Soulmates 2.5: A Christmas Novella

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Soulmates 2.5: A Christmas Novella Page 6

by Sienna Grant

  Groaning, I roll onto my back and see him dressed and holding coffee. “Hmm, you got coffee?”

  “Yep and some breakfast. It’s only McDonalds, but I got your favourite.” He opens the bag and the smell of a sausage and egg mcmuffin hits my senses.

  “I knew there was a reason why I loved you, Mr Willows.”

  “That’s the only reason? You mean it’s not because of the way I can make you scream?”

  “Oh, that too... of course.” Grinning, I wink at him and sit up in the bed as Chris walks around the bed and takes his place next to me. As we eat breakfast, Chris tells me about his phone call with Adam, I hope she’s okay I’ll have to remember to phone her later.

  “So, what do you want to do today?”

  “I don’t know, it’s really cold - maybe stay tucked up in bed all day with my favourite man?”

  “As nice as that sounds I want to go out. We can tuck up in bed later, how does that sound?”


  “The grounds are beautiful from what I’ve seen. I thought we could go and do a little sightseeing.” I look up at him as my lips are clamped around my sandwich, I nod as I chew the chunk I’ve just bitten off.

  “Whatever you want to do,” I tell him as he leans across kissing my lips and smiling then moves his attention back to his breakfast.

  As we walk around the resort I soon find out that Chris is right - it is beautiful here. The weather helps though. The ground is white over from the frost - now I love the summer but I love the winter just as much but only for the picturesque scenes. When I was a kid I always wanted to marry in the winter, but obviously that dream got a little warped once my whole perception of a happy ever after changed to a realistic one.

  “What are you thinking about?” Chris breaks my reverie.

  “Just that it’s very picturesque.”

  “You look deep in thought, are you okay?” Chris frowns looking a little worried. He pulls me into him, tucking me under his strong, protective arm.

  “Yep just got a little lost there, but I’m fine.” I nod and smile and try to placate him. He stares at me a little longer than I’d like especially being surrounding by people so I look away first.

  We venture in some of the shops that sell Scottish artefacts, we see a mannequin dressed up in traditional clan dress, kilt, sporran. “Ahh Chris look at this? I could just see you in a kilt, you’d look so sexy!” My hand clutches his arse cheek before making its way across to the other one, “and you know I’d love to know what a Scotsman really wears under his kilt.” Pushing up onto my toes, I breathe into his ear as my palm smooths over the globe of his bum, sliding into the back pocket of his jeans and giving it a squeeze. Giving him a salacious grin and a wink to follow while he smirks and shakes his head.

  “You’re a bad girl, Taylor Kerr.”

  “It’s why you love me, Christopher Willows.”

  “You keep calling me Christopher I’m gonna spank your arse.”

  “Okay, Christopher.” With one last squeeze, I take my hand from his pocket, walk to the other side of the room and look at all the artefacts they have locked away in glass cabinets. Chris moves to stand behind me brushing his very hard cock across my back and places his arms across my chest holding me in place.

  “You’ve done that, now you need to stay there until it’s gone down.” I bite down on my lip to stop me from laughing.

  “It’s a good job you’re not wearing a kilt right now isn’t it?” I snigger. He secretly nips the lobe of my ear sparking a fire inside of me. Turning my head slightly so I can see his face, he loosens my ear and kisses my lips.

  “Come on there’s loads to see.” He takes me by the hand and leads me into another room full of Christmas stuff. Oh my god it’s beautiful. There’s twinkling lights and decorations and a massive Christmas tree covered in artificial snow, standing at, at least nine feet. I grab a few items for next year’s Christmas as we’re not back home until Boxing day. We find a spa, a dry ski slope, there’s everything. There’s a golf course too.

  After a day of sightseeing we’re exhausted and cold. We head back towards the lodge after we’ve had some food out and I intend on snuggling up on the couch in front of that gorgeous open fire. We’ve brought some snacks and stuff for hot drinks so we’re good now.

