Espino, Stacey - Hardcore Cowboys [Ride 'em Hard 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Espino, Stacey - Hardcore Cowboys [Ride 'em Hard 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6

by Stacey Espino

  “I’m gonna run and check on her.” Val wanted to make sure this brother hadn’t upset their guest. He knew his older brother was anything but sugar and spice. Wyatt was used to life on the road and probably lacked the manners he’d been raised with.

  After shaking the snow from his hair and not taking a moment to rest his feet, he bound up the stairs in search of Samantha. The light in the stairwell was dim, but some natural light filtered down from the end of the hallway—Wyatt’s room.

  Wyatt had bedded his fair share of women, but never trolled the bars or spoke crudely about the other sex like too many cowboys seemed to favor these days. His older brother had never been the playboy type. He was the so-called strong, silent type, but he did have a twisted sexual appetite, and Val knew too well the temptation of their dark-eyed little visitor. Even with the seriousness of their tasks on their emergency visits, he couldn’t help but think about Samantha. She was so petite, so soft-spoken, and had an exotic beauty he couldn’t resist. Cord wasn’t affected any less. His twin must have mentioned the girl a thousand times during the day, wondering if she’d had a relapse or continued to be sick.

  Val knocked on the partially opened door to Wyatt’s room.

  “Come in.”

  He pushed open the door, his oversized reflective jacket scrunching noisily with every move. “Samantha?” She stood by the window, staring beyond the glass without turning to face him. “You okay, darlin’?”

  She didn’t answer him, appearing to be in some sort of daze. “How much land do you have here? I can see all the way to the horizon.”

  He joined her at the window, looking out into the vast white fields that went on forever like a great frozen ocean. He shrugged off his heavy jacket and tossed it on the end of Wyatt’s bed.

  “Thousands of acres. We deal mostly in raising cattle, but also have feed fields—barley, corn, and a few others. You should see it in the summer, green and gold, with sunsets to take your breath away.”

  “I’d love to see that. I don’t have much of a view back home, just the brick wall of the building next door.” She turned and gave him a little smile. It lightened up her face, which now had a healthy glow, but didn’t erase the sadness in her eyes. Her damp hair fell more than halfway down her back in soft waves.

  He reached out and took a section between his thumb and a finger. “What happened to your pretty curls?”

  “They’ll be back as soon as my hair dries.” She chuckled. “They’re a blessing and a curse.”

  Val brushed the hair off her shoulder and ran the back of one finger along her jawline. “I love your curls.” He felt like saying he loved every detail about her, from her full lips to her big brown eyes, and every curve of her luscious figure. But he kept those thoughts to himself.

  She took a deep breath and turned to face him. Even with Wyatt’s old duds on, she looked adorable. “You’ve all been so kind to me. I can never repay that.” She wrung her hands together in front of her. “Even when I get back home, I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me here.”

  “It’s nothing any decent man wouldn’t do.” He squinted his eyes as he assessed her. Val didn’t want her feeling down. She was in good health with only the future and its endless possibilities ahead of her. “You don’t owe any of us a thing.”

  She reached out and placed a tender hand on his chest and sighed. “Why couldn’t all men be like you and your brothers?” she said reflectively.

  Her comment struck his heart in a way he never expected. Why should other men need to compare when she could have the real deal? The thought of her moving back home, finding a new man, possibly one who would hurt her, made him bristle. Was he a fool for thinking anything could develop between them in such a short time? He knew for a fact that Cord wouldn’t allow her to leave until at least the end of the week. A woman who’d been through her ordeal needed warmth, rest, and stress-free days to fully recuperate, even if she insisted on being fine.

  “They should. You deserve only the best from a man.” In his opinion, a man’s woman should be their pride and joy, their reason for getting up in the morning before working a tiring day, and they should be ready to protect her at any cost. If there was a man alive who would try and take advantage of the sweet little thing in front of him, Val would like a few minutes alone with him. Their daddy had treated their mother like gold, which is why he believed she fell apart after his disappearance and death.

