Every Wrong You Right: A Redeeming Love Novel (Book 6)

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Every Wrong You Right: A Redeeming Love Novel (Book 6) Page 15

by Parker, J. E.

  The screams of pleasure that tore from her chest snaked beneath my skin and seeped into my bones, breaking me apart but gluing me back together all at the same time. “Fuck, Heidi!”

  Her nails sliced into my arms, but I didn’t give a damn.

  I needed her to brand me, to carve herself into my flesh.

  Every time someone looked at me, I wanted them to take notice of every mark she’d given me while my cock was buried deep inside her, giving her pleasure that she’d only ever experience from me.

  Only me.

  Pulling my hand from her tit, I traced the soft curve of her belly and the dip of her waist. I ghosted my fingertips across her ribcage, up one side, and down the other as I fucked her, rutting into her ripe little body like the beast I felt I was.

  When my hand found the base of her throat, she sucked in a breath that filled her lungs in one shot.

  “Oh God… Ty!” Her walls fluttered then clamped down as she screamed my name.

  My goddamn name.

  The sound was more dazing than a one-two punch to the face. “Baby, I’m—” Her words died on her tongue as another scream, this one louder than the last, ripped past her lips and echoed off the walls, drowning out the thunder.

  “Shit,” I hissed, feeling the base of my spine begin to tingle. Wanting—no, needing—to see and feel her explode around me, I applied more pressure to her clit, circling her sweet nub faster as I ground into her, forcing her to take everything I had to give.

  “Baby, I’m about to come.” I gritted my teeth, mentally preparing myself for the torture I’d feel upon having to rip my cock from her body. “I need to pull—”

  I lost focus when she shook her head and slid her calves from my shoulders.

  Before I could ask her what the hell she was doing, she twined her legs around my hips like vines and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer.

  Chest to chest, face to face, she looked into my eyes. “Don’t,” she moaned, meeting my thrusts, “pull out.”

  My balls drew tight. “I’m not wrapped.” I flexed my stomach, trying my damnedest to hold off. We hadn’t talked about it, but I doubted Heidi was on birth control. “If I come inside you”—I groaned, my body jerking from the effort to stave off the impending orgasm—“I may knock you the fuck up.”

  Her lips parted; her eyes grew glassy. “Ty…”

  My biceps flexed as I bucked into her, pushing her toward the headboard. “Heidi, dammit—”

  “Come in me!”

  I didn’t need to be told twice.

  Slamming inside her one final time, I planted my cock deep and let go. My come jetted out of me in hot spurts, filling her unprotected pussy to the brim with my seed.

  It may sound twisted, but deep down, I prayed like hell that it would take root.

  I’d done a lot of bad shit in my life, and I’d made way more than my fair share of mistakes, but giving my Angel my child wouldn’t be one.

  My woman…

  My baby.

  Out of breath and in a fog, I buried my face in the side of her neck, lazily tasting her salty skin. “Tell me that you realize what you just gave me,” I said, kissing the sensitive juncture of her throat and shoulder before looking up at her. When she didn’t reply right away, I grasped one of her hips, giving it a slight squeeze. “I want your voice, Heidi. Give it to me, baby.”

  She palmed my cheeks. “I know what I just gave you.”

  Lifting myself onto my elbows, I stared at her, pure adoration etched on my smiling face. “Say it,” I demanded, needing to hear the words.

  A tear slid down her cheek. “I just gave you forever.”


  It was the sweetest word I’d ever heard.



  I woke to the feel of soft lips on my throat.

  Bleary-eyed and still half-asleep, I turned in Ty’s hold, breaking the connection between his kiss and my flesh.

  I smiled when he tightened the arm that was draped over my side and pulled me closer. “Good morning to you too,” I mumbled, still cloaked in the bliss he’d blanketed me in the night before.

  Ty said something in return, but without my hearing aids I couldn’t make out the words he’d spoken. Since I wasn’t looking at his face, reading his lips wasn’t an option either.

  It didn’t matter though.

