Call On Me

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Call On Me Page 20

by Angela Verdenius

  His smile was slow but sure. “You’re not nasty, you have a sharp wit. I like it. Your body is perfect, it’s all soft and sweet and-“he waggled his eyebrows “-it can take some really rough handling.”

  Unable to help it, she burst out laughing. “You nong.”

  “See?” He dropped a kiss onto the tip of her nose. “You know me. You know my humour. Ali, I don’t just think you’re perfect the way you are, I know it.”

  The truth was in his eyes, on his face, in the deep timbre of his voice. He’d never been able to lie to Ali, never been able to keep much from her, and she relaxed more, softening beneath him, able to feel her tension ease.

  But still… “I can’t promise to just strip off in front of you at a moment’s notice. Not yet.”

  “Okay,” he said calmly.

  “I can’t help how I feel, regardless of what you say.”

  “Okay,” he repeated just as calmly.

  Unable to help herself, she turned her cheek further into his caressing fingers. His acceptance of her was almost too much to bear. But then, he’d always accepted her, never sought to change her, never wanted her to be anyone else but herself.

  That in itself had her relaxing completely.

  Ghost shifted, making her gaze fly to his, but he moved only to lower his head until his forehead rested against hers. Looking her directly in the eyes, he said quietly, “You were coming over to talk. Do we really need to say much?”

  “I think it’s all been done now.”

  His eyes crinkled at the corners in lazy, affectionate amusement. “So we’re all systems go?”

  Surrounded by his clean, masculine scent, the heat of his body and his protective position above her, she’d never felt so safe. Combined with the warmth of his eyes and his slow, easy smile that was just so Ghost, she could only smile back and whisper, “Look out, world, here we come.”

  Laughing, he kissed her, the easy warmth between them quickly turning to more, the spark of desire flaring quickly. She felt him stiffen inside her and immediately a flood of liquid warmth washed through her.

  Before she could act upon it, however, he rolled off her and onto his feet.

  With a squeak she scrambled under the covers of the bed, pulling the quilt up to her breasts while he simply stood there by the bed, grinning and shaking his head.

  “You know,” he said conversationally, even while his eyes glittered with nefarious intent, “Those covers won’t save you from me.”

  “Whatever.” She cleared her throat, gaze darting around the room before settling on his face. No way could she look further down his awesome body while he was looking at her. “Why did you stop?”

  “Honey, I need to clean up and re-rubber.” At her blank look, he added helpfully, “Condom.”

  “Oh.” Realisation dawned. “Oh! Oh.” Another thought. “Oh no.”

  “Don’t worry, honey, unlike last time I managed to remain lucid long enough to don protection.” He walked towards the door.

  “Oh, phew.” Leaning back against the pillows, she took a deep breath of relief and proceeded to take a good eyeful of his body.

  Holy cow, the man was built. She’d seen him without a shirt before, sure, but never without pants or naked. His backside was tight, muscular, his thighs thick, the muscles in his calves flexing with every step. Shoot her for being a hypocrite, but she hoped he’d continue with the gym for a long time to come. He had awesome muscles.

  But as much as she had her tongue hanging out in lust, she knew she’d be lusting after him even if he didn’t go to the gym. Go figure. Guess attraction didn’t always rule the heart.

  “You won’t have to make the trip to the chemist in the morning,” Ghost drawled.

  Her gaze shot back up to find him at the door looking over his shoulder at her. “Huh?”

  “The morning after pill.”

  “How did you know? Did Lori tell you?”

  “I went over earlier to find out why you weren’t home. The packet was on the table.” His gaze ran over her face. “You should have told me, honey.”

  “No need.” She crossed her arms over top of the covers, careful to ensure her breasts were covered. “I took care of it.”

  “I’m always careful but that night was unexpected, I wasn’t prepared. Next time, if there is a next time, we’ll do it together.” His eyes were steady. “We’re in this together, Ali, come what may. Okay?”


  Half turned in the doorway, even naked he was imposing, the dominant male although he did nothing threatening, his voice even, reassuring. “There’s nothing you can’t tell me, Ali. Nothing.”

