Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 44

by Michelle Love

  Her heart was pounding. It sounded awful and amazing at the same time.

  “I want that.”

  He laughed and took her by the back of her neck again, hoisting her up. Arsen looked into her eyes and she saw his had darkened even more. “It’s not even about sex, it’s about power. It’s about taking your power and making it mine.”

  She had no idea why that intrigued her so damn much.

  “I want it.”

  He picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder. All she had on was his T-shirt. He unleashed her then pulled it off over her head. Arsen placed her on the bed on her back. “Spread your arms and legs for inspection.”

  Steele did as he said and her eyes cut to the side to watch him as he reached into a drawer next to the bed. He took out a small box and pulled out two odd little clear things.

  He gave one a couple of squeezes then placed it on her nipple and pumped it several times. It sucked hard, and the pain began right away. Arsen watched her as she closed her eyes and her lips pressed into a hard line. “Do not utter a sound.”

  He placed the other one on and she wiggled a little with the intense pain. A quick smack she felt on the side of her ass and she opened her eyes to see he held a thin piece of wood, like a paint stirring stick.

  Arsen held a wooden clothes pin, and she began to wonder where he thought he was going to put it. His hand ran over her sex and down one leg. When he went back up he placed the clothes pin on her clit and she arched up in pain.

  Things were not going as she expected and the pain was too intense. “Rose!” she shouted. “Rose! Get them off, Arsen! Please!”

  He took the clothes pin off and then each suction cup. “Are we done here?”

  She nodded. “I’m not ready.”

  His hand grazed over her cheek. “And most likely never will be. Your pain threshold is low. Most can take many more strikes than you can and can take the suction cups and clitoral pinning much longer than that. You need to face the fact that this isn’t a thing you fantasize about or even want.”

  She began to cry. “Then I’ll lose you. You’ll never be okay with a… what do they call it, a vanilla.”

  He left the room, and she turned to cry into a pillow.

  I can never be what he wants!


  The woman was making him crazy. She was trying too hard to be something she wasn’t. Something he didn’t think he even wanted her to be anymore.

  He grabbed a handful of ice cubes from the freezer and put them in a cloth. Grabbing a bottle of whisky, he went back into the bedroom and found Steele crying into a pillow.

  He rolled her over gently and placed the cloth full of ice on one nipple. “Here this will stop the pain.” He pulled her up a little and handed her the bottle of Jack Daniels. “Take a drink of this.”

  She wiped her eyes and did as he said, choking on the whisky.

  “I’m sorry. I’m a wimp.”

  He shook his head.

  “No, you’re not. You're just not cut out for that. And it takes a while anyway. You want to go and rush things that take years to learn how to make your mind focus to take the pain it causes.” He moved the cold cloth to the other breast.

  “Arsen, it will get old and boring with me, won’t it?” She sniffled and took another drink from the bottle.

  He smiled and took the bottle from her and placed it on the nightstand.

  “I doubt you’ll ever bore me, Steele.”

  “The fact is I might be the one who bores you.” He moved the cold cloth to her clit, and she tensed up. “And I’m sorry about doing that to you. You clearly weren’t ready, and I went ahead and did it anyway. I’m not myself. I’m much more responsible than this.”

  “Perhaps the fact you have more murder charges hanging over your head.” Steele ran her hand through his hair. “That could throw anyone off their game.”

  He laughed. “You think?”

  She ran her hand to graze his bearded cheek. “You should let me run the clippers over that beard. You’ve always kept it meticulously groomed and here of late you’ve let it go a bit.”

  “After what I did to you, you still want to be nice to me?” he asked as he shook his head.

  “I asked for it, didn’t I?” she said with a smile. “Just didn’t really realize what I was getting into. I do want to learn though. Maybe baby steps.”

  Arsen’s eyes brightened. “If you really want to do this, I’ll make up a contract. One we both agree on. Then maybe you’ll feel like I’m letting you into my world.”

  Steele nodded. “I’ll stop rushing this and let you take the reins.”

  “Good.” He placed her hand on the cold cloth he held to her throbbing clit and went to his chest of drawers.

  He pulled out paper and a pen then went and picked up the T-shirt he’d pulled off her. Arsen held out his hand for the cloth and she gave it to him. He pulled the T-shirt back over her head and sat next to her.

  “Okay, let’s discuss the things you can handle. Obviously, anything involving pain is going to be a hard limit for you.” He wrote that down.

  She leaned forward. “What the hell else is there?”

  He smiled. “You’ll see. So what about public orgasms? Where do you stand on those?”

  “Never had one in public. Is it really embarrassing?” she asked as she bit her lip then added, “And how? Myself or one’s you induce?”

  “Both,” he said as he looked at her. “For instance, we might be in a restaurant and I might make you keep a remote controlled dildo inside you while I have the remote. I may turn it on as the waiter approaches or something like that. And I may tell you to come. I can condition your body to come using one word. It doesn’t have to be the word come, it can be anything I see fit. You’d be surprised how easily this is done.”

  “No shit?” Her hand ran to cover her mouth as he frowned at her. “Sorry! It slipped out.”

