O'Malley: Summer (Shifter Seasons Book 7)

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O'Malley: Summer (Shifter Seasons Book 7) Page 16

by Harmony Raines

  But he also wanted Hannah to resolve her issues with her father and come to him free of pain and with an open heart.

  Chapter Twenty-Two – Hannah

  O’Malley returned with the wood, crossing the large rocks that led into the cave with ease now that she wasn’t hanging on to him.

  Hannah had to admire her mate’s physique. She just had to. A smile crept over her face. It was hard to believe he was all hers.

  “Do you need a hand with the wood?” Hannah had taken her clean, dry jeans from her pack and put them on once she’d dried off by the fire. She would keep them on until they ventured back out of the cave when she would change into her damp clothes before changing back to her jeans.

  She would smell of wood smoke, but as soon as she got back to civilization, she could grab her luggage from the trunk of her car and change. After a shower. She raked her hand through her hair. A shower sounded like heaven right now.

  “I can manage.” He dumped the wood down in a pile toward the back of the cave and sorted out the driest branches and set them down next to the fire.

  “I filled the water bottles.” She settled back down next to the fire.

  “And you got dressed.” He sounded disappointed.

  “I was afraid a marauding bear shifter or maybe a wolf would come in here to shelter. I didn’t want anyone to find me half-dressed.” She hugged her knees up to her chest as she watched him place the branches on the fire.

  “I wouldn’t have let a marauding anything come in here,” he told her.

  “No, I don’t expect you would.” Hannah leaned her cheek on her knee. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”

  “I know.” He built the fire up and took the small pan from his backpack, half-filled it with water, and put it over the fire. “And you know I was more than willing to come here with you and despite the outcome not being what you’d hoped, I have enjoyed spending time with you.”

  “I’ve enjoyed being here with you, too.” Hannah turned her gaze to the flames. “The mountains are amazing, and I can’t imagine being here with anyone other than you.”

  “Except for my cougar?” O’Malley laughed. “He’s driving me crazy, he wants to spend some time with you before we leave.”

  “Then why don’t I do the cooking and he can bask in the radiance of the fire you’ve built.” She shifted her weight and knelt on the ground next to O’Malley. “You do trust me with the cooking, don’t you?”

  “I trust you, it’s only my male pride and the notion that I am the provider that makes me want to say no.” He flashed her a grin.

  “Well, the woman should be in the kitchen and the man should be guarding the home. So you shift and I’ll cook.” She kissed his cheek and took the trail rations out of his hand. “That is only while we are here in the cave. So that I can get a real feel of what it would be like centuries ago.”

  “Ah, and I thought I’d met my perfect woman who knew her place.” He ducked out of the way as she waved the packet of beef stew at his head. “Now, don’t get above your station.”

  “I think you should shift before you say something we’ll both regret.” She shook her head and rolled her eyes, knowing he was only joking. It was good to laugh, to have fun with O’Malley. “I’m sorry if I’ve not been the best company during our time here.”

  He quickly wrapped his arm around her and held her close. “You have been great company. We’re in this together which means we must experience the highs and the lows. That’s what relationships are all about.”

  “I suppose that’s what I’ve missed about my family. We seem to have been in the lows for so long that I’ve forgotten what it’s like to have highs.” She leaned her head on his shoulder. “I’m ready for some highs.”

  “I am willing to give those highs to you.” He threaded his fingers under her chin and turned her to face him. Leaning forward, he kissed her lips before murmuring, “I think my cougar and the food could wait for a little while longer.”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  O’Malley scooped her up in his arms and she nestled against his chest as he carried her the sleeping bag she’d laid out on the ground for them to sit on. Carefully, he lowered her down to the ground before grabbing the second sleeping bag from his own backpack. “I don’t want you to get cold.”

  “So thoughtful.” Hannah wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down next to her. “And you certainly are hot.”

  He chuckled as he stroked her damp hair back from her face. “Hot for you.”

