The Black Rose Chronicles: Deceit and Lies

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The Black Rose Chronicles: Deceit and Lies Page 11

by Michaels, A K

  “Hey, it’s okay. Leave it be, Marie, it’s there to keep you hydrated.”

  She sought the owner of the calming words and saw Cassius staring down at her, his hand gently removing hers from her task of removing the needle.

  “What?” she only just managed to get out.

  “It’s fluid to keep your body hydrated.” Cassius sat down on the side of the large bed, still holding her hand. “The doctor said you’d gone too long without fluids, and if it carried on, your organs would start to shut down. It’s keeping you alive until we find someone who can help.”

  “How long?” she asked as she tried hard to focus on staying awake.

  “Almost a week,” Cassius said slowly.

  “A week?” she asked as shock ran through her.

  “Yes.” He nodded then smiled. “But we may have someone who can help. We got a rather cryptic message saying that this person could help and he’d be here soon. All you need to do is hang on. Okay? Can you do that, Marie? Can you stay strong for just a little while longer?”

  “Sure,” she whispered.

  “I’ve got so many things I want to talk to you about. Apart from the job that is.”

  “The job?” she asked as she tried to make sense of his words.

  “Yes. You came looking for a job, remember?”

  “No, yes, maybe.” She coughed, and as she did, the pain in her head intensified.

  “Shh, here, try a sip.” He held another bottle with a straw to her lips and she managed a tiny amount before she had to stop. She was so weak she couldn’t even suck the water up into her mouth.

  “I think I need to tell you something,” she gasped, knowing she was near the point of no return, and if she didn’t do a healing spell soon, she’d be too far gone.

  “No, don’t talk. You need to just hold on. He’ll be here very soon.”

  “Who?” she asked as she thought she really did have to tell him she was a Witch. Time was running out and she needed to heal herself before it was too late.

  “I’m not sure exactly. I have a name only, Seth, and he said he’ll be here in a few hours.”

  Her heart stopped. Literally stopped. It took a few seconds before it started up again as she processed Cassius words. Seth. It could only be her Seth. Panic seared her insides and she tried to shake her head. As soon as she did, her vision blurred as intense pain radiated inside her skull. She couldn’t let Seth come here. She had to stop him, and the only way was to cast her own healing spell.

  As she tried to muster the power and words, her vision didn’t only blur, it vanished, as darkness sucked her under. She barely heard Cassius’ voice as she sank deeper and deeper into the abyss.

  “Fuck. Valentine! Get out there and find this guy. We need him here now.”

  * * *

  “What? Are you fucking nuts?” Brendan cursed when Seth told him he was going into Allarde’s home to heal someone.

  “I have to go, Brendan.” Seth paced back and forth in the ravaged living room of the apartment he’d set up in on his arrival in Manhattan.

  “No, you don’t.” Brendan shook his head as he glared at his friend.

  “Brendan, will you just shut the fuck up and let me explain fully?”

  Kuan laid a hand on Brendan’s arm. “Let him speak.”

  “Shut up,” Brendan spat out. “You don’t get to decide anything here.”

  “I’m not trying to make any decisions, I am merely saying you need to listen.”

  “Sorry.” Seth looked at Kuan, frowning. “Who the hell are you?”

  “I’m Kuan, and I’m here to help.”

  “That doesn’t tell me very much,” Seth said as he glared at the much smaller man.

  Brendan raised a hand, waving it in front of Seth’s face. “Hey, don’t bother about him just now. We need to discuss your suicide mission.”

  “Sit down, Brendan.” Seth pointed to the tatty sofas before going over and sitting down. Leaning forward, with his elbows on his knees, he waited until his friend was sitting.

  “Okay, first things first. I have not, repeat, have not been able to contact Rose. That means she is incapable of replying. Second, Allarde put out a request for someone with magic who can do healing spells—aka, a Witch. He has this message going out all over the country, in fact farther, it’s everywhere. He states he has a half-wolf who’s sustained a head injury and they are seriously hurt and require help. He’s . . .”

  Brendan shot up, rushing to the window and looking out.

  “Is it Rose? Seth, is it my girl who’s hurt?”