  “Hmm. Let’s see, perhaps instead of spanking I could come up with some other way to punish you. I’m going to think on it. For now, I’m going to let that little slip up go.” He tapped the end of the pen on the tip of her nose. “Please try harder. It’s so unsuitable for you to curse.”

  “I know. Sorry. It’s just I have a hard time believing what you’re saying. My mind can be conditioned to orgasm with just a word?”

  His finger ran over her bottom lip. His dark eyes danced.

  “You’d be surprised what all our minds can do, Steele. Now is that a thing you think you can and want to do?”

  “It sounds kind of exciting so yes.” She smiled and giggled. “This is kind of exciting too.”

  He smiled.

  “Glad you find it that way. Now how about sex in public places?”

  Steele’s eyes went wide, and she ran her hands over her arms as a chill went through her.

  “That sounds kind of risky. I mean, I do want to be an attorney one day and a charge of public indecency wouldn’t look good for me or you for that matter.”

  “That’s where you have to trust me, Steele. To make sure we don’t get caught. It’s part of the excitement.” His eyebrows raised, and he winked at her. “Trust is the main thing with this. You always need to trust that I won’t hurt you or do anything that would cause you to get into trouble.”

  She smiled.

  “Okay then, that’s a yes for that one then. I do trust you, Arsen. I honestly do.”

  “Good. And always tell me if I’m really hurting you, Steele. Don’t do what I did when I was a sub and try to push yourself past your limits. With time you’ll build up to whatever your personal limits are. It’s about testing them, but not going past that. Honesty and trust are essential in the dom/sub relationship.” He pushed back a strand of her hair that had fallen over her face.

  “You really are sweet, Arsen. Do you know that?” she asked as she searched his eyes.

  “I never have been. Well, once a long time ago. You bring something out in me I thought was long gone, Steele. But
you are right about me needing to keep the strength I’ve managed to build. I can’t go back to the young man I was.”

  “It’s not even a thing I want. Your strength is very attractive. Your authority is also extremely attractive.” Her hand moved up his arm and squeezed his large bicep. “To be honest, the way you spank me, the first couple of licks anyway, send me into a wet, quivering mess.”

  He looked down and smiled.

  “So a couple of swats are good, but three is too many. Got it.” He wrote it down.

  Steele leaned into his shoulder.

  “And the way you bite me is good. That sends me over the edge.”

  Arsen looked sheepish as he wrote that down.

  “Biting is good. And now onto other points of business. Sharp objects. What do you think about those?”

  “Like you’ll poke me with them?” Her expression was horrified.

  “No, just run them over your skin. But it’s exciting, especially when you're blindfolded and have no idea of what the sharp object is and if I’m going to poke you with it or not. Especially if you move.”

  “Oh, the trust thing again. Then okay. It does sound kind of intriguing.” She ran her hand over his thigh. “Arsen, can I touch you when I want to? I mean unless you specifically tell me not to.”

  He sighed.

  “You really like touching me and running your hands through my hair, don’t you?”

  She nodded.

  “I do. But I can take sometimes being held back from it. The frustration building is a thing I find I’m liking.”

  “I’ll allow it more often then. And another thing I want to talk about is making love. I want us to do that as well.” He looked at her and seemed to be nervous. “It’s a thing I haven’t allowed myself to do since that day. The day Beth’s father caught us. I’ve built up a fear in my mind and I’d like to work through that. I trust you enough to try to do that with.”

  Steele’s heart nearly burst.

  “Of course, Arsen!” her arms went around him and she was almost shaking with the breakthrough.

  It was beginning to happen. Arsen was letting her in and she would be able to help him heal from what the women did to hurt him. Now if she could help him find some evidence against Allen White everything would be falling into place for them.


  After painstakingly writing their contract in a book which would hold the things they’d agreed on and the things he expected out of her, Arsen took the book and a legal contract to Steele as she sat in the living room.

  “Here it is, only thing left to do is sign the contract.” He placed the three page stack of papers in front of her and handed her a pen. “You sign then I will.”

  “And then we’ll really be bound by this?” she asked as she tapped the pen on the top of the coffee table.

  “Yes. You will be bound to me and me alone.” He found himself nervous and nearly pulled the paper from her. But she seemed to need it.

  She looked up at him and smiled.

  “And you will be free to do who and what you want, right?”

  He nodded and something inside him was telling him to stop her from signing it. Signing away herself to him.

  She tapped her chin with the end of the pen.

  “I have to trust you.” She signed the paper and moved it over to him and handed him the pen.

  He signed it hastily. Arsen handed her the book.

  “This is yours to keep. We’ll add things to it as we move along. It’s like a journal that will show our journey together. But it’s more than that.”

  “Sounds romantic,” she said as she ran her hand over the leather cover. Gold embossed letters spelled out one word on the front of it, ‘Arsen’s.’

  “It’s not. It’s a guide of what I expect from you. I’ll write certain sex acts. Perhaps draw positions I want you to become adept at. Add rules and even punishments as time goes along and I deem the additions necessary to get you to understand your position as my sub.”

