Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 26

by Michelle Love

  “Owen, you turned thirty-four last week. When do you think you’ll be ready to settle down? You’re not getting any younger. You won’t be a catch for much longer.” Her hand moves over my shoulder, and she leans in for a kiss.

  I back up. “Thanks for the advice. I better hurry up and find someone to marry before my expiration date comes up.”

  Walking away from her, I hurry to get to the elevator before she does. That’s not the first time she’s used my age to try to knock my ego into the dirt. She can be such a huge bitch sometimes!

  “Owen, I’m sorry,” she calls out as I step onto the elevator.

  She stops as she catches up to me and I give her a harsh look. “Take the next one, Dena.”

  The doors close and I drop my head and stare at my shiny black shoes. I’m a successful man. I have tons of things going for me. And only one little thing that I don’t want anyone to know about. And that one thing seems to be my downfall. The thing that sets me apart from normal people.

  If I could stop doing it, I would. I can only manage to keep it under control for just so long. The urge is building in me as summer approaches and my time grows near.

  Soon I’ll be able to do it as much as I want and get it out of my system for a while. I just wish I could get it completely out of my system. Maybe then I could have a normal relationship.

  Getting into my car, I open my laptop to check my personal email and find the page for the club is still up and a new woman’s face is at the top of the list.

  A really nice face. Gorgeous brown eyes that look sweet stare back at me. Her hair hangs in a black sheet of silk around her heart-shaped face. Plump lips the color of cotton candy stand out against her creamy tanned skin.

  Now, who is this Petra Bakari?


  After agonizing over my decision about becoming a submissive for the summer, I finally accepted the fact I had to do something to fix my current situation. No one was going to step in and hand me twenty thousand dollars!

  I needed money badly. So badly that I would rent out my body. At least I had some say so in what would happen to it. And Leticia was going to help me test my limits before I got in over my head.

  A week had passed after she and I talked. I was sitting under a tree, listening to birds chirp with happy sounds while I glared at my bank account on my cell phone screen. The part-time job at the little café I had wasn’t cutting it. Suddenly, there she was, like an angel sent from above.

  White layers of a midthigh length dress flowed around her. “Hey, Petra. The long face you’re wearing doesn’t look great on you. Care to come hang at my place for a while? Clear your head a bit?”

  I followed her like a moth to a flame. She radiated confidence and had a calmness about her that beckoned me. I wasn’t sure I’d fall into what she’d offered, but then got to her place and I was all in.

  Luxuriant furnishings filled her large apartment. Nothing was cheap, and the way she was so damn calm about shit had me thinking that I was overthinking the whole thing. I told her to sign me up, and I’d deal with my mind. I’d be crazy not to do it!

  And now here I sit and wait for Leticia to come into her bedroom where I’m waiting in the submissive position she taught me. We’re role-playing to help me get desensitized to being treated like a lesser person. A thing I’ve never really dealt with.

  I’m to get out of my head and into the act of what this is. It is just an act after all. I’m not really thinking I’m less than anyone. Wearing a sexy lingerie piece has me feeling a lot like another person too.

  Leticia has so many sexy outfits, it boggles my mind. She’s four inches taller than I am and slender while I have some curves but she managed to find a few things of hers that fit me nicely and generously gave them to me. Plus, she’s going to buy my outfits for the auction, so I’ll fit in with the other women there.

  She’s kind of like a hero to me. Helping me to see that this isn’t really as bad as I thought it was. I’ve had tons of sex for free, why not get paid to do it a particular way some rich guy wants?

  The door opens, and in she walks, she slaps a short whip against her thigh, making a sharp slapping sound that has my body tensing up as I keep my head bowed. “Up slave!”

  I get up quickly, just as she’s instructed me to. But my head stays bowed, not looking at her at all. “Yes, Master.”

  “Um, I think you should just use the term, Sir, for this,” she says. “The auction isn’t one of those slave auctions. It’s just a submissive one. So, your guy most likely won’t want to be called that.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I correct myself.

