Owned Forever

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Owned Forever Page 4

by Willa Edwards

  She didn’t have to look up to know Daniel agreed. If he didn’t think that was amazing, he had no feeling below the waist.

  “I think our pet earned her reward tonight.”

  “Um hum,” Daniel mumbled.

  His grip tightened on her wrists and a whimper leaked from her lips at the hold. Before last Christmas—before they’d come to Colorado and Grant had forced her to admit what she wanted—Daniel never would have known how holding her hands down turned her on. He’d never realized how much she needed to have her ass fucked, how she needed to be spanked until she was sore.

  It had been a rocky transition, opening her needy side up to both of them. But she couldn’t regret it. What woman could bemoan being stuck between these two men?

  “Go ahead, pet,” Grant’s deep, low voice rumbled in her ear. His free hand reached around her body, sliding down her stomach. His index finger brushed against her clit, and everything inside her seized. Her body tightened against the rush of pleasure his touch created deep inside her. He pressed his other finger a little deeper into her ass, pushing her control to its limits.

  “You may come.”

  With his words, her muscles tightened before she exploded deep inside. Pleasure ripped through her, hot and sharp, almost painful but so damn good she couldn’t breathe. She slid her eyes closed, stars dancing across her lids. Her whole body shook.

  In some distant part of her mind, she registered Daniel’s hands on her body, gliding across her shoulders and brushing the hair back from her face. But she couldn’t focus on the sensation as wave after wave of bliss crashed over her, dragging her down.

  Just as she started to come back, Grant slipped his cock inside her. She moaned at the invasion, her body clenching around him, and her orgasm roared back to life, overwhelming her all over again. She tightened her hands on the countertop, needing the support—the strength not to melt into a puddle around him.

  “Fuck, pet,” Grant growled, increasing his speed and depth. “You’re clamping down on me too fucking hard.”

  But she had no control over it. Her body wasn’t hers anymore. At the moment, it didn’t even belong to him. All it cared about was pleasure and finding more. Her cunt clenching Grant’s thick cock was too damn good to stop.

  He only lasted three more thrusts before he released a low growl. He gripped her hips hard, pulling her tight to his body and letting go. Kate screamed out with his release. His dick throbbing inside her sent her that last inch over into the abyss. Her entire body sizzled, electricity exploding through her, shooting out to every inch of her skin.

  Spent, she slumped down onto the surface, gasping for breath. Her muscles were loose and pliant. Her skin stuck to the slick plane from her sweat. She sighed softly. She hadn’t been this relaxed in weeks. “That’s exactly what I needed.”

  Daniel grunted his agreement from the other side of the peninsula, sweeping the hair back from her face.

  “Glad to be of service, pet.” Grant kissed her cheek. Tightening his arm around her, he tugged her tight to his chest.

  All the stresses of the wedding and her parent’s arrival drifted away. His warmth baked her like an oven, keeping her satisfied and safe. Exactly where she wanted to be. He held her close as he pulled her three steps into the living room then settled into a pile of blankets Grant had used to cushion his knees while he worked on the plumbing. They weren’t exactly luxurious, but it was a whole lot better than the hard cement floor against her sensitive skin.

  Daniel followed them and nestled in beside her. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and tugged her into his embrace. Their two warm bodies cocooned around her. How she loved these two men. Two halves of her soul.

  She didn’t know what she’d do without them. She certainly wouldn’t have made it through this wedding. The declarations and passive-aggressive comments from her mother and Gale’s overly helpful need to give her everything she wanted—even if it was impossible—were taking their toll on her battered psyche. She’d be so happy when this damn wedding was over.

  All she’d wanted was to marry Daniel and commit herself to spending the rest of her life with these two men. She would have been happy with a ceremony at city hall. But she hadn’t wanted to cheat anyone out of this day, especially Daniel.

  Only a few more days and the whole fiasco would be over.

