Pisces (Zodiac Killers Book 4)

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Pisces (Zodiac Killers Book 4) Page 5

by WL Knightly

  Logan was sitting on the other side of the table with his hands cuffed in front of him. He looked pretty good, considering the shitty food they’d been feeding him and his terrible sleeping conditions.

  “I never thought I’d be so glad to see you,” Logan said as he held out his hand, his cuffs rattling as Bay shook his hand.

  Bay lowered himself into the chair and then took out some papers to look busy. “I wanted to let you know that they’ve arranged your transfer. Your trial is set for a couple of months, and that was the best I could do.”

  Logan shrugged. “It’s okay, man. I’m good in here.”

  Bay hated his false sense of security. He saw it not only as a sign of weakness but as a sign of stupidity. “I don’t think you understand what a shithole you’re about to enter.”

  “One where the killer can’t reach me. That’s where. You guys are sitting ducks. Even if I get my ass beat, I’m still better off.” He smiled like an idiot, and Bay wasn’t sure he hadn’t snapped. Too bad it was too late for a plea of insanity.

  “You’re delusional if you think an ass beating is all you’re up against. There are gangs, men who will make you their woman, and others who will knock your teeth out so you can’t bite their dicks while you’re blowing them. The others are just going to rape your ass, and you’ll be lucky if you spend much time sitting down.”

  “You’re just trying to scare me,” Logan said. “I know it’s bad, but I plan on keeping to myself.”

  Bay shook his head. “You’ll do what they want you to do. Who they want you to do. You’re nothing in there. Don’t forget it.”

  Logan’s eyes darkened, and finally, the look of fear crossed his face that Bay was looking for.

  “Now, fear not, for I’ve come to bring hope.” Bay used a dramatic voice, but only he was humored by it. “Your stay on the inside can be horrible or tolerable, but that’s all up to you and how much you decide to talk. I’m sure you get where I’m coming from, don’t you? After all, I’m the one who pulls the strings, so you’ll do things my way.”

  Logan looked down at his cuffs and gave a slight nod.

  “Good,” Bay said. “I’ll make sure that you’re taken care of once you get there, a mercy that I’m prepared to extend you for as long as you’re willing to play by my rules.”

  “I understand.”

  “Good. Because it’s that easy. I’ll look after you if you look after me.”

  “Have you heard anything about Hannah? Did they find her?”

  “No, no word, but don’t worry. I’m sure she’s fine. Probably living it up somewhere and thinking about the bullet she dodged when you were arrested.”

  Logan’s lip curled, and if he had fangs, he’d have bared them. “How can you talk about her like that? She could be dead somewhere because of us, and you’re here making jokes.” He slapped the table. “She’s not like that.”

  “I hate to break it to you, but I know her better than you think, Logan.” Bay gave him a smug look, and Logan’s eyes burned with anger.

  “You’re a fucking liar. She hated you.”

  Bay nodded. “Only because I didn’t call her after we fucked. Tell me, how’s that little apple-shaped birthmark on her hip? Is it just as sweet when you bite it as it used to be? I bet it is.”

  “Fuck you,” Logan growled.

  “Now, Logan, let’s not fight over a woman. That was a long time ago, and I’m sure she had her reasons for not telling you. Oh, and that reminds me, is there anyone you don’t want on your visitor’s list? I can make arrangements.”

  Logan looked down at the table, his nostrils still flaring. “Aside from you?” He scratched his head. “My mother.”

  “Aww, you don’t want her to see you this way?”

  “I don’t care about her, and I don’t want to see her.”

  “Fine.” Bay wondered if the woman even knew her baby boy was incarcerated. “I guess that’s all for today. Make sure you do your part, and I’ll do mine. Are we good?”

  “Yeah, I hear you loud and clear. Do me a favor and send Katherine Fallwell in your place.” Bay laughed as the guard came in and took Logan’s arm.

  He left the meeting room and then walked down the corridor and past security. Once he was halfway to his car, his phone buzzed, and he smiled when he saw who it was.

