Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 97

by Michelle Love

  I still cannot believe he can lift me up, I’m huge!

  Just as he places me on the floor I feel the urgent need to pee and run as fast as my feet will carry me to the much too far away bathroom. I glance back over my shoulder. “Thanks, sweetie!”

  Max has been so good to me and my parents adore him. At times I find myself wishing I hadn’t been such an idiot for such a long time. His devotion to me is not a thing anyone would question. He’s always right there, waiting on me hand and foot.

  With how well he handles babies and understands what each little cry means, I have a confidence that he’ll be able to teach me his baby gift. One day I should know how to be a mom.

  I waddle back into the bedroom. Max lies on his stomach, fast asleep again. Easily I lie down so as not to wake him. I cozy up to his side and cuddle him, my stomach keeping us from sleeping as close as we used to.

  A hard kick one of the twins gives me and it hits Max in the back, making him jump. He looks back at me. “What the Hell, Lex?”

  “I didn’t do it.” I look at him in surprise. “It was one of your kids.”

  He rolls over and puts his stomach against mine. His hand he runs over my cheek and smiles as he looks into my eyes. “I’m sorry, it just surprised me. How hard this must be for you. Your poor body is all stretched to its limits and yet you still have two more months to go.”

  His bare shoulder is calling my name and I run my hand over it. “Thanks for being so there for me, Max. I never imagined just how hard being pregnant is. With you here, it makes it so much easier to take.”

  I slide my leg in between his and rub the inside of his thigh. His eyes light up and he smiles. “Are you feeling a bit naughty, Mrs. Lane?”

  With a nod, I say, “Care to take a ride on the big bus?”

  He chuckles. “The big bus, Lexi? Don’t talk about yourself like that. You still look a lot like you from behind.”

  “Don’t lie, Max.” I laugh. “I’m enormous and I know it.”

  Wrapping his body around mine, he kisses me and in an instant I feel light as a feather. Chills run through me as he runs his hand over my stomach and presses his into mine. One of the baby’s kick, and he pulls away. “Wow! What a little kicker we have there. I felt it clean through to my back. I bet it’s the girl, don’t you?” he asks.

  “No, I bet it’s the boy. I bet he’s going to be strong like his dad.” I run my hand through his shoulder length waves he told me he’s going to get cut tomorrow. He wants to look like a respectable father for some stupid reason.

  Three more swift kicks I get as they both seem to be having a tap dancing contest inside me. I laugh as Max flinches with each kick as they hit his stomach too. “You’re tough, Lex.”

  “Yeah, I’m real tough.” I run my finger over his lips and he brings them back to mine.

  Softly and gently he kisses me. That’s how he’s made love to me every time since I started getting big. “No rough stuff.” he told me. “I don’t want to take any chances.”

  The thing is I love the rough stuff, and it’s got me aching for him to grab me and toss me around a little. A good hair pulling as he rams into me would be great.

  I decide to try to make him a little more heated than he usually gets. My hands go to hold the back of his head, pushing his lips harder onto mine. My tongue swirls with his and my heart starts to pound harder in my chest as I rub my leg between his legs and find his cock getting hard pretty quickly.

  We sleep with nothing on as anything I wear wraps around me and makes me uncomfortable. I run one hand over his large bicep and down between us, taking his hard dick in my hand and stroking it in hard strokes. He groans and kisses me harder.

  His mouth goes to one of my breasts and he puts the nipple in his mouth, the whole thing won’t fit anymore and his hand massages it as he licks and nips at it. I moan with the electric currents it sends through me.

  My hands flow over his muscular back and I run my nails over it. He kisses his way back to me and gives my neck a bite. I think I have him ramped up and try my best to send him over the edge. “Fuck me, Max. Fuck me hard,” I whisper, huskily.

  He groans and bites my neck harder. I grab his hard dick and stroke it, then find somehow he’s off me and has me turned over and on my knees. My hips he grabs and holds me steady as he slowly moves his hard as nails dick into my wet and wanting pussy.