  “I wish it were that simple.” She halted, her dreamy gaze lifting. “I don’t even know which one you are. Are you Val or Cord?”

  He smiled. Val had to constantly remind himself that most people couldn’t tell him and his twin apart. “I’m Val.”

  She rolled his name along her tongue a few times. “Val…” After nibbling her plump lower lip, she asked him, “What’s it short for?”

  His name had been a nightmare growing up in the small farming community where boys were raised to be men from the time they could walk.

  “Valentine.” He cringed upon hearing it. “Seems my mother had a sense of humor. We were born on Valentine’s Day after over twenty-four hours of difficult labor. I was breach, so the midwife had a lot of trouble. Being born on the day of lovers had been extra special for our mother after so many hours of torment. She said we were a gift.”

  Her eyes beamed, and her smile spread. “That’s really special. What’s Cord short for?”

  “Cordell. Can’t say I’m crazy about it either. My father loved that name. I’d still prefer it over mine.” He tweaked her nose. “Valentine’s not very manly, is it?”

  “I really don’t think you have anything to prove to anyone.” She shifted her gaze to roam over his body. He could feel the heat of her stare, the intensity of her intimate inspection. Was this why Wyatt looked so frazzled when they came home? Had she brought him nearly to his knees as well?

  Just then Cord came bustling into the room. “Everything okay?”

  * * * *

  When she studied them closely, she noted minute differences in the twins and stored that information to memory. Cord had a thin, barely noticeable white line from an old scar above his eyebrow. Val kept a small soul patch below his lower lip.

  “I feel great. If the roads are clear, I’d really appreciate a drive to my rental car.” She had to focus on real life. Sure, it would be nice to sit back and bask in the attention of these three fantasy-like cowboys, but it was all an illusion. She was just an oddity, a lone woman in their house who entertained them for the short-term. Even if she indulged her fantastical thoughts that they actually wanted her, which man would she choose? They were all perfect—rugged, caring, and tempting. Wyatt had saved her, but the twins had brought her back to health. It didn’t matter. She needed to smarten up and get her ass back to the city. There would be a shit storm to pay if anything happened to the rental. Not to mention, her boss was probably calling her back into work by now.

  “No, ma’am,” said Cord. “The plows are just starting to do their job on the main arteries. The back roads will be impossible to navigate for some time. Besides, what’s your rush to get back on the road again? You just went through hell and back.”

  “I have a job, and that’s not even my car.” Her mind felt ready to burst from worry. Her rent payment was due in just over a week. She wondered how long they’d wait before cleaning out her apartment. Surely she’d be able to get to the rental car in a day, two at most, and then it was the long drive back to Toronto. Samantha hated the thought of imposing longer than necessary, especially when she didn’t even have money to offer as thanks.

  “Minor things, darlin’.” Cord was just wearing the fitted navy T-shirt with the fire department insignia and pants that hugged his slim hips. His hair was matted slightly from wearing the helmet, but he looked adorable.

  “My knights in shining armor?” She chuckled in disbelief, only realizing she spoke aloud a second too late. “I’m not your responsibility.”

  “That’s right. She’s m
ine.” Wyatt stepped into the room, which suddenly felt too small. All the feelings she’d experienced with him before his brothers got home came racing back, desire burning in her veins. The fact he claimed to be responsible for her brought out new, unfamiliar emotions. Nobody took care of her. From the moment she woke up every morning, life was a battle. Whether fighting with the chefs and customers at the restaurant or braving the subway late at night, she was on her own in every way. The financial burdens, loneliness, and unfulfilled dreams stole her essence. Samantha was a work horse, a woman only set on surviving from one day to the next—but that wasn’t living and she knew it.

  “Wyatt, you’ve already done more than enough. I’d be dead if it weren’t for you.”

  He sauntered in, looking sinfully good in his fitted blue jeans, shirt partially tucked in. She noted the oversized, silver rodeo buckle on his belt, no doubt another award for his superior talent in the saddle. What would he be like in bed? She quickly shook her inappropriate thoughts away. Being trapped in the small bedroom with so much male energy, plus fantasizing about the men in unholy ways, was a dangerous combination.