  Seth sighed, shaking his head. “I don’t know for sure, but I think the odds are pretty high it’s her.”

  Brendan swore, panic in his voice. “Fuck, I need to get to her. I need to go get her.”

  “No,” Seth and Kuan said together. Seth raised an eyebrow at the Chinese man but carried on talking to Brendan. “I’ve already contacted him and said I can help. He, Allarde, has said that he ensures the safety of anyone who can help. In fact, Brendan, wait ‘til you hear this. He’s broadcasting that this is a safe place for any Witches and that he’ll protect them if they come here.”

  “What?” Brendan looked confused as he stared at his friend.

  “I know it sounds unreal, but that’s what he’s saying. I’ve noticed a load of new guards arriving and the area around his hotel is locked down tight. If he’s telling the truth, then this may be the start of something huge.”

  “Are you insane?” Brendan snarled. “He’s a fucking Vampire with his own little empire and agenda. He doesn’t care about Witches. I don’t know what his game is, but I’m not letting you walk in there. We can try and break in and bring Rose out…”

  “Don’t be an idiot.” Seth shook his head, exasperation clear in his face. “He has an army, Brendan, a huge fucking army. We are not breaking in there and staying alive.”

  “Excuse me,” Kuan interrupted, his voice soft and calm.

  “What?” Both Seth and Brendan whirled toward Kuan.

  “I’m the one who needs to go inside.”

  Brendan stalked over to where Kuan sat on the edge of an old armchair. “What are you talking about? If it’s Rose and she’s hurt, she needs to be healed, and what makes you think you can get in and out of there in one piece?”

  “Brendan,” Kuan’s voice was decidedly calm as he looked up at the angry Wolf, “I am the only one of us who can do this. I can heal her, and I can also meet Cassius Allarde and ascertain if his intentions are as noble as they appear.”

  “Are you a Witch?” Seth frowned. “I can’t sense what you are, but I don’t know you, so why would I put Rose’s life in your hands?”

  “I am not a Witch, but I can heal her.” Kuan smiled benignly as he looked over at Seth. “You cannot sense what I am because I am, well, unique is the word I’d use. However, the main point is both of you trusting me to do this, so how do we resolve that issue?”

  “I’ve no fucking clue,” Seth said, looking at Brendan. “You’ve travelled here with him, Brendan. I don’t have a clue who he is or why you’d bring him. So, my friend, tell me why we let him go to help Rose?”

  Brendan paced back and forth, ending up at the window again, his back to the two men. “I can’t explain it, but I do trust him, sort of. I also know he has powers, but again, I don’t know exactly what. What we do know is if you go in there and it’s a trap, then I’ll lose you, Seth. I can’t let that happen. Rose needs you, so I guess we let him go and see what happens. If he doesn’t return, we’ll know he hasn’t succeeded and we’ll have to go to plan B. If we come up with a plan B, that is.”

  “Are you sure about this?” Seth pressed as his eyes stayed glued to Kuan.

  “No,” Brendan admitted. “I’m not sure of anything about this, but I have a feeling. Something inside. Telling me this is what we need to do.”

  “Shit,” Seth swore as he looked between Kuan and Brendan. “Kuan, or whatever your name is, I’m telling you here and now, if you ha
rm her, I’ll find you. I’ll find you, and you will not like the reunion one bit.”

  “I have no intention of harming her. She is extremely important to the continuation of all species. She is far more important than either of you could understand.”

  “Riddles.” Brendan’s stare locked on Kuan. “He talks in riddles. A lot. Kinda drives me nuts.”

  “If he can help, then that’s all I care about.” Seth glowered at Kuan. “You can help, can’t you?”

  “Yes,” Kuan said as he stood. “I need to get on my way now. Rose needs me.”

  “Now?” Seth asked as Kuan almost glided to the door.

  “Yes, now. She grows weaker as we speak, so I have to go.”

  “I’ll take you.” Seth stood but Kuan stopped him.

  “That’s okay, I’ll get there on my own, and far quicker than if you took me.”

  “How?” Brendan asked.

  “Like this.” Kuan smiled and promptly disappeared.

