Blind Need

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Blind Need Page 3

by Dakota Trace


  Moving back toward the bed, he managed to avoid the table but found the leg of the bedside stand instead. “Son of a bitch.” His toes started to throb. He sank onto bed, cradling his foot. Maybe I should’ve thought through this in-the-dark fantasy a bit better.

  “Oh for heaven’s sake, Nate.” The snick of the switch was his only warning as the room flooded with light.

  Chapter Four

  As soon as she flipped the light on, Nate blinked in surprise. Waiting for his eyes to adjust took several moments. Once he was able to see again, he stared down at the most drop-dead gorgeous, naked woman he’d ever laid eyes on. Lying back against the mound of pillows and rumpled comforter—hell, they hadn’t even gotten around to turning the bed down—she lounged against the headboard with one arm thrown over her eyes as if to protect them from the light. She looked familiar, but he wasn’t certain where he’d seen her.

  A low growl built in his throat at the signs of their interlude. Her skin was still flushed from the orgasms he’d given her. The raspberry tips of her nipples which had been hard against his chest were soft and relaxed. They peeked out from under her long, dark hair. He could see the whisker burn from his stubble not only across the swells of her breasts, but on the insides of her creamy thighs. And heaven above, her bare mound tempted him beyond reason. She was absolutely exquisite. Dear Lord, how did I get so lucky? The idea she’d given him her body without inhibition had his cock stirring. He wished he could make love to her with the lights on. As tempting as it was, he couldn’t. I’d love to watch her every reaction. He sighed. It would be like a dream come true, until she caught a glimpse of my scars. The thought sobered him.

  “I thought we agreed, there’d be no lights?”

  “You demanded and Madame Evangeline agreed.” Her tone was sleepy. “It really doesn’t make a bit of difference to me, lights off or on, I’m still—”

  Disbelief and anger coursed through him, killing his erection. The idea she didn’t care enough to honor her end of the deal set him on edge. “What do you mean it doesn’t matter? When I consented to meet you, it was under the promise certain provisions would be followed. I can’t believe I fell for it. Just my luck, even on a blind date, I hook up with a bitch.” When her arm dropped away from her face, he reached up and clicked the lamp off.

  The bed rocked as she moved toward the opposite side. “I am not a bitch, Mr. Ramirez-Santiago. I accepted your terms, even though I didn’t understand why a sighted man would want to fumble around in the dark.”

  Hearing the swish of what he assumed was her dress, his anger grew. How dare she leave in the middle of our argument. “Did you ever think that maybe it’s because he doesn’t want to watch his lover’s eyes fill with pity?” When she didn’t respond, his irritation grew. “Where the hell are you going?” He rose from the bed, surprised by the click of her shoes on the linoleum by the door. How had she gotten that far? He couldn’t see a damn thing. His mind throbbed with confusion. Even pissed, he didn’t want her to leave. It’s not like she saw anything. Maybe…. He groaned at the sound of the handle being turned. How the hell had he fucked this up? He couldn’t—no, he refused to let her go. I haven’t had my fill yet. She can’t leave me like this!

  Taking two steps, he tripped over his forgotten shoes. Pain seared his forehead as his head struck the leg of what he thought might be a chair, before his body hit the floor. What the fuck possessed me to move the damn chair? Sitting up, he touched his forehead, his fingers coming away wet with blood. “Fuck, now I have nothing but my own stupidity to blame for adding another scar!”

  There was a pause as the door was pulled opened. The light spilled into the room and around Xaviera, outlining her body standing just inside the threshold. Her shoulders slumped. She sighed, before her silhouette turned once more in the shadows. “Jesus Christ, you’re worse at this than I was.”

  “The least you could do is check how bad I’m hurt before you leave. I think I tried to give myself a concussion and I’m bleeding. ” Lame words, but he was desperate. “Besides, I’d like to know how the hell you managed to walk across the room earlier without killing yourself, when it’s all I can do to make it five feet from the bed.”