  “I think I was meant to find you when I did, not just to save your life…” He trailed off, his throat working hard. She could easily fill in the blanks. How could he think she saved his life? He was a rodeo star with a thriving cattle business, living on the most picturesque piece of land she’d ever seen, winter or not. They were night and day opposites, and Samantha didn’t really believe in the law of attraction.

  Cord added, “I agree with my big brother, sweet thing. You came at just the right time. I think Val would have driven me nuts talkin’ about settling down and the future if you hadn’t shown up at our front door.”

  Her skin began to crawl. She certainly wasn’t afraid of commitment. In fact, she craved it like nothing else. After dealing with lowlife cheaters and witnessing her sisters’ multiple divorces, stability was the one thing she desperately wanted in life. But she barely knew the Carson brothers, so anything they said had to be fickle words spoken in the heat of the moment. How could they honestly want her to stay? And they all spoke as if they each wanted her, but the numbers didn’t add up. She was just one woman, and certain they wouldn’t be interested in her much older sisters.

  “What do you want from me?” Fear laced her words, not because they were capable of harming her, but because her heart couldn’t take being let down. It was better to ask than assume.

  Wyatt moved closer, too close. Her heart pitter-pattered to the point she had to open her mouth to breathe. “I want to be everything you need. I’m not a young man anymore. It’s about time I think about things like family and setting down roots. I feel a connection to you, Samantha, one I’m not willing to throw away.”

  She stepped back. This wasn’t right. Men didn’t commit, they took what they wanted with no regard for a woman’s feelings, just like her ex. “You hardly know me, Wyatt.”

  “I know enough. You’re beautiful, sweet, and tender. A woman like you’d make any man proud.” Then he whispered, “You’d make me proud.” Wyatt ran his hands down her arms, slowly, sensually. “I like seeing you in my clothes.” He leaned down and kissed her temple, just once, then pulled back. By this point her pussy was pulsing so strong that it became uncomfortable. Val and Cord were close enough that she could reach out and touch them. They said nothing, just watched. It was the oddest thing she’d ever experienced.

  Samantha shook her head. “No…” Her skin tingled, a mixture of nerves and desire. “I don’t believe you.”

  “Do I have to show you?”

  The wicked gleam in his eyes dared her to take him up on his offer. What did he plan? Any one of the Carson brothers would be a stallion in the bed, she had no doubt about that, and right now sex seemed to be all she could think about. Her need overrode her sense of insecurity.

  The twins just stood there with identical looks of sexual longing in their eyes. Samantha spoke up, “What do you two think?” For a brief moment she allowed herself to envision two men taking her body at the same time. She’d honestly never thought about it, but now it ignited wicked visions in her head. Two big, hard cocks…maybe three.

  “I think we’re brothers and know how to share,” said Cord. “From your position, I’d think three men loving you would beat just one.”

  “Men don’t share,” she said, hoping it wasn’t true.

  Chapter Eight

  Wyatt had to have her. The thought of letting her walk out of his life was not digestible. He was a firm believer in destiny, and Samantha was his. It didn’t matter that they barely knew each other. Instincts often knew better than logic. It was no different than the way a galloping horse could avoid a groundhog hole without seeing it—sometimes you just knew.

  “Only lily-livered men in need of an ego boost would fear sharing a woman.”

  His brothers were already lost to her. He could see it in their eyes. Ever since they were teenagers, Cord and Val had always desired the same girls. As adults they refused to settle down with separate women, which would in turn break apart their uncommonly close bond. Rather than choose between living a loveless life or living apart, it seemed logical for the twins to court the same woman. They didn’t have to say they thought the same thing.

  Where did Wyatt fit in the equation? He was the eldest and knew his younger brothers wanted him to return home permanently. It hurt to constantly deny them, but he hadn’t been ready until now. Every step on his path had helped him grow as a person, the good times and the bad. Now he knew what he wanted—Samantha. But could the three of them share her?