  With a low moan, I nearly fall apart with his touch. It’s been missionary only for the last few months and there are parts of me that have missed him. “Pull my hair,” I say and toss it back so it flows over my back.

  He makes a growl and grabs a lock of it and pulls gently as he strokes slow and steady. “Fuck, you're beautiful, Lexi.”

  One hand pulls the lock of hair as the other moves through it, sliding it over my back. I can feel his abs each time he moves in and they’re tight with tension as he has to force himself to go slow.

  I push myself up against him. “Harder, Max, please, fuck me harder!”

  He lets go of my hair and both his hands run over my ass and it makes them quiver and beg to feel his hard slap. “Your ass is perfect and the creamy color is making me…”

  “Do it,” I scream. “Do it, Max!”

  A slight slap he leaves on one cheek and he moans and moves a little faster. “Fuck, Lexi! Baby, I want to fuck you so damn hard. You have no idea!” he says through gritted teeth.

  “I do have an idea. Please, Max. Go harder!” I beg and push myself back to him.

  “Fuck it!” he says and grabs my hair and pulls hard as he slams into me.

  I scream in ecstasy and move back to meet every hard thrust. “Yes, Max! Yes, oh, God, yes!”

  Every hard thrust of his wide, hard dick sends me further and I feel the climax begin to mount deep inside me. My walls start to tighten around him. “Lexi, baby, come for me!”

  He leans over me and reaches around running his fingers over my swollen clit. Each stroke takes me closer and closer, then with his free hand he slaps my ass hard and I can’t hold back any longer. I explode and shout, “Fuck me, Max! Oh, fuck!”

  With no words he moves himself harder and faster until he stiffens and makes a loud groan. “Lexi, fuck me! Damn it!”

  Heat fills me and my body pulses around his, pulling every last drop out of him. He eases out of me and moves me to lay on my side and he lays behind me and drapes his arm over my swollen belly. His lips near my ear he says, “I love you, baby.” A little kiss he gives my neck and I shiver with how good it feels.

  Every part of me is relaxed and calm flows through me. “I love you, Max. I can sleep now. Thank you.”

  With a little squeeze, he says, “No. Thank you, Lex. Good night and have sweet dreams, love.”

  I could never have picked another man to love me better than he does!


  I hold my wife after some of the best sex I’ve ever had. We’ve been playing it safe for the last several months and I didn’t realize just how much she and I needed a bit of our usual stuff.

  We both got hot and sweaty and the smell of our juices mixing has my head a little loopy as I love it and find I could take her again. If she wasn’t sleeping like the dead right now.

  Yeah, I fucked her righteously!

  I pray we have a few more of these times before the babies get here and then it’ll all stop for at least six whole weeks. And we’ll be tired from waking up all night and tending to crying babies who want fed and held and pretty much constant attention.

  But it’s worth it and I have to admit I can’t wait to see the little monsters. The names we haven’t settled on as I want them to rhyme, like any good twin names should. Lexi wants them to be separate individuals with separate identities.

  The word, ‘twins’ is not to be used when speaking to them. She has already established this rule and I have a bet with Hilda that Lexi will be the first to break her own rule. She doesn’t even realize she already calls them that all the time.

  I think the
fact they’re twins should be embraced. After all, most people don’t have them and they’re lucky to have a sibling to go through all the firsts together with. The first day of school is such a hard day, but it won’t be for our twins, because they’ll be together.

  I know I probably have it all wrong!

  It’ll most likely be the fact we don’t have one crying kid who doesn’t want to go to school, but two of them and that’ll make it twice as hard. Lexi will probably be crying too and the whole mess of them will all be on me and it’ll be such a horrible day.

  I find myself looking into the future way too often!

  ‘One day at a time,’ I keep telling myself. I have to take each day as it comes and enjoy it for what is happening at that moment in time. And at this moment I should be concentrating on getting some much needed sleep so I can get up a little later and help my wife get out of bed to pee, which usually happens at four every morning for some odd reason.

  With a few deep breaths I begin to clear my mind and try to fall asleep. My arm lies over her stomach and I run my hand over our babies as if I’m putting them to sleep to.

  It comforts me, what can I say!

  Morning sun filters through the curtains, waking me up and I can’t believe we slept through the night without Lexi needing to pee.

  It’s a miracle!

  Wait! What’s that?

  I’m all wet. Lying behind her back, I have her held to me and I’m wet all the way to my toes. I can’t believe I fucked her so hard, it made her sleep like the dead and she peed the bed.

  This is so gross!

  She’s going to be so embarrassed! I pull the blanket back to get out of the bed and nearly pass out. Blood is everywhere. It’s not pee, its blood.

  “Lexi!” I shout and take her by the shoulder and shake her as gently as I can, but firmly. “Lexi, wake up, baby!”

  Her arm moves and she rubs her eyes. “Why?” she says, groggily.

  “We have to get you to the hospital. I have to get you cleaned up and in the helicopter and get you to the hospital now!” I get up and walk around the bed to pick her up.

  Her eyes go wide. “Max! I’m all wet! Diddly dang, did I wet the bed?”

  I shake my head. She pulls the blanket back and starts to cry.

  What have I done?

  Part 12 Secrets of Content


  Beeping sounds come from everywhere and the smell of sterile alcohol burns my nose. It’s all over and it’s all my fault. Just one thing. Why can’t just one damn thing go right for us?

  I pace in the small waiting room as they stitch Lexi up and the babies are in the neonatal unit of the hospital. They weigh a shocking three pounds and two ounces each. Dark hair covers not only their tiny heads, but their tiny bodies have a thin covering of it as well.

  On a good note, Lexi only had a couple of hours of labor pains before they were delivered so she was in great spirits about that. Her spirits went south as soon as she saw how tiny they were and fragile. It took her a while to stop crying and once I got her under control, I had to lie and say I had to go to the bathroom.

  I found an unoccupied private bathroom and cried my eyes out. So here I am, trying to be the foundation for this very fragile family and I don’t feel up to it at all. Somehow I have to pull myself together and take the brunt of this, so my wife doesn’t have to.

  Our plans of breastfeeding are over. I mean she can pump her milk, but it will be served to them in sterile bottles once they can eat on their own that is. For now they’re wired up to so many damn things they look like little science experiments.

  This is not how I wanted their lives to start!

  I am beginning to think we have a curse, Lexi and I. I love that woman with all I have. But since we met things have been so crazy and horrible at times.

  Horrible at too many times!

  Life was never this hard before. Sure I had a hard time finding nice women, but that was primarily because I was seeking already rich women. Other than the relationship mess my life was in, everything else was good, great actually.

  Well, I was lonely even though I had beautiful women on my arm and partied like a rock star more often than I should have. Then Lexi came along and at first it was like she was the plainest thing I’d ever laid eyes on. For some reason though something about her pulled me to her. Even as she wore those stupid khaki pants and that white button up shirt with a God damned pocket protector, something about her made me want to be around her.

  Then when she got out of those ridiculous clothes and put on that bikini that actually fit her, and let her hair down out of that bun, man it was like lightning flashed through my entire body. Now that I look back and really think about it that could have been a sign for me to stay the hell away from her that she was dangerous for me. She always said that to me and I really never believed her until now.

  And now we’re married and have two babies whose lives hang in the balance. Lexi’s and mine have, but how fair is it to put two, tiny angels through what we went through?

  It seems impossible, but I actually feel more nervous about them making it through this than I did about myself when I was in the ocean for three days. My heart aches worse than when Lexi was kidnapped. How can that be?

  I thought at both of those times, I could never feel more nervous and upset.

  It never occurred to me how wrong I was!

  My blood runs through their miniscule veins as does hers. Is it too much for them? Is our luck, or lack of it, a part of any being we will create together too much for a body or soul to bear?

  I know I sound crazy, but so much has happened. I have to ask myself the question, are Lexi and I really cursed? What kind of horrors will we bring down on our children if we continue on this path? Is our happiness together worth the pain it will cause our children?

  Selfishness is in me, but I don’t know if I can be that selfish to keep having kids who pay for what the hell ever we did in a past life to get the shit end of the stick we both got.

  My mother was a horrible person, and I was neglected so badly the state made her send me somewhere safe or they’d put me in foster care. Lexi was beaten by a bunch of mean teenage girls when she was just fifteen, just for being nerdy.

  The fact I became rich is just a fluke I bet. Even that has proved not to be helpful at the hard times in my life. All the money in the world couldn’t get me out of the ocean. It couldn’t find Lexi and it can’t keep my children alive.

  If these babies don’t make it, then things need to be different. Maybe Lexi and I can stay together, but have no more children. Never thought it would end like this, but who am I to question it?


  Though birds chirp happily outside the window of our bedroom, I am anything but that as I wake up and know my babies are still in the hospital and still their future is not certain.

  We went with Max’s idea of names that go together for them, the girl we named Zoey and the boy is Zane. We have, X’s, and they have, Z’s. It’s cute and the nurses who take care of the babies thought so too.

  It was supposed to be me and Max taking care of them, not strangers!

  It’s been four weeks since I had them. They can’t come home until they each weigh five pounds, which is still unbelievably tiny. Max and I have not been talking a whole lot. When we do, its trivial things. I suppose neither of us wants to talk about the ‘what if’s’ it’s just too hard.

  I overheard one of the nurses saying that Zane’s lungs weren’t maturing as fast as Zoey’s. That one sentence made me nearly fall to the ground, it devastated me that ding dang much. Max heard it too, and he left the room for about an hour.

  Later, when we went home, I asked him if he was worried about Zane and he told me he was worried about them both, not one any more than the other. He asked me if I thought he and I had a curse.

  Maybe we do.

  Our misfortunes shouldn’t be ignored. With all the money he has, it didn’t allow us to stay together aft
er we were married. He had to leave only five days after we had our small wedding. I had to finish out the contract for those book covers, or I would’ve gone with him. His job went a month longer than anticipated and I was so lonely. Married to the man I love more than life itself, but I had to sleep alone in this monster-sized home.

  It may seem very bratty of me to whine when others have it really bad, but even I get down sometimes. When your husband asks you if you think your relationship is cursed it can do that to a person. Our poor babies, their lives still hang in the balance. What if that is our fault somehow?

  What if I was right all along and we are dangerous for each other, and now our children too. The overwhelming love and need I have for Max and he seems to have for me is not something I thought was real. Only in the movies had I ever seen two people need and want and love each other the way he and I do.

  Max lost it when I left him. Drank himself into oblivion and nearly died because of it. That’s not normal to do just because a ding dang girl brakes up with you. Again, neither is agreeing to marry a man after a short time who you know you don’t love like that, at all! Then agreeing to have his children.

  I still want to kick myself for doing that!

  Another thing I’d like to kick myself for is listening to that idiot Ross who told me not to answer Max’s calls and the poor guy’s mother was dying. It’s something he should’ve never forgave me for, but he did and then we ran off and got married.

  There’s no accounting for the man’s sanity, nor mine. So what if the babies don’t make it? Then what? Should we break up and try to live life apart?

  We’ve gone that route more than a few times. Or should we give up our dreams of having kids and becoming a real family?

  Maybe I could get my tubes tied and we could just live life alone, just the two of us.

  Tell me why that sounds so lonely!


  It’s been five weeks since the babies were born and last night things became worse. Twice Zane stopped breathing and Zoey is having problems with her kidneys. The pediatrician told us these things happen in premature babies and we can expect them to have some problems in the first part of their lives. I sit in the neonatal unit and stare at the tiny beings who are mine and Lexi’s as they struggle to hold onto their lives.


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