Ribbon in the Sky

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Ribbon in the Sky Page 31

by Dorothy Garlock

  “I’m Sister Cora’s father. I’ll not accept a room on the top floor of this hotel or any other.”

  The clerk swallowed repeatedly.

  “You’re . . . you’re . . . her father? Oh, my goodness. What’a you know. Sister Cora’s father right here in our hotel. Mrs. Hewitt will be pleased. Well, sir, you shall have a room right down the hall here on the first floor. It’s one of our better rooms we save for just such an occasion as this. We’re mighty proud to have you with us.” The clerk dipped the pen in the inkwell. “Sign the register, sir, and I’ll have the porter take care of your luggage.”

  The impatient man snatched the pen from the clerk’s hand. He wrote with a flourish, Reverend Albert Pringle and wife.

  “I want a pitcher of ice water brought to the room immediately.” He plucked the key from the desk clerk’s hand. “Is there a fan in the room?”

  “Oh, yes, sir. We have ceiling fans in all our better rooms. If there is anything we can do, anything at all to make your stay pleasant, just let us know.”

  The Reverend grunted a reply and turned to look at the woman who waited beside two suitcases. She wore a long-sleeved dark dress with a small white collar. The straight-brimmed black hat sat squarely on her head. Her eyes never left The Reverend and when he indicated she was to follow, she hurried after him.

  “Pompous ass,” the clerk muttered.

  “What’s that you say, Mr. Beryl?” The porter picked up the suitcases.

  “I said Room 102. Take the luggage then get the old boy a pitcher of ice water.”



  Mike threw the packages on the bed and pulled Letty into his arms the minute the door closed behind them. He looked at her for a long moment, then tilted his face down and kissed her mouth. It was a soft, lingering kiss. When he lifted his lips his face was so close to hers they were breathing the same air, so close she couldn’t look into his eyes.

  “I was afraid Oscar and Sharon would still be here,” he said with his nose touching hers.

  “If they’re riding to Piedmont with Doctor Whittier, they’re in for a wild ride.” Letty giggled happily and rubbed her nose against his smooth cheek. “You smell good. What did the barber put on your face?”

  “Something that stung like the devil. What did you buy while I was getting a shave?”

  “I bought a shirt for you and something for me. Want to see it?”

  “Hummm . . . I kind of like what we’re doing now.” Magnificent dark eyes, filled with love and tenderness, gazed into hers.

  “So do I. You can keep on doing it, if you want to.”

  “I don’t have anything else to do at the moment, so I might as well—”


  Unembarrassed and uninhibited, she eased her mouth around to his. Her lips parted softly as they touched his. The hands at her waist moved down to press her hips against the part of him that was fast becoming hard. His mouth opened over hers and she sensed his growing hunger. Her tongue darted between his lips to taste him. He gathered her to him, desperate in his desire to become one with her. The need for air forced her to tear her mouth from his. She pressed her lips and nose against his cheek. The heart of her femininity had heated, liquefied, and now throbbed.

  “My love, my love—” The words came from the center of her being.

  “My love, my love,” he repeated in a voice rough with desire. “We’d better stop. I want to make love to my wife, but I need a bath.”

  With a deep breath, she hid her face against his neck. “Do we have to wait until tonight?”

  His laugh was deep, soft. “No, darling. Twenty minutes at the most. I can’t come to you with that jailhouse smell on my body.” He put her from him and her arms slid from around his neck.

  “The bathroom is at the end of the hall. Don’t you dare go into the one that says W-O-M-E-N.” Sudden unexpected laughter burst from her lips. Her hands moved up to his cheeks and into the thick black curls over his ears and pulled.

  “Ouch! What was that for?” His dark eyes were luminous.

  “That was just in case you don’t . . . hurry back!” She moved away from him, pulled a towel from the wall rack beside a small china lavatory, and pushed it into his hands. “I’ll be waiting—”

  “You’d better be,” he said threateningly and dropped a kiss on the end of her nose.