  “I understand.” Feeling a little giddy, she blushed. Okay, she felt, well, cherished.

  Mentally, she did an eye roll, even while the giddy side of her grinned privately.

  Turning full on, he leaned one arm against the door frame and she nearly swallowed her tongue. Holy cow, his – his – he was built. Even half aroused he was impressive, to think that width and length had been inside her had her licking her lips partly nervously, partly in anticipation, and partly in awe.

  Wow. Just…wow.

  “Ali,” he said huskily.

  Embarrassed that she’d been caught staring – okay, openly ogling – him, Ali jerked her gaze from his shaft to his face and blushed hotter.

  He grinned, slow and easy, lazily. “Hey, I’m honoured. Look all you want. In a minute you can get a real feel for it.” He winked.

  She slid lower in the bed, tugging the covers up to her chin. “Sure, no worries.” It would have sounded better if she’d spoken with complete confidence instead of almost croaking it out.

  Genuinely amused, he laughed before again growing serious. “Ali, I mean it. You can tell me anything.”

  “Yep.” She nodded.

  “No, I mean anything.”

  “Okay. I get you.”

  He regarded her steadily before stating quietly, “Even if I take you too roughly or you don’t like what I do, you can tell me. I won’t get upset. I just want to please you.”

  Oooh, this was way beyond her comfort zone. “S-sure.”

  A gleam came into his eyes. “I like to experiment a little, and I fully intend to see what you like, honey.” The ‘honey’ came out sounding like a low, deep purr.

  How could a man purr and not sound ridiculous?

  It made her toes curl, her innards tingle, and her womanhood clench in anticipation. She tried to keep her tone nonchalant. “Oh really?”

  “Oh yeah.” His smile was now all wolfish. “Really.” And then he disappeared from the doorway.

  Oh geez. Flopping back onto the pillows, Ali bit her lip. Oh boy. Talk about walking on the wild side. She knew Ghost had a bit of a bad boy streak in him, but this side was dangerous, deliciously, darkly so.

  If it meant she was one sick puppy to be looking forward to taking the walk on the wild side with him, then get her a collar.


  Adjusting his tie for the fifth time, Ghost looked in the mirror. Man, he looked like a prat. Good shirt, tie, suit jacket. This was not him.

  However, after a couple of weeks knocking around together and having their usual fun, with no strain between them and everything fine – and oh man, hot! - he decided it was time he took Ali out for a proper date, and hence it was important that she be treated like a proper date. Which meant he had to dress like a proper date. No jeans, no t-shirt with a flannel shirt hanging open over the top, no sneakers. Nope, suit jacket, good pants, and tie. Hair tied back neatly.

  If he could find a tie. He was sure he’d had one on the sink just minutes ago and – “Max!”

  A tabby head appeared over the top of the bath like a deformed shark’s fin, the hapless tie dangling from his mouth like a dead sea snake.

  “Good grief.” Ghost took it from his mouth after only a minor struggle. Grimacing, he held it up to the light. Soggy. “Shit, Max. Tonight you had to do this?”

  Discarding the tie, he cro
uched down to search through the cupboard beneath the sink, Max right beside him, poking his big head into every container and box he could investigate.

  Sure enough, Ghost found another tie in a toilet bag he’d used on an overnight trip to the city to promote a book. Straightening, he brushed his hair, smoothed it back and tied it neatly. A slap of aftershave and he was good to go.

  Leaving the bathroom cupboard open because Max was fossicking around and Ghost couldn’t be bothered trying to drag him out, Ghost headed downstairs.

  Abraham passed him in the hallway with a rose in his mouth, the head sadly banging on the tiled floor. Mauve sat on the hall side table, her tail curled primly around her, blue eyes squinted shut as she silently contemplated the universe.

  A quick check confirmed that Mort was fast asleep on his back on the sofa, his mouth chittering as he chased birds in his sleep, and the bump under the blanket on the other sofa had to be Millie.

