Primal Deception

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Primal Deception Page 18

by Robin Mahle

  “No. Nothing about Jay or Tom Neville or any of it. I have the flash drive in my purse. And besides, no one knows where we are, so even if they found something, they wouldn’t be able to track us down.” She pressed her lips together. “Sit down. Will and Agent Axell will be back soon and they’ll have more information.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “You’re right. I don’t, but what choice do I have? We go back out there, start digging into this more than we already have, and you and I won’t survive the day. We need their help.”

  “Jesus, Lacy! Don’t you see what’s happening? They’re trying to bring down someone in our own government. How easy you think that’s going to be? And the fucking Chinese? I mean, are you shitting me right now?”

  “You’re getting yourself worked up.”

  Aaron walked toward the couch and sat down next to her. “You’re right. I just feel like this whole deal is fucked, you know?”

  “I know. But you heard what Agent Axell said. He has a name and that’s what they’re working on now. Once we prove what this person’s done, we’ll be in the clear and this will be over.”

  “You might be oversimplifying this a little.”

  The sound of a car approaching stopped them both dead in their tracks.

  Aaron stood up and walked toward the window. Pulling back the curtain a fraction of an inch, he peeked outside.

  “Who’s here?” Lacy felt adrenaline shoot right up her spine.

  “Looks like—yeah—it’s Agent Caison and he brought food.” Aaron turned around with a smile.

  “Well, what a relief.”

  Moments later, a key sounded in the door lock and a voice traveled through. “It’s me, Will.” He opened the door. “I figured you guys were hungry.”

  “Starved.” Aaron grabbed the food from him and set it on the dining table. “Excellent. Chinese. Good choice.”

  Lacy shot a glance at Will.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” He locked the door behind him and continued inside. “How you two holding up in here? Going stir crazy yet?”

  “Just about,” Lacy began. “Please tell me you have good news.”

  “I’m working on it. Axell will be here soon and we’ll get started. We’ve got a name and I’ve got surveillance in place.”

  “Surveillance?” Aaron asked as he shoved a forkful of noodles into his mouth. “What kind and on who?”

  “Axell’s got it set up on his end and in about an hour or so, I’ll have it set up on my end. We’ll go from there.”

  “You got a warrant? On who?” Lacy made her way toward the food and began dishing out a plate.

  “This is off the radar for now.”

  She noticed he was hesitant to reveal a name, which made her feel less confident about it than she did when he walked in. “Will, you can’t; it’s too dangerous. For you and for Agent Axell. You know what’ll happen if someone finds out you listened in without authorization.”

  “We understand the risks.”

  Aaron cast his eyes between the two of them. “Let me guess; this isn’t exactly FBI protocol?”

  “Not exactly,” Will replied.

  “Then for sure, I’m in. Hey, I almost had my head blown off the other day. We need to do what we gotta do to get to the truth. None of us are getting out of here alive if we pretend this isn’t happening.”

  Lacy glossed over Aaron’s comment and turned her attention to Will. “You said you have a name. Who is it?”

  “According to Axell’s people, there has been a lot of communication between MSS and the State Department.”

  “That’s the State Department’s job, isn’t it? Foreign relations?” Lacy asked.

  “It is. But according to Axell, this is different. He doesn’t have anything from the State’s office, but he does have communications coming out of the MSS that he’s obtained. And it looks like they’ve been working pretty heavily with the Office of Political Affairs.”

  “He must have more than that to want to move forward with unauthorized, unsanctioned surveillance.”

  “His asset says money’s been removed from the MSS till and deposited into a private account.”

  “Let me guess.” Aaron weighed in once again, this time chewing on an egg roll. “You know who this account belongs to?”

  “We think so, yes.”

  “So when do we start listening in?”

  “Just waiting on Axell now.”


  “We have resources, Mr. Marquez,” Axell began. “Resources that could make it difficult for you maintain your daily operations, enjoying the relatively hands-off approach the US has employed so far.” Axell watched the cars negotiate the lanes of DuPont Circle while he waited for a response from the president of the bank in Panama. Midday had arrived and the sun was beating down on him. Sweat stains formed under his arms and on the middle of his back through his white oxford shirt.

  “And if we cooperate?”

  “Then you will continue to enjoy the same relationship with the US you already have.” Axell leaned forward on the bench, placing his elbows on his knees. “I just need your help monitoring Jian’s account activity. I need to know who’s giving him money and who he’s sending it to.”

  “If I can be assured by your government that whatever he and his associates were doing was beyond our control.”

  “Of course.”

  “Then you will have our cooperation.”

  “Thank you, sir. I’ll be in touch.” Axell ended the call and dropped his phone into his shirt pocket. He removed his sunglasses and wiped the sweat that had gathered on the bridge of his nose and under his eyes. Everything was in place on his end and he hoped Caison had gotten through to his people.


  Lacy stood perched on the steps of the front deck and peered through the trees to the lake. She held in her hands a burner phone that Will said she had to use to call her children. Almost twenty-four hours had passed since she last spoke to them and it was killing her to be away from them right now. She hoped that one day they would understand why she had to do this. But for now, all she could do was beg for their forgiveness. “Hey sweetheart, how are you?”