  After he left, Letty stood in a daze of happiness before she pulled the rolled shades down over the windows to darken the room. She quickly took off her shoes and stockings, then removed her skirt and middy blouse. In the small washbasin, she washed the dust from her face, arms, and neck, and opened one of the packages Mike had tossed on the bed.

  On impulse she had bought the nightdress of fine white lawn material, with a narrow ruffle edged with fine torchon lace around the low round neck. A blue satin ribbon hung from the neckline to the wide flounce at the bottom of the gown. Letty removed the satin ribbon and replaced it with the small scrap of faded ribbon she had pinned to her chemise. She slipped out of the rest of her clothes and into the new gown.

  She could hear her heartbeat as she removed the pins from her hair and placed them on the bureau. The heavy mass of auburn hair dropped down her back to her waist. Should she turn down the bed? Would he think she was too eager? While she was trying to decide, the key turned in the lock and the door opened.

  Mike stood shiftless and barefoot with his back to the door, the wet towel slung around his neck. Her eyes clung to his. The expression on his dark face was easy to read. Letty saw hunger, lust, possession, and something more, much more. She saw love, adoration. It stopped her breath.

  “Sweetheart . . . ! Are you real or are you a dream?”

  She held out her hand. “Come find out.”

  He went to her, leaving the towel, his shoes, and shirt on the floor beside the door.

  “You are so . . . pretty!”

  Their arms reached for each other. He crushed her to him, flattening her breasts against his chest. Hungry mouths searched, found each other, and held with fierce joy. His skin was smooth and hard. Her hands couldn’t stop sliding up and down his back and finally into the waistband of his britches.

  He broke away gasping.

  “Letty . . . my Letty of a thousand dreams,” he whispered hoarsely as he swung her up into his arms and placed her on the bed. “Take off the gown, honey. Please—”

  Without thought she pulled the gown over her head and lay back. Her eyes clung to him. She could see the pulse throbbing in the side of his neck as his eyes moved over her. She waited for what seemed like an eternity for him to unbutton and slip out of his britches. Finally, his naked body covered hers and he rained fervent kisses on her face.

  She welcomed the weight of his hard-muscled body and wrapped her arms about him, loving the feel of his skin against hers, his chest hair against her breasts.

  “I love you. I love everything about you . . . your pride, your independence, your honesty, your beautiful smile,” he whispered urgently and settled his mouth on hers for a long, tender kiss.

  He lifted his head so that he could see her face. “I was on the brink of destruction, love. Right on the brink when I found you. I thank God that Jacob gave me the chance to be with you and Patrick. Oh, I would have stayed around had he given me the boot. I hate to think what would have happened if I had found you married to another man.”

  “Don’t think about what might have been. Love me. Please love me.” Her arms encircled him and her hands caressed the smooth skin of his back.

  A deep longing compelled her to meet his passion equally. She was wildly, burningly alive, and the driving force of her feeling was taking her beyond herself into a mindless void where there were only Mike’s lips, Mike’s hands, Mike’s hard demanding body.

  His beloved weight pressed her gently but securely to the bed. She could feel the pounding of his heart against her breast. Without hesitation their bodies joined in mutual, frantic need. She welcomed the hard insist
ent pressure, welcomed him into her body with eyes wide, looking into the dark depths of his.

  Almost unbelievable pleasure swept through her as he entered and filled her. She was aware of nothing but the broad shoulders she clung to, heard nothing but the low murmur of love words that poured from his mouth before it covered hers. Then she was beyond seeing, beyond hearing, as she teetered on the edge of the world.

  After a long moment, still deep inside her, Mike supported himself on his elbows and gazed into her face, then he brushed back her hair with gentle fingers.

  “I didn’t want it to be over so soon. I was so hungry for you I couldn’t help myself.”

  She captured his face between her palms, her thumbs caressed his lips. “Me too. Oh, Mike, darling. We can do it any time we want. Unless”—her eyes teased him—“you’re afraid you’ll wear it out.”

  Their happy laughter filled every corner of the room. Letty felt him deep inside her where he still nestled against her womb. His hands, holding her buttocks to him, squeezed.