  Having him next to me, his hard body wrapped protectively around my soft one, said everything I needed to hear after the choices I’d made and the things we’d done.

  I’d given him my heart.

  Had let him touch me as no man had before.

  Without protection, I might add.

  At one time, I would have thought the choices I’d made to be irresponsible, reckless even. But laying there, my unclothed body pressed against his nude one, I felt neither of those things.

  Instead, I felt…


  Ty softly pinched my chin between two fingers and tilted my head back, lifting my face to meet his. “You okay?” he mouthed slowly.

  I nodded. “I’m okay.”

  “You sure? I don’t want you to have any regrets about last night, especially after what we shared. If you do, I need you to tell me so I can fix—”

  “There’s nothing to fix,” I interrupted, ending his spiel before he worked himself into a tizzy. “I don’t regret anything I said, nor do I regret anything we did.” Relief swarmed his features. “Do you?”

  His eyes narrowed. “What do you think?”

  I didn’t think he did.

  But part of me was still paranoid.

  It was stupid considering he’d spent the past year chasing after me, and I’d been the one pushing him away. Now though, the shoe was on the other foot, and I was terrified that he’d erect a wall or two to keep me out.

  Oh how the tables have turned…

  My belly churned as I slipped free of his hold and climbed to my knees on the mattress beside him. The insecurities I’d fought so hard to conquer slithered beneath my skin. “I don’t know. Maybe?”

  He sat up and slid a single hand into my hair. My eyes remained locked on his mouth, ready to read the words he’d speak next. “Why would I regret the best night of my life?”

  Less than a dozen words was all it took for him to extinguish the self-doubt that nipped at my nerves, eroding the self-confidence I’d spent the last decade building. “You wouldn’t.”

  Releasing my hair, he grasped my hips. “You’re damn right I wouldn’t.”

  A bark of laughter escaped me as he lifted me into the air and then placed me on top of him. My thighs straddled his hips, lining his morning wood up with my swollen and aching center.

  I hissed at the contact.

  Ty looped his strong arms around my lower back, concern etched on his handsome face. “You alright?”

  “Yeah,” I lied, biting back a grimace. “Just a little sore.”

  Anguish flashed in his pretty blues. “Sorry, Angel. I should’ve been easier with you. I—”

  I pressed my index finger to his lips, silencing him. “I’m okay. Promise.”

  His eyes searched mine before he jerked his chin down once, seemingly choosing to believe the fib I’d told.

  Thank you sweet baby Jesus.

  A shiver shot down my spine when he reached up and traced the shell of my ear with a lone finger. “What’s it like?”

  I already knew what he was referring to without having to ask. It was a question I’d heard a million times, and one I usually hated answering, but with him, it was different.

  He didn’t see me as the deaf girl.

  Instead, he saw me as his Angel.

  “Well,” I said, leaning into his touch. “It’s a whole lot like being deaf.”

  His fingers stilled.

  Then, his eyes narrowed.

  “Keep it up,” he said, reaching around to cup a handful of my behind, “and you’ll be wearing my handprint on your beautiful ass for the rest of the day.�

  I quirked a brow. “Did you just threaten to spank me?”

  Amusement danced in his eyes, yet he said nothing.

  “Speaking as someone who got their butt popped more than once growing up, I’ll take a hard pass on that one.”

  He smirked and leaned closer but not too close. I could still see his lips as he spoke, letting each word roll off his talented tongue with ease. “There’s a big difference between what your daddy did to you as a disobedient child, and what I intend to do to you as a full-grown woman.”

  His hand once again found its way into my hair. He tugged the slightest bit, and my heart began to beat double-time. “When I do it”—he paused, raking his tongue over his bottom lip—“you’ll like it.”

  A boulder formed in my throat.

  I forced myself to swallow around it.

  “You’re crazy,” I said with a roll of my eyes, ignoring the liquid heat that pooled between my legs. “Like, certifiably insane.”