  “What the fuck?” Seth ran over to where the man had stood, turning to Brendan. “What just happened?”

  “I’ve no idea,” Brendan muttered. “But if I’d known he could do that, I wouldn’t be so shit-faced tired, as I am now.”

  Seth looked uneasy as he stared at his friend. “Why is he here and who the fuck is he?”

  Brendan sighed, collapsing onto the sofa. “I’ve got some stuff to tell you. Hope you’re ready to be blown away.”

  Seth gaped as his friend started to relay what Kuan had told him. Rising to pace around before going into the small kitchen to grab two glasses and a bottle of bourbon. “I need a drink.”

  Pouring two large measures, he handed one to Brendan. “That’s some story. Do you believe it? Him?”

  “I think I do.” Brendan gulped the amber liquid down, relishing the burn as the liquor slipped down his throat. “I don’t know why, but I think he’s the real deal with his ‘prophecy.’ Our Rose is far more important than we ever thought possible.”

  “If this is true, she’s not going to be ‘our’ Rose for much longer.” Seth’s voice couldn’t hide his sadness. “I knew she wasn’t mine, Brendan. I prayed she was, but deep down I knew.”

  “I’m sorry.” Brendan shook his head. “I wished that, too. I can think of no man I’d rather have as her soul-mate, Seth, and I know this must hurt you deeply.”

  “I’ve known all along.” Seth finished his drink, quickly filling the glass again and knocking it back. “She’s too good for me.”

  “Don’t say that!” Brendan almost shouted. “You’re a good man, Seth. One of the best I’ve come across in this shit-awful world. You’ve kept my baby safe for most of her life, and I owe you a debt I can never repay. You’re more worthy of her than anyone I know.”

  “I’m not her mate, Brendan. I’ve known it all along, and it’s going to be hard letting her go, but I knew it was coming. Things have been…” a sound escaped him…one that was as if he were in physical pain, “different. Things have been different between us for some time, and I knew this was coming. I just don’t know if she knows it.”

  “We’ll find out soon enough.” Brendan yawned, his exhaustion catching up with him.

  “There’s a bed through there.” Seth pointed. “Go rest and I’ll wake you if that little guy comes back in one piece.”

  “I’ve a feeling he will, and I truly am sorry, Seth,” Brendan murmured as he made his way through to a bedroom, sinking down onto the mattress and allowing his body the rest it desperately craved.

  “So am I, so the fuck am I,” he heard Seth mumble as he drifted off to sleep.

  “My name is Kuan. Seth sent me to help the person who is injured.”

  “Get Valentine,” the guard on the door yelled as the very small Chinese man walked up the stairs towards them. “Stop.”

  Kuan halted and patiently waited, his eyes seeing the disbelief in the guard’s eyes at his sudden appearance on the sidewalk. A few moments passed before a tall blond man rushed out. His cold eyes taking in everything about Kuan.

  “Seth sent you?”

  “Yes. I understand you require someone to be healed and I can help you.”

  Valentine cocked his head to the side. “You’re no Witch.”

  “No,” Kuan agreed. “I’m not. However, I can help, so please take me to the person who is in need of my assistance.”

  Valentine waved two further guards out from their position just inside the large door. “Guard him. Don’t take your eyes off him or you’ll answer to me.”

  “Sir,” the guards said at the same time before taking up position on either side of Kuan.

  “Follow me.” Valentine about turned and strode inside quickly. His long legs eating up the marble floor as he led Kuan to the elevator.

  “What are you?” Valentine asked as they got in and he pressed the button for the top floor.

  “I’m just someone who wishes to help and has the means to do so. I do not wish ill will to anyone here.”

  “You better not,” Valentine snarled. “If you do, I’ll be the one to take you down, and I won’t be gentle.”

  “Valentine, so much anger inside you.” Kuan looked up into the Vampire’s face. “You need to let it go. It was not your fault that she died.”

  Valentine lurched forward, pushing Kuan up against the back of the elevator, his hand around his throat as he spat out, “What? What did you say?”

  Kuan raised an eyebrow but said nothing, so Valentine shook him hard. “I asked you a question. What did you say?”