  She moved with ease, running her fingers over the wall. It took her only a moment to find the switch. The room flooded with light, making him squint again. His eyes weren’t taking kindly to the off and then on again scenario. When he finally opened them again, he saw her walk to the end of the bed before she stared off to his left.

  “Lots and lots of practice.” Shifting, a bitter laugh escaped her. “Unbelievable. Madame Evangeline sets me up with a man who wants everything done under the cover of darkness but doesn’t even realize I’m blind. We should’ve been a match made in heaven. She apparently didn’t factor in my rotten luck with men.” Settling onto the edge of the bed, she motioned for him to come closer. “Pardon the pun, but come over here so I can see how bad it is.”

  His brain befuddled, he couldn’t help but stare at her in shock. “You’re blind?”

  A tug of her lips was all the emotion she gave away as she continued to stare into space. Well not actually stare into space, you idiot. She can’t see anything.

  “Yes, for the past eighteen months, sixteen days and thirteen odd hours. Since the morning I opened the hood of my car and changed my life forever.” She patted the mattress next to her. “Come on, I don’t have all night, Nate. I need to check on Lucy.”

  Surprise rolled through him, along with dread, but he didn’t move. “Please tell me you don’t have a kid waiting on you.”

  She shook her head. “No, no kids—just my dog.” A brief smile touched her lips. “My faithful companion and the best trained seeing-eye dog around. She’s waiting in my room.”

  It took a few painful and slow movements, but he was able to untangle himself from under the chair. He sank down on his knees. “Directly in front of you.”

  Her head cocked. “Are you now?”

  He bobbed his head then cursed at himself for forgetting she couldn’t see it.

  A small laugh spilled from her. “You just nodded, didn’t you?”


  Holding her hands out, she waited. He stared at her outstretched fingers. “What exactly are you doing?”

  An exasperated sigh passed her lips. “Unless you want me to poke you in the eye, please guide my hands to where you injured your head.”

  Xaviera waited patiently, wondering what he would do. Would he accept the olive branch she offered? Or throw it back in her face? After a few agonizing moments, his warm hands settled on the back of hers. Allowing him to guide her, she bit her lower lip as her fingertips brushed over a bit of raised skin on his neck—a scar perhaps? Maybe that’s what he didn’t want me to see. Her attention wavered from the mystery of his motives as he guided her palm to his stubble-covered cheek before leading it up past his coarse textured eyebrows to a ragged patch on his forehead. Using a light touch, she traced the edges to determine the size.

  “It doesn’t feel too bad. I think you’ll live.” She stilled, her breath catching. “Ah, can I…?”

  His breath teased her face. He was closer than she’d realized. “Can you what, sugar?” The raspy tone sent tingles of need to her womb. The release he’d given her earlier wasn’t enough. She wanted more, but before that, she needed to know what his face felt like. She had to see him in her own way. But would he let her?

  “Can I touch your face?” She nibbled on the inner curve of her lower lip, praying he would allow her to trace his features. “I know you don’t want me seeing you, but it’d be nice to have an idea what you look like.”

  The rasp of his skin against her palm had her breath catching. He must’ve tipped his head against her hand. “Be gentle.” The hesitant words were all she needed. Exploring, her fingertips brushed over high cheekbones, a nose that had been broken in the past if the lump in the middle was any indication. Then slid down to dri
ft over the full lips he’d pressed against hers earlier. Her tongue darted across her lower lip, remembering the way they’d felt.


  Her heart leapt at the need-filled endearment. “Yeah?” She tried to ignore the tremble of her own voice. Desire wrapped around her once again. This time she had to feel him inside her, or go crazy.

  “Will you tell me what happened?”

  She stiffened as if she’d been doused in cold water. Having him ask her about how she’d lost her sight was the last thing she’d expected. Especially when all I want is to climb back into bed with him. Her sudden change of heart about leaving him to suffer alone in the dark should’ve surprised her but it didn’t. Despite everything, his allowing her to touch his face when it was obvious he’d never intended for her to set eyes on him, had shown her a different part of his personality. The man possessed a soft side, even if he hid it behind a gruff exterior—one she wanted more than anything to explore.