  Feeling my cheeks heat in a mixture of embarrassment and desire, I wrapped my fingers around his wrist and pulled his fingers from my locks.

  We need a subject change...

  Like ASAP.

  “It’s like being underwater.” Pointing at one ear, and then the other, I took a deep breath. “My hearing.”

  He silently waited for me to continue.

  “I can hear things like rumbles of thunder or the mechanical sound of a vacuum cleaner just fine on my own. But things like people talking, especially in a crowd is impossible to make sense of without my hearing aids, and even then it’s hit or miss. Like, the other day at the Hut when you and Weston got into a pissing contest for example…”

  “Motherfucker is lucky I didn’t kill him.”

  Ignoring the scowl on his face, along with the words he spoke, I continued. “Once Ashley and I sat down, and she was no longer directly beside me, I couldn’t hear her. Even with my hearing aids in, understanding what she said over the background noise wasn’t doable.”

  A thoughtful expression crossed his face. “You heard Mackenzie just fine last night, even when she wasn’t next to you. How? I know you weren’t reading her lips because she wouldn’t look straight at you.”

  “The street was quiet.” Shifting my weight from one knee to the next, I looped my arms around his shoulders. “A lot of the newer hearing aids have features that help filter secondary sounds, but they cost more than I can afford since insurance doesn’t cover them.”

  Ty tensed and glanced at the nightstand where my hearing aids sat. “Insurance doesn’t pay for your goddamn hearing aids?”

  I shook my head. “No. Mine through the shelter doesn’t, and the plan Daddy had when I was a kid didn’t either. He had to work a lot of overtime to afford the ones I have now, and they aren’t the best.”

  “How do you get new ones?”

  My brows furrowed. “I have to set an appointment with my Audiologist. Why?”

  “What’s his name?”

  “Dr. Jenkins.”

  “Where’s his office?”

  “At Toluca ENT over on Seventh Street.”

  Before I realized what was happening, Ty lifted me off him and deposited me back on the mattress. Jumping off the bed, he grabbed his phone from the nightstand and began to furiously tap on the screen, his face harder than stone.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, confused.

  His fingers stopped moving, and he looked up from his phone, giving me a clear view of his mouth. “You said Daryl bought your last pair of hearing aids, right?”

  I nodded. “He did, and he worked hard to pay for them too.”

  “I’m sure he did, baby,” he said, his face softening, “but how long ago was that?”

  “Seven or eight years?”

  “How long are they supposed to last?”

  Embarrassment stained my cheeks. “Three to five.”

  His jaw ticked. “I can’t do shit today since it’s Sunday, but come tomorrow I’ll be making you an appointment to get new ones,” he stated matter-of-factly, his free hand fisted at his side. “Good ones. I don’t care how much they cost.”

  “You can’t—”

  “The fuck I can’t. You are mine, Heidi, and I’m damn well going to take care of you. Your food, your clothes, the roof over your head, the bed you sleep in each night, and anything else that has to do with your overall wellbeing is my responsibility.” He lifted his hand and tapped his chest once, emphasizing his words. “Mine.”

  Well hello, Mr. Caveman…

  Shaking my head, I slid off the bed and stood before him. “Listen to me, Casanova,” I said, trying to keep my voice quiet but stern. “I appreciate you wanting to take care of me, but I’m not helpless. I may have the sense of humor of a twelve-year-old boy”—I smiled—“but in case you haven’t noticed, I’m a full-grown woman who is more than capable of handling herself.”


  “Don’t you start,” I fussed. “I know it may seem like I’m the dependent sort since I live with my sister, and she feeds me ninety percent of the time, but I am not. I’ve been looking for an apartment and once I find one I—”

  “An apartment?”

  I snapped my mouth shut.

  “You’re looking for an apartment?” he asked, his shoulders going rigid with tension. “To live in… by yourself.”

  “Uh, yeah. That’s kinda the point of looking for an apartment, isn’t it? So I can get out of my sister’s house and live alone?”

  Silence stretched between us.