  “Please release me.” Kuan reached up and gently removed Valentine’s hand. “You need to release the anger you have inside you.”

  Valentine stepped back as the guards studiously ignored the commotion happening in front of them. “We’ll finish this conversation later.”

  “Certainly.” Kuan’s face remained calm and impassive as the elevator doors opened.

  “This way.” Valentine took hold of Kuan’s shoulder to usher him into Cassius’ apartment.

  “Boss, he’s here,” Valentine announced, and a moment later, Cassius rushed through from the bedroom where he’d been spending more and more time over the past week.

  Cassius gazed intently at Kuan. “You’re Seth?”

  “No.” Kuan stepped forward. “My name is Kuan, but Seth sent me, and I can help whoever it is that is in need of healing.”

  “Why should we trust you?” Cassius walked around the much smaller man, taking everything about him in and processing the information quickly. “What are you?”

  “I’ve been asked that many times, but all you need to know is that I can help.” Kuan looked up into Cassius’ face. “That’s if you still need it?”

  “Yes,” Cassius said tight-lipped. “However, you must understand my reluctance to let you inside a room where someone lies incapacitated when I have no idea what you are.”

  “I think you need to trust me.” Kuan nodded toward the bedroom door. “I can feel her and she is fading fast, Cassius. Do you wish her to die while we debate whether I am here to help? Or do we go inside and I save her life?”

  Cassius looked out the door of his apartment, motioning the guards inside. “Stay near, and if it looks as if he’s going to do harm, then kill him. Quickly. Understand?”

  The guards nodded as Valentine whispered, “With pleasure.”

  Cassius marched towards the bedroom as Kuan, Valentine, and the guards followed. As soon as they entered, Cassius could see that Marie was indeed fading fast.

  “Help her,” he ordered, his heart thudding in his chest at the mere thought of her dying.

  “I will.” Kuan stepped forward, stopping next to the bed and looked down at Rose. “She is very weak and the damage has grown. Were you aware of this?”

  Cassius growled, barely restraining his anger. “Yes.”

  Kuan looked over his shoulder as Cassius tried to hide his concern. “I’ll do my best,” Kuan said as he turned back to face Rose.

  “Your best had b
etter be her full recovery,” Cassius snapped harshly.

  Kuan closed his eyes, placing his hands over Rose’s head and started to chant quietly. A second later, his hands started to glow and Cassius gasped as Valentine swore. Kuan didn’t appear to have heard, as he didn’t even flinch. The glow grew and lit the dark room to almost daylight. A slight purple entered the yellowish color that now covered Kuan’s hands, his lower arms, and Rose’s head.

  “What the fuck is he?” Valentine cursed again as he stepped forward.

  “Don’t care,” Cassius whispered. “If he can save her, I don’t give a shit what he is.”

  As the light completely encased Rose’s head, they all saw her hands twitch, then a foot, and finally she gasped as her eyes flew open. As the glowing light disappeared, Kuan smiled down at her.

  “I’m glad you are better, my dear.”

  “Who the hell are you?” she asked as she sat up quickly, her hand flying to her head as dizziness overcame her.

  “Please,” Kuan murmured softly. “You still need to rest and you need sustenance. I feel you have not had food for many days. That needs rectifying. You should be fine in a couple of days once you’ve rested and eaten. If you wait a moment, I’ll heal your arm.”

  Again, the man held his hands out, this time over the cast on Rose’s arm. Another glowing light appeared and seemed to seep inside the cast for a brief moment before dissipating.

  “There. All healed.” Kuan smiled at her.

  Cassius pushed Kuan out of the way, sitting on the edge of the bed and taking hold of a hand. “How do you feel?”

  Rose looked around, seeing Valentine and two of his guards standing at the end of the bed.

  “Hmm, a little awkward. Why are they here?”

  “Go,” Cassius ordered quickly.

  Valentine went over to Kuan and was in the process of leading him out of the room when Cassius stopped him.

  “Keep him in the other room. I wish to speak to him once I’m done here. Also, can you find Sue to get some food sent up, please?”

  Val grunted. “Okay, boss.” Before leading Kuan and his guards out of the room.


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