Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 99

by Michelle Love

  “How can you blame my hormones?” I screech.

  He holds his hands over his ears then looks at me. “I guess because you’ve never made that particular noise before.”

  Sitting back, I look out the window. I’ve never been on any kind of birth control before, maybe he’s right. Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut and that would be better until my body adjusts. “Sorry.”

  His hand touches mine. “Don’t be. I should be more sensitive to your changes. I tell you what, let’s go buy something fabulous for the babies, and then go out to a nice dinner. I’m sure the babies will be coming home any day now and we want to be prepared.” He takes my hand and kisses the top of it and a calmness flows through me.

  “Sounds good,” I say and lean my head back against the soft leather and try to relax.


  The phone call I’ve been waiting for since the twins were born has finally come and we can bring them home tomorrow. Lexi is already in bed and I was just down stairs getting her some ice cream and we were about to watch a movie, but I put the ice cream back in the freezer and my plans have changed.

  We’re about to be very busy parents with little time for intimacy with each other, so I’m bringing some whipped cream and she can have me for her late night snack.

  I open the door and find her reading a book as she lies in our king size bed. The pale blue comforter covering her, and a light pink, silk nightgown covers her back to normal size boobs.

  I was hoping the fun size would stay around a little longer, but they didn’t.

  She looks up. “What’s that and where’s my ice cream?”

  After I close the door, I pull the T-shirt off over my head. “We have to take care of each other tonight.” I drop my pajama bottoms and her eyes go wide. “For tomorrow, our babies come home and we will be taking care of them.”

  Her face lights up. “Are they really?”

  I nod and shake the can of whipped cream. “So I thought you might like a little of what you asked for along with a lot of what you didn’t.”

  “Oh my God, Max! Are we ready? I mean are we really ready? I know I’m no good with them, but you can help me, right?”

  She seems to be starting to panic so I hurry to her and push her back against the pillow and shut her up with a deep, long, and completely wet kiss. The silky nightgown I begin to pull off her. I let her lips go only long enough to pull it over her head.

  Her blue eyes sparkle as she smiles at me and I’m back to her luscious mouth. I grab the whipped cream and ease my kiss, pulling away a little I spray some in my mouth then kiss her again. She moans as I move my tongue into her mouth. Her hands flow over my hair and she grabs the small amount at the nape of my neck.

  I may let it grow out just enough for her to grab hold of.

  I push her back and pull my mouth from hers. A bit of cream I squirt around her nipple which is erect and ready to play. I lick it, then suck at her flesh, giving it little nips which make her arch up to me each time I do it.

  A long trail I run down her stomach and lick it all away. She smiles as I look up at her. “I thought you brought that for me?”

  I hold the can out to her. “You want some too?” Moving to lie down next to her, I hand her the can. “Be my guest.”

  “Why thank you, you are quite the gentleman.” She gets on her knees and gets between my legs. Spraying a generous amount of the stuff on the tip of my super hard dick.

  “That looks weird, like frozen cum,” I say and she giggles.

  Her mouth glides over my cock and the cool of the cream and the heat of her mouth combine. “Mmmmm…,” she moans.

  “You like that, baby?” I say as I watch her move her mouth up and down along my long, hard cock and get even harder.

  I close my eyes and lie back as her mouth does things to me that make me feel unbelievable. Her strokes get faster and her fingers begin to massage my balls and she’s doing such a good job I’m about to lose it, but I don’t want to yet. “Stop! Come up here, princess. I want this to last and you’re about to make it end.”

  With one long pull on my dick, she pulls her head up and smiles. “We don’t want that.”

  She climbs on top of me and eases herself onto my dick and now it feels like home. My body loves hers. We fit perfectly together. I lift her up as I grab either side of her thin waist. Slowly I lift her up and down as she runs her hands all over my chest and stomach. “Faster,” she moans.

  I move her faster and it just doesn’t seem like it is fast enough to suit her. “Harder,” she groans.

  “Fuck it,” I say as I sit up and turn her over on her back. “Let’s get dirty, baby. This may be the last time we can make any noise for a while. Tell me how you want it and that’s how I’ll give it to you.”

  Her eyes light up. “I want you to fuck me hard.”

  I ram into her. “Like that?” I stop and ask.

  The way her body moves up to mine makes me hot as hell as she whispers, “Just like that. I want you to fuck me just like that. Make me scream your name.”

  I smile and nuzzle her neck as I pound into her. Soft kisses I leave on it at first, then her nails rake across my back and I bite her hard, making her scream and arch up.

  Soft bites I make as I trail them over her soft flesh, down to her tight breast and I bite it hard as her vagina tightens around my thrusting dick. She screams as she comes, making us wetter than we were. “Max! Oh, God! Max! Don’t stop!”

  I’m not about to stop. I pull out and flip her over, dragging her back to me by her waist. Her breath is coming in gasped waves. I ram into her again and her whole body quivers. “Max! Please, don’t…” I ease up a little as she screams and I find her body contracting like crazy as she comes hard, pulsing around my dick. Once she stops screaming, she moans, “God, don’t stop.”

  I ram into her harder, amazed at how hard she’s orgasmed and still wants more. Harder I thrust into her as she continues to contact around me, making it hard to hold on. I slow a little and she pushes back against me to make it harder. “My ass wants to feel your powerful hand, Max.”

  Small slaps I give it. “Stop teasing me!” she shouts.

  I slap it hard and she screams at the top of her lungs and comes hard again, but this time I can tell she’s had enough as the top part of her body she lies down, leaving only her ass in the air. I let it go then, I’ve held it back so long I shudder as the juice shoots out of me and I find I’m being a lot louder than I usually am. “Fuck!” I shout as the orgasm makes me feel as if I’m falling apart.

  Slow strokes I make until neither of us pulses anymore. Then I pull out of her and lie be her side. Stroking her long, blonde hair as she lies in front of me, I say, “I love you, Lexi. We’re going to be a real family. Tomorrow starts it all.”

  “I love you, Max. I can’t wait to get them home with us,” she says, sleepily.


  Wailing fills the air as I sit on our bed and feel like joining them in their crying. Max is taking a shower, and I was left with two, peacefully sleeping babies, then one woke up and he woke up his sister. Now I’m panicking.

  Neither wants their bottles, neither wants me to hold them. Neither have messy diapers, so I just don’t know what in the world these two little screamers want from me. And it’s making me mad that the minute Max comes in here, he’ll get them all squared away.

  I’m their mother, for goodness sakes!

  “Come on guys, please stop crying and tell me what you want.” I run my hands over each of their little bellies and make a shushing sound.

  Wow! They both turned it up a notch as I made that sound!

  “Hey, you guys should stop crying.” I begin to hum a little, mostly to calm myself down. I’d like to start screaming and run out of the room while I’m pulling my hair out, but that seems inappropriate right now.

  Softly I rub their bellies as I hum a little louder so they can hear me over their deafening shrieks. Zane stops crying and just sniffles and w
himpers a bit. The redness is leaving his little face, making him cute again. A little louder I get, to see if Zoey wants to join in the family unity Zane and I are having here.

  I laugh a little as she looks at her brother and stops crying too, making little whimpers and her color starts to go back to normal. They look at each other for a minute then at the same time they look at me. I hum away and they stare at me and Zoey puts her tiny