  Satisfied that all was well with his furry family, Ghost filled their biscuit bowls and finally left, locking the door securely behind him, his last glimpse that of Mauve still doing her mystical cat act on the hall side table.

  The panel van was all ready, vacuumed and polished, the inside smelling of a new pine tree deodorant. Bonnie Tyler was singing “Total Eclipse of the Heart” and it was a cool night.


  Or it would be when Ali was by his side.

  He pulled out of his driveway and into hers, getting out and walking up to the front door, where he hesitated. Did he knock on it? Just open it and walk in? What was the protocol for this? Was there a protocol? He wanted her to feel special, not taken for granted. Lifting his hand, he was ready to knock when the door swung open and Lori stood there looking up at him.

  “Really?” she asked drily.

  “Ah…” He smiled. “Yes?”

  She rolled her eyes, turning her head to yell over her shoulder, “Ali, your date is here!” Shaking her head, she walked back inside the house.

  He didn’t have to follow because Ali appeared. His mouth dropped open. Oh man, she looked gorgeous. Her eyes were enhanced by eye shadow and eyeliner, darker than she normally wore. Her lips shone with red gloss. And her dress, damn, but he wanted to strip it off her and explore what was underneath.

  The green silk brought out the red highlights in her carefully upswept hair do, the sweetheart neckline drawing the eye to her cleavage, or what there was of it. Crying shame she’d almost covered it. A hint of cleavage, also enhanced by a pendant that just tickled the beginnings of the valley between her breasts. The skirt swept down her hips to flirt with her knees. A quick glance down and he nearly swallowed his tongue. She wore black stockings and high heeled back pumps. The stockings were almost sheer, giving him glimpses of her skin.

  He’d sure like to peel those stockings off. With his teeth.

  Running his finger around his neckline, he mentally cleared his dirty mind and smiled down at her. “You look beautiful, honey.”

  Those apple cheeks flushed sweetly. “Thanks, Ghost. You don’t scrub up bad yourself.”

  Holding out his elbow, he drew her hand through to rest on his forearm. “Hungry?”


  “God save me,” Lori said from behind them and shut the door firmly, the lock snicking into place.

  Seating Ali in the car first, he shut her door before striding around to his side of the car. When he settled into his seat, he glanced across to meet her smile. “Ready?”

  “Yes. I’ve been looking forward to this.”

  So had he, which was why he couldn’t figure out why he didn’t know quite what to say. So he didn’t say anything. The drive to the restaurant was mercifully short and within no time they were sitting at their allotted table he’d reserved earlier. Not that he’d ever needed to reserve a table, but still, he wanted this night to be perfect.

  “A little busy tonight,” he observed, glancing around.

  “Saturday is generally date night,” she replied.

  “So is Friday.”


  Okay, this was awkward. Searching for something to say, Ghost spotted Mrs Swanson heading their way with menus. “Oh good. Food.” And mentally kicked himself. Really? ‘Food’ was the best he could do?

  “Hello, you two.” Beaming, Mrs Swanson handed them the menus. “Special night?”

  “You could say that.” Because what else could he say? No? He glanced across at Ali to see her biting her lower lip. She caught his eyes and looked back at the menu she held.

  This was not going well. Not the way he’d planned. Silently willing Ms Swanson away, he smiled at her. “Thank you.”

  “No problems. You just let me know what you want, I’ll be right over there.” She bustled away with a spring in her step and curiosity in her eyes. It would have been okay if she didn’t prop herself up at the counter and speak to her husband in hushed tones, her avid gaze frequently sliding Ghost and Ali’s way.

  Not really feeling hungry, he gave the menu a cursory glance before placing it down and looking over at Ali. She was absorbed in the menu. As the minutes ticked past, he finally asked, “Taking notes?”

  “Huh?” Startled, she looked up at him.

  “The menu.” He nodded at it. “Have you decided?”

  “Oh, yes. Yes.” Placing it down on the table, she neatly clasped her hands on top of it and regarded him.

  And blushed.

  Okay, that pleased him. No doubt she was remembering the previous night when, knowing Lori was at work, he’d snuck over to her house, let himself in with the emergency key, and pounced her as she’d been doing the dishes. Man, that table had had a work out. He grinned.

