Unraveled (Holding On Book 3)

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Unraveled (Holding On Book 3) Page 1

by Jolie, Meg




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  The ringing of her phone pulled Carly from a deep sleep. Her haze only lasted a moment and then she popped up in bed. She glanced over at Nolan. Whether he was awake or not, she wasn’t sure. He could possibly be scowling in his sleep, only vaguely aware of the interruption.

  She fumbled around on the nightstand for her phone, knowing who it was before she even answered. No one other than her brother-in-law, Luke, would dare call her this early. And if Luke was calling this early, it was because he had something damn important to say.

  These observations took Carly only seconds to formulate. She slid out of bed, clutching her phone in one hand, pushing the button to answer with the other.

  “Yes…?” She drew out the word, smiling as she said it even as she stepped into the hallway. It was dim without the benefit of a window. The sun was just pushing its way into the sky. Normally she’d be asleep for another hour or so but she was instantly wide awake.

  “They’re here,” Luke informed her.

  Carly let out a little squeal. Only Nolan’s presence kept her from shrieking loudly. “Are they beautiful?” she demanded. “Is Quinn okay? What time were they born? Is Mom at the hospital yet? Can I talk to my sister?!”

  Luke let out an exhausted laugh. “Slow down. They’re perfect and beautiful. Of course, I can already tell they take after their mom. But Carly, they are so tiny!” Carly smiled at Luke’s awed tone. She could tell he was already completely smitten with his daughters. She waited impatiently while he continued to answer her questions. “Quinn is completely wiped out but she was amazing. They were born about twenty minutes ago. You’re the first person I called, so no, Margo isn’t here yet. You can’t talk to Quinn just yet. In fact, I probably shouldn’t have left her alone but she insisted I step out to call you. She wanted you to be the first to know. Well, I mean, Mom knows we’re here. We had to drop Carter off with her and Dad last night when we came in. But she doesn’t know the girls are here yet.”

  Carly’s heart soared and then plummeted just a bit. “Damnit! I have a final at ten!” Her tone was full of despair and frustration.

  Quinn wasn’t due for a few more weeks, not until after Christmas. But she’d been warned that with twins, she’d probably deliver early. Just as she had with her son, Carter. Carly had been anticipating and dreading this very phone call. At least for the most part, finals were over.

  “I told her she couldn’t have those girls until after the weekend!” she pouted.

  This caused Luke to laugh. “Well, she tried not to. Believe me, she was a little flustered when things started up last night. Take your final, Carly. Quinn knows you’ll get here when you can.”

  She nodded to herself as she mentally calculated testing time and the four hour driving time. “Okay. I’ve got time to pack right now. I’ll leave right after my test, straight from school. I should be there by late afternoon. Tell Quinnie I love her! And kiss those babies for me!”

  “Will do. See you soon. And Carly? I know you’re excited but the roads are bad so drive safe,” Luke ordered.

  “Of course.”

  “No, I mean it Carly. We’ve got another big snowstorm headed our way. It’s not supposed to hit until tonight. But you know how unpredictable these things can be. I know you’re excited to see your nieces but…just take your time. Be careful,” Luke ordered.

  Carly rolled her eyes. “Yes, sir.”

  They disconnected and she tiptoed back into the bedroom. She couldn’t imagine how Nolan could’ve slept through all of that, but it appeared that he had.

  She glanced around, realizing she really couldn’t start to pack without waking him. Instead, she slid back into bed, making a mental list of what she would bring with her. Her final wasn’t for another three hours so she would have plenty of time to pack when Nolan did awaken.

  “You heading home?” he mumbled, surprising her.

  Now that she knew he was awake, she bounced around so that she was on her side. She propped her head up on her elbow and grinned at him, though he hadn’t opened his eyes. She had started dating Nolan Abbot a little over two years ago. After a brief break-up, they’d gotten together again. Unknown to Carly’s conservative parents, they had been living together for nearly a year. Early last spring, they’d gotten engaged.

  “The babies are here!” she said excitedly. “I don’t know if you heard when I was talking to Luke, but I think I’m going to leave straight from campus.” A thought flitted through her mind. “Or, I could come back here and pick you up.” When he didn’t respond, didn’t even really acknowledge the question, she pushed ahead. “Nolan, I’d really like it if you came with. They’re going to be your nieces too, you know.” He still didn’t answer and Carly stared at him, willing him to say something.

  Her fiancé finally cracked open one eyelid. “I don’t think so.”

  She let out a frustrated breath. “Why the hell not? I know we’re supposed to go out with Dan and Melissa tonight.” It was the last day of finals. A lot of students had planned one last hurrah to celebrate the end of another semester before heading home to their families for the holidays. “But we can do that anytime.”

  He shrugged as he forced his other eyelid open. “Hanging around the hospital? Sounds kind of boring to me. Besides, babies aren’t really my thing.”

  “That’s not the point. The point is being there for Quinn and Luke! The point is being supportive.” She didn’t want to be a nag, but she hoped he was able to read between the lines. She wanted his support too.

  He shrugged. “I’ll go some other time, Carly. You should spend this time with your family.”