  “Good girl,” she purrs as if I’m a puppy or something.

  It makes me smile as I hold in laughter. Leticia catches it and smacks me lightly on my ass. “Oh!” I yelp and look at her with a smile on my face. “You know what? That didn’t even hurt. It just surprised me.”

  With a smile, she smacks me again, and I jump but not out of pain, just a reaction to it, is all. “Don’t worry, your brain will soon take over how your body reacts.” She does it again in three rapid swats, and she’s right, I stop responding to it and find my skin only stings a bit, nothing terrible. “If I kept it up, it would eventually hurt you and might even make you cry. But I don’t want you to worry about that. We’re just getting you used to being hit by things and learning how they feel, making the conversions in your brain about them.”

  “I suppose we’re all hard-wired to react to any type of pain that way. Your brain tells your body to get the hell away from it, or there might be some severe damage.” I run my hand over my ass cheek and feel some whelps that sting worse with my touch.

  “Those will go away in a little while. Just don’t mess with them. And if you do find yourself with any that bother you, just cover them in pain killing antibiotic ointment. The wounds are very superficial, and your Dom usually will take care of anything that happens to your body when you’re under his care.”

  She struts over to the bed and gestures for me to come to her. Getting back into my role, I lower my head and go to her. “Now what?” I ask as I wait for her to show me what’s next.

  “Now, I want to use the paddle on you. Lean over the bed, leaving your bottom exposed. I’ll administer three strikes then we can see where you’re at with the level of pain.” She walks away to get the paddle, and I take the position she’s told me to.

  I feel kind of weird for doing this. I didn’t get a lot of spankings as a kid. It feels unnatural for me to be allowing this to be done to me. But I have to give it a try. It could mean more money for me if my list is longer.

  So far, I’ve only clicked on a few things I’m okay with. Blindfolding is acceptable, some forms of bondage are as well. But nothing has been checked on the Impact Play List, the list I affectionately call, the hitting list. That’s something Leticia has told me is a real plus. And not nearly as bad as I’ve been thinking.

  “Ready?” she asks me as she comes up behind me.

  “I think so,” I say then grit my teeth and clench my ass cheeks.

  “Um, you can’t tense up, Petra. You’re supposed to accept this. You know what I mean?” she asks me as she rubs the paddle in circles around my ass.

  “Accept it,” I mumble. “Yeah, okay.” I try my hardest to breathe in and out to calm myself, and it does little to help me. I’m just going to be afraid of it right now. That’s just how it is.


  The first hit isn’t that bad. “One,” I say under my breath.

  Another lands on my ass, and now I can feel a dull throbbing sensation. “Two,” Leticia says. “One more.”

  “K,” I manage to make myself say, even though I really don’t want to add to the pain that’s radiating all over my ass.

  One more makes my stomach hurt as the pain resonates inside of me. “Uh!” I moan with the pain. “No more.”

  Petra pulls me up and looks at me with curious eyes. “Tell me exactly what you feel.”

��Throbbing. My ass is pulsing, and I kind of feel sick to my stomach.” I hold my hand on my tummy to help ease the discomfort.

  “Lie back on the bed. I want to see something,” she directs me.

  I do as she’s said and watch her as she places her palm on my lingerie covered pussy. My eyes are glued to where her hand is. “Um, whatchya doin’ there?”

  “You’re hot.” She looks at me and winks. “Can I see if you’re wet.”

  My voice comes out really high, “Like stick your finger inside of me?”

  She nods. “Not pump it or anything. Just see if that made you wet.”

  “K,” I say as I nod. I’m not really sure about this, but I suppose it’s not much different than when I go to the doctor about my birth control stuff and have a physical examination.

  Pushing the thin layer between my legs to one side, she slips her finger into me and nods. “You’re wet. That did turn you on.”

  “And what does that mean?” I ask as I watch her pull her finger out of me and look at it for a moment.

  “It means you might end up liking that kind of thing.” Her eyes cut to me. “Do you mind if I taste it?”

  “What?” I ask as I sit up. “Leticia!”

