Call On Me

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Call On Me Page 2

by Angela Verdenius

  Yeah yeah yeah. She rolled her eyes.

  “Don’t roll your eyes at me, missy.”

  “You can’t see me.”

  “I know what you’re doing. You’ve been doing it since the first time I picked you up after that loser, Paul, left you beside the creek.”

  “I was in high school!”

  “And things haven’t changed.” His gaze raked over her before returning to the road. “Not even the eye rolling.”

  That was true. Ever since Ali could remember, Ghost had been there for her. One phone call and he’d pick her up after yet another disastrous date. One sniffle and he was by her side ready to defend her honour. He’d been a good friend and as such, he said things to her that she’d never allow anyone else to say.

  “So why didn’t you call me?” he asked.

  “I left the mobile at home.” Ali winced a little.

  Sure enough…

  “Damn it, Ali, did you leave your brains home tonight as well?” He demanded angrily.

  “It wouldn’t fit in my purse.” She glared out of the windshield. “And I mean my mobile, in case you’re going to be smart.”

  “You know you should never go out without your mobile.”

  “Are you finished telling me off?”

  “Not by a long shot.”

  “Then you can just drop me off right now, because I’m not in the mood.”

  She felt his gaze on her even though she refused to look at him. Silence filled the cab but he didn’t slow down, not that she expected him to. No matter how angry he was, Ghost would never leave a woman standing on the side of the road,

  As the silence lengthened, shame crept through Ali. Another common feeling when it came to these kinds of meetings.

  Finally, she said, “I’m sorry, Ty.”


  There was no way Ghost could remain angry with Ali, not when she called him by his real name, Ty. When she called him Ty, it meant she was really sorry. She might not realise it herself, but years of being her best friend had made it pretty obvious to him.

  Shit. He could never remain angry with her when she was really sorry. His grip eased on the steering wheel and he mentally shook his head. Alissa Mackay was going to be the death of him one day.

  He might not be able to clearly see her face in the cabin but he could hear the subduedness in her tone. Every smart answer was gone, every eye roll, everything that was guaranteed to annoy and amuse him, depending on the situation, which was currently at the annoying stage.

  Sometimes Ali Mackay was a danger to herself. Ghost rolled his own eyes. Always had been, always would be. God knew being her friend was a mixture of good and bad.

  “So,” he said quietly, “want me to find this date of yours and beat him up?”

  “Ex-date. And no, otherwise I’d have to bail you out of gaol again.”

  “I was in high school that time and it was detention.”

  “Same difference.” There was a hint of humour in her voice.

  Glad to hear the fading of sadness, he replied in mock sternness, “You dated a jerk and I dumped him in the school swimming pool, all for your honour if you remember correctly.”

  “Right in the middle of the school swimming carnival.” Ali laughed. “Disrupted the year ten swimming contest in front of everyone, including the parents.”

  “The things I do for you.” He shook his head, smiling.

  Ali slipped her high heels off and massaged her feet. He just bet she had on red nail polish. “My hero.”

  “Maybe you should take some joggers on your next date.” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her angle her head to frown at him. “Along with your mobile.”

  “Very funny.”

  “Or here’s an idea, honey. You could go in your car and then you could dump his arse on the side of the road.”

  “Ha ha.”

  Reaching across, he ruffled her hair. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  She batted his hand away. “I’m fine. I’m always fine.”

  It was on the tip of his tongue to retort a little sharply, but when she reached back to tug on his ponytail and say, “My hero,” again, the retort faded. “Don’t push it.”

  She laughed.

  They drove the remainder of the way into town in companionable silence. Rather than turning onto the road that led to home, Ghost instead swung into the parking lot of the late night café.

  Ali peered out the windshield at the café then back at him with raised eyebrows. “Hungry?”

  “Always. Come on, Ali, get your arse in gear. Let’s get a cuppa before I drop you off home.”


  While she slipped her shoes on, he walked around to her door and held it open for her, shutting and locking it behind her when she jumped out. As she passed him, the flowery scent she wore drifted through his senses.

  Following her inside the café, Ghost glanced around to check out who else was inside. It was quiet at this time of the night, only a few shift workers and a young teenage couple on a date sat in the booths.

  Hand at Ali’s back, he steered her over to a booth, dropping into the seat opposite her. Picking up one of the menus, he studied it briefly before laying it back down on the table.

  Ali was still studying her menu, chewing on the corner of her lush bottom lip as she did so. The red lipstick she wore made her small, even teeth appear even whiter.

  Honest to God, he had no idea why Ali ended up dating such losers. She could have her pick of any decent man. His gaze wandered over her face, a face as familiar to him as his own. Only she was a hell of a lot prettier. Oval face, high cheekbones, long eyelashes, lush lips, and the greenest eyes he’d ever seen. Dark green, the colour made all the more startling when combined with the red/brown hair tumbling around her shoulders.