  “And only me.” Hannah still had difficulty getting her head around them being fated mates. But she’d learned enough about O’Malley over the last few days to know he was telling the truth. Then, seeing O’Brian and Elvie together, and her brother and Wiroo, had reinforced that truth and made it real. She’d seen the same look of love and devotion in each of the other couples.

  “And only you forever.” He lowered his head and kissed her mouth, sending thrills through her body and chasing away the cold.

  Hannah pressed forward, wanting every inch of her to be in contact with every inch of him. To feel the life flowing through him and know that he was here with her and would never leave.

  A stray tear trickled down her cheek and O’Malley lifted his head to look into her eyes. Hannah quickly dashed the tear away and sniffed loudly before lifting her head, wanting to kiss him again.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked as another tear trickled down her cheek.

  “Nothing. Everything is just right.” She gave him a crooked smile.

  “Then why the tears?” He brushed the treacherous tear away with his thumb.

  “It’s stupid.”

  “Tell me.” His forehead creased. “Nothing you tell me is ever stupid.”

  “I was thinking about how my mom left me and now Karl has left me...” She swallowed down the tears that threatened to choke her. “And I got scared.”

  “That I might leave you, too?” he asked.

  She nodded mutely.

  “I wish I could promise you that I won’t, but that isn’t something I can know for sure.” He brushed his lips across hers. “All I know is that I will always do everything in my power to come back to you.”

  “Make love to me, O’Malley. I want to make babies with you. I want to raise a family with you. I want to celebrate our love.” She slid her hand under his clothing and slid it over his abs and higher until her palm rested over his heart.

  “That is one thing I can promise you.” He grinned and pulled away from her. Kneeling up, he dragged his clothes off and placed them on a rock near the fire. Then he undressed her. Slowly easing her out of each layer of clothing, his lips pressed against her skin as it was revealed. Hannah forgot about her fears, they were unfounded, and she would not let them haunt her.

  Naked beneath her mate, she eased her thighs apart and he shifted his weight, easing himself between her legs before guiding himself into her. She sighed as his hardness filled her. The friction of his skin against hers was exciting as the fire flickered and cast its glow over the uneven surface of rock above their heads.

  There was something exciting, thrilling about being here with O’Malley. They were in their own secret world as the continuous cascade of water fell, as eternal as the bond they shared.

  O’Malley thrust deeper, his hips moving in a steady rhythm as he pushed her arousal higher. Hannah wrapped her legs around his thighs and tilted her pelvis up. With each thrust, he brushed her mound, and she nipped his shoulder as she fought to control her body. Her mate pushed her to her limits both emotionally and physically. He made her feel more than she’d ever felt before and made her believe she could do more, go further than she’d ever gone before.

  She brushed her fingers against his cheek and their eyes locked. His love for her was there in the way he looked at her, the way he touched her, the way he needed her. A need that went deep enough to touch his soul. Hannah acknowledged that need and made a silent promise t
hat she would always be there for him. Just as he had said he would always be there for her.

  When they got back to Cougar Ridge, she would go and see her dad but then she would make her life with O’Malley. Because he was her life.

  A small smile spread across O’Malley’s face and he kissed her mouth, tender and gentle as he moved inside her. Hannah stroked the nape of his neck and he shivered as a lull settled over them. She wanted their lovemaking to last, just as their relationship would last. Everything in that moment was simple.

  His mouth on hers, his fingers caressing her skin, the scent of him, all combined in a rich heady mix. It was as if they were flying over the mountain together with no need for a dragon.

  Then she slammed back into the Earth as he broke their kiss. Her lips longed for his but then he lowered his head and licked her nipple and her stomach contracted in longing.

  O’Malley closed his mouth around the taut bud, and she tensed, her inner muscles gripping him tightly as the sensations intensified. It was as if her skin was on fire, each touch, each stroke almost too much for her over-sensitized body.

  O’Malley groaned and his fingers curled around the fabric of the sleeping bag as he jerked forward. In an unstoppable chain reaction, she came, gasping against his ear as her orgasm hit her. Her mate could not hold on, he arched his back and cried out her name, which echoed back at them from the solid rock walls of the cave.

  They lay together under the warm sleeping bag until the fire burned low and demanded their attention. After feeding the fire, O’Malley shifted and the cougar sat by her side, basking in the warmth of the flames while she prepared their simple meal.

  After eating their food, Hannah and O’Malley cleared their camp, doused the fire, and went back outside along the rocky path. After changing into dry clothes, Hannah and O’Malley found a high platform of rock where they sat and waited for the dragon to come and pick them up.

  “I’m going to miss the stars.” Hannah leaned on O’Malley’s arm as she huddled close to him. “I’ve never seen them shine so brightly.”

  “I’ll take you onto the mountain range by Cougar Ridge, the stars are just as bright there.” He held her close and looked upward.

  Hannah was immediately alert. “Is Kelos here?” She looked up at the sky, trying to spot the dragon.

  “He is.” O’Malley pointed to a dark spot among the stars which moved across the sky. That was the only telltale sign that there was a mighty beast winging his way toward them.

  “He’s the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen.” Hannah watched in awe, keeping her focus on the dark shadow that blotted out the stars.

  “Thanks.” O’Malley chuckled as he squeezed his arm tighter around her.

  “Sorry to dent your pride.” She kissed his cheek without taking her eyes off Kelos’s position.

  “I know I can’t compete with a dragon for awesomeness.”

  “Yeah, but you can when it comes to love. Love for me.” She finally turned her full attention to O’Malley.

  “I am yours. With all my heart I am yours.” She slipped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. “I love you, O’Malley. I love you just the way you are. And I think you are pretty awesome yourself.”

  “Only pretty awesome?” he teased.

  “Compared to a dragon.” She pulled away from him and they stood up to watch as the dragon came in to land.

  The dark shadow grew steadily bigger, and she could feel the draft from each downbeat of his wings. Slowly, Kelos’s dragon materialized out of the night, his features becoming visible. His scales shimmered and his muscles rippled as he landed around ten feet away from them.

  Hannah didn’t realize she’d grabbed hold of O’Malley’s arm and was holding onto it tightly as if her life depended on it. Which in many ways it did.

  “Your search was unsuccessful.” Kelos shifted as soon as his feet touched the rocky ground.

  “Yes and no.” Hannah had assumed O’Malley had told his friend about their journey and subsequent discovery.

  “We found Karl,” O’Malley explained. “But he’s lost his memory and has found a mate.”

  “Ah, we humans are such complicated creatures.” Kelos aimed a sorrowful smile at Hannah. “You have chosen to leave your brother behind.”

  “It wasn’t my choice to make,” Hannah confessed. “I would have needed to fight a not-too-small group of cougar shifters and even then, I don’t think he would leave.”

  “He’s happy.” O’Malley locked eyes with Kelos. “Isn’t that what we all want for ourselves and those we love?”

  “Yes. No matter what the personal cost.” Kelos inclined his head toward O’Malley and then switched his gaze to Hannah. “If or when you need to come back, you only need to ask.”

  “Thanks, Kelos.” She swallowed down the lump in her throat, refusing to cry more tears.

  “We should go. There is just enough night left for us to make the journey home.”

  He shifted into his dragon and lowered himself toward the ground so that his two passengers could climb on his back. Then he took off into the air, flying toward the stars.

  Hannah settled back against her mate, enjoying the flight. She might not be returning with her brother, but she was returning with something even more precious. A man who loved her for who she was. A man who would always be there for her.

  As she contemplated this, she finally let go of her own sense of failure at not returning Karl to their father. Karl was lucky, he’d found a deep love many people go through their whole lives and never experience. She finally let go of her disappointment and celebrated Karl’s happiness.

  All she had to do now was tell her father and convince him this was best for Karl.

  Chapter Twenty-Three – O’Malley

  A week ago the love of his life had walked into his bar. Three days ago she’d walked out of his life.

  She will return, his cougar told him firmly.

  Whether his cougar actually believed that or whether it was wishful thinking, O’Malley wasn’t sure. But he certainly wasn’t going to argue. He just couldn’t share in his cougar’s belief.

  Not when there was no evidence to back up that belief.

  You need to live in hope, his cougar told him before he slunk away and settled down for a nap. Something O’Malley hadn’t been able to do since he returned to Cougar Ridge.

  “Is everything okay?” Axel came into the bar area carrying a box filled with glasses.

  “Yeah, why do you ask?” O’Malley was getting kind of tired of his well-meaning friends asking him that same question.

  “Because the beer is overflowing from the glass in your hand.” Axel gave O’Malley a smile filled with pity but made no further comment as O’Malley woke from his daydream about Hannah.

  “Dammit.” He placed the overfull glass of beer on the counter before mopping up his own mess.

  “She’ll come back.” Axel placed the glasses down on the counter behind the bar and began removing them, taking care not to break any.

  “I want to thank you for everything you’ve done.” O’Malley skipped the talk about Hannah. He’d had the conversation so many times from so many people that there was no new angle to cover. Fate might be playing a joke on him. Or fate might just want to keep him dangling for a little while longer.

  It was like when his cougar toyed with his prey. Sometimes it got away.

  Rarely, his cougar opened one eye as he spoke.

  “Thanks for the opportunity.” Axel emptied the glasses from the box and headed back out of the bar. “I really appreciate it. There weren’t many job offers coming my way before you gave me a chance. My reputation seems to cast a shadow over me even now.”

  “We all deserve second chances.” O’Malley looked up as the door to the bar opened. For a moment he envisioned Hannah walking into the bar just as she had the night they met. Instead, it was Kelos and Amber.

  We would have sensed Hannah long before she opened the door, his cougar
told him bluntly.

  “Hey, this all looks good.” Amber came around the bar and kissed O’Malley on the cheek. “And so do you.”

  “Hey, eyes over here,” Kelos said lightly as he slid onto a barstool. “Is there anything you need us to do?”

  “Nope, opening night seems to be well under control.” O’Malley slid the glass of beer toward Kelos without spilling a drop. “You can drink this. I was just double-checking that the pump worked.”

  “I like helping out at O’Malley’s.” Kelos grinned as he took a sip.

  “I love the decorations.” Amber walked slowly around the bar. “It’s all really come together.”

  “I want to thank you both for your help while I was...away.” O’Malley held out his hand, indicating the array of drinks on offer. “What can I get for you, Amber?”

  “Oh, just a soda, please.” She placed her hand on her baby bump.

  “Why not be daring and add a hint of lime?” O’Malley grabbed a glass and began preparing the soda, adding ice, lime juice, and a wedge of freshly cut lime before he handed it to Amber.

  “Oh, that is lovely.” She climbed onto a barstool next to Kelos and took a grateful sip. Her eyes flickered up to O’Malley’s for an instant, but she didn’t ask the question. Perhaps because she could read the answer in his face.

  O’Malley turned away and busied himself cleaning up the beer and making sure everything was just right. This night was important to him.

  If Hannah didn’t come back. Or answer his calls. He shook his head. There was a reason she didn’t pick up when he called, he was sure.

  But if this was his life now. If his future was one of living without his mate, then this bar would receive all the attention he would have...should have...given Hannah.

  O’Malley looked up, his forehead creased as he sensed something...someone. He turned around slowly, his eyes out of focus as he tried to pinpoint...

  “So.” Amber’s hand slapped down on the bar.

  His attention snapped to it, his nerves on edge. His time in the Army had left him acutely alert to any sign of danger and his heart rate increased, pumping adrenaline around his body.


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