Nicu (The Dark Shadows Book 5)

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Nicu (The Dark Shadows Book 5) Page 7

by Ariel Marie

  Tonight, he would go out on patrol with the Shadows. He needed to get out some of his pent-up anger. Maybe that would keep the small empath from his mind.

  “According to Bella, she doesn’t think the necros have jumped realms.” Teague came up behind him as they were preparing to leave for the night. The Shadows were in the oversized garage where they kept most of their tactical gear and vehicles.

  “Is that so?” Nicu murmured, pulling his dark shirt over his head. He tucked it into his matching dark cargo pants. If Teague’s mate, a Valkyrie demigoddess could sense the necromancer’s presence still in this realm, then they were still here, and they needed to find the fuckers and finish them off.

  “She said that something is going on that she can’t explain.”

  “A few more bodies have gone missing from the morgue,” Cooper noted from the mansion entrance into the garage.

  Cooper was Nadira’s mate. Nadira, the youngest of the Olaru heirs, had met a human police officer and fell in love. No matter what Nicu and his brothers did to keep her from Cooper, fate seemed to intervene and bring the two together. Thanks to the necromancers, Nadira had to make the hardest decision of her life, and that was whether to turn Cooper or not. She would have lost him that night if she had chosen to leave him human.

  Curses filled the air. They all knew that missing human bodies meant that the necromancers were creating more versi.

  “Tonight, we grab a new rogue. Someone that is lucid and can answer questions,” Nicu instructed.

  They’d had a rogue before. Jaxon, who had tried to snatch Adrian’s mate, Angel, from her place of employment. Adrian and Phaelyn had been able to capture him. He gave them much information, and the Shadows were using him as an informant. For his cooperation, they had spared his life.

  “Let’s go hunting, Shadows,” Nicu growled.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “This is all the more reason for you to move to Dallas. My mother would love to help with a baby,” Rashad said as he sat on her couch. She had invited him over to break the news to him. “It would be like her first grandchild, since my siblings and I don’t have any children yet.”

  She was still in shock. A few hours of sweet passion had created a baby. Her eyes widened as she realized she didn’t even know how to get in touch with Nicu. She couldn’t just call the operator and ask to be put through to the nearest vampire prince. They would have her locked up in the loony hospital before she hung up the phone.

  “I can’t just up and move and not tell him,” she said. Her voice shook as she ran her fingers through her hair.

  Her emotions were all over the place. Nicu was a vampire. What would that mean for the baby? She didn’t know the first thing about raising a vampire. Would the baby drink breast milk, or would she have to give it blood? A shudder ran through her body at the thought of feeding a baby bottled blood.

  She knew without a doubt she was keeping her baby. She would just have to figure it out. She had lost everything in the world that ever mattered to her, and now fate was giving her someone else in her life for her to love unconditionally.

  “But…I thought you said it was a one-night stand?” he asked, settling back against the cushions.

  He hadn’t judged her at all when she broke the news to him, and she appreciated it. She had known for a week now and had kept the secret to herself. He was due to leave to go back home soon. She would certainly miss him.

  She didn’t know what she would have done without him. He had helped her take care of all Stefan’s affairs. What she wanted from her brother’s apartment was put away in hers. He’d sold the car, handled the lawyers with the insurance. She’d barely had to lift a finger.

  “It was. I have to make an attempt.” She cleared her throat. “My conscious won’t let me move on if I don’t at least try to find him. I think I know who I can talk to that might know where he lives.”

  “I can respect that, Samara.” He nodded. “A man deserves to know that he helped create life. If he chooses to be a part of the baby’s life, that will be great. But, if he’s an ass and doesn’t want any part of raising the baby, or help you, then you’re coming to Dallas. My parents and I won’t accept no for an answer.” He stood from the couch. She followed him to the door.

  “Again, Rashad, thank you so much. You were such a good friend to my brother and me. I want to make sure you know I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.” He wrapped her in a tight hug. She squeezed him back before releasing him.

  He gave her a sad smile before laying a small kiss to her forehead. “You don’t have to thank me. Call me if you get his information. I’ll go with you if you want.”

  She nodded as he opened the door and left. Closing the door, she leaned back against it and slid to the floor. She rested her hand along her still flat abdomen.

  A baby.

  She knew who could find him, and that would mean going back to the people who had abandoned her before. She had promised she would stay away from them.

  She jumped up and grabbed her purse and keys. She still remembered where to find them. Her and the Rebels were due to have a conversation. She ran out of her apartment and got in her car. The sound of screeching tires filled the air as she sped off into the night.

  Samara reached the warehouse district in the Flats and parked in front of the abandoned looking building that she knew was the headquarters of the Rebels. She walked up to the large metal door and banged on it. She didn’t care what time it was or who heard her. She needed answers, and she was sure they would be able to tell her what she needed to know.

  The sounds of someone on the other side of the door reached her ears. She banged again.

  “I need to speak to Jeremy,” she hollered fiercely.