  Lying on the couch in just Chris’ t-shirt, under a blanket in front of an open fire is my kind of heaven. No one around to disturb us - we can just enjoy our time together. Chris’s phone sounds from the floor and I see it’s Todd from the caller I.D.

  “It’s Todd.” I sigh. So much for no disturbances. I pass Chris his phone as he lifts it to his ear and watch as Chris listen to Todd speak, he smiles at me. A wide happy smile. It still beggar’s belief how much this man loves me - me. I know I’m hard work, his blue eyes are full of love. He doesn’t shift his gaze the whole time he’s on the phone he nods and says yes or no where needed but not really has a conversation with his brother. “Yeah okay, speak to you tomorrow.” He clicks off the phone and hands it back. I place it back where it was on the floor and sit back up.

  “Everything okay?” I ask. His eyebrows raise and his head nods as his hands smooth up my bare thighs until he reaches and holds my hips.

  “I love you.” He tells me wholeheartedly. He stares into my soul, the soul that he completely owns.

  “I love you, too.”

  “I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, you know that, don’t you?”

  “I do.” He sits up to meet my lips and kisses me, rolling me into the back of the cushions in the couch and sliding inside me a second time tonight.


  Looking at down at Taylor as she sleeps in my arms makes me think how lucky I am. There was a time I never thought I’d never get the girl I wanted, but with perseverance and putting my heart on the line I won her over. My lips press against her forehead in a kiss as thoughts run rampant in my mind. I hope to god she’s okay with all this, I didn’t stop to think once on how she would take everything being arranged for her. What if she says no after all this? Oh well suck it up I’ll soon find out tomorrow.

  My phone vibrates on the bedside table, reaching over I lift it up to my eye line and see it’s Ryan. Opening the text, I read:

  Ry: Hey my good buddy. We’ll be there in around an hour.

  Sending a thumbs up back to him and the number of the lodge to the group chat, I place it down. Mum and Dad arrived with Todd last night and so did Taylor’s Dad with Michelle. Just waiting on Adam and Darcy, Ryan and Ash with little Alyssia and I haven’t heard from Aidan since around five days ago, so who knows.

  Taylor shifts in my arms to snuggle closer, her arm is cold so I pull up the duvet and place it over her shoulder. Pushing down further into the bed, I wrap both arms around her to transfer my body heat to warm her up and lie still.

  She shifts again. “Who was texting you?” She croaks sleepily.

  “Just Ryan being an arse as usual.”

  “What did he want?” She looks up at through the slits of her eyes.

  “Absolutely nothing. Thought he was being funny sending me a wakeup call.”

  “Ugh. Dickhead, tell him to piss off you’re on a break.”

  “Aww, my wonderful little ray of sunshine, you’re as joyful as ever. Good sleep?”

  “I did actually.” she smiles sarcastically.

  “Do you want coffee?” her head bobs up and down on my chest but doesn’t speak. Taylor has never been a morning person, I don’t expect her to start now. “Okay budge over and I’ll go make coffee.”

  “Wait. I was having a cuddle first. You’re warm and if you leave, the bed will be cold.”

  “So how do you expect to get coffee? Come on the quicker I make it the quicker I get back in bed with you.”

  “Go then. Hurry up!” She wraps herself in the duvet as I pull on my jeans. I fasten a couple of the buttons at the bottom and leave the rest and slide my phone into my pocket. I don’t need that going off while I’m out of the
room because I know she’ll look to see who it is.

  While I’m making the drinks, I put some bread in the toaster and make us both some toast, slathering a fair amount of butter on Taylor’s, which is just how she likes it. Once all the toast is done I place the drinks and plates on a tray and take them through to the bedroom.

  “That’s what I like to see, my man topless with coffee and food. You really know how to spoil me.” Smiling, I see her sitting up a little higher in the bed and place the tray on the bed then move the mugs to the bedside table and sit next to her handing the plate to her.

  She moves the plate to the side and sits up to drink her coffee. “So, what are we doing today?”

  “We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.” She’s going to kill me when she finds out what’s really planned.

  “We can stay here all day?” She says her eyes widening. I know that once everyone arrive we won’t be staying here, so I’ll concede for now.