  His gaze slid lower. She wore a low cut blue dress, the bodice cupping her ample breasts almost lovingly. He could just about imagine a man’s hands cupping those breasts, and the fact that some loser had probably tried to cop a feel didn’t sit well. The table hid the rest of her from sight. No matter, he knew just what she looked like - indented waist, generously curving hips, an ample bottom that begged to be stroked, and legs that while plump seemed to go on forever. For a large woman, Ali had long legs.

  He thought she was just perfect, she had a body a man could hold onto, a waist to grip, breasts to cup, and a derriere that jiggled a little when she walked.

  Unfortunately, he knew Ali didn’t think she had a perfect figure, in fact, she was on a diet every second week. However, her will power wasn’t as good as her smart tongue and she usually only lasted a few days.

  Personally, he thought she was a nut for worrying so much about her figure. She was perfect just the way she was and one day some lucky decent man would pluck her up and marry her, that is, if she stopped dating losers long enough to give a decent man a chance. Not likely to happen anytime soon, so he’d keep an eye on her until then, just as he’d done all these years.

  Ali was almost a full time job. He grinned.

  She glanced up from her menu. “What’s so funny?”


  The menu she held snapped closed. “Are you laughing at me, Ghost?”

  “Honey, when have I ever laughed at you?”

  “How long do you have?”

  “Aw, it’s not that bad.”

  One delicately arched brow lifted.

  “Maybe a little,” he admitted.

  “So glad I can entertain you.”

  “You have no idea, honey.” Ghost turned his attention to the waiter approaching the table. “Hey, Tommy, how’s it going?”

  “Same old, same old.” Tommy flipped the notepad open. “What’ll it be?”

  “I’ll have a chicken burger and a cup of coffee.”

  “The usual, then.”

  “Ah, yes?” Ghost glanced across the table to find Ali grinning widely. Okay, obviously she knew what was going on.

  Tommy didn’t even l
ook at her. “And what do you want?”

  “I’ll just have a cup of tea.”

  “The usual for you as well, then, I see.”

  Ghost’s brows rose. Hmmm, seemed like Tommy was having problems of his own. Tommy avoided looking at either of them and simply walked off.

  “Charming,” Ghost remarked. “Luckily he’s the boss or he’d have to fire himself for poor customer care.”

  “He’s having issues.” Ali looked after Tommy’s retreating figure before returning her attention to Ghost. “So, how goes the monster slaying?”

  “Hang on a minute.” Ghost leaned his forearms on the table top and linked his fingers together. “What’s going on with Tommy?”

  She placed a fingertip against her lips. “Secret.”

  “Are you sworn to secrecy?”


  Damn. If there was one thing Ali was good at, it was keeping other people’s secrets. Some she found out by some weird method she had, some she was told by the person themselves. Not once had anyone ever lived to regret telling Ali their secret. Still…“Name anything you want.”

  “World domination.”

  “That’s a bit steep, isn’t it?”

  “You asked.”

  “Fine. World domination. You have it. Now what’s the secret?”

  She simply smiled that slow, easy Ali smile that never failed to make him smile back. Her green eyes sparkled with laughter, making warmth slip through him.

  Ali had always provided him with not only amusement and annoyance, but an easy camaraderie that made him relax in her company as he seldom did with anyone. He had only a handful of people that he completely relaxed with, and she was one of the privileged few. It probably stemmed from the fact that she’d never thought him and his ideas weird, and many was the time she’d stood up for him at school even though he hadn’t needed it. Ali had been his champion as much as he’d been hers.

  And he’d known her long enough to know when to surrender. “Okay. I give up.” With a sigh, he sat back in the booth.

  “Didn’t take long.”

  “I know when I’m flogging a dead horse.”

  Plucking a paper napkin from the holder in the centre of the table, Ali commenced folding it into intricate patterns. “How goes the murder and mayhem business?”

  Ghost watched the movements of her dexterous fingers. “Good. In fact, I’m going to seek inspiration tomorrow night.”

  She glanced up, interest sparking in her eyes. “Really? Where are you off to?”

  “Screaming Pond.”

  “Screaming Pond.” Ali pursed her lips. “Never heard of it.”

  “Formerly known as the little pond off the river.”

  “Since when has that been known as Screaming Pond?”

  “Since a little known legend was told to me by Parker.”

  “Old Man Parker isn’t really all there, you know.” Ali tapped her temple. “Sweet old man, but…”

  Ghost glanced up as Tommy appeared and placed the cups of hot coffee and tea on the table. Without bothering to place them before Ghost and Ali, Tommy walked away. Ghost stared after him before turning back to Ali with his brows raised in query.

  Ali merely placed her finger against her pursed lips.

  “Right.” Ghost sighed. “Secret.” He loved secrets. Loved finding them out, but again, no use asking Ali.

  Pulling the cup of tea in front of her, Ali ripped open a couple packets of sugar and shook them into her cup before stirring it briskly with the teaspoon. “So, what did Parker tell you that has you slavering at the mouth to go to this Screaming Pond?”

  “Maybe I have my own secrets,” Ghost replied smugly.

  She snorted derisively. “Yeah, right.”

  He laughed.

  “Come on, spill. Must be something nasty to have you planning a midnight rendezvous with something nasty.”