  She tossed around the idea of reminding him, yet again, that they would be his family soon, too. She decided not to because he would likely just point out, yet again, that they weren’t yet. Instead, she sighed and flopped onto her back, biting her tongue against her frustration. She was sure that Nolan simply didn’t feel comfortable around her family. He hadn’t spent much time with them, so she couldn’t blame him.

  However, she wasn’t sure how he was ever going to be comfortable if he didn’t start spending time with them. Maybe after the wedding he’d be more willing. But that was still months away. They’d both be done with school by then. She couldn’t deny that they both were stressed over school right now. With both having only one semester left, their classes and coursework were the toughest they’d ever been.

  “How long are you going to be gone?” Nolan asked.

  She shrugged. “I’m not sure yet. Should I just go for a day or two? Then we can go see your family, like we’d planned?”

  “Nah,” he said. “Why don’t you plan to go for the week? I know how excited you’ve been, waiting for those kids to be born. I’m sure you want to spend some time with your sister. You two are so close. I’m sure she’d like that.”

  Carly would like it as well. She hadn’t wanted to be the one to bring it up. But now that Nolan had… “Are you sure? You wouldn’t mind? I mean, we were supposed to spend this week with your family.”

  “You go, we’ll figure out the rest in a few days.”

  The aggravated feeling that had enveloped her dissipated just a bit. She had been worried that Nolan would be annoyed with her for putting a kink in their plans. “You’re positive? You don’t mind going out tonight without me?”

  “Carly,” he said with a great deal of irritation, “
I already told you I was sure. I’ve gone out with Dan and Mel plenty of times when you’ve been out of town. It’s not a big deal. I’m sure we’ll run into a ton of people. Everyone is going to be out tonight. That last day of finals is always a big party night. You know that. I’ll be just fine without you.”

  “Okay,” she said. She tossed the covers off. Since Nolan was awake, there was no reason she couldn’t get her suitcase packed. Take a shower. Make some toast. Go over her notes one more time.

  “Hey,” he said, his fingers circling her wrist. “Where are you running off to?”

  She was about to tell him but he rolled over, cutting off her response with a kiss. She tried not to cringe. Morning breath was her pet-peeve. How hard was it to make a sixty second run to the bathroom, scrub your teeth—or hell, just give a good swish with some mouthwash?—and come back? She knew hers couldn’t be any better but he didn’t seem to care.

  Not when he had other issues that seemed to be more…pressing. He grabbed her hand and guided it to where he wanted it. He was already hard, ready for her. He gave the waistband of her pajama shorts a tug. She lifted her hips, obliging.

  She went through the motions automatically. Her mind was elsewhere. It was still hung up on packing, getting through her test, the long drive home…

  Nolan finished with a shudder and a grunt, seemingly unaware that Carly had barely even gotten started. She didn’t blame him, not this morning, anyway. It wasn’t his fault her mind was in a different place. Even if he had tried to be attentive, Carly knew right then, it would’ve been a wasted effort. So she didn’t begrudge him for it.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled. Carly was surprised he even pretended to offer up an apology. “You know how it is. You always feel so damn good. I just can’t help myself.”

  “It’s fine,” she said, just as she always did.

  He rolled off, giving her bare thigh a pat. “You don’t mind if I shower first, do you?”

  “Go ahead. I’ll just get started on my packing.”


  “Darn you, Quinnie,” Carly good–naturedly muttered to herself as she tromped through the snow to her car. She hadn’t failed her final, she was sure of that. But she hadn’t aced it, either. Admittedly, even without being distracted, she probably wouldn’t have aced it. She was sure, however, that she would’ve done a whole lot better. As it was, she couldn’t stop thinking about the two precious babies she was about to meet.

  Quinn and Luke’s relationship had followed a pretty twisted road. Now, things were really working out for her sister. Carly couldn’t be happier for her. She only wished she lived closer. If she hadn’t gone away to college, she could’ve gotten in a visit before taking a final.

  The last few years, this had become a huge regret; taking a year off before starting. So essentially now, she was a year behind. But also, she was wishing she hadn’t gone so far away. At the time, getting far, far away from her parents, mainly her mom, Margo, had been a top priority. But now, now she was regretting it on a daily basis.

  Six more months, she thought. But then realized, yet again, that wasn’t entirely true. Yes, she’d be done with school. Yet she had a hunch that Nolan would never move to Lanford. Somehow, they hadn’t broached that topic, even though it was obviously an important one. Carly had been avoiding it because she was afraid of the answer. She knew, without asking, that Nolan would want to move back to his hometown.

  His parents owned a resort. A successful, prestigious resort if you asked him. Even though he’d majored in Art History ‘just for fun’ he had hinted that working at the resort really was his long-term goal. Why he hadn’t majored in something useful like business, Carly wasn’t sure. She’d asked and had been met with an offended pout.

  Regardless, if he was interested in working for his parents, that meant Lanford was not in their future. She sighed as she reached her car, realizing they would simply have to deal with that when the time came.

  As for now? She couldn’t wait to get back to Lanford. It had been months since her last visit. Though she couldn’t blame anyone for it, she was frustrated that she would be the last to see her nieces. She should be the first one there. Not the last. But there was no helping that now.