  “Yep.” I nod, “If you want? I’m really not fussed.” She leans over me to put her cup on the side then sits astride me. Her fingers graze down my body, over my abs until she reaches the open button on my jeans where her fingertips rotate on my skin in small circles. “Keep doing that, you’ll wake the beast...”

  She smirks as her eyebrows raise but carries on.

  “Whoops, seems I already have.” Her fingers move further down until she’s stroking her finger up and down my hard shaft inside my jeans. With a tug of her other hand she pulls apart the buttons on my jeans to let my dick spring free. She begins to pull down my jeans, I lift up to help her as she raises up onto her knees and pushes them from my hips. She sits on my stomach as I kick my jeans off my legs before stripping off the t-shirt she slept in and moving backwards. My hands sit behind my head as she slides down onto my waiting dick and let her take the control she’s craving as she rises up and down slowly, taking all of me, her hands sitting on my thighs behind her, pushing her breast out for me to grab. My control snaps, I roll her onto her back and take over.

  Chapter Nine


  I’m lying on the bed after just stepping from the shower when I hear a knock on the door. What the fuck? I knot the tie around my robe a bit tighter and stand at the bathroom door. “Chris there’s someone knocking the door?” I tell him with a frown.

  “Go answer it.” He turns off the shower and steps out in his full glory. “Don’t be looking at me like that.”

  “Like what?” I innocently ask as I flutter my eyelashes at him.

  “Like you want to eat me.”

  “Hmm, or maybe lick all that water from your body.”

  “Answer the door.”

  “What if it’s some kind of weirdo though?”

  “Well, I can’t go I’m soaking wet. At least you’re dry.” I huff and turn away from him.

  “Fine! I’ll go. If I never see you again, it was nice knowing you.” Glancing back at him I poke my tongue out. Whoever is stood at the door is really impatient because it knocks again. “Alright. Keep your knickers on!” I pull open the door to see Ash, with Ryan and Alyssia standing in front of me. The shock must be clear on my face because Ash bursts out laughing.

  “You know it’s cold out here Tay.”

  “Oh shit, come in.” I take Alyssia from her and carry her inside, placing her car seat on the floor beside the couch. “Take a seat, I’m going to get dressed.” I tell them the frown etched into my forehead, not knowing what the fuck is going on.

  Chris is already dressed when I enter the bedroom. “What the fuck are you not telling me? Why is Ryan and Ash here. I mean we’re in Scotland for fucks sake it’s not like it’s the next town, is it?” My eyes narrow at him suspiciously.

  “Get dressed all will be revealed later.”

  “Chris! You told me we could do whatever I wanted today!” I frown but he just smiles then kisses the end of my nose and walks out of the room. What is he up to? I pull on a pair of jeans, a fluffy, baggy jumper and my boots then brush my hair through and pull it back into a ponytail.

  Chris is making coffee in the kitchen when I go back through so I sit on the couch and take Alyssia from her seat. “So, what’s going on?”

  “I thought you knew we were coming up?” Ryan says.

  “Nope. Hang on I’ll be right back.” Walking into the kitchen I see Chris slip his phone back in his pocket quickly thinking I haven’t seen. “Who was that now?”

  “Erm no one. Can you help me with these?”

  “I swear if you’re lying to me then I’m going to chop your cock off.” Whispering so only he can hear me.

  “Then you’ll be ruining your own fun.” He quickly kisses my lips and picks up the cups handing them out to me to take from him. My hand cups his balls as he’s holding the cups filled with hot liquid and squeeze just enough for him to tense up.

  “Taylor. Don’t.” He laughs nervously. “What are you hiding from me?”

  “I can’t tell you right now, honestly. It’s nothing bad.” He squeaks. Freeing his balls from my firm grip, I take the cups and see him visibly relax.

  I turn towards the door and glance back. “Oh, and Chris?” His hand holds onto his crutch but looks up at me, “no more blow jobs for you!” I smile and walk from the room. Ryan and Ash are laughing as I enter the room. Chris looking a little pale enters a minute later carrying the other two cups and placing them down.