  “Are you ready to go back to the house yet?” Grant’s words filtered through her brain, piercing her happy, little bubble. Back in the farmhouse, favors needed to be tied with pretty bows and more than fifty programs needed to be folded into boxes to put tissues in. Whose idea was that? And probably a dozen other projects she’d forgotten.

  She wasn’t ready for all that yet.

  Numbly, Kate shook her head against Daniel’s shoulder, pulling Grant’s arms a little tighter around her waist. It was so quiet here, so calm and peaceful. She hadn’t had much of that lately. It would only be in shorter supply in the days ahead. She wanted to savor it, just for another second. “Can we stay here a little longer?”

  Grant kissed her shoulder, and Daniel’s mouth grazed the top of her head. Each touch so sweet her insides turned to mush.

  “Whatever you want, sweetheart,” Daniel whispered against her crown.

  “Anything you need, pet,” Grant mumbled into her shoulder blades before tightening his arm around her waist, holding her a fraction closer.

  Their heat soothed her previously ragged nerves. They lay together. Quiet and calm, at least for the moment. Tomorrow would be a very different world.

  Daniel lay silently, watching the woman he loved and his brother slowly drift off to sleep. Their soft, even breathing almost in time with the other. Envy burned in his chest. Once again, they’d had a thorough workout—the two of them thrashing, spanking and fucking together. And again, he’d been little more than a bystander.

  Sure, he liked a good blow job—what guy didn’t?—but it didn’t exhaust him. Not the way thrusting into her over and over again would. In the beginning of this relationship, he’d loved all the blow jobs Grant had commanded Kate to give him. But over the last few months, much of the enjoyment had dissipated. Now they felt like consolation prizes. Thanks for playing, but you’re not the one she really needs. But hey, how about a BJ to take the edge off?

  At least he’d participated this time, thanks—as scary as it was to think about—to his mother. If she hadn’t mentioned Grant had taken Kate to the house to finish up some final touches when he’d come looking for an answer to Hector’s question, Daniel probably wouldn’t have even been a part of this fuck.

  He hardly remembered the last time he’d had Kate all to himself. Or how long it had been since he’d taken a very active role in the bedroom, let alone made her come. He vaguely remembered going down on her a few weeks ago while Grant had traveled to Boulder to deliver a mare to another ranch for breeding. God, he missed the taste of her, the sound of her soft breathing as he licked her. The way her eyes sparkled at him after he’d made her scream his name.

  Now all those looks were saved for Grant—for his spankings and his bindings. What was left for him?

  Kate shifted between them, pushing farther into his brother’s groin. She snuggled a little closer into his shoulder, softly snoring into his chest. Daniel brushed the hair back from her face, loving her smooth cheek and the softness of her hair. No matter how frustrated he was—how removed he felt—when she snuggled into him like this, sweet and sleepy, he melted for her. He’d do anything for her. Even share her with his brother. As long as he still had a piece of her, he’d find a way to survive the rest.

  It was just because of all the wedding stress. It had to be. Once the wedding was over and her parent’s returned home, they’d be back to normal. It’d be like it was before. Right?

  Chapter Four

  Grant shifted the truck into a slow stop in front of the small Grand Junction Airport. Considering the airport only received flights from a select few major cities every day—thankfully,
Dallas was one of them—the place was rather busy. Several planes must have all just touched down. People rushed across the sidewalk, carting their roller bags, duffels and briefcases. All in a hurry to reach their destinations, excited to meet up with friends and family.

  Grant wished he felt the same. He’d be happy if this rock in his gut would dissolve. But he was shit out of luck.

  “Their plane landed ten minutes ago. They should be walking out any second.” Kate’s voice sounded steadier than she was.

  Kate practically vibrated next to him on the front bench seat of his F150. He couldn’t tell if her pent up energy was with anticipation, excitement, fear or some combination of the three. Not that he blamed her. Her eyes flicked back and forth between the clock on the dash and the departures door on the other side of the pavement.

  He reached between the seats and grabbed her small hand. It fit perfectly into his. “It will all be fine. Just remember, it’s only a few days.”