  She dropped her gaze.

  Huh. He frowned a little before remembering that this was a proper date, damn it. A proper date. He shouldn’t tease her.

  Easing back against the chair, he sought to introduce a topic. Any topic. “So, how was work?”

  She leaped upon it like a bee on honey. “Oh, fine, fine. A little busy.” Shame she ran out of conversation. “And you? How is your book going?”


  “Good, good.” She smiled.

  What the hell was wrong with this scene? He ran another finger around the inside of his collar. Bloody tie. Why were things suddenly so awkward? They’d been going out for several weeks. Granted, it wasn’t all the time, because she worked days and he’d been madly writing to finish his book on time, but they’d been so comfortable together, just like always only with added hot sex and a new awareness of each other that hadn’t been there previously. Definitely more caring on both their parts, more considerate. They’d gone to the movies, out to the river for a failed fishing trip where they’d ended up buying fish and chips instead, chatted and shared things as they’d always done. Laughed, joked and teased, the norm. It had never been awkward, discounting Ali’s shyness with her naked body around him – which, he was proud to own up to, he’d soon gotten her out of – but their times together had never been awkward. So what was so different tonight?

  This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. He was supposed to be showing her a good time, doing the date thing, being the gentleman, wining and dining her.

  To be fair, it didn’t look like Ali was exactly enjoying herself either, for while she smiled, it didn’t quite reach her eyes. Reaching under the table, she twitched something before straightening and taking a deep breath, that smile plastered on her glossy lips.

  He didn’t remember her wearing quite so much makeup before, nor stockings. Obviously she was trying as hard as he to make this special.

  Man up, Ghost. Be a gentleman and show her how suave you are. God, you do it when you’re promoting your book, when you’re out in public doing your author thing. Man up!

  Mrs Swanson chose that precise moment to come over and it was with guilty relief that Ghost greeted her. “Ah, Mrs Swanson, right on time. We’re ready to order.”

  “Lovely.” She got
out her note pad and waited, pen poised.

  Ghost looked at Ali.

  “I’ll have the steak and salad,” she said.

  “Chips?” Mrs Swanson asked.

  “Ah, no.”

  Oh great. Ghost did a mental groan. Ali was doing what he was, putting on a show, playing a part. This date was going to be a disaster.

  “And you?” Mrs Swanson turned to him.

  “I’ll have the lot,” he said. At Mrs Swanson’s confused expression, he amended hastily, “The same as Ali, only with the chips.”

  “Okay.” She jotted it down. “Drinks?”

  “What wine do you have?”

  Mrs Swanson’s head popped up, eyes gleaming almost manically. “Wine? How romantic. Would you prefer champagne?”

  “Oh, no.” He glanced across at Ali again, saw her biting that lip – again – and rethought quickly. “Actually, yes, some champagne would be lovely. Ali?”

  “Oh yes, simply lovely.”

  Jesus Christ, if they got anymore politer or sophisticated, he was going to chew through the wooden table in frustration.

  Mrs Swanson left in a flutter.

  But he had to play cool, do the proper date thing. He owed Ali that, so he inhaled deeply to steady his resolve and he smiled at her.

  She smiled back.

  “So,” he said. “Lovely evening, isn’t it?” Oh, that was suave. Pull out the weather conversation.

  “It has been nice, yes.” Ali’s eyes shifted, flickering over the restaurant before her eyebrows rose in surprise. “Oh look, there’s Adam.”

  Grateful for something to talk about, including a little gossip, Ghost followed her gaze and saw Adam standing beside a table. He seemed to be talking to someone and Ghost studied the woman. A pretty blonde, generously curved, was looking back up at Adam with – oh boy, was that anger in her eyes? Okay, he could run with this. Sorry Adam. “Whoever she is, she doesn’t look happy to see him.”

  “No.” Equally intrigued, Ali unashamedly leaned further over the table to get a better look. “I don’t know her, do you?”

  “Must be new to town.”


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