Pisces (Zodiac Killers Book 4)

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Pisces (Zodiac Killers Book 4) Page 11

by WL Knightly

  “That’s how you want to be?” Bay stood and grabbed Finn by the arm. “Get the fuck out then. Go on. I’m done with your fucking movie, and I’m done with you.”

  Bay had snapped so quickly, it was completely unexpected. He’d never gotten violent with Finn, and he’d certainly not upset him this way before. “I don’t want to fight, Bay.”

  “Yeah, you don’t. So fucking leave, and forget you know me when you do. You’re dead to me, Finn. Dead. You said you fucking loved me, and I’ve sat here believing your fucking lies for this long, but never again.”

  Finn couldn’t believe the things he was saying, and it scared him to think of not having Bay in his life, but another part of him wanted nothing more than to run while he could. He was so torn about what to do.

  He pulled away from Bay and stumbled around the coffee table, trying to get away from him. “I’m sorry, Bay. I just need time.”

  “That’s it, run. You’ll see who is in control, Finn. You’ll see that you fucking need me.”

  Finn was so torn up that he hurried out, but he had no idea where he was going.

  Once on the street, he felt like he could breathe and looked around, hoping that no one was watching him. Not the killer, not anyone. He was just about to hail a cab when his phone rang. He looked down at the screen and considered not answering Edie’s call. He considered ignoring her and putting his phone away, but he needed to get the woman off his ass. “This is a bad time, Edie!”

  “I’m sorry. I was just hoping you’d tell me which hotel you’re in again. I think I’m at the wrong one.”

  He thought he might have misunderstood her. “What are you saying? Are you here? In New York City?”

  “Yes, I came to surprise you, but I got to the hotel you told me you were staying at, and the girl at the counter said there’s no one by your name in the hotel.”

  “I checked out of there, Edie. I was just about to head home, but I was chased down and nearly mugged. It’s not safe here. You should have told me you were coming.”

  “Are you all right?” Her voice was concerned.

  “Fine, I’m just not expecting you.” He didn’t want his life in New York to collide with his life back home. He was like two different people.

  “I’m sorry, but you said you had a few days left, and I wanted to tell you the good news in person.”

  “Tell me now.” He had forgotten about her and her surprise and hoped it wasn’t something stupid that could have waited until they got home.

  “No, sillykins. If I wanted to tell you on the phone, I’d have done that from California. I came to tell you in person.”

  “Fine. Fuck!” He hated cursing because he knew how bad Edie hated it, but dammit, her timing sucked. He had wanted time alone to think about Bay, and now he’d have to worry about her safety, too. “Look, just stay at the hotel, book a room, and we’ll go up and stay the night.”

  “Oh, I’d love that. I’ll wait for you in the lobby.”

  “Sounds good.” He hung up the phone and hailed the taxi which brought him back to the hotel. He kept thinking of Bay the whole way there. Surely, he didn’t mean everything he’d said. The man was so difficult and always asking for so much. Finn knew he wouldn’t be where he was if it hadn’t been for Bay’s friendship all these years, and he knew he and Bay’s relationship was special in comparison to the others. How could it not be?

  He got to the hotel and found Edie waiting in the lobby. She jumped from the sofa, clutching her handbag as she ran into his arms. “I’m so glad you’re okay. If I had only told you I was coming, maybe you wouldn’t have been assaulted.” She checked him over from head to toe, and he looked around, hoping no one was watching.

  He patted her hands, if only to get them off of him. “I’m fine. Let’s book a room, and I’ll tell you all about it.” He gave her a quick peck, but she planted soft kisses all over his face until he pushed her away. “Baby, I’m sore and exhausted. Could you please just book the fucking room?”

  Her eyes widened. “Oh, I’m sorry, potty mouth.” She frowned. “I’m just excited to see you.”

  “I know, baby. I’m just in a bad mood.”

  “Fine, any particular type of room? How about a room with a view or a nice big tub for the two of us?”

