Dirty Sexy Furry (Southern Shifters Book 1)

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Dirty Sexy Furry (Southern Shifters Book 1) Page 16

by Eliza Gayle

  She bit her bottom lip to keep from smiling. The man definitely had a thing for her backside and always wanting to swat it. "A little spanking therapy?" she asked, no longer able to hide her smile.

  He growled again, knowing full well what that sound did to her. The tingling sensations increased until her toes began to curl from it. If she wasn't already trapped between his body and the hard steering wheel pressed into her hip, she'd be clamping her legs together to stem the effect of that growl.

  "For you? Definitely, babe. You might as well add it as a regular thing to that little pocket calendar you like to write everything in."


  "Don't even try it. You get off on it and we both know it."

  She rolled her eyes. Even if it was a totally true statement that didn't mean she had to verbally agree.

  Lucas kept going. "Our elders are assholes, but I'm okay with that. Do you know why? Because we're together. At the end of the day that's all that really matters. You and me, babe—together. That's all I need. Are you with me?"

  She nodded her head. "Yeah." So much more than he knew. Fate had been a bitch to reckon with, but that didn't change how she felt.

  "No more frowning?" he asked.

  She shook her head. "Not about that."

  It was his turn to frown. "What then? What else is happening in that busy brain of yours?"

  "We're going to need a place to live. I can probably get us into some temporary quarters on base, but that won't last long. And we don't qualify for anything permanent. Our mating laws won't work with the humans."

  "So we'll get a place nearby. I'd rather have something more private anyway. How close are you to the beach? I haven't seen one of those in a long time. And we'll need a little land too. The beastie doesn't play very nice if I don't take care of him too."

  She compressed her lips into a thin line. This was getting more complicated by the second. "Well..."

  "Spit it out."

  She exhaled. "Beach front property in California is insanely expensive. And sadly, my military pay isn't going to cut it."

  A clipped bark of laughter erupted from Lucas. "That's what you're worried about? Money?" He shook his head. "Babe."

  Uncomfortable with the current subject, especially since her clan had cut her off financially, Kira tried to wiggle away from him. He simply gripped her tighter to keep her in place. "I know. It's a shitty way to bring it up. But I keep crunching numbers and it's going to be a stretch. Hell, a lot more than a stretch. It's going to be impossible."

  "No. It's not. I've got this no problem." He brushed his thumb across her cheek. "I've got more than enough money for whatever we need. For all the council's stupid ideas and the ancient laws they want enforced, they pay really well. Over the years, I haven't needed all that much of what I've earned. So I saved it for a rainy day."

  "It doesn't rain where we're going," she said, still absorbing the fact he was either loaded or had no clue what kind of money she was talking about.

  He quirked his lips. "You know what I mean, Kira."

  She ignored his warning. "Do you really know what kind of money I'm talking about?"

  His hands released her arms and instead grabbed her face, pulling her even closer. Now face-to-face with him and his scent filling her head, some of her brain's concentration faltered. It was enough to send a tingle curling through her abdomen. Maybe he was right and she actually was sex starved.

  He shook his head. "The more you talk, babe, the more spank debt you rack up. Keep this up and it's going to be a long drive for you this week with a sore ass."

  A wicked sort of grin crossed his face that only made the tingling in her lower body worsen.

  "Of course I know what kind of money it takes to live in California," he continued. "I may live in the woods, but I'm not some sort of heathen. I have satellite television and Internet. And I don't hide my money in my mattress either. I've been growing my financial portfolio for a long damn time. There's more than—"

  "No!" she screeched, covering his mouth with her hand. "Don't say it. I don't want to know."

  "Why the hell not?" he asked. "We're in this together now. Mates, remember? Besides, how else are you going to get it through that thick head of yours that you have nothing to worry about?"

  "I don't know. Take your word for it? I just don't feel ready for that kind of information. My brain is already on overload."

  He started laughing, a wonderful rich sound that always made her stomach flip when she heard it. "There's more then," he said, pressing a gentle kiss to her mouth before he nipped at her lower lip. "I've been doing something of my own."

  "Can't it wait?"

  He shook his head. "No, babe. It can't." This time he licked the seam of her lips and she opened to him as he took her deep with a kiss guaranteed to scramble her brains.

  When they broke free, she struggled to catch her breath again.

  He placed his forehead against hers and smiled. "We're going to get married too."

  She blinked, certain she'd misunderstood. "What?"

  "You said it yourself. You live in the human world where we can't exactly explain to people that we're mates. So we're going to get married. That will work for the military, yes? That's what they need."


  He placed his fingers on her lips. "Breathe, baby. Don't stress out. I've got your back. Humans use marriage to express their devotion and to make things legal in their world. I think it will be fun. Plus, we can use it as an excuse to go on a honeymoon somewhere warm and I can work on making you less sex starved."