  “Some of the men like to watch the women they buy be with other women. Last year mine did. He brought in another woman and had us pleasure each other then him. It was erotic. Not that I prefer women to men, but it made him happy, and that’s the name of the game. So, can I lick my finger?”

  I nod as I stare at her and wonder if this is really a thing I can do. Her eyes close as her mouth closes around her finger and she moans. I’m riddled with curiosity. “Is it good?”

  Leticia opens her eyes and gives me a smile as she nods. “Maybe we should add in some sex. I don’t want you to feel odd if your Dom asks you to do a thing like this.”

  “Wait,” I say as I think about what the fuck she’s asking of me. “Can’t I mark this as a hard limit?”

  “You can but why would you?” she asks. “It doesn’t hurt you.”

  “I’m not gay,” I say and look at her like she’s crazy.

  “Neither am I,” she says then walks over to a drawer and produces a long, thick, black vibrator. “What’s the difference if I lick you into an orgasm or you use this to stimulate one?”

  “A lot,” I tell her as I move up on the bed.

  “Open your mind, Petra. Become the sexual goddess that resides within you. You have no idea how much you’ll be able to please your man if you’re open to a lot of things. And in turn, you’ll find yourself being more pleased than you knew possible.”

  My heart is pounding. My body is on fire, and I don’t understand why that is exactly. I kind of want to know what it feels like to be touched by her. But then again, I don’t.

  Reaching out to her, I see my hand shaking. “Do you think this will help me get ready for the huge adjustment I’m in for?”

  “I think each thing we do here will help you be what you’ll need to for the man who buys you for the summer. If they’re pleased with you, they usually add on generous bonuses to the money you’re already getting. You want more money, don’t you?”

  Money, the root of all evil!

  But I do want as much as I can get. I only plan on doing this once. I might as well make as much as I possibly can, right?

  “So, how far are you going to go with me, Leticia?”

  “Oh, let’s just play with each other a little. I’ll show you what turns men on. You’ll be surprised how easily one gets into it. I’ll start on you. By the time you cum, you’ll be out of your mind with ecstasy, and then you can do me. How does that sound?” She puts her hands on her hips and gives me a sexy smile.

  Leticia has on a sexy little black corset. And she reaches between her legs and pulls the Velcro apart, baring her pussy and licking her lips. I can’t stop looking at her as she moves forward, wiggling her finger at me.

  Moving my body down the bed, I watch her as she climbs onto the bed between my legs. Her eyes bore into mine, asking me if she can move forward.

  “Okay.” I can’t breathe as she smiles them lowers her head.

  Her lips travel softly over the cloth that separates her mouth from my flesh. Flesh that’s burning to feel more. Her dark curls fall forward, cloaking her face in them.

  I feel the material as she moves it to one side then warm air is moving over my clit. I’m on edge, my body is one giant ball of nerves. Her hands move up my sides and cup my breasts then her lips touch my clit, delivering a soft kiss.

  “Oh, shit…” I moan as my eyes close, and she takes me away with her warm tongue and gently licks up and down my folds. “It feels so good.”

  She moans a bit, making my clit vibrate, and I arch up to her. Sharp nails bite into my hips as she deepens the intimate kiss and I moan with the pleasure it sends coursing throughout my entire body.

  I’ve been eaten out plenty of times by guys, but this is different. Her lips are softer, her touch is lighter, and this is kind of taboo. It seems to be making it a little more intense.

  As she kisses, sucks, and licks me, I find my mouth watering as my lips purse in mimicking fashion of what she’s doing to me. “Leticia, move around here, let me do you while you do me.”

  She pulls her head up and smiles at me. “I can do that, Petra. It’s not so bad, see.”

  I nod as she moves over me and puts her face back into my crotch while her wet pussy hovers over my face. Closing my eyes, I run my hands up to grasp her ass and pull her down to me. My mouth touches her and I shudder.

  Going back to the time I gave my first blowjob, I remember how hard that was in the beginning too. It’s all about getting out of your head, is all. Letting the pleasure override the idea that it’s gross.