  “You may not think it romantic but I do, Arsen.” She held the book to her chest and hugged it to her.

  She stood and reached out to touch him. He took a step back.

  “Uh, uh. It starts now, Steele.”

  A frown covered her face. “So what we’ve been doing is over?”

  He nodded and turned away from her. “I’ll be in my office. I’m going to order you a new wardrobe. In that book, you’ll find the recipes for the meals I expect you to not only learn to cook, but make them to my satisfaction. If not edible then we’ll order out, but you won’t get to touch me at all until tomorrow.”

  “My adjusted punishments are not being able to touch you rather than physical punishments?” she asked.

  He nodded and walked away, leaving her to look through the book he’d left her with. So many pages were full, and she found it a bit overwhelming. She found the recipes and groaned as she was not a cook.

  “I asked for this,” she said out loud to remind herself.


  The chicken piccata recipe he’d written in the book was one of his favorites so when he heard Steele pounding away in the kitchen then smelled the delightful aroma of the chicken breasts cooking, he had to smile as he opened the door to his office.

  Arsen had ordered her a complete wardrobe which would be delivered in a couple of days. He made his way down the hallway to the kitchen to peek in on her. He stifled a chuckle as he saw her with flour all over one cheek and the front of an apron she’d managed to find.

  She blew a puff of air from her mouth to move a stray lock of hair which had gotten away from her ponytail. Her cheeks were pink with the heat of the stove she stood over.

  After wiping the smile from his face he put on a stern look and cleared his throat. Steele jumped and spun around.

  “Arsen! You scared me!”

  He tapped his watch.

  “It’s five minutes late.”

  She looked confused.

  “What is? Dinner? No, it says it has to be ready at seven-thirty. I still have forty-five minutes.”

  “Look on page eighteen and I’ll be in my office waiting. Every minute I have to wait is a minute you’ll have to wait before I allow you to touch me.” He turned and left, smiling all the way back to his office.

  It was just a matter of time until Steele found she was not entirely ready for the submissive lifestyle. He sat at his desk and began researching safe cars for her. He was going to put her in the safest thing he could find.

  The clothes and the car were things he wasn’t about to change in how he took care of her. His cell phone rang and when he picked it up his smile faded.

  There it was, the San Francisco police department yet again.

  “Arsen Sloan.”

  A woman’s voice came through the phone.

  “Hello, this is Detective Fontaine. I’ve been assigned to your case, Mr. Sloan. The other detective gave it up. I’ll need you to come and talk to me and give me your statement. Seems he misplaced the one that you gave him.”

  The woman on the other end of the phone had him seeing red.

  “Look, I’m an extremely busy man, Fontaine. The other detective’s desk looked like a pigpen. I’m sure if you look hard enough or have him do it then you’ll find what you need. I’m not coming back down there. I just left the fucking place this morning.”

  “I’m afraid I need the statement. How about I come to you since you’re so busy?”

  Arsen stilled as he thought about what might happen if they found out he had Steele with him. It might prove very bad.

  “Be here around eight. I won’t be home until then.”

  “See you then, Mr. Sloan. Thank you. Goodbye.”

  With the highball glass in hand, Steele knocked on the door before entering his office. He looked up and was about to bark at her for walking in before he told her she could, but couldn’t muster the energy to do it.

  “Here you are, Arsen. A Manhattan. I hope you like it.” She placed it on
the desk in front of him and saw a picture of a beautiful car on his computer screen. “Oh, that’s gorgeous. Thinking of getting a new car?”

  “Huh?” He looked like his mind was far away. “Oh, not for me, for you.”

  She got an odd look on her face.

  “I have a truck and don’t want you to be buying me a ton of things. The clothes I get because you want to me to dress a certain way and I can live with that. The car and credit card…”

  “Oh, yes. The credit card.” He pulled open the top drawer of his desk and pulled out an envelope. He pulled a platinum colored credit card from it.

  “Here, take this. I ordered it last week for you.”

  “Arsen, I just said…” She went quiet as his finger touched her lips.

  “You signed the contract. It’s all in the book. You should really take some time to read the whole thing. As a matter of fact, I have to take you to your apartment for a little while after dinner. Another detective has been assigned to my case, and she’s coming here at eight this evening.” He took a sip of the drink and gave her a thumbs up. “Great job, Steele.”

  She smiled then turned to walk away.

  “I have to get back to cooking. I don’t want anything to burn.” She spun back around. “Wait! Did you say she? Like the detective is a woman?”

  He nodded. “And take the book with you so you can read it. You’ll have a lot to do tomorrow and need to know what I demand from you, as a submissive. Oh, at dinner, please respond to me as Master instead of my name. That’ll be all.”

  Her eyes went wide, and she spun around and left. Her cheeks had turned red in an instant and Arsen had to put his hand over his mouth to hide his smile.

  It would just be a matter of time before she realized she was so much more than just a sub.

  For Her Sake Part Six


  The second glass of wine finally took the edge off Steele’s nerves. She sat in her living room with her roommate, Gwen, and drank wine while she waited impatiently for Arsen to return for her.


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