  “With you around there’s a real danger of doing just that. Just looking at you puts me in a loving mood.”

  “You’re looking at me now.”

  “Yes . . . yes . . .”

  Suddenly, he was quivering with the tension of trying to love her gently and slowly, but tenderness was not what she needed. She ached again for a surging rhythm, and her hips began to move. He thrust with urgency again and again, until he arched his back with an inarticulate cry and they slipped into uncharted but beautiful oblivion.

  Awed into silence by the glorious thing that had happened between them for the second time, Mike slid to her side and gathered her gently to him, cradling her head on his chest. He ran his rough palm over her breast, teasing her nipple. She captured his hand and held it there. He moved his other hand down her side and patted her bare bottom affectionately.

  More content, happier than she could remember ever being, Letty lay molded to his side, her arm across his hard, flat stomach, his hand caressing her breast.

  “I brought our ribbon. I pinned it to my new nightgown.”

  “I didn’t even notice, love. All I could see was you.”

  “How much time do we have?” she asked.

  He stirred, his lips touching her forehead. “While I was in the bath, I heard the courthouse clock strike five-thirty. Then I lost all track of time.”

  They fell into a warm, languid silence. Mike’s hands continued to stroke her body gently, his breathing slower, his heart quieter beneath her palm.

  “Do you think I’m a wanton hussy for . . . liking to do . . . what we just did?”

  His laugh rang out. He rolled, pulling her on top of him, their arms and legs tangled in the bedclothes.

  “You silly, crazy, loveable little innocent! Every man dreams of having a wife who likes to do what we just did.”

  “They do? Goodness, I’ve got a lot to learn, haven’t I?” After a thoughtful silence, her hands moved from his shoulders down to his ribs. “There’s one thing I won’t have to learn. I haven’t forgotten how ticklish you are.” Her fingers were merciless, and they went up and down the skin over his ribs.

  “Stop it! Don’t tickle me! I c-can’t stand it!”

  “Can’t . . . huh? What’ll you do?”

  “I’ll . . . I’ll dump you on the floor!”

  She locked one of his legs between hers. “Go ahead. You’ll go with me.”

  You . . . little devil . . . you!” He grabbed her wrists and pulled them away from him. “Do you know what you’re doing? You’re making me horny again, and we don’t have time—”

  “Horny? What’s that?”

  “Oh, Lord!” He flipped her on her back and bent over her. She was giggling uncontrollably.

  “You don’t have to tell me. I can feel it. You’re getting as hard as a horn.”

  “My God! I’m married to a little redheaded imp!” He rolled his eyes to the ceiling before dropping his head and kissing her laughing mouth. “I’m so happy,” he confessed when he could speak again. “I am so damn happy.”

  * * *

  The tablecloth was as white as snow and there wasn’t a wrinkle in it. The knife and spoon sat on the right of the plate and above that a long-stemmed goblet. On the left were two forks and a folded linen napkin.

  Letty leaned over the plate. “I’ve never eaten in such a fancy place,” she whispered. “I hope I don’t spill something.”

  In his new white shirt and the tie they had bought on the way to the restaurant, Mike was the handsomest man in the room, also the only one without a coat, which didn’t seem to bother him at all. He had eyes only for the woman across from him. She had coiled her hair and pinned it to the back of her head. Her eyes sparkled, her face glowed, and her lips curled in a satisfied smile. She was even more beautiful than she had been at fifteen and he loved her a million times more.

  “You won’t spill anything, honey. Don’t worry about it.”

  The waitress came and Mike ordered roast beef dinners with cherry pie for desert. They enjoyed the meal, floating along on a cloud of happiness. Their conversation was light, bantering, never serious. As far as they were concerned they were the only people in the dining room. Mike touched her at every opportunity, his dark eyes caressed her.

  The love between them was obvious even to the waitress who picked up their empty plates and returned with the cherry pie.

  “Are you on your honeymoon?” she asked.

  “Sort of,” Mike said smiling. “We left our five-year-old son at home with his grandpa.”