  Bay answered the call. “How’s the trip? Finding any clues?”

  “You asshole,” Darek cursed. “You knew it was a dead end, and you didn’t give me a fucking heads up?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” He chuckled and then opened his car door and slid into the leather seat.

  “Fuck you. The main building at camp burned down. The millstone was turned over and cleaned. You covered our tracks.”

  “Someone has to take care things,” Bay said. “If it weren’t for me, you’d be cuffed and stuffed by now, and I’d be visiting you in jail and not Logan fucking Miller.”

  “Have you been to see him again?”

  “I’m just leaving,” Bay said. “They arranged for his transfer, and he’s still smiling like a dumbass. He really thinks he’s safe in there. I had to educate him on who is calling the shots.”

  Darek sighed. “Please tell me you didn’t threaten him. Which reminds me, did you threaten a Greg Williford about reopening the camp?”

  “Never heard of him, and no. I’m not going to leave a bigger trail while trying to cover one up. Why? Did you meet with him?” He laughed and imagined how uncomfortable Darek must have been.

  “Yeah, and I went out to the millhouse, too,” Darek said. “How’d you manage to turn that stone over?”

  “Your lack of memory is really annoying. Do you not remember how we covered your ass that night? It took every one of us to turn that fucking thing over. You helped.”

  “That’s impossible. I’d have remembered something like that.”

  “Yeah, like you remember so many other important fucking things. I think I’ll have your shrink give you a lower dose of your fucking meds.” He knew Darek still didn’t believe that he pulled his shrink’s strings, too, but it was fun to make him wonder.

  “I can find out if that’s true, you know? And if I do, we’re going to have a big fucking problem on our hands.”

  “What is it with you motherfuckers today?” Bay asked. “That’s two threats from weak-ass men who think they can actually raise my fucking blood pressure with a couple of words.” He laughed as Darek mumbled obscenities. “Save it.”

  “Did Logan mention Hannah?” Darek asked.

  Bay wondered if Darek thought that Logan was really capable of hurting Hannah. He for one knew the guy didn’t have it in him anymore.

  “No, just that he was worried about her,” Bay said.

  “I’m afraid if she ends up dead, he’s going to fucking talk.”

  Bay was one step ahead of him, and that was why he’d put people in place to make sure Logan didn’t squeal. “Trust me; he won’t. I’ve already told him that I hold his life in my hands. If he looks like he’s going to be a threat, I’ll take care of it.” Bay didn’t see any reason not to be honest. It wasn’t like Darek would do a damned thing about it.

  “Dammit, Bay. It’s shit like that. It makes me wonder if you don’t know where Hannah is or what happened to her. Did you shut her up, too?”

  Bay’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t know what you mean. I’ll try not to be insulted.” Bay hung up the phone and thought that Darek was sometimes too good at his job. Thankfully, the asshole was in just as much trouble as he was. Bay wasn’t answering questions about Hannah, and if there was one thing he knew for sure, that bitch wasn’t going to talk to anyone anytime soon.



  Finn walked out of the building and to his car, which was parked a block away. Another wasted hour with an uninterested investor had passed, and Finn felt like he should just pack up and go back home with his tail tucked between his legs. Not only was he having problems finding anyone interested in working
on the project, but the ones who were weren’t quite what he was looking for.

  If he’d known that things would be this hard, he would have stayed on with the production company he worked with for two years before, content to work behind the scenes of other people’s projects. But no, he had to listen to Edie. She’d been so encouraging and wanted him to come out of his creative shell a little, and now, he knew why he had stayed in one for so long.

  Before her, work had been about going to a room with a couple of others and editing footage, doing special effects, and leaving the rest to others. He had been comfortable and had even been blessed to have his screenplays looked at and accepted. The first one he’d sold had given him enough money to pay for his beautiful car, which had been a shell of what he’d made it, and the second helped him secure a nice place to live. Those jobs, unlike the few acting jobs he’d had in the past, had gotten him where he wanted to be: taken seriously.