  “Okay,” Olivia replied. “When are you coming back, Mom? When can we go back home?”

  “Not much longer now, baby, I promise. You’re having fun with Grandma and Grandpa, though, right?”

  “I guess.”

  Lacy closed her eyes at the sound of her daughter’s voice, which was filled with confusion and sorrow. “I’ll tell you what, when I get back, the three of us will take a little vacation, okay? Maybe go to the beach, or wait, how about Disney World? Now that would be something, wouldn’t it?”


  A shimmering light reflected in the distance and Lacy spotted a car approaching. As it made its way along the path, dust billowed from the tires.

  “Listen, sweetheart, I have to go now, okay? I’ll call you as soon as I can and please tell your brother I love him and miss him very much. I miss you both very much.” She waited for a response. “Olivia?”

  “Yeah, okay. Bye.”

  The call was gone. Drained from the heartbreak of missing her children and her husband, Lacy cast her weary eyes at Agent Axell as he stepped out of the car and began his approach.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Just peachy,” she replied.

  “Good. Come inside.”

  Lacy followed him through the door and stood next to Aaron.

  “How are the kids?” he asked.

  “I doubt Olivia will ever forgive me for this.”

  “She will when she’s old enough to realize you risked your life to clear her father’s name and helped hundreds of families get to the truth.”

  “You make it sound so damn noble.”

  “Isn’t it?”

  “You two want to join in, or are you just going to sit this one out?” Axell mo
tioned them to the dining table.

  The two approached and Lacy began, “Let’s just get this over with.”

  Will eyed her. “You all right?”

  “No. I need to be with my kids. I need to keep them safe.”

  “I’m sorry, Lacy. I know how much you miss them,” Will added. “But we have the cooperation we need now and I promise you, it’s only a matter of time. You and your family will be able to go back home and you’ll be safe again.”

  “And once you know, for a fact, who at State is responsible, what then? Who can we turn to, Will? Who can we trust? And, more importantly, who’s going to come for us after that?”

  But before anyone could indulge Lacy in her current state of despair, Axell got straight to the point. “We’re going to link to a satellite using a portable modem.”

  “How’d you get that? That’s expensive equipment,” Aaron said.

  “Yes, it is.” Axell returned his attention to the laptop. “This will allow us to monitor communications that were set up by our friends at the FBI.” He looked to Will. “Thanks for that. While staying at our safe, undisclosed location.”

  “So you’re essentially linking up to the FBI servers using a satellite connection?”

  “Yes, Aaron. That’s exactly what we’re doing,” Axell replied.


  “And we’ll be able to listen to communications from the State Department?” Lacy asked.

  “From a particular person at the State Department, yes. That’s where we’ll find our traitor.”

  “I guess we just sit back and wait.” Lacy pulled out a chair and sat down.

  “Be patient. It’ll happen. This is how we get confirmation. From there, we move up the chain and hope to hell someone will listen to us.”


  Time was crawling at a snail’s pace and the sun was beginning to fall below the tree line. All they’d been listening to for the past three hours were various conversations the undersecretary was having regarding meetings, dinner plans, and a personal call to his wife.

  “Christ, when are we going to get the dirt on this guy?” Aaron’s sentiments mirrored that of the others.

  “It’ll take however long it’ll take.” Axell seemed indignant as though no one in the room seemed to understand how many hoops he had jumped through to get them this far. “One of my guys has ears on Jian too. One of them will fold. Not to mention I’ve worked out a pretty sweet deal with the bank in Panama to keep us up to speed about his activity.” The lines on the audio receiver began to bounce up and down. “Shh. He’s making a call.”

  A ringing line sounded through the laptop, though it was glitchy with static in the background.

  “Where’s the package?” the undersecretary asked. “I haven’t received it yet.”

  “What’s he talking about, a package?” Aaron whispered.

  Caison raised his hand to insist on silence.

  “I’ve been dealing with a few nuisances and I haven’t had a chance to have it delivered.”

  “That’s him, that’s Jian, isn’t it?” Again, Aaron sounded off.

  This time, Axell wagged an index finger at him.

  As Lacy watched Axell silently reprimand Aaron, a light coming in from the window caught her eye. She slowly stood up and walked toward it. The light was growing. She cast her gaze to Will, who seemed to pick up on her concern. He made his way toward her.

  “Who is that?” she asked.

  A car was rolling up the drive slowly.

  “Turn out the lights!” Will said.

  This got the others’ attention and Axell’s expression revealed surprise and concern. He flipped off the switch. “Shit. Who the hell is that?”

  Will shook his head as he unsnapped the holster of his gun.

  Lacy noted the gesture and swallowed down her growing fear.

  Axell threw a troubled glance at Lacy and Aaron. “Get in the bedroom and hide, both of you. Now!” He turned back to Will. “Jian’s people?”

  “What do we do?” Will was trained in counterterrorism and in his two years as an agent, had yet to confront a hostile. Not since Afghanistan had he been in this kind of situation.

  “We need to see how many step out and if they’re friendly.”