  “I do love your choice of words. A nasty something for a nasty something.”

  Ali threw the napkin at him.

  Catching it, he chuckled.

  “If you’re not going to tell me-”

  “Of course I’ll tell you, honey. Don’t I tell you everything?”

  She crossed her eyes at him.

  Growing serious, Ghost leaned his folded arms on the table top and leaned forward, amused when, unconsciously, she mimicked his stance.

  “The legend isn’t well known because it hasn’t been around for a long time.”

  So how do you know it’s a legend?”

  “Because legends have to start somewhere, right?”

  She nodded.

  “Remember that woman who disappeared five years ago?”


  “Huh. Go figure.”

  “Did you check up on it yourself?”

  “Where’s the fun in that?”

  “Silly me. What was I thinking, asking you a question like that? As if you’d need to validate it first.”

  “Exactly.” Ghost tapped one finger on the table top. “Apparently, she was murdered but her body never found.”

  “So how does Parker know she was murdered?”

  “He reckons he’s seen her ghost.”



  “I don’t believe it. Tell me you don’t either.”

  “I’m going to check it out.”

  “Really?” Resignation resonated in her tone.



  “Tomorrow night.”

  “Why not tonight?”

  “Because I had to rescue a damsel in distress.”

  She stared at him for several seconds before blinking. “You were on your way out there when you saw me?”


  “So if you left now-”

  “Nah.” Ghost shook his head. “It’s a two hour drive over a dirt road and she only appears at a certain time. It’s too late now.”

  “Aw, crap.” Reaching out, Ali laid her hand on his forearm. “I’m sorry, Ty. I know how you love following these stories around and checking them out.”

  Shrugging, he turned his hand to catch hers and squeeze gently. “No worries, Ali. I’ll go tomorrow night instead. Besides, it’s a full moon tomorrow night and all things spooky come out then.”

  “But you needed inspiration to continue your current book tonight, right?”

  “I have inspiration. This was a pleasure trip to capture atmosphere.” He rubbed his thumb along her palm, marvelling once again at how soft her skin was, how warm her hand. Ali had always been the embodiment of warmth and softness. At least, body-wise. Her tongue could be sharp with both annoyance and humour, depending on her mood.

  “Only you could get pleasure from chasing ghosts and bloody legends.” She grinned widely.

  “So, do you have any plans for tomorrow night?”

  Her face lit up instantly. “Are you asking me out?”

  “Up for a bit of ghost hunting, honey?”

  “Are you kidding me? Of course!” Withdrawing her hand from his, she grabbed her cup of tea. “It’s been awhile since we’ve stalked the countryside in search of murder and mayhem.”

  Picking up his own cup, Ghost took a sip and studied her over the rim. Her eyes sparkled with delight, a soft flush filling her apple cheeks. Enthusiasm spilled over her and he couldn’t help but grin inwardly. Ali on a ghost hunt was fun. What had been going to be a solitary hunt was now promising to be entertaining.

  He just loved being entertained by Ali.

  “So how many ghost hunts have you been on since our last one?” Ali queried.


  “What?” She looked indignant. “And you didn’t ask me?”

  “You were on dates. Two disastrous dates, if I remember correctly.”

  “All my dates are disastrous.” The delight left her face to be replaced with a downcast expression. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

  “I think we’ve been down this path before. Many

  Normally this would have produced a sarcastic reply, but this time Ali just looked at him with a hint of sadness on her face.

  Okay, that sadness got to him. Happy Ali, sarcastic Ali, angry Ali – he could handle them all. But sad Ali? That got to him, really got to him. Lowering his cup, he attempted to jolly her along. “Now, honey, don’t go into the doldrums. Your hero will come along.”

  “I’ve thought that for years.”

  “You’re not that old.”

  “Old enough.” She took another sip of tea, her thick lashes lowering over her eyes. “Maybe old enough now to finally stop hoping my hero will come along.”

  “You should never stop hoping.” Reaching out once more, he patted her hand. “Stop moping. The Ali I know never gives up.”

  “Maybe I’m maturing.”

  He almost laughed out loud until she glanced across at him and he saw that sadness in her eyes. Ah crap, that look was bound to make him do something stupid. Always had done, always would do. “Honey, I’ll help you find your hero.” Oh look, it had happened again.

  He was just mentally cursing himself for getting involved in his friend’s love life – or lack thereof – when she shot him a sarcastic look. “Oh, really?”

  Brows rising, he looked back at her. “What, you think I couldn’t do it better than you?”

  “You think you could?”

  “I just said so.”

  “You can’t be serious.” Now she was laughing at him.

  “Honey, I know men. I’m a man. I think I’m a better judge of character than you are when it comes to the members of my sex.”

  “Now that sounds dirty. Is there something about yourself you’re not telling me?” She batted her lashes at him.

  He couldn’t help but be partially amused. “Yeah, I think you might be wrong about the maturing thing.”

  “Don’t try and change the subject.”

  “You’re way off from maturing that much.”

  Ali just grinned.

  “Just leave your love life in my hands.” Ghost waggled his hands at her. “I’ll get you a man.”


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