Every Wrong You Right: A Redeeming Love Novel (Book 6)

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Every Wrong You Right: A Redeeming Love Novel (Book 6) Page 4

by Parker, J. E.

  Challenge danced in his eyes. "You're wrong." His knuckle slid down my cheek again, sending my heart into a frenzy. "I don't give a shit how many walls you erect, I'm not backing down. You can fight me all you want, but the bottom line is that you're mine, Heidi. Mine and no one else's. You know it, I know it, and everyone in this town is about to know it. Besides, it's the least you can do considering you just broke my damn nose."

  I blinked, unsure of how to process the heap of crazy he'd just slung at me. Oh, honey, I signed, a faux look of concern plastered on my face. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you have lost your mind. As for breaking your nose, I'm sure you had it coming.

  Ignoring my smartass comment, he leaned closer. "Meant what I said."

  And I meant what I said. It will be a cold day in—

  My hands ceased moving when his calloused palms cupped my cheeks. "You're wrong about another thing too."

  I huffed out a breath. Yeah? And what's that?

  "It isn't a pair of hearing aids that I see when I look at you."

  My entire body stiffened. Part of me didn't want to hear the words he'd say next, but the other part—the stupid as hell part—craved them. Then what do you see?

  "I see my future."

  Without warning, he closed what remained of the space between us, and before I could blink, he took my mouth with his, stealing a kiss I'd never offered and silencing the rebuttal he knew was coming.

  It was the first time his lips had ever touched mine.

  I secretly hoped it wouldn't be the last.



  Carissa was waiting for me when I got home.

  Well, it was her home.

  I was only staying in the house her husband, Kyle had built for her while she was pregnant with my niece, Lily Ann temporarily.

  For the past few months I'd been searching for my own place, but I'd come up empty handed at every turn. Living in a small town meant there weren't many decent apartment complexes, and the ones that did exist were full.

  It was a complete pain in my behind.

  I loved my sister, Lord knows I did, but now that she had a family of her own—including a three-month-old baby—we both needed our own space.

  We'd spent time apart before, mainly when she and Kyle first moved in together and I ended up living with my best friend Ashley and her family for a stretch, but ever since I was born, Carissa and I had been stuck together like glue.

  Attached at the hip, she and I shared a bond greater than most siblings. It was hard, and it made my chest ache to think about not staying with her any longer, but I had to move on.

  Even if I didn't want to.

  Taking a breath to calm my frazzled nerves, I popped open my door, fully prepared to accept the wrath that was likely headed my way. It was obvious Chris had already called her and tattled on me.

  There was no other reason she'd be up at midnight, standing on her front porch in nothing but a nightgown with her arms crossed over her chest.

  After looking me up and down one good time, she clenched her hands, bounded down the steps and stormed toward me, her bare feet slapping against the concrete sidewalk.

  If the situation hadn't been so serious, I would've laughed.

  Carissa didn't have a mean bone in her body, so watching her fist her hands was downright giggle-inducing. She'd never said a curse word, much less thrown a punch.

  Tonight may be the first, I thought as she closed the space between us, her gorgeous face streaked with anger.

  Coming to a stop in front of me, she cupped my cheeks and glared at my way.

  Suppressing a smile, I pointed at my ears.

  Understanding what I was trying to convey, she released my cheeks and stepped back, giving me room to read her hands as they moved, rapid-fire, one sign after the other. You left without an escort?

  I nodded, half annoyed that she was signing instead of speaking. Though it was dark out, the porch light provided enough illumination for me to read her lips, along with her facial expressions.

  Her blue eyes, ones identical to my own, filled with disapproval. Why?

  "Simple. I'm exhausted, my feet hurt, and I feel like I may pass out at any moment. If I didn't get out of there, I was liable to conk out in the hall," I answered, using my voice. "And just to be clear, I did call for an escort. But Chris, butthead that he is, put me on the back burner and I was tired of waiting."

  She blew out a frustrated breath. Do you know what could've happened to you?