  “And I suppose the three of you are real men?”

  “Hardcore cowboys,” said Cord proudly, licking his lips. Out of the three of them, Cord was the most comfortable with the fairer sex. He flirted effortlessly and always had a flock of women sniffing around.

  Now Wyatt’s challenge was convincing the filly his intentions were honorable, that he played for keeps. She would never have to worry about anything once she accepted him as her man—or more likely, accepted them. He’d never known of anyone in their town who lived in a ménage relationship. They resided in an old-fashioned part of the province with God-fearing people scared of walking out of the tread. But since when did he care about what others thought? People tended to shy away from him, whispering as he passed by when he ventured into town for supplies. Wyatt was known as a drifter, a good boy who took the wrong path, never to be trusted again. The women he spent the night with were more than willing. He’d never hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it, so there was no need to start rumors, but that didn’t stop them. If they wanted to gossip about the Carson brothers getting hitched to the same woman, let them. This was their life to lead and no one else’s.

  “I’m from the city. I’ve never met a cowboy in my life.” She took a deep breath and then slowly released it, as if prepping herself for bad news. “Is it common for cowboys to love ’em and leave ’em?”

  Wyatt couldn’t help himself. He wrapped an arm around the small of her waist and tucked her against the hardness of his body. She let out a faint whimper. “Let me tell you about real cowboys, sweet thing. We love hard and fast. We care for and protect what’s ours, no matter the cost. And when we commit to a woman, one woman, there’ll never be another.” He looked down into her dark eyes, which were full of caution, yet pleading. Why did she fight what they all clearly wanted? Had she been that hurt in the past? Was a ménage repulsive in her eyes?

  “Whoever you choose will be a lucky girl.” She pressed her palms to his chest and pushed herself away, but he held her tight.

  He turned to Cord and Val, who both nodded their consent. Without words, it was set. They’d share Samantha if she’d allow it. “Tell me you’d like to be that girl, Samantha. Say you’ll give the three of us a chance, and we’ll prove ourselves worthy of your love.”

  After a lengthy pause, she whispered, “I’m scared.”

  The honest words weren’t
meant to reject. They gave Wyatt and his brothers an unspoken consent with the promise not to hurt her. Wyatt would never do such a thing, not physically or emotionally. He could still remember how protective their father had been of their mother. The Carson brothers had always been taught never to harm a woman. They were delicate creatures, deserving of respect and adoration.

  Wyatt dared to make his move, praying she’d accept him. He leaned over and brushed a gentle kiss on her full lips. It may have only been days, but it felt like he’d been waiting a lifetime to do just that. The softness of her mouth against his tempted him to take more. He deepened the kiss, tasting, testing. She didn’t resist, but opened her mouth and allowed his tongue entrance. Her taste spurred him on, made his cock feel ready to explode.

  “Let us make you feel good.” Val stroked her hair, massaging her shoulder with the other hand.

  “If we hurt you, just let us know,” said Cord before tugging his shirt off over his head. Wyatt couldn’t believe this was happening—a fucking ménage a quatre with a woman who tempted him like no other. More than that. Their union would solidify the commitment between the four of them. His entire future outlook shifted thanks to their little snow angel.

  * * * *

  Samantha felt as if she were floating. She decided just to let go, to give her body over to the safe keeping of the three brothers. All she knew for certain was that mind-numbing pleasure awaited her.

  When she glanced at Cord, who now stood shirtless, the reality of her situation struck her. They were all going to fuck her, three men, at the same time. Rather than her nerves flaring up, as she would expect from herself, her body heated with an untamed desire. A deep V-cut started at Cord’s hips and disappeared into his fitted pants. The man was etched as if made from marble, all hard and toned, and undeniably delicious. She had the urge to touch him, to explore his body with her hands and lips, until she remembered who held her. Cord wasn’t the only man in the room. No, the testosterone practically sizzled around her, musky and rich.


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