  “Oh.” She gave them a curious look and walked away leaving Letty with the problem of controlling her giggles.

  Out on the street, she clung to Mike’s arm. The town was crowded, much to the delight of the merchants. Letty and Mike crossed the street to the courthouse square and strolled along on the walk until they completed the round.

  The clock struck half-past seven. Carloads of people were going by on their way to the fairgrounds. Mike and Letty continued to walk, looking for an empty bench so that they could sit down and watch the people go by.

  “Mike,” Letty pulled on his arm. “Here comes Doctor Hakes.”

  Letty had expected to see the doctor as had been arranged, but she was surprised to see a pleasant-faced, nicely dressed woman beside him. Her dress was a soft flowered material with a scooped neckline and short sleeves. Her shoes were white and she carried a straw hat. Letty felt shabby in comparison.

  Doctor Hakes’s face was wreathed with smiles. “What luck. We were just talking about you two.” The two couples moved off the sidewalk and onto the grass to let the strolling people pass. “Roberta, this is the Mr. and Mrs. Dolan I was telling you about. Folks this is Mrs. Knight, Roberta Knight.”

  “Hel . . . lo,” Letty stammered. This was the woman who could take Helen away from her.

  “I’m very glad to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Dolan.” The lady offered her hand to Letty and then to Mike.

  “And we’re glad to meet you, ma’am.”

  Letty was thankful for Mike’s composure. This woman in no way resembled what she had pictured Mrs. Knight to be. She wasn’t old enough to have such a responsible position; she appeared to be in her early thirties.

  “I have corresponded with Doctor Hakes for several years, but this is our first face-to-face meeting. When he wired that he was going to be in Boley, I decided to come.”

  She came to meet Cora, Letty thought.

  “During dinner I explained Helen’s situation,” Wallace said, and Letty’s worried eyes turned to him. Her heart began to flutter painfully.

  “Dear,” Mrs. Knight’s hand touched Letty’s arm, bringing her attention back to her. “Don’t look so worried. The state of Nebraska wants its orphan children to be safe and happy. Wallace assures me that Helen is well and happy with you. He has also told me that you believe her relationship with her father was an unnatural one and that you are dealing well with it.”

mean that . . . we can keep her?” Letty’s tear-filled eyes sought Mike’s before she looked at Mrs. Knight.

  “For the time being. Should you decide to adopt her—”

  “We’ve already decided, ma’am,” Mike said. “We want Helen to be a part of our family, carry our name. We’re very fond of the child and she’s fond of us. She feels safe with us.”

  “You’ll have to petition the court.”

  “Oh, but—”

  “Roberta doesn’t think there’ll be much if any objection to the adoption,” Wallace said quickly when he saw the stricken look on Letty’s face.

  “Mr. Knight, my late husband, was a judge, Mrs. Dolan. The courts are fair. They want to place orphan children with people who want them and will give them a proper home.”

  The courthouse clock struck eight while she was speaking.

  “Roberta is going with us to the meeting, Mike. We’ll take the ladies to the automobile. They can wait for us there while we fetch Fellon.”

  “You won’t change your mind after you talk to Cora?” Letty felt compelled to ask when she was alone with Mrs. Knight.

  “No. There is nothing that woman could say that would change my mind. Her brand of religion is not mine.”

  “Oh, I’m so glad. Thank you. We’ll take good care of Helen. We love her and she loves us.”

  “I know. I wish I were as sure of every family who takes in an orphan child.”



  As they approached the fairgrounds Letty felt caged and longed to be back at the farm. She had been gone less than twenty-four hours, but she missed Grandpa and Helen and Patrick’s impish little face. She thought of how much her life had changed in the last six weeks. Last year she had been lonely even with Grandpa and Patrick for company. At times she had been so lonely for a companion her own age that she cried. Now that she and Mike had found each other, she had hoped never to feel that loneliness again. Letty clasped her hands involuntarily as if to hold onto her happiness. Tonight, for some reason, visions of her life back in Dunlap kept coming to her mind’s eye.


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