  Shaking her head, she demanded my silence. Do you not remember what happened to Maddie?

  My eyes slid closed as painful memories, ones which I tried to keep at bay, rushed forward.

  Maddie Cole worked at the shelter with Carissa and me, but she was more than a co-worker. As our former childhood babysitter, we'd known her our entire lives.

  She was like an older sister to both of us.

  A few years back, she'd been attacked in the shelter's parking lot by a resident's estranged husband. As long as I lived, I'd never rid my mind of the images that had been burned into my brain that day.

  Maddie bleeding.

  Maddie broken.

  Maddie barely breathing.

  How could I have been such an idiot?

  If something like what happened to Maddie happened to me, it would kill my daddy and sister. After losing Mama to cancer years before, neither could handle more loss, Daddy especially.

  Lord I miss him, I thought.

  As an over-the-road truck driver, he was never home. I’d lost track of how many weeks had passed since I last saw him, and I was about to go crazy needing one of his classic bear hugs. If he found out how reckless I'd acted, he'd having a dying duck fit.

  "It was stupid," I admitted, feeling irresponsible as could be. "I'm sorry, C. I won't do it again. Promise."

  A tear slipped down her cheek as she signed back a reply. You better not. Else I'll sic the Crazy Old Biddy on you.

  That got a laugh out of me.

  The Crazy Old Biddy she was referring to was Doris Davis or Grandmama as most called her. Technically she was Maddie's crazy as hell grandmother, but she'd adopted half the town, including everyone that worked at the shelter. As far as she was concerned, we were all her grandbabies, blood relation or not.

  She lived up the street from Kyle and Carissa, along with half of the people that worked at the shelter, all of whom owned homes scattered up and down the entire block.

  Known for carrying around an old-fashioned metal fly swatter, a .38 revolver, and a mason jar full of the best white lightning in her purse, Grandmama was one of the most feared people in the whole county.

  I thought it was hilarious.

  "Fine," I said. "You can sic the Crazy Old Biddy on me if I do something that stupid again." Smiling from ear-to-ear, I latched onto the opportunity to send Carissa into a tizzy. "But you should know, I wasn't alone outside."

  Her eyes bulged. What do you mean? Panicked, her hands moved faster and faster. Did someone hurt you?

  I shook my head. "No, but someone was waiting for me."


  I raked my tongue across my bottom lip, ignoring the way my adrenaline surged when I thought of Ty. With the taste of his kiss still on my lips, my mind felt like it was in a fog.

  The man was dangerous to my sanity.

  Carissa smacked my arm. Who?

  I blinked, my heart racing. "Ty." I secretly loved the way his name rolled off my tongue. "He was there, waiting."

  Her eyes narrowed. What did he want?

  "Me.” My voice shook the slightest bit.

  Too bad, she signed back. He can't have you.

  Still smiling, I rolled my eyes. "Don't you think that's for me to decide?"

  She quirked a brow. Do you want him?

  What a loaded question.

  Did I want Ty? My heart sure did.

  Did I need to get involved with him? Nope.

  "Doesn't matter.
I can't have him."

  I was shocked to see a frown appear on her face, especially considering she'd never been a fan of his. My sister was a good person, better than good, but when it came to me, her overprotectiveness skewed her worldview at times.

  Right or wrong, she'd put Ty on her 'Must Keep Away From Heidi' list the moment she found out from Kyle, who was Ty's best friend, that he wanted me.

  I didn't like it.

  But I understood it.

  All my life she'd watched me be bullied for my differences. When we were younger, she'd spent night after night in bed beside me, holding me close as I cried myself to sleep because of the things that had been said and done to me.

  Seeing my pain left her jaded.

  Understandably so.

  Her gaze searched my face as she tried her best to read my thoughts. Why can't you have him? she signed, her hands moving slower than before. I know he likes you.

  I stared at her, unsure if she was joking. "You can't be serious. You hate, Ty."

  I do not. She huffed, blowing a strand of golden-blonde hair from her face.

  Disbelief washed through me. "You just said that he can't have me."