  She pushed at his chest and got exactly nowhere. They were still both pinned between the steering wheel and the driver's seat.

  "Oh my God! I. Am. Not. Sex. Starved. You have to quit saying that."

  More laughter erupted from him and honestly, she caught it deep. Something she’d never truly believed in. Heat spread through her chest and despite his instance to the contrary, it had nothing to do with how badly she wanted him right now.

  Okay, maybe a little.

  But the truth of the matter was, she was literally going to marry the man of her dreams. People wrote fiction about that kind of thing and it had happened to her in real life.

  “You’re doing it again,” he pinched her arm and pulled her instantly back to the present.

  “I can’t help it. My mother spent her whole life believing in this kind of thing and all along I thought she was crazy for it. It made her vulnerable and easy prey to people like Lawrence who only wanted to use her for her power.”

  Lucas’ fingers flexed on her shoulder as he leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “And you were scared I’d be like him?”

  For a moment her stomach dropped and a wave of regret washed over her. “Not now I’m not. But in case you haven’t noticed, I’m a little thick headed when it comes to this kind of thing. I needed time even though I didn’t have it.”

  “A little?” he asked a new smile creeping across his face. “Baby, if you were anymore stubborn—“

  “Maybe you should shut up and kiss me before you finish that sentence,” she warned. “You know, quit while you’re ahead.”

  Fortunately for them both, Lucas must have agreed, because he tipped his head and pulled her forward with the grip he had on the back of her neck until their lips crashed together.

  She had dreamed of a man she thought needed rescuing, when it turned out they both did. Fate may have brought them together, but it was the man who made her feel everything again.

  And if she had learned nothing else, she knew this feeling was something worth fighting the whole world for.

  Three months later…

  Lucas stood in the doorway to a back deck that overlooked the ocean, watching his wife soaking up the late afternoon sun.


  He mulled over the word he still wasn’t used to. He really did prefer the word mate. But for both their sakes he’d focus on the human version of what she was to

  Since neither of them were familiar enough with the traditional wedding protocols humans preferred, they’d opted to take the quick and easy route with an early morning trip to the local courthouse.

  Funny thing, what had started out as a technicality had taken a deeper route as they pledged their commitment in front of witnesses. By the time they got to the ring exchange, he had to wipe the tears of joy from his beautiful mate’s cheeks.

  She was twisting at the gold band on her finger again. Sometimes she did that when she was nervous and others just because.

  He’d been smart to suggest they get married. Not only so they’d fit into her current world better, but also because it had somehow cemented something else for her. The mating connection he felt with her had only grown stronger with each passing day since then as did their psychic power.

  Even now he could listen in to her thoughts if he chose to. He didn’t. Because he didn’t need to. Her body betrayed her instead.

  Like him, she ran hot almost all of the time. In fact, the cool ocean air was a blessing at times like these. He wanted her all of the time. He loved to tease her about being insatiable, when in reality she had nothing on him. Even now, after already having had her twice this morning he needed her again.

  “Are you going to stand there all day watching me or are you going to join me?”

  He smiled. Her senses were growing sharper. In fact, he’d started journaling the changes that occurred between them. The effect of their psychic bond as well as their mating bond.

  “I’m not allowed to simply enjoy the view sometimes?” he said, his voice rougher than he’d expected.

  She turned and looked up at him as he rounded her chair. “Is it the view that’s got you broadcasting sexual suggestion in my brain? I mean the ocean is nice and all, but it’s hardly a sexual turn on.”

  “Who said I was looking at the ocean?” He straddled her lounge chair and leaned down until his mouth hovered at the bare curve of her neck.

  She laughed, a light melodic sound that went straight to his dick.

  “Still think I’m the insatiable one?”

  “Damn straight. I can’t help it if my body responds every time you touch that ring and think about me. It’s nature, baby. You’re mine and I like that you know it.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Uh huh. That’s you poking around in my brain, searching for my secrets. Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing.”

  “Maybe it’s just the fact we live in paradise,” he said, licking at her soft skin. “You have the taste of ocean on you and it’s really good.”

  “You don’t miss home?” she asked.

  He lifted his head at the almost imperceptible tremor in her voice. Anyone else would not have noticed. He shook his head. “Not at the moment. Do you know how cold it is back there?”

  She laughed, looking up at the warm sunshine. “I can imagine.”

  “Besides, Kane and Malcolm are a little busy right now. They don’t need me underfoot. And as for the council—“ He resumed licking her, making sure to brush against the swell of her breast peeking above the curve of her tank top. “Those bastards can kiss my ass. We’ll go home when it’s time to do something about them. Until then,” he paused, lifting her shirt and exposing more of the lush body he loved. “I’m going to take care of my wife.”