  The air in her car was frigid. Her test had taken her nearly two hours. A quick glance at the dash and she realized with a little rush of annoyance that she needed to stop for gas. She should’ve done that before her final. It would’ve saved time.

  She pulled her car out of the crowded lot. Minutes later, she was at the nearest gas station. She put the pump in place and then began to rummage through her purse for her phone. Surely Quinn would be able to talk with her now. At least for a few minutes. If not, she wanted to at least let Luke know that she was on her way.

  “Damnit!” she grumbled. Her mind began to sift back through the memory of her morning. She must’ve left her phone on her dresser. She was sure it was next to the plate she’d used for her toast. She cringed. Nolan could be a bit of a neat freak. He’d be annoyed that she left for a visit home and had left a mess—or at least a dirty plate—behind.

  It was the worst possible day to forget her phone. She wanted to call her sister. Also, Luke would be upset with her if he found out she traveled in questionable weather without it. She’d need it at some point to check in with Nolan. Not to mention, it just felt wrong to be without it.

  Those thoughts convinced her that leaving town without it wasn’t an option. Running back to get it and then heading back out of town would set her back at least half an hour, probably more. But she’d just have to deal with that.

  She finished up at the gas station and headed home. A light snow had already started to fall so she flipped her wipers on.

  Despite the unforeseen wrinkle in her plans, it didn’t put a damper on her mood.

  Twins! Quinn and Luke had just had twins. She couldn’t wait to meet them. She also couldn’t wait to see Carter, her nephew. He’d just turned two and she missed him terribly. She was so anxious to be back in her hometown, she could hardly stand it.

  Even if it meant having to deal with her mother and her wheedling ways. Carly…Why can’t you ever get that man of yours to come for a visit…? Carly…You sure were lucky to snag that boy! The implication being that she was lucky Nolan was interested in a girl like her. She pushed those thoughts away and concentrated on thoughts of twenty little fingers and twenty little toes. Two precious little heads to kiss. Two adorable little bodies to snuggle.

  When she pulled up to the small, one bedroom house she and Nolan were renting, she was surprised to see the trunk of his car open. It snapped her right out of the happy place she’d gone to in her mind. The trunk was full of…boxes?

  As she got out of her own car, she took a good look at his. The backseat held his duffel bag, his television, a pile of outdoor gear.

  What the hell? she thought to herself. Even if he’d decided to head to his parents’ house tonight, he wouldn’t need all of this.

  She carefully marched up the icy sidewalk and flung the front door open. “Nolan?!”

  She heard cussing from within the bedroom and her heart began to slam around.

  “Carly!” he exclaimed as he appeared in the doorway. There was no way she could miss the look of annoyance on his face. “What are you doing here?”

  He moved out of the doorframe and into the hallway, blocking her way.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded back.

  He shrugged. “I wasn’t expecting you home.”

  “I forgot my phone. It’s on my dresser. But you didn’t really answer my question.”

  He took a step toward her and rested his hand on her waist. “I can grab it for you. Why don’t you go grab something to eat quick before you go? You must be hungry after your test. You’ve got a long drive.” He gave her a little nudge.

  She didn’t budge.

  “What’s going on? What’s with all of the boxes in the car?”

  The fiercely annoyed expre
ssion that flashed across his face gave her the answer. The one she’d already come to, but hadn’t wanted to acknowledge. She shoved him aside, pushing her way into their bedroom.


  More boxes were scattered across the floor. The closet door was open, his side was empty. His dresser drawers were opened and closed to varying degrees. The sloppiness of the room was so unlike him. The only reason he’d leave this big of a mess behind him would be if he was in a hurry. Or if he was planning on not coming back to the disaster he’d left behind.

  He’d definitely leave a mess behind if it were a combination of the two.

  However, she did realize how neatly the boxes were packed. Everything placed inside just so. He’d taken care with the items he was bringing with. A stark contrast to what he was leaving behind.

  She put her hand over her mouth and muttered something unintelligible. Her stomach twisted into a sick-feeling knot. Her heart slammed around some more and the blood felt as though it rushed from her head. She felt the sting of tears but she forbade them to appear. She had had a lot of practice over the years with keeping them at bay.

  Something on their unmade bed caught her eye. It was an opened notebook. Her notebook. One she’d been studying notes from just before she’d left that morning. It wasn’t opened to her notes at the moment. She lunged for it. She felt Nolan’s fingers graze her wrist but she moved too quickly.

  Carly-I’m sorry.

  “You’re sorry?! You’re sorry?!” She pleaded with herself to keep her voice even. “You’re leaving me?! And all I get are these three crappy words?” She waved the notebook in his face before flinging it across the room. It slammed into the wall and then fell to the floor with a rush of crumpling pages.

  “I wasn’t done with the note yet,” he said. His tone wasn’t the least bit apologetic.

  “That’s beside the point! We’re engaged! And all you were going to give me was a damn note?!” To hell with keeping her voice even. She was furious. She’d take that over being hurt. She was sure that unwanted emotion would be making an appearance soon enough.


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