  Doesn't mean I hate him. I'm just wary of him.

  My brain was all sorts of confused thanks to the lust-induced fog Ty left me in. "Why?"

  Because he's—

  She dropped her hands.

  "A bully?" I finished for her.

  A quick nod was her only response.

  "I'm not worried about him bullying me. I'm not a kid anymore."

  If it's not the bullying, she signed, clearly confused. Then what are you worried about?

  Before I could silence the admission dancing on the tip of my tongue, the words slipped past my lips. "I'm worried that he'll break my heart."

  Every word was the truth.

  Carissa dropped her hands and frowned as she searched for the right words to say.

  Unfortunately, there were none.

  It didn't matter how much I wanted Ty, I couldn't have him the way my soul desired. Going down that road with him would likely only end one way—with me more broken than I already was.

  It was a risk I couldn't take.

  Exhaling through parted lips, I forced a smile, refusing to think about the things I couldn't have a second longer.

  "Is Lily Ann in her nursery? If so, can I sneak in there for a minute? I could really use a goodnight kiss, and I swear I won't wake her." I raised my hand. "Scouts honor."

  Carissa smirked, then signed, Nope. She's in my bed, asleep on Kyle's chest.

  I scowled, beyond irritated that I wouldn't get to snuggle my little Tinkerbell before bed. "Of course she's asleep on his chest." I shook my head. "The man is such a baby hog."

  Laughter bubbled up from Carissa's throat as she gently smacked my arm and pointed toward the house. Go inside and get some rest.

  I nodded, then walked toward the house and climbed the porch steps, pouting the entire way. Moving as quietly as I could, I scooted through the front door, up the stairs, and down the hall.

  When I made it to the master bedroom, I stopped and peeked inside.

  My heart melted, and my irritation vanished the second I saw Lily Ann with Kyle. Baby hog or not, he was such a good daddy. I couldn’t have asked for a better husband for my sister or a better father for my niece.

  At least one of us snagged her prince charming…

  Feeling Carissa’s presence behind me, I glanced over my shoulder. "She has him wrapped around her little finger," I attempted to whisper. "Like, totally and completely wrapped around it."

  Her only response was a smile that warmed my insides.

  Not wanting to keep her awake any longer, I turned and twined my arms around her back, squeezing her tight, before kissing her cheek. "I'm going to bed,” I said, dropping my arms and taking a step back. “I'll see you tomorrow when you get home from work." Eyes still locked on her husband and sleeping infant, she only nodded. "Love you, sissy."

  That got her attention.

  I love you too, Bug, she signed before pointing to my room down the hall. Now get to bed.

  Doing as she said, I headed to my room and slipped inside, shutting the door behind me. Quickly stripping out of my clothes, I grabbed my sleep shirt off the dresser and collapsed on the mattress.

  Within minutes, I was fast asleep.



  The next morning, I woke to the sun on my face.

  Still exhausted from the day before, I rolled out of bed and stumbled my way down the stairs without bothering to shower or insert my hearing aids.

  I had no idea what time it was, but the house was quiet as I moved into the kitchen and made a beeline for the half-filled coffeepot that sat on the counter next to a plate of uneaten eggs and toast.

  I'd just wrapped my fingers around the pot's handle when the hair on the back of my neck stood on end, and alarm bells began to ring in my head.

  An eerie feeling, one similar to the night before, snaked its way through me, and I suddenly realized that I wasn't alone. With Kyle and Carissa both at work, the house should've been devoid of another living soul.

  It wasn't.

  Scared out of my mind, I whipped around, sloshing coffee all over the countertop and floor. Heart beating wildly, the terror that gripped me made it impossible to draw a lone breath. A thousand scenarios, all of which were centered on survival raced through my head.

  The terror consuming me vanished the moment my eyes landed on the person seated at the breakfast nook, his pretty blue irises locked on me.

  A slow smile spread across his face, and I almost threw a hissy fit the size of Texas in response.

  I should have frickin' known!