  “Chris man, I hope you value your crown jewels because she’s going to have them on a platter after what I’ve just heard. Chris raises his middle finger at Ryan and drinks his coffee every now and again rubbing where I held him. I didn’t squeeze that hard - he’s exaggerating.

  We took Ash and Ryan around the shops we were in yesterday and spent a couple of hours shopping for Christmas items and getting something for Alyssia. Our sit in the lodge and veg day is now non-existent and Chris has some serious sucking up to do.

  We’re currently standing in the park; the setting is stunning. It’s all woodland around us, god knows why we’re here but I’m about to find out. I sit down on the bench with a huff, obviously not too happy that I’m just hanging around in the freezing cold. Pulling up my feet to rest on the bench I hug my knees to keep in the warmth. “Chris why are we here? I mean this is beautiful and all that but it’s bloody freezing. I actually can’t feel my fingers.”

  “I promise babe, not much longer.” He kisses my forehead and stands upright again. I see a slither of a smile appear on his face, I look behind me and see his Mum and Dad, my Dad and Michelle, Todd, Adam and Darcy walking towards us. I feel something wet hit my face, great now I’m being dripped on by the trees. Wiping my cheek, I stand up and turn to face him.

  “You need to tell me now, why all our family is here on our break away and why you couldn’t just tell me?!” He lets the others get nearer to us and after hello’s and hugs from everybody he turns back to look at me. He takes my hands in his and lifts them to his lips.

  “Okay, I wanted to do this with all the people we love around us.” He drops to one knee. “I want you to marry me Taylor. I don’t work without you, nothing makes sense. You are my everything. I know before you say anything that you’d already agreed but I want to do it sooner rather than later which is why we’re here. Why everyone is here.”

  “I... I don’t understand.” I stutter.

  “I want to marry you, here. In….” Chris looks at his watch trying to work out the hours, “around twenty-four hours.” In two days. Everything’s booked. You haven’t got to do a thing except get something to wear of course.” He smiles but it’s a nervous, cautious one, like he doesn’t know how I’m going to respond. Stunned does not even come into the equation right now and I’m not sure how I feel. He went behind my back after I told him I wanted to wait. “Taylor please say something...”

  My mind is telling me no don’t do it but my heart is saying what the fuck are you waiting for. I’m so scared I’m going to screw everything up, then I’ll be alo
ne and I don’t want to be anymore. I love Chris so much, so why can’t I just say screw it and let’s get married. It’s like I have the devil sitting on my shoulder whispering into my ear, stopping me from making the right decision. I want him, I can’t live without him but he went behind my back. Who the fuck does that?!

  “I’ll be right back. I... I just need to get my head around it.”

  I walk to the edge of the park to have my Dad catch up with me. “Sweetheart wait.” I stop and swing around. “What’s going on? What’s wrong?” Dad asks softly.

  “Dad you don’t understand, I do want to marry him but why couldn’t he just wait? I didn’t want to get married yet.”

  “Does it matter? What does it matter if you do it now or six months’ time?”

  “Because he took my choices away!”

  “No, he took the initiative to make an honest woman of you and he took the planning away that’s all he did. If you ask me you’ll never find a better man that than one stood right there.”

  “He’s done it so I’ll have a baby.”

  “What?” An angry look - one that I haven’t seen in years takes over his normally resigned and relaxed one. “What year are we living in again. Don’t give me that shit Taylor!” He holds my shoulders. “Pumpkin I just want you happy. I know your mother did a number on you and I know this is why you are the way are, but you need to let that shit go right now. I know your mother and I arguing changed your perception of happy and I’m so sorry...but I can’t change that, god knows I’ve tried!” He looks from me and in the direction of Chris before fixing his eyes back on me. “Now I’m going back over there to your family and I’m going to let you think about what you’re doing. You’re going to lose him if you don’t stop thinking about yourself all the time.”

  WOW! I’m kind of stunned at that little speech, my dad isn’t usually as tough as all that. Seeing a bench in front, I walk to it and sit down, resuming my position from half an hour ago and resting my chin on my knees.


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