  “Whatever you want. I really just want to get upstairs.” He walked with her to the front desk, and while she was talking with her usual chipper language to the attendant, Finn stepped back and waited.

  He looked up in time to see Raven, who was only steps away, and she had her bag of toys that he loved so much. “Hey, sexy. I hope you remembered our date.” She leaned in and kissed his cheek, and he turned to see that Edie had finished at the desk and was standing wide-eyed as her lips peeled back in a scowl. As pleasant as she was normally, when she was pissed, she turned into a fucking viper.

  “Who the hell is she?” Edie asked.

  Raven turned her attention to Edie and her smile faded. “I’m Raven, and you are?” Finn had told her that he’d left his girlfriend back in California.

  Finn was prepared to tell her the truth. “I can explain.”

  “Relax, honey,” Raven said. “I’ll share if you like, and I’ll even go down on you first.”

  “Go down!” Edie looked over at Finn, her face veiled with disgust. “You’ve been here this whole time, sleeping with this woman?”

  Raven pulled her lips in tight and held up her hands. “Look, I’m sorry, Finn, but I don’t need this shit.”

  Edie’s face was red with rage. “To think that I came here to tell you that I’m having your baby, and you’ve been having dirty sex with that snatch-eating harlot!”

  “You’re what?” Finn reached out and grabbed her arm, if only to steady himself.

  “That’s right, you piece of shit. I’m pregnant!”

  “I am a piece of shit, Edie. I’m not worthy of you or a baby. I’m a horrible person, and I’ve done horrible things. You are right to hate me.”

  “All this time has been a lie,” Edie said. She turned and reached down for her bag, but the bellboy who’d been listening grabbed it before he could, and like a true gentleman, took Edie by the arm and helped her to the elevator. Before the door closed, she scowled at him. “Don’t ever come near me again.”

  The doors closed, and Finn turned to see that there was quite an audience. That was when the manager came over and asked him to leave.

  He had nowhere to go and no one to turn to. He knew he had to give Edie time and hoped that she wouldn’t hate him forever. He couldn’t be a good father to their child even if he wanted to, so he wondered if staying away was the best thing. As he walked out of the hotel and onto the sidewalk, he looked around to figure out his next move, hoping the killer wasn’t already carefully planning theirs.

  At least Edie and the baby would be safe away from him, and she could go back to California and live a happy life. What options did he have? His life was over, his career in filmmaking was going to have to wait, and he had to call Finkle and tell him that he’d no longer need his services, certain that the man would insist on keeping the deposit.

  Bay had been right. Finn did need him.



  Finn knew that he had to get his ass back to Bay’s as soon as possible. He hoped the man was still at his penthouse and not at his family home with the wife and her slutty sister.

  He hailed a cab, and on the ride back, he thought about just how long Bay had been a part of his life. Finn had been one of the first Zodiacs, and he’d been there when all the rules had been made and when all of the first vows had been taken. They had all promised to take care of one another, but so far, it was only Bay who had held up that promise, taking care of the rest like it was his duty. The man had always been there, willing to help, no matter how much he seemed to hate it, and even now, while they were backed into a corner, he was standing true to the Zodiacs, making sure they were safe.

  Finn knew he had to prove his love. To d
o whatever task Bay wanted done so that they could be together. He knew what a commitment to Bay would be. It meant being at his beck and call and catering to his whims, no matter what they were. Finn wasn’t sure if he could go all the way to the dark side, but that was what it would take. He’d find the courage inside himself to kneel and be the submissive Bay wanted. He knew Bay would never be his, but if he could be Bay’s, then that was enough.

  Finn went up to the penthouse and knocked on the door. He wasn’t the least bit surprised when Bay opened it without asking who was there. He’d no doubt seen him on his camera.

  “Who are you?” Bay asked.

  “I know you’re upset with me, but I needed time to think.” He wasn’t going to tell Bay about Edie just yet, or the baby. He didn’t want anything getting in the way of what he wanted.

  Bay shook his head. “You always were one for doubts. But I don’t have time for it anymore. Either you’re with me, or you’re not.”