  She nodded, though he couldn’t tell if she believed him. She sucked her bottom lip into her mouth, nibbling it between her teeth. Her eyes were big, fear radiating through them. Not the good kind of fear he could instill with a few restraints and a whip, but the bad kind.

  Her eyes flicked again to the window and her shoulders rose almost to her ears. Instantly, his body stood at attention. He knew that look. That fright.

  “There they are.” Kate pointed to an unassuming couple walking from the airport. They were dressed well, but they didn’t look anywhere near as out of place as Kate had described them. In fact, from a distance, they almost looked normal.

  The woman looked a lot like Kate, with shoulder length, dark hair and a small frame. Grant could imagine his pet as a little woman much like this one in twenty or thirty years. The man beside her looked up with big, familiar blue eyes. Her father had light brown hair and a sturdier build than the woman beside him.

  Danny opened the door. He jumped out of the truck and turned around to help Kate down. Grant stepped out on his own side, mindful of vehicles zooming past to take their loved ones home from the airport.

  He trudged behind Daniel and Kate slowly, letting the happy couple welcome the Bakers to Colorado. That’s who Kate’s parents wanted to see—not him. No matter how much Kate wanted to include him in this whole weekend, he was just a glorified witness. Today he was only the chauffeur, ready and able to drive them anywhere they wanted. But no one wanted to hug the chauffeur. From what Kate had told them of her parents, he had no reason to believe the Bakers would be any different.

  As if sensing his dismal thoughts, Kate looked back at him, offering a small smile, an offering to help ease his worry. For those who are different, that have different cravings and needs, it’s always hard to gauge how these types of meetings will go. But given all the pain Grant had caused Kate when he’d left Dallas, he wouldn’t blame her father if he wanted to shoot Grant on sight. Mr. Baker might be a high-powered banker, but he was still a Texan. He only prayed Kate hadn’t told her parents just how callous he’d been back then.

  For a second, Kate looked as if she would reach out and touch him through the foot between them, take his hand or brush her fingers down his side, but she pulled back before anyone besides them could see the gesture.

  It was a quick walk across the cement to the where the older couple stood. Kate reached them first. She wrapped her arms around her father. He smiled down at his daughter. His eyes gleamed, big and bright, like Kate’s did when his mother presented her with some special dish or family trinket.

  “It’s good to see you, rabbit.” Her father hugged her back.

  Grant sucked in a deep breath at the nickname. She’d revealed to him her parents had gifted her with the name because of, as they called it, her fragile, nervous disposition—which had really been her early submissive nature showing itself. Had these people ever understood the woman he loved? Did they have any clue how strong she really was?

  “I’m so happy you’re here, Daddy.”

  It seemed every girl remained daddy’s little girl for life. Even his brave, strong Kate.

  Pulling back from her father, Kate turned to her mother. Her shoulders hunched up a bit and reservation filled her eyes. But she still embraced her mother, the same as she had her father.

  Grant ground his teeth together at the strain in their embrace. How could these people not jump for joy at the chance to hug Kate? Why weren’t they beaming with excitement? Their only child—their daughter—was getting married this weekend, and her mother couldn’t even crack a smile. At least Kate’s father grinned at her.

  “It’s nice to see you, Mom.”

  Mrs. Baker warmed a bit with her daughter’s words. She tightened her arms a little snugger around her daughter.

  “It’s good to see you too, sweetheart.” Her eyes swiveled around the setting, as if to say, I only wish it wasn’t in a podunk town like this.

  Grant fisted his hands at his sides, fighting back the urge to correct her. This was a perfectly fine place. Kate was happy here. And she’d stay that way. He and Danny would make sure of it. But he didn’t say a word. He knew better than to enter into a fight that hadn’t been started yet. They had years ahead of them to discuss all of this.

  Her mother pulled back. She spied Daniel over Kate’s shoulder and a big smile filled her face. “Daniel,” she called out with more joy then she’d shown her daughter. “Get over here and give me a hug, my future son-in-law.”

  Of course, she loved Danny. Everyone loved Danny.

