by Tanya Huff
Warden di’Crikeys grinned at him, eyes lightening. “Planning to distract me? I’m good either way.”
If only Wardens Kerr and Ryder had been able to see where their loyalty should lie.
So unfortunate Strike Team Alpha hadn’t been destroyed on 33X73.
He should have ignored Gunnery Sergeant Torin Kerr, ignored the stories that built her up into a worthwhile foe, and concentrated on removing Alamber diCrikeys.
He stopped by his collection room on his way out, slid the ancient piece of H’san ceramic into a padded case, and tucked the small, pink plastic horse into his pocket.
Warden di’Crikeys wouldn’t find it all—he’d personally coded the plans for the pistol and destroyed the printer after the run—but there’d be enough. A connection. A payment. An assumption. Not all admissible in court, and his position would offer a certain amount of protection, but, in the end they’d force him from the shadows.
The hell they would.
No one forced Anthony Justin Marteau to do anything. He’d leave the shadows by his own choice.
“I thought working with the Primacy team, with Vertic, would remind you of everything you missed about the Corps.” Craig pulled his shirt off and tossed it toward the chute in the corner. Every pilot on the station wanted to buy him a drink, but he been pacing himself and was still remarkably sober. “I don’t want you to go back.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Not without me.”
“Not without you.”
“Aces. I’ve been thinking about the ruins on Threxie. Do you think we’ll ever find out what happened to the natives?” He turned to see Torin sitting on the edge of the bed, frowning. “What?” When she didn’t respond, he prodded her with a bare foot. “Torin?”
“Remember the animals in the ruins?”
“Not likely to forget, am I.”
“When I was fighting, before you tranquilized it, I got a good look at its front paws.”
“When it was trying to claw your face off?” He sat down beside her.
She leaned into his warmth. “The toes were long, and there was an extra digit on each foot.”
“A dew claw. Sure. Lots of animals have them. You grew up in the country, you should know that.”
“No, this was a visible thumb.” Holding her left hand up at eye level, she moved her thumb back and forth. “It was fused to the rest of the paw. Obvious. Useless.”
“Okay.” He waited. He was good at that.
“The plastic was in our heads,” Torin continued at last, still staring at her thumb. “Who’s to say it didn’t get into their heads . . .”
“The animals’ heads?”
“The animals’ heads,” she repeated. “It got in and changed them at the cellular level, changed them until they weren’t a threat. Bred them down. One generation, tool users. The next, animals.”
“Because they’d discovered a weapon?”
“Because they’d discovered a weapon.”
He leaned back on his elbows and stared at the line of her back for a moment. Or two. “You have a suspicious mind, luv.”
She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Yeah.”
Strike Team Commander Lanh Ng: Human
Strike Team Alpha
Torin Kerr: Human
Craig Ryder: Human
Binti Mashona: Human
Werst: Krai
Ressk: Krai
Alamber di’Crikeys: di’Taykan
Strike Team Ch’ore (partial list)
Ranjit Kaur (Cap): Human
Sirin di’Hajak: di’Taykan
Strike Team T’Jaam (partial list)
Doug Collins: Human
Gamar di’Tagawa: di’Taykan
Strike Team Beta (partial list)
Porrtir: Krai (pilot)
Analyzes Minutiae to Discover Truth
Finds Truth Through Inquiry
Vimtan Is In the Details
Many Pieces Make a Whole
Approves of Redemption
Dr. Deyell, R&D: Rakva
Dr. Erica Allan, therapist: Human
Dr. Verrir, therapist: Krai
Paul Musselman, bar owner: Human
Sarrk, political aide: Krai
Feerar, Chief Ag. Scientist: Krai
• • •
Vertic (gold): Polint
Bertecnic (chestnut): Polint
Santav Teffer Dutavar (variegated): Polint (santav teffer = master corporal)
Firiv’vrak: Artek
Keeleeki’ka: Artek
Durlave Kan Freenim: Druin (durlave kan = staff sergeant)
Merinim: Druin
• • •
Anthony Justin Marteau, CEO Marteau Industries: Human
Orina Yukari, Marteau’s aide: Human
Representative Haminem: Druin
Presit a Tur durValintrisy: Katrien
Dalan a Tar canSalvais: Katrien
• • •
Named Scientists/Hostages
Harveer Arniz, soil scientist: Niln (harveer = doctor {PhD})
Dzar, soil scientist ancillary: Niln
Dr. Harris Ganes, engineer: Human
Harveer Salitwisi, archaeologist: Niln
Hyrinzatil, archaeologist ancillary: Niln
Harveer Tilzonicazic (Tilzon), xeno-botonist: Niln
Dr. Tyven a Tur durGanthan, geophysicist: Katrien
Magyr, geophysicist ancillary: Katrien
Dr. Lows a Tar canHythin, geophysicist: Katrien
Nerpenialzic (Nerpen), geophysicist ancillary: Niln
• • •
Sergeant Robert Martin: Human
Emile Trembley: Human
Brenda Zhang: Human
Jana Malinowski: Human
Camaderiz (black): Polint
Tehaven (variegated): Polint
Netrovooens (bay): Polint
• • •
Crew of the DeCaal
Commander Yurrisk: Krai
Petty Officer Sareer: Krai
Lieutenant Beyvek: Krai
Seaman Pyrus di’Himur (pink): di’Taykan
Mirish di’Yaunah (deep blue): di’Taykan
Lieutenant Gayun di’Dyon (bright blue): di’Taykan
Qurn: Druin
• • •
Mthunz Mackenzie (Mack): Human
the chief: Human
Shiraz: Human
Harr: Krai
Ferin: Krai
Kid: Krai
Yizaun: di’Taykan
• • •
From An Ancient Peace (mentioned)
Joesph Dion: Human
Major Sujunio di’Kail: di’Taykan
From Valor’s Trial (mentioned)
Staff Sergeant Harnett: Human
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