  “I am. I just need you to know something. When we were young, you pulled me aside and told me you loved me, Bay. I don’t think you know what it meant to me to have someone like you tell me that I was loved. I’d never heard it before. Not from my parents, not from friends. I took it to heart. I believed you.”

  “You have a funny way of showing it.”

  “Let me show you again,” Finn said. “I want to do whatever you ask of me. And not for the movie. That’s all done now. I’m not going to make it.”

  “And what about my fucking money?” Bay asked.

  “I’ll pay you back. Every dime. I just want to show you that I, too, love you, Bay. I’ve always admired you and want to have whatever it is we can have together.”

  “Then this should be a good test.” He reached into Finn’s shirt pocket and pulled out the address. “Go here. Take care of the problem for me.”

  “Okay, I will. I’ll do it. Whatever it is.” Finn knew it wasn’t going to be easy, and that was okay. Life wasn’t easy, and he wanted to live. The only way to be safe was with Bay. His was the best side to be on. Being alone, Finn would be dead in a week.

  Bay walked him to the door, and before he let him walk through it, he turned and cupped Finn’s face again. “Don’t come back until it’s done.”

  Finn met his eyes, and the intensity in Bay’s cool gray eyes was sexier than any kiss could be.

  Bay moved aside, and Finn left, hoping he’d make it to his task and back in one piece.

  He hailed a cab, even though he hated having to get a ride, especially to someplace so important, but at least it gave him time to think about his reward.

  He remembered the night he’d gotten his Zodiac brand and how he’d been the only one to cry at the pain. He’d gone to hide behind a tree and told the others he had to piss, but it had hurt so fucking bad, he couldn’t hold the tears back. He stayed there for a bit longer than he should have, and Bay came across the field to join him.

  “Hurt like a son of a bitch, didn’t it?”

  Finn nodded. “Yeah, I’m not sure I won’t get in trouble when I get home. I know no one else will understand.”

  “Then don’t show them.” Bay leaned against the tree with him and placed his hand on Finn’s arm.

  “I know the others think I’m weak because I cried.”

  “Fuck them. Who gives a shit what they think? I don’t think showing emotions is a sign of weakness. It’s not having the balls to show them that’s weak. You don’t have to hide out here. If any of them crack on you about it, you tell me. I’ve got your back.”

  “Thanks, Bay. You’re my best friend.” He was more than that though. Finn knew it from the moment the boy had touched his arm.

  “Hey, I mean it, man. As long as I’m around, nothing bad is going to happen to you. You can believe that.” Bay flashed his crooked grin and took Finn’s hand and gave it a squeeze. The intensity in his eyes that night had been full of conviction, and from that moment on, Finn believed in him.

  He’d tried to prove to Bay how much he loved him many times since, but the most memorable was with Emily. Finn had knelt down and carved his H-shaped symbol into her back, thankful that it wasn’t too complicated, remembering the words Bay had told him outside, away from all the rest. He loved him. He truly did.

  Finn wanted to be worthy of that love, even now, but he hoped what he was being made to do wasn’t nearly as horrible.

  After paying the cabbie, he turned and walked up to the house where a big man opened the door. “Bay sent you?”

  “Yeah. I’m Finn. He had something for me to take care of.”

  “Sounds good enough for me. Tell him thanks for sparing me the mess.” The man walked out, and Finn watched him as went out to his car and drove away.

  “Well, okay.” He shrugged and pushed the door open. He went inside and then looked around. The house was like any other, fully-furnished and homey, with the aroma of Italian cooking wafting from the kitchen. He stuck his head in the door and saw a big pot of spaghetti on the stove. When he went over to see it up close, he noticed a small TV monitor, and on the screen, he could see someone lying on the floor, not moving.

  “What the fuck?” Finn leaned in closer, but the picture quality sucked. He had to find out which room she was in, if any. Before he could make a move, Bay called his phone.

  “I’m here.”