  Then, “Over my dead fucking body,” he growled, his lips moving just enough for me to read. “What you just said—that isn’t happening.”

  My eyes narrowed. “Excuse me?”

  “You’re not living alone. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not damn ever,” he declared as if his high-handed word was law.

  It was obvious he’d lost his mind.

  “I’m moving out of Kyle and Carissa’s house,” I shot back, tossing him an icy glare. “It’s time.”

  He opened his mouth, no doubt to throw a staunch rebuttal my way, but he snapped it shut before muttering a single word. When a devious smile spread across his handsome face, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.

  He’s up to something…

  “You’re right, Angel,” he agreed amiably, making the alarm bells in my head ring. “It is time for you to move out of your sister’s house, but you sure as hell won’t be living alone.”

  Pulling his eyes from mine, he started to tap on his phone again.

  “What are you doing?” I was more irritated than a grizzly bear who’d been woken from hibernation a month too soon.

  He looked back up and lifted the phone to his ear. “You’ll see.” A second later, he started talking to the person on the other end of the phone. “Yo, Tuck, you got a minute?”

  I sucked in a breath. I had no idea why he was calling my brother-in-law, but I didn’t like the arrogance that twinkled in his eyes.

  “Yeah, it’s about her,” he said to Kyle, smirking. “She’s fine, but I need to know how long it’ll take for you to pack all her shit up.”

  My mouth fell open.

  “Excuse me?” I hollered, eyes bulging. “Pack my shit up? What in the name of—”

  “You wanted to move out of your sister’s house and into an apartment,” he said, covering the phone with his hand and cutting me off. “This is me making that wish come true.”

  The meaning of his words hit me.

  He wanted me to live with him.

  In his apartment.

  That could not happen.

  As intriguing as the idea may have sounded in my head—I’m going crazy!—I wasn’t ready for such a big step. Not to mention, Daddy would kill us both the moment he got back in town and off the road.

  Lord knows I’d had to talk him out of murdering Kyle with his bare hands when Carissa first moved into his old apartment. Me shacking up with Ty, a man he didn’t approve of the least little bit
, would likely send him over the edge.

  “Sounds good,” Ty continued. “Bring it to the station with you later and I’ll load it in my truck.” He laughed at something Kyle said. Then, “Nah, her car is still parked at the shelter since she rode with me last night. She can drive back here once her shift is over.” More laughter. “Yeah, man, later.”

  He ended the call a second later.

  I immediately flew into fight mode.

  Hands on my hips, I pegged him with the fiercest look I could muster. “I don’t know whether I should smack you upside your egotistical head or kick you right in the damn knee.” He smiled and it only served to further infuriate me. “Where in the absolute hell do you get off making decisions about my life without speaking to me first?”

  “You wanted an apartment,” he said, tossing the phone onto the bed behind me. “Congratulations, you have one. And the best part? The rent is free, orgasms are given on demand, and bonus, you’ll never have to sleep alone again.”

  My gaze involuntary dropped to his dick.

  He chuckled, and I jerked my head back up. “Don’t you try to bribe me with your giant schlong,” I snapped.

  Snaking an arm around me, he pulled me into him, erasing the space between us. When his skin touched mine, I fought back the urge to sigh at the rightness of it. “I’m not trying to manipulate you with my cock,” he said, splaying his fingers across my lower back. “But I’m damn sure trying to bait you with something else.”

  A smidgen of the anger and irritation consuming me suddenly bled away. Curiosity slid effortlessly into its place. “Yeah? And what’s that?”

  “My heart.” His two-word answer hit me straight in the chest. “Last night you gave me yours, which I’ve been fighting to steal from you for the past year. Now I’m asking you to accept mine in return.”


  “I know you’re not in love with me.” His words were filled with pain, making me feel so much worse. “And it fucking kills me that you aren’t, but I know I can make you fall. All I need is time.”

  “That doesn’t mean you have to move me in here,” I said, trying to be rational. “Even if I live somewhere else, we can still date. We don’t have to jump—”


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