  The sounds of locks turning filled the air, then the door opened a crack. One of the members—she couldn’t remember his name—stared at her in-between the small opening.

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  “I need to speak to Jeremy,” she demanded.

  “Did he know you were coming?”

  “I think after the shit they pulled in Kentucky, where they left me to die, is a good enough reason for me to see him unannounced,” she demanded. “Now, if you don’t take me to see him, I will scream and yell until someone—”

  “What’s going on down here?” Jeremy pushed the other guy away from the door. His eyes widened as they landed on her. “You survived?” he asked incredulously, opening the door wide.

  “I’m honored you were so concerned.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm as she pushed her way into the building.

  Tables, see-through dry erase boards, computers and chairs were strewn all around the main part of the building. This was their central area of operations for tracking down the paranormal. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned their eyes to Samara and Jeremy. Maya and Ty stood not too far away.

  “We ran when we heard the sounds that were coming from the dungeon. We figured there was no way you would have survived that.”

  “Let me guess, you figured the big vampire would have drained me dry?” She turned to face him with her hands on her hips.

  “Well, sure. That’s what they do,” he said, nodding his head. “They’re bloodthirsty creatures.”

  She shook her head, knowing that there was so much more to Nicu. They had only spent hours together, and in those few short hours, he had proven it.

  “That is not all they do.” She sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. Maybe it was a mistake coming here. They had so many preconceived notions about vampires that they probably wouldn’t believe anything she said.

  “He saved my life that night. I learned more about vampires from Nicu than you all have in however long it’s been since you’ve been studying them.”

  “Please, do tell—”

  “That’s not what I’m here for,” she announced, shaking her head. She wouldn’t tell them shit about the vampires. “I need informat
ion and I pray that you have it.”

  “Sure. What do you need?” he asked, leading her over to a table. “If we don’t have it, I’m sure with our technology, we can find whatever you need.”

  “I need to know where Nicu Olaru lives.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  Samara inhaled sharply as the beautiful mansion came into view. It reminded her of something that would be on the extremely rich and famous television shows. She continued down the extended driveway until it came to a roundabout in front of the main door.

  She was at first taken aback by the armed guards at the gate when she first arrived to the property. They radioed into somewhere after she gave her name and stated that she needed to speak to Nicu. A voice came back on the intercom in another language, then they waved her through.

  “Now or never,” she whispered to herself and closed her eyes briefly.

  She placed her hand gently on the slight mound of her stomach. This was her first pregnancy, and she was in awe of how quickly things were moving. Her first appointment with an obstetrician was scheduled for next week. She was excited, yet nervous about the visit. She knew that once she saw the physician, everything would become real.

  Jeremy and his people did not have the exact location of where the vampire’s royal family lived. It wasn’t until a couple days later that they were finally able to locate it.

  “Let me come with you,” Jeremy said. “It won’t be safe.”

  “And you would protect me all by yourself?” she said with a smirk.

  “Why do you even need to go to them? I get that he saved you that night, but you don’t owe him anything,” he said, frustrated.

  “You wouldn’t understand,” she replied as she took the piece of paper with the address on it. “It’s better that I go alone. From what I know, they don’t take too kindly to your rebel group.”

  “Time to pull up my big girl panties,” she muttered as she grabbed her purse and stepped out of the car. She swallowed hard as she walked up the stairs to the main doors. She rang the doorbell, and a moment later, an older gentleman opened the door.

  A butler?

  She was way out of her league. She had half a mind to turn and flee back the way she came.

  “May I help you?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Hello, my name is Samara Shamus, and I was wondering if I could speak with Nicu.” She sent up a prayer that her voice didn’t shake.

  “Did you have an appointment?” he asked.

  “Um, no. No, I didn’t.”

  “Come in, and I’ll see if the prince is available for company,” the butler said, opening the door.

  The memory of Nicu in the dungeon, announcing that he was next in line to the throne had her pausing in the doorway. He was a real flipping prince? Her feet became heavy, but she thought of the reason she was here in the first place.

  The baby.

  “My name is Watson, Miss Shamus. Please, allow me to show you to the sitting room.”

  “Thank you, Watson,” she murmured, following behind him.

  A short walk later, she was seated in a luxuriously decorated room with large windows that let in a lot of natural light. What if he wasn’t here? What if he became upset that she just showed up? She did practically beg him to fuck her that night.

  What was she doing here?

  It had been months since they parted. He would have contacted her by now if he were interested. She stood to leave when a small knock sounded at the door. A woman who looked to be in her mid-forties entered the room. Samara was struck breathless at the woman’s beauty.

  Her clothing dripped of money, and her mahogany brown hair with golden highlights was spun up in a fancy bun away from her face. But it was her face that gave Samara reason to pause. Her smile was genuine, and her ice blue eyes held a faint curiosity as she entered the room.

  “Hello, my dear,” she greeted with a slight foreign accent. “My name is Alin Olaru. I’m Nicu’s mother…and you are?” she asked as she offered her hand.

  This woman was his mother? She looked young enough to be his sister. Nicu’s mother laughed at the expression on Samara’s face.