  “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

  She sighed. “Do you really want to know? It’s not a pretty tale.”

  “Neither is mine.” He sounded rueful. “I’ll tell you mine, if you tell me yours. I’d really like to know how you went blind. You inferred that you lost your sight because of something that happened with your car. Were you in an accident?”

  Leaning back, she wished more than anything that she could see him. Being blind was a bitch. Most people didn’t realize how hard it was to judge a person’s reaction without sight. But as his hands rubbed slow circles on the tops of her thighs, it gave her the courage to relive the lowest point in her life. “I was making a trip back home to the Napa Valley to visit my parents when I heard this clunking under the hood.” She toyed with a loose piece of hair, an old nervous habit. “My dad always told me not to drive a car if it’s making weird noises. I waited until traffic passed to lift the hood. It is the last thing I remember seeing.”

  “The radiator?” The softness of his reply gave away his concern while he continued stroking her.

  “No. From what my father’s mechanic said, the compressor was making the racket I heard. It was getting ready to let go. It was just my bad luck that I opened the hood as one of the air-conditioning hoses blew off—a high pressure hose he called it. Anyway, I got a face full of Freon. The next thing I remember was being found by a nice man and his wife. They were on a trip to Tahoe—that’s where I run my family’s small ski lodge—when they saw me lying on the side of the road, but by then it was too late. The chemical had damaged my eyes beyond repair.” She stopped toying with her hair, deciding to take a chance he wouldn’t overreact when he found out who she was. “I’m not sure how long I was there before they found me. But the result was quite obvious. Xaviera Navarro, the heiress to Navarro Wines, was blind and her fiancé of two years abandoned her just days before their wedding—because he couldn’t deal with the pressure of being married to a blind woman.” She forced a cheerful tone.

  His thumb rubbed over her cheek. “He’s an ass. If what you showed me is any indication of your talents, of how much you have to give, he’s a gold-plated fool for letting you go. You’re a very sensual woman, and any man would give his eyeteeth to have you under him.”

  For the first time in a long while, the melancholy which had become her life at Ryan’s defection eased. It was hard to believe this man, a complete stranger, was soothing wounds she’d buried deep. So deep, at times she’d thought they’d never heal. She nuzzled his palm. More than anything, she wanted to give him a gift in return. Closing her eyes, she took the plunge. “I want you to make love to me, Nate.” She held his hand to her face, hoping he understood she wasn’t expecting to start a relationship, but that she didn’t want to be alone tonight. “Just for one night, let me pretend a man can still physically love me—that I’m not totally useless.”

  Chapter Five

  Nate’s breath caught in his throat. Whoever said the eyes were the windows to the soul was correct. Even knowing Xaviera couldn’t see him, the need for another’s touch shimmered in the emerald depths of her eyes. She’d gone to 1Night Stand for the same reasons he had. To forget everything in favor of physical release—to leave their demons at the door and simply enjoy the feel of another’s body against theirs in the dark.

  “Oh, sugar.” He cupped her check before trailing his fingers down her neck and across her collarbone. “I’d love nothing more than to lay you back on this bed, but it has to be more than just pretend. Our time together, while it lasts, will be real.” His hand brushed over the swell of her breast to find her nipple. Toying with it through the cotton, he teased the nub until it strained against the material. A low moan vibrated against his shoulder where her face hid. “Nothing will be taboo and I’ll claim every inch of you.” Pressing his mouth against her ear, he nuzzled before tasting her skin. “Can you handle that, Xaviera? Belonging to me?”

  “God, yes.” Her admission released something primeval inside him. All he wanted was to claim her—to mark her in a way she’d never forget.

  “Lie back,” he whispered. “I want to explore.” His hunger peaked as she obeyed with the slow lowering of her upper body to the bed. When she was positioned with her back and hips on the mattress, he lifted one slender leg until her foot was inches from his lips. Nuzzling her toes, he savored the giggle which escaped her before dragging his lips over her ankle. Tracking up her calf, he continued until he reached her knee and the lower edge of her bunched up skirt. Trapped by her legs, the skirt prevented him from going farther. “Lift.” He nipped her inner thigh just above her knee when she was slow to respond. “You heard me, sugar. I can’t reach your goodies and unless you want this pretty dress ripped….”