  Slamming the pot down onto the counter with more force than necessary, I stormed forward, the oversized t-shirt I wore as a nightgown twirling around my thighs with each step.

  "Damn you, Ty," I fussed aloud, completely uncaring that I was speaking instead of signing. "You scared the hell out of me... again."

  My right hand twitched with the urge to smack him.

  I raised my chin, ignoring the purple bruises circling the bottom of his eyes. Bruises which I had caused. "How did you get in here?"

  He said nothing as he leaned forward and trailed his eyes over my face, neck, and down the length of my torso. They flared the slightest bit upon reaching the bare expanse of my thighs peeking out from beneath my shirt.

  Trying my best not to fidget beneath his unwavering gaze, I crossed my arms over my chest and dug my fingernails into my skin. The bite of pain was supposed to extinguish the fiery need working its way through me.

  It didn't.

  Reaching forward, he grasped the hem of my shirt between two fingers and tugged the fabric, pulling me forward. I took a step back before digging my heels in, refusing to budge more.

  Don't give him an inch…

  If you do, he'll take a country mile.

  He looked up and pointed at his lips.

  "Talk," I demanded aloud, knowing he'd throw a tantrum if I switched to signing instead of speaking. "I'm ready."

  I wasn't ready.

  It was too early to deal with whatever mess he was about to pull.

  "My beautiful Angel." I sucked in a breath. Though I couldn't decipher the words he spoke without my hearing aids, I still loved listening to him.

  Deeper than most, the sound of his low timbre made my belly flip, even when his words sounded like a jumbled mess to my ears. "Is that any way to say good morning?"

  I scowled, crossing my arms over my chest. "You're lucky I didn't throw the pot at you. You scared the crap outta me!"

  "Yeah"—he raked his tongue across his bottom lip—"you mentioned that."

  He was such a smartass.

  I blew out a frustrated breath. "Seriously, how did you get in here?" I asked. "Kyle and Carissa are both at work, and I know you don't have a key, so what did you do, sneak in through the gosh dang window?"

  He shook his head. "Dottie let me in."

  My mouth fell open.

  Ms. Dottie was Kyle's mother. She lived in the apartment above the garage and rarely ventured into the main house when my sister or Kyle wasn't home. "She came down from the garage and let you in?"

  "No, she..."

  Caught up in watching his lips move without reading them, I didn't see his finished reply. But I sure felt his fingers when they pinched my chin, demanding my attention.

  I blinked to clear my head. "What?"

  "You didn't read a word I just said, did you?"


  "Heidi," he said, interrupting me. "You were staring at me like you wanted something."

  I did want something.


  "Tell me, baby, what do you want? My lips or something else?"

  I jerked free of his hold, scoffed, and took three steps back. "You're so full of yourself."

  He stood, his height towering over mine, and moved in my direction, eating up the space I'd gained by retreating.

  I swallowed, my heart pounding faster than before. Eyes locked on his lips, I kept moving back until my butt met the edge of the granite countertop, stopping me from going any further.

  Knowing I was caught, he grinned, his eyes twinkling. "Got you now," he mouthed slowly as he stripped away my personal space and pressed his body against mine.

  Hands resting on each side of me, he leaned closer, but not too close. I could still see his lips and read each of his expressions as they flitted across his battered but handsome face.

  Even bruised he’s still gorgeous.

  His breath ghosted over my face, reminding me of the way his lips had tasted against mine. Powerless to control my reaction to him, my chest rose and fell as my heart slammed against my ribcage, sending my mind into a tizzy.

  The surrounding air grew thick. "I need you to back up."

  He tilted his head to the side, a knowing look on his face. "You sure that's what you need? Because I don't think that's it at all."

  My head spun.

  Swear to God, I was close to passing out.

  When I didn't answer him right away, he trailed a finger down my cheek before tracing it along my jaw. My lips parted and hard as I fought against it, my eyes slid closed. Feeling unsteady on my feet, I wrapped my hands around the back of his arms, reveling in the feel of his triceps twitching beneath my touch.


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