  And as her mouth working over my pussy takes my mind over, leaving me blissfully unaware of anything other than getting to the promised land, I begin to do to her what she’s doing to me. Long licks, followed by light taps on her clit, I find she tastes salty and not bad at all.

  Her pussy lips converge with mine, and I run my tongue into her folds, licking her and making her moan. Her pleasure at what I’m doing to her isn’t lost on me. It spurs me on to do even more.

  She makes her tongue broad and licks me over and over. It sends waves through me, and an orgasm is near. I do the same to her and find her growing wetter.

  The climax hits me, and I moan as I cum and then find her climaxing too. I can hardly breathe and find my head spinning.

  As heat fills me and pleasure consumes me, I find myself feeling a lot better about what I’ve gotten myself into. My sexuality is blossoming under Leticia’s tutelage. With her to train me, I’m sure to make some man happy with what I can give him. And with that will come all the money I’ll need to secure my future as a teacher.

  And no one will ever need to know how I got the money!


  Picking up my cell, I make a call to the club to finalize the orders for the apartment I rented there for the summer. And I want to know more about this new woman, Petra Bakari.

  “Isabel, at your service, Mr. Cantrell,” my call is answered by a happy sounding feminine voice.

  “Hello, Isabel. And how are you doing this fine Saturday afternoon.” I run my pencil over the paper I’ve written my list of necessary items on, giving it one more look before I finalize the order.

  “More than fine, sir. How can I help you?”

  “As you’re aware of, I’m sure, I’ve rented an apartment at the club again for the summer. A place to keep my purchase in. I need to turn in my list of what I want in it. Can you take this order for me?”

  “I can. I’m ready when you are.”

  Picking up my list, I rattle it off, “I need a set of bondage mitts, one bondage harness, I’ll need a new bondage belt. To go with that, I need a bondage hood.”

  “Excuse me, sir,” Isabel cuts in.


  “Do you have a color preference?”

  “Red. Everything in red, please,” I clarify. “Let’s get some bondage tape, just in case. And I want a monoglove. Now onto the gags, I’m thinking a mouthguard gag and a muzzle gag. That should start me out. I’ll be bringing my favorite masks, blindfolds, and satin bags to put over her head.”

  “That sounds great. I see you’ve filled out everything else. You’re all set, Mr. Cantrell. We can’t wait to see you in two weeks.”

  “I wanted to ask about a new young lady who’s appeared on the site. Petra Bakari. Can you tell me anything about her?”

  There’s some tapping as she looks her up on the computer then she says, “Oh, yes. Here she is. It looks like she’s receiving some training from another young lady who she goes to college with. Petra is in school to become a teacher, kinder through fifth grade. Her list of what she’ll do isn’t long.”

  Tapping my pencil on my kitchen table, I ask, “Can you let her know she has an interested buyer?”

  “Of course.”

  “Good. Let her know what my interests are. I want to make sure she knows about arm binding as I’m not into being touched. I like to keep my subs gagged, masked, sometimes even put silk bags over their heads and lightly tie them closed at their necks. Legs are generally cuffed and held in place in various positions. The sub must only speak when asked a question. I don’t care about what she wants, she’s my purchase, and that’s it. I’m not into any types of hitting. I’m only into confinement. I love keeping my woman all to myself and love leaving them alone for extended periods of time because she’s so happy to see me when I return. Not that she’ll ever see me. I don’t allow that. Make that, she’s happy when I return to her, instead.”

  “I can do that for you. I’ll just send her an email. I’m sure she’ll be over the moon about you being interested, Mr. Cantrell.”

  Her use of my name worries me, so I add, “Isabel, I don’t want her to know my name. Just let her know she has someone who’s interested in her and nothing more than what I like. Okay?”

  “Sir, anonymity is always the number one rule in the Dungeon of Decorum. You have nothing to worry about. Except the fact that two others have already made calls to me about this young beauty. You should also pick out a few more, in case this one gets taken by another.”


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