  Danny walked toward her, and Grant was happy to see Danny wasn’t thrilled to embrace the small woman that was so quick to toss aside their Kate. Good. Grant hated thinking he was the only one upset with how she treated the woman they loved.

  “Oh, Daniel, it’s great to see you again.” Kate’s mother hugged him.

  “It’s nice to see you again, Mrs. Baker.” Danny returned the hug, holding on to the petite woman, almost a carbon copy of the one standing only feet from his side. Though a bit more prickly.

  “Don’t Mrs. Baker me. I told you, call me Margo.”

  Her big, radiant smile had Grant’s stomach tightening. He couldn’t imagine her smiling at him that way. Not if he was the one marrying her daughter. He’d always be the country hick related to their heavenly son-in-law. And definitely not if she knew what he did to his daughter at night.

  “Of course, I’m sorry. It’s nice to see you again, Margo.” Danny pulled back from the hug, extending his hand to Kate’s father. “And you too, Robert.”

  “Daniel.” Kate’s father returned his handshake.

  As if sensing his unease, Kate turned toward him, smiling. His heart hammered in his chest, and his throat dried up. Happiness radiated from her gaze, filled with expectation. She wanted so desperately for her parents to like him. He wanted that too. Not because he cared what they thought, but because she wanted them to like him. And whatever Kate wanted, he was helpless but to provide.

  Kate stepped back and grabbed his hand. At the soft touch of her fingers against his, some of the panic eased from his chest. Not all of it, but enough. With a soft tug, Kate pulled him across the cement walkway toward her family.

  “Mom, I’d like you to meet Grant Farrell, Daniel’s brother.” She swiveled between them, meeting both their gazes. “Grant, these are my parents, Robert and Margo Baker.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Baker. “ Grant extended his hand toward her parents, praying they didn’t notice how his hand shook. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d met someone’s parents, and it had never been this important before.

  Her father took his hand, shaking firmly. “It’s nice to meet the Grant my daughter’s been talking so much about.”

  Grant smiled at her father’s words, and damn it, his cheeks warmed.

  After a minute, Mr. Baker released his hand, and reluctantly his wife took it. “Yes, nice to meet you. Do you think you could get our bags into the car?” Margo glanced toward
the two suitcases sitting between her and Mr. Baker’s feet.

  “Mom—” Kate started, but Grant cut her off with a look. He wouldn’t be the reason Kate argued with her parents. Not this weekend. In the years to come, about something really important, maybe—but not today.

  “I’d be happy to.”

  Grant picked up their bags, one in each hand, and walked toward the tailgate. Danny and Kate’s parents talked quietly on the sidewalk, asking about what he was doing now and how was he enjoying being back at home. A step behind them, Kate cast Grant an apologetic glance over her shoulder, but he only smiled back at her.

  “We’d better get heading home.” Daniel ushered Kate’s parents toward the truck. “If we stay here much longer, the FAA will think we’re coming up with a plan.” Kate’s parents laughed along with him as Dan opened the door for Margo.

  Safely concealed behind the vehicle, Grant rolled his eyes. Kate’s parents might fall all over Danny, but nothing excused the cheesy jokes.

  If only her parents had any idea what they did at night. Grant grinned. What a shock it would be to them what sweet Danny participated in between the sheets or on the kitchen counter. He could only imagine the wide-eyed stare Margo would give him, the way she’d clutch her chest with shock. He’d be the one giving her a superior haute look then. Wouldn’t that be great!

  He tossed the suitcases into the back then lifted the tailgate, locking it into place. He looked up just as Kate’s mother stepped toward his truck. Margo gave an indignant look as she hoisted herself up into the truck’s wide back seat. Grant rolled his eyes. Clearly lifting herself into a truck back seat was below Margo Baker.

  Grant shook his head, walking toward the driver’s side door. Kate and Daniel filed into the truck on the other side. It was going to be a very long ride home. At this rate, it was going to be a very long weekend.

  Why couldn’t they have eloped? It would have been so much easier.

  Chapter Five


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