  “Samara, ma’am. Samara Shamus.” She coughed, embarrassed that she was unable to keep her facial expressions neutral. She shook the woman’s hand and prayed that the floor would open up and swallow her whole.

  If she was Nicu’s mother, that would make her the queen of the vampires.

  “Nicu is a little tied up right now with some guests. Is there something that I can help you with, my dear?” Mrs. Olaru asked.

  “Well, I guess I could come back another day,” Samara rushed out. “He saved my life a few months ago in Kentucky—”

  “You were the one that rescued him!” the queen exclaimed and rushed to Samara, grabbing her in a tight hug.

  Samara stiffened for a moment, unsure of what to do.

  “Thank you so much for helping save my son,” Mrs. Olaru said as she pulled back. She held on to Samara’s hands. “Come. I will take you to him.”

  “I don’t want to intrude if he’s busy,” Samara stressed as the queen pulled her out of the sitting room.

  “Nonsense. I’m sure you know what we are,” the queen speculated as she glanced at Samara.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Samara acknowledged. She looked around, noticing quite a lot of servants bustling around the hallways. “Ma’am, are you having an event right now?”

  “Just a little luncheon. Nicu is my last child that has not taken a mate, or gotten married, as you humans would say. So I am hosting a luncheon for him to meet all the available bachelorettes that are of his class.”

  “Oh.” Samara’s heart immediately sunk. Here was his mother, trying to set him up with a woman of his own class. Samara knew that she was nowhere near his class, much less same species. Yet, here she was, walking in during the middle of the gathering to inform him that they were about to be parents.

  “It would be sort of similar to what you humans watch on television. You know that popular show, the Bachelor?”

  “I think I’m going to be sick!”

  Chapter Nineteen


  Nicu sighed as he glanced around the parlor. His mother had outdone herself again. Here he was, stuck in a suit, with about fifteen of the vampire nation’s most eligible females, all vying for his attention. Some were shy, and some stayed away with a look of terror brimming in their eyes. A few were desperately flirting with him.

  Any female that he mated with would be the future queen of the vampire nation. He snorted, not seeing anyone in the room that would turn his eye, or better yet, worthy enough to be queen. A set of honey brown eyes and soft mocha skin came to mind, and a sharp stabbing pain where his cold heart resided appeared. He coughed, excusing himself from the two females that were talking his ear off.

  He knew it would be considered rude, but he didn’t care. If he couldn’t have the mate that fate designed for him, then whoever he’d mate with would have to live with him as is.

  He walked toward the window and took a deep breath. He didn’t know what the pain was, but it disappeared as soon as it came.

  “Are you okay?” a soft voice asked.

  “I’m fine,” he snapped, not turning to the voice.

  He felt the person leave his side and he rolled his eyes. If the female couldn’t handle his gruffness, then she wouldn’t be the one for him. He could already tell that this group of females would not work. His mother would be disappointed, but he knew she was desperate to help him find someone he would be compatible with—to mate with—so the council would not choose for him.

  Where did his mother disappear to? She had been gone for about ten minutes, leaving him to wander the room alone.

  A commotion outside the parlor grabbed his attention. His mother’s shout outside the door had him striding toward it. He snatched the door open and paused in shock.

  His mother was holding Samara’s hair away from her face a
s she leaned over one of the potted plants in the hallway.

  “What’s going on?” he demanded, erasing the shock at finding Samara in his home from his face.

  “The poor thing fell ill all of a sudden,” his mother replied with concern brimming in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” Samara said, straightening to her full height. “It had to be that sushi I had earlier. If you could just point me in the direction of the nearest restroom—”

  “Of course, my dear,” the queen rushed, flagging down a servant. “Preston. Please, show—”

  “I’ll do it,” Nicu interrupted, overwhelmed with the emotions running through him. For some strange reason, he did not want another male around her. He moved closer to her side and offered her his arm. “I’ll help her.”

  She stared up at him with her wide brown eyes, frozen in place. Her small hand slowly found its way to his arm.

  “I’ll be back, Mother,” he advised. “None of them will do.” He nodded to the parlor. He knew that his mother would handle their guests.

  “Of course, my son,” his mother said with a nod of her own.

  He internally groaned at the curiosity in her eyes as they turned back to Samara. He knew that she would hunt him down to get answers on why Samara was really at the mansion.

  He gave his mother a final nod before ushering Samara down the hallway. He contemplated taking her to his suite in the mansion, but knew it would draw too much suspicion.

  He opened the door to a large private bathroom, located off the main hallway.

  “I shouldn’t have come,” Samara groaned, walking to the sink.

  He locked the door behind him and leaned his back against it. He quietly observed her as she washed her hands and rinsed her mouth out with water. Her long black dress highlighted all her curves. It flowed loosely around her legs, and displayed her muscular calves that he could distinctly remember wrapping themselves around his waist as he thrust deep inside her. She turned to dry her hands on the towels beside the sink, displaying her perfectly round ass. He could feel his cock grow hard from the memories of their one night together.


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