  He finally got to his car, and as he opened the door, his phone rang. Edie had called three times while he’d been talking to the potential investor, and he knew she must have something important to tell him.

  “Hey, baby. I’m sorry I didn’t answer. I was in a meeting for the past two hours, listening to a jackass tell me how to make my fucking work better.” The advice had been unsolicited, and nothing could kill a person’s spirit worse than a bad critique.

  “Sorry, but the studio called and they need your slot,” she said. “I told them you were out of town, and they said to let you know. You’re welcome to use it after the first of the year. I told her that wasn’t going to work, but she just told me to pass the message to you.”

  He banged his hand on the steering wheel and couldn’t believe his fucking luck. It was the worst ever. “They can’t do this! I paid a fucking deposit for a reason! For those assholes to hold my fucking time slot.”

  “I’m sorry. She said she’s already sent the refund, and it should be credited to your account.” Edie was quiet as he took a few deep breaths and tried not to take it out on her. She was just the messenger, and he needed her help now, more than ever.

  “Look, do me a favor and call around for me,” he said. “I don’t care who it is, but get me some time if it’s available, and watch the money because I’m having a shitty time here trying to get investors.”

  “I’m so sorry, baby. I wish I could hold you.” Her voice set his hairs on end.

  He didn’t need her fucking coddling. “For fuck’s sake, Edie, I’m not a child. Will you just call around?”

  “Yes, of course.” She sounded like a kicked puppy, and he felt like shit.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I’m just so aggravated. I want this to work and I’m afraid it’s all falling apart. My only investor is not sure he wants to stay in, and I can’t find any others. Look, I’ve got another meeting in half an hour. I’m going to freshen up and head that way, so don’t call me, okay? I’ll let you know when I’m out.” He knew the only way to make anything happen was to get Bay to bankroll the fucking production, and the way to do it was to get the dirt he wanted on Seth.

  “Okay, but call me as soon as you’re out, and I’ll let you know if I got anyone on the phone. It’s going to be tough, being a Saturday, but I’ll do what I can. Don’t worry, baby. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” The words were as empty as his heart, and he hated himself for saying them. He hung up the phone and sat for a minute. He questioned why he even kept her around, but then a little voice inside him reminded him why. She’s a perfect cover, that’s why.

  He hit the steering wheel again. “I’m not fucking gay. I love women.” He tried his hardest to think about Raven, and while he did enjoy her company and the way he felt inside her, his one true love would always be a certain platinum blond man who made him question everything.

  Finn thought back to what Bay had said about Mia. He didn’t share her. She was special to him. His chest burned with jealousy, anger, and an aching that he couldn’t explain. It was a desperate longing, like wanting something he knew he could never have.

  He imagined himself submitting to Bay. Taking a knee and giving himself to the man, body, mind, and soul, to do with whatever he wanted. Could he trust someone that much? He wanted to. With everything in him, he wanted to be something special to Bay, even if Finn wasn’t the only person Bay loved.

  Finn hadn’t known the man could hold such feelings until he’d seen him with Mia. Holding him on her lap, caressing her like a cherished pet, and taking the time to teach her to be all the things he’d wanted her to be. Could Finn be that for Bay?

  He didn’t understand the feelings he had in him. The way his chest ached when he thought of belonging to Bay. He tried to imagine himself with the man and knew he’d never be anything more than his dirty secret.

  Bay was The Slayer. The man who made other men fear, the man who decided other men’s fates, and he had ultimate control and power, which was why Finn was so turned on by him.

  Even though Bay might finally let him have his way, he wasn’t ever going to let anyone see that side of him.

  Finn wondered if that was what he needed. He’d been a private man with Edie, and even she hadn’t known about his preferences. If he could have Bay, could he be content to keep things under wraps? Finn imagined him the night at the sex club, his powerful body pumping into Lila, his long cock, so big and hard, Finn could feel it rubbing next to his during the double penetration. He could handle anything as long as he had Bay’s company.