  “Wild man, are you?” She wiggled, trying to free her foot.

  He grinned. “You have no idea.” Draping her legs over one shoulder, he hoisted her up, tired of her delay. With rough hands, he pushed the gauzy material above her waist; exposing the fact she hadn’t put her panties back on—if she’d been wearing any to begin with. A low growl burst free at the idea of his lover being brave enough to walk around panty-less in a dress.

  “Nate?” Lust and uncertainty radiated off her.

  “Yeah?” Moving one leg to his other shoulder, he ran both hands down her thighs until they met at the juncture. Both of them moaned as his knuckles brushed over her bare mound. “So soft.” Parting her folds, he stared at the glistening pink flesh. As succulent as a fresh Georgia peach. Tracing her opening, he pressed inside a bit with two fingers. The ring of muscles tugged at them, even as she cried out in pleasure. It caused his cock to throb. “So responsive.” He kissed the inside of her knee as he forged deeper, loving the feel of her tightening muscles. It didn’t take much imagination on his part to know what it would feel like around his cock. God he had to get inside her—now.

  Pulling free of her warmth, he tried hanging onto his fraying control, even as he fumbled with a condom sitting on the edge of the bed. Damn, it must’ve gotten tossed there during our wild sixty-nine. “God, you’re so tight. I can’t wait.” Ripping the package open with his teeth, he smoothed the thin prophylactic down his straining length. “Is missionary okay?” He’d promised nothing would be taboo but he found he couldn’t wait. He should be worshiping her, exploring her pretty little breasts, licking and sucking their tight peaks, but his body was primed. He was on edge and needed inside her sweet pussy. “I’ll be more inventive next time.” He positioned the head of his cock against her, teasing them both.

  A wavering smile crossed her face as she arched toward him trying to help. “Missionary is perfect. Just fuck me.”

  A low groan escaped him as he flexed his hips. With one quick snap, he was enveloped in living breathing fire. Electricity shot up his spine, and it was all he could do to keep from spilling right then and there. “Tight.” He clenched his teeth, his fingers digging into her hips. It’d been too long since he’d felt the welcoming warmth of a woman’s fle

  “Please!” She writhed against him, trying to get him to move.

  He stared down at their joining, noticing how her body had swallowed his. The sight of her creamy flesh against his own darker, much rougher skin, made him want to howl and beat his chest like a caveman. He’d claimed her and it went straight to his head. “Gimme a second, sugar, or I’m gonna be a thirty second wonder.” Sweat dripped down the side of his face.

  “Nate, please!” She trembled in his arms.

  “I will.” He tilted her hips a bit to sink deeper, watching as her chest wobbled under the bodice of her dress. “I want to gaze at your breasts. Show me.”

  Her chest heaving, a flush creeping up her neck, she obeyed. She slid her fingers under the straps resting on her shoulders, pushing them down. It took only a few twists and she was gloriously bare, with the soft fabric wadded up around her waist. A hoarse sound of need caught in his chest. “Tease them, sugar. I want to see your hands against them.” He withdrew a bit, and pushed back in, unable to help himself when she did as he asked.

  “Tell me what you see, Nate…please?” Hearing her uneven breathing and the quivering of her legs against his shoulders had him realizing how close she was.

  He stilled. “Perfection, Xaviera. I behold two beautiful breasts tipped with hard, berry nipples I want to taste. I see a woman so lost to passion that she’s abandoning herself to the pleasure of her own touch. I watch as fingers tug and pull, in just the right rhythm to cause the pussy holding me to contract around me….” He paused groaning when she clenched around him again. “Just like that.” His head tipped back as his control snapped. “I’m sorry. I have to….” He thrust hard against her. “Tell me if I get too rough.” His plea was lost as he was consumed by desire. Scrambling off his knees, he leaned over the bed, her legs still over his shoulders. Pinning her to the bed with his weight, he braced himself on out-stretched arms as his hips began to move.


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