  And he did. Because she loved being called his wife and he’d do anything for his mate.

  He smiled. Even if it took the rest of their life together to satisfy her.

  Thank you so much for reading!

  One click NOW to experience the revelation of Kane in MATE NIGHT and find out what happens when he catches the woman who’s become his obsession.

  Click here for MATE NIGHT


  Enemies become lovers, tempting fate, testing trust, and satisfying an undeniable need.

  Kane Gunn is beyond frustrated. He has a kill order to fulfill and after weeks of chasing his target, he’s fresh out of patience.

  When he catches the woman who’s become his obsession he’ll have to decide between his quest for justice and an overwhelming desire that is consuming him.

  Lara is determined to seek revenge against the Clan Gunn shifter guardians at all costs.

  Until she finds herself face to face with the pair of green eyes that have been haunting her day and night.

  But time is of the essence as the tables are turned and they’ll soon learn that choices change lives.

  Mate Night >> https://amzn.to/2J5nH5f

  If you want more information on all of the books in my Southern Shifters series, you can find the full reading order and links at ElizaGayle.com

  Ready for even more Shifters? If you like the Southern Shifters, you are going to love the Devils Point Wolves.

  Read the series based on the island I live on!

  Click here for the DEVILS POINT WOLVES

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  Turn the page for the first chapter of Mate Night, the next book in the Southern Shifter series!

  Bonus Chapter


  (Book 2 in the Southern Shifter Series)

  By Eliza Gayle

  Copyright 2011

  All Rights Reserved

  Kane opened the door to a wave of thick white smoke, stale grease, and Ted Nugent warbling from an ancient jukebox in the corner. He stood just inside the door and let his eyes adjust to the atmosphere. Even with his enhanced vision it still took a second to get used to the haze and dim interior of the bar. Although he used the term bar loosely.

  It technically qualified because of the long serving bar along the back wall, with the various tequilas, vodkas and Scotches filling the shelves behind it. But the layer of grime and stench in this place would only draw drunks and skanks of which were plentiful in this town, from what he’d seen so far. He crossed the room and took the only available stool at the bar. He lifted his hand to the bartender who eventually ambled over.

  “What can I get ya?”

  “Scotch neat.” He figured it would be the safest thing to order in a place like this.

  Hell, when did I become such a snob?

  While he waited for his drink he looked into the mirror on the wall behind the liquor to observe the men who were lined up at the bar on either side of him. Men of various ages in different degrees of grubby wear, but no one who really stood out. He tried to catch the gaze of each and every one of them, looking for one who might be willing to talk to him.

  The bartender returned and slid a drink in front of him. “Anything else I can get ya? You want a menu?”

  “No thanks, I’m just here waiting on someone.” That nugget of information seemed to perk up the man’s attention. His eyes glinted in the dim light and his head tilted toward Kane in apparent curiosity.

  “Who you waitin’ for? I know just ’bout everyone who comes in here.”

  “I’m waiting for a woman.”

  The bartender snorted before his face split into a big grin, revealing broken and yellowed teeth. He imagined the fights that broke out in this kind of place would eventually lead to a man’s teeth being damaged and more.

  “Not a lot of women come in here.”

  “Oh yeah, why’s that?” The guy’s smirk aggravated him. Either that or this hunt was beginning to wear thin.

  “Not a lot of women come in here on a count of Twin Peaks next door. They either go over there to pick up the men getting horny watching the girls dance or they don’t come within five miles of the place because they don’t want to be caught dead near a titty bar.”

  Kane laughed at the statement he understood all too well. He’d spent his fair share of time in those
bars and more. He’d even let his brother Malcolm drag him to a few fetish clubs when they were younger. But some of those clubs would be considered high class compared to this one; so yes, he could well imagine not a lot of women wanting to come near the place.

  “I get your point.” He took a swallow of his drink and allowed the slow burn in his throat and belly to comfort him. The liquor wasn’t quite as smooth as he liked it but he couldn’t complain, it would get the job done.

  “So this girl of yours, she got a name?”

  “Yeah, she does. It’s Lara. I haven’t seen her in a few weeks, and I’m looking forward to catching up.”

  The bartender winked knowingly at him. He had no idea. Kane wanted to find her so he could kill her and go back home, maybe then he could get her out of his head. Plus it was never good for a guardian to stay gone so long. If word got out the clan wasn’t as protected, it could leave them open to attack or at the very least harassment from neighboring clans.

  Before he could continue his conversation with the idiot behind the bar a man stumbled through the door, yanking Kane’s attention in that direction. He was obviously drunk off his ass, but it wasn’t his state of inebriation that had Kane on edge, it was his scent. The man reeked all the way across the room and the smell had Kane seeing red as he gripped the wooden edge of the bar to keep himself from ripping out the stranger’s throat.


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