  “I know,” Bay said. “My guy called me. He’s very thankful you’re there to handle things.”

  “What exactly am I doing? Watching this prisoner? Who is she?”

  “You’ll see soon enough, but it’s someone who is threatening to go to the cops and snitch on us. So, you’d better take care of her before she can. She’s in the basement. Try not to make a mess.”

  “You want me to kill her?” Finn started to panic just thinking of it. He could barely even harm the other girl, much less kill her.

  “Show me, Finn. I need this done. You need this done. It’s the only thing that’s going to save us from being locked up like Logan. I know you like oral, but that’s not all you’re going to get on the inside. You do this and show your fealty to me. Do it for our love.”

  Those were the same words Bay had used on him back in the day, and his panic grew. “Bay.” He hesitated, knowing Bay was going to be angry with him if he didn’t carry out his orders, but there was no response. “Bay?”

  He had already hung up.

  Finn put the phone down and went down the hall. He had to find this woman and get it over with quickly. He got to the basement door and carefully went down the stairs, hoping she wasn’t loose. He saw the woman lying on the floor, her dark hair a mess, and she wore scrubs.

  He took a few steps, and when the floorboards creaked, she turned her head, and his heart stopped. Hannah Halston lay in the center of the room, her lips still caked with dried blood. Her eyes, though they’d been closed only a moment before, were wide and feral.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked. Her voice sounded like she’d caught a cold. “You have to help me.”

  The plea turned his stomach. He didn’t know how he could carry out what needed to be done. He didn’t know what to say, but Hannah did. She got to her feet, and one foot was bloody, her sock completely coated on that foot as she limped closer. Finn could see the cuff around her ankle. He also noticed that her shirt was bloody, her pants, too.

  “Bay’s crazy,” she said. “He caught me leaving Logan’s house, and he hit me in the face.” Her lip was busted, and a nasty bruise covered part of her cheek and chin. “He killed all of those people, Finn. He killed them, and he’s going to kill me. He killed my brother. He’ll kill you too.”

  Finn shook his head as she rattled on, her teeth chattering and her entire body shaking. “Please, you have to help me.” She sank down to her knees in the center of the room. “Please, I know you’re good. You’re all good but for Bay. I see that now. You were all used, all his victims. Tad said I wasn’t safe, and he knew why. He knew Bay was a monster.”

  Finn co
vered his ears. He couldn’t stand to hear it. “Shut the fuck up!” he screamed.

  Suddenly, he wasn’t a grown man, and this wasn’t Hannah Halston, Tad’s sister who he’d met at Tad’s funeral. No, she was Emily Johnson, pleading in that weak voice, begging for the boys to stop what they were doing and let her go. All of the same pleas: how she wouldn’t tell a soul, how she would forget she was ever there, just please, please, please.

  “Bay said you’d tell on us,” Finn said.

  “No, I won’t. I promise. It’s not worth it. It’s not. Tell him I’ll reconsider. Tell him that I’ll do anything he wants, Finn. I’ll be his lover, his girlfriend, anything.”

  Finn narrowed his eyes as his blood pumped. “He offered you those things?”

  “Yes, yes.” Tears streamed down her eyes. “Please tell him I’ve changed my mind.” She was broken, completely broken.

  “You’re lying. If I let you go, you’ll just turn us in.”

  She lifted her shirt. “Look what he did to me! You’re not this kind of monster, Finn. You are a good boy, Tad’s friend, and I’m Tad’s sister.”

  Finn stepped closer and covered his mouth. There were two zodiac symbols carved into her flesh. Capricorn for Tad and Aquarius for Logan. Bay had marked her with each symbol.



  Darek still couldn’t believe that he’d found someone to help him remove his mark. He hadn’t been so lucky in ages, and now he couldn’t wait for his appointment when he could get it cut off. Having a scar was nothing. A scar could have come from anything, including a cyst which is what he was going to say he’d had removed. The best thing about it was that Marie was not only a friend who trusted his story, but she wouldn’t tell a soul out of confidence. Which was perfect.


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