  He looked down, and his cock was so hard that he felt like a strong wind would make him orgasm. Thankfully, it was time to go to Seth’s hotel room and do what Bay had asked. He reached over to get the little camera set up with his phone, and once it was ready, he made sure the battery was fully charged. Then he tucked it into his pocket.

  His hands shook as he drove to the hotel, and he remembered only being this nervous when he was on his way to auditions, which was why he hadn’t done much acting. Even though he knew he’d be putting on a show of sorts, he needed to get his composure.

  He parked and went inside, hoping that Seth was still hungry for him and wondering how Kari was going to feel about it. After a few deep breaths on the elevator, he went to the door and knocked.

  Seth opened the door. “Come on in. Kari is waiting.” His old friend walked him to the bedroom, and there he found Kari lying in bed with her hands bound. The wild look on her face was her trying to smile behind the ball gag.

  Finn took his phone and placed it on the short dresser with the little camera attached to the side, hopefully in a position to catch everything. As Seth went into the bathroom, Finn turned it on and checked its positioning. Then he turned off the ringer. “Just silencing this thing,” he said to Kari. “I don’t want anything to disturb our fun.”

  She tried smiling again, and Seth returned with his robe removed and stroking his hard cock. “I hope you’re ready for this. It’s been a long time for sure.”

  “Yes, it has. I hope I haven’t lost my touch.”

  “Get out of those clothes and let’s see.” Seth laughed, and Kari moaned from the bed. “Maybe we should see what she has to say?”

  “I think so. Maybe we could put her mouth to use, too?” Finn hoped she’d be a little bit more active since she was just as much a target as Seth.

  Seth went over and removed her gag, and Finn wondered just how old she was. She was tiny, and her waistline barely gave way to hips. She was as smooth as a baby’s bottom.

  “How old is your wife?” He didn’t want to disrespect Seth by addressing his woman directly. The two obviously were okay with him dominating her, so he didn’t think it would be too disrespectful.

  “She’s twenty,” Seth said. “Isn’t she sweet?”

  “Yes, she is. I didn’t really get to see her the other night. Bay was so busy with her and all.”

  “Yeah, he’s lucky she likes it rough, don’t you, baby girl?”

  “Yes,” she hissed the word and wr
ithed on the bed, her legs scissoring in anticipation.

  Seth looked at him with his dark, sexy eyes. “She’s raring to go, that one. I think we should show her how we did it in the old days first. Make her want it.”

  He reached out and rubbed Finn’s hard cock. Finn did the same for him. They stood stroking one another and then Seth curled his finger to his wife. “Come closer, kitten.”

  “I want to share it with him.” She licked her lips and then inched her way over.

  Finn turned and made sure that the act was going to be on camera, and as Kari held his hand, he dropped to his knees in front of Seth. Bay was going to get exactly what he wanted, and with any luck, so was he. He closed his eyes as he kissed and licked, feeling the warm flesh and Kari’s mouth as they shared the hard cock between them. He reached up, cupped Seth’s heavy sac, and felt a soft hand on his own dick.

  “I want both of you.” Kari looked up at Seth who grinned.

  “What do you think, Finn? Should we spit roast her, or DP that tight ass?”

  “I’m down for anything; you name the game, I’m playing.” Her hand felt so good around him that he didn’t want her to let it go.

  “That’s what I like to hear. How about helping me out?”

  Finn knew just what Seth was asking and leaned forward to oblige.

  Kari leaned over and went to work on Finn, and just when he thought his jaw couldn’t take any more punishment, Seth pulled free and covered both of them with his release.

  While they were still covered, he dragged his wife up by the soft cord that tied her hands and pulled her off of Finn’s cock, but only until he could bury himself inside of her sweet hole. She continued after Finn got to his feet. He played with her tits and then ran his fingers through her soft hair. She looked and smelled like heaven, and while Seth pounded into her, he reached across and placed his hand on Finn’s shoulder then leaned in for a strong kiss.

  Finn closed his eyes and thought of Bay. With footage like this, he was going to make Bay proud.


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