  “You think they’re with us?”


  Moments later, the car rolled to a stop and the headlights were turned off. No one had yet to emerge and this made them all the more nervous. Axell drew his weapon and nodded for Will to do the same.

  The driver’s side door opened and man in a black t-shirt and dark pants stepped out. He blended in with the darkening sky.

  “Who do you think he works for?” Will asked.

  The man pushed his hair back and stood next to the opened door. Three other men stepped out almost simultaneously.

  “Four against two; I can handle those odds.” Will noticed one of the men walking toward the trunk of the car. His breath echoed in his ears as he anticipated their every move.

  The trunk’s lid popped open and the man retrieved a duffle bag. He unzipped it and handed automatic rifles to his colleagues.

  “How you like our odds now?” Axell glanced over his shoulder toward the bedroom. “We got to get them the hell out of here. Go back there with them. I’ll keep these guys occupied while you take them around back and get into the car.”

  “I’m not leaving you here.”

  “We’re the only ones who know what’s going on and we have to do everything in our power to make the truth known. We can’t do that if we’re dead. Now get the fuck back there.”

  Will stood frozen. Axell’s orders went against everything he knew.

  “Do it!”

  Finally, he broke and turned on his heel toward the bedroom and no sooner had he reached the hall, did he hear gunfire erupt. Instinctively, he crouched low and continued to the bedroom. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

  “What about Agent Axell?” Lacy asked.

  “Just follow my lead and I’ll get you both out alive.” Will eyed them with resolve. “I got this.”

  Bullets pierced the front windows, exploding the glass on impact and the barrage of gunfire compelled the wooden walls to splinter, hurling the pointed fragments like arrows into the room.

  “Jesus!” Witnessing the attack, Lacy rose just as they were about to step into the corridor.

  “Get down!” Will pulled her arm, nearly making her tumble. “We have to go now!”

  She watched as Axell took cover behind the sofa and fired at every opportunity. The two locked eyes and he nodded. This was going to be their only chance to get out. Will was just steps ahead of her now and she followed closely along with Aaron.

  “Get to the deck outside.” Will struggled to speak over the blasts sounding behind them and flinched with each shot. “Goddamn it.” He peered over his shoulder at Axell.

  “Just go. He wants us to go.” Lacy grabbed his shoulder.

  The three made their way to the deck and Will directed them down the steps to ground level. The only light came from flashes of gunfire and a quarter moon that hadn’t fully risen in the sky yet. He couldn’t risk exposing their position by taking them around the front where Axell’s car was parked next to his. He was the only one who was armed and they’d be taken out without hesitation. “We need to take cover until they get inside. Back there,” he pointed to the wooded area. “We’ll find cover there. Go. Go.” He pushed them to the front and remained facing the side of the cabin, gun ready to fire. A quick turn of his head and they had already made it beyond the tree line. He would have to catch up to them, which meant abandoning Axell.

  The front door flew open, breaking the lock as though it was a twig. Caison could hear the men shouting as they stormed inside. “Fuck! Fuck!” he whispered. Axell couldn’t hold them off and there was nothing Caison could do. He turned back to see silhouettes of Lacy and Aaron in the distance, shadowed by
trees amid the darkness. This was an impossible undertaking. Getting them out while those men were inside was a fool’s errand, and he might as well drag them out in front of the firing squad right now. They would have to make their way into Axell’s car unseen, and then start it up and drive away. Did he think those men wouldn’t come running out, guns blazing, and bring down a hellfire on top of them before they made it ten feet?

  No. There had to be another way. He needed to go back inside. Another glance over his shoulder and the two were still there, safe for now. At least they were out of the line of fire. But he was armed and he could still help Axell.

  The decision was made. Will darted back inside through the rear door.

  Lacy raised up from her squatted position. “Will!” Her voice was barely above a whisper but screeched from her throat.

  “Lacy, get down!” Aaron pulled her back. “He’s going to help Axell. You can’t stop him.”

  “Oh God, what the hell are we going to do?”

  “He won’t leave us. He’ll come back. They’ll both come back,” Aaron replied.

  “We can’t just sit here. We have to run. We have to try to get away.”

  “I have no idea where we’re at, Lacy.”

  “Doesn’t matter. Just so long as we get as far away from here as possible. This is the second time in two days someone’s come after us. This won’t stop until the truth comes out or we’re dead.”

  Aaron seemed to consider her proposal. He looked left, then right. “Shit, I don’t know. This way.” He started north, staying behind the tree line and out of sight as much as possible. Guns still fired behind them, but there was no time to look back.

  Inside, Will took cover behind the bedroom door where he’d slipped out only minutes earlier. Axell was still alive, taking shelter behind the kitchen island, but two of the men were inside. He needed to take them out first, then they could worry about the other two who still stood on the porch, one firing through the window and the other taking aim from behind the front door.

  If he was going to act, then the time was now. With his gun aimed straight ahead, he pressed flat against the hallway and slid along until he had a visual on one of the men. In a split second, he fired and struck the man in the neck. All eyes turned on him and he had but one chance to take down another one who crouched in front of the sofa.


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