stared into hers. She felt such a yearning to wipe away any doubts or fears he might feel—as he did for her. She felt safe with him, felt cherished, protected, and loved.

  “I love you, Rosemary,” he began, “I hope you never regret being saddled with me.”

  “I love you,” she admitted softly, pulling him towards her. His lips crushed against hers gratefully and in a desperate attempt to verify her words. She met him kiss for kiss, holding his shoulders to keep her knees from buckling under her as they stood there in the darkness in an embrace.

  “You sure?” he asked, breathing heavily and smiling.

  “Actually,” she hesitated shyly, biting her lip as she remembered their earlier discussion regarding their marriage nuptials. She couldn’t wait to be a part of Joker’s life and wanted to wipe any doubts from between them. As she stared into his beautiful eyes and met his smile, she knew this man would make her heart sing and dance forever.

  “… Maybe our first time is under the stars, away from them all. Then we can always make doubly sure that we are up to dealing with each other for a lifetime in the privacy of a hotel room.”

  Joker whooped with joy, scooping her up happily in his arms. He trudged off barefoot in the mud, leaving the tied-up men behind without a second thought. Rosemary laughed at the boyish enthusiasm in his gait and he began to run, bouncing her in his arms. He leapt down a small hill as if it was nothing, jarring her teeth, and deposited her into the grass.

  “You sure about this, wife?”

  The blind adoration in his eyes as he knelt there beside her in the moonlight was humbling. He looked so enchanted, so disbelieving that this was real. He raised her hand to his lips and kissed each one of her fingertips like each touch was a treasure. There was no doubt in her mind that she’d won the jackpot in this crazy game of life—all because of one wild card that fell into her hands and her heart.

  “Don’t question your empress,” she whispered, hooking her finger in his belt loop, pulling her to him with a smile.

  “Yes, ma’am.”


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  About the Author

  Ginny Sterling is a Texas transplant living in Kentucky. She spends her free time (Ha!) writing, quilting, and spending time with her husband and two children. Ginny can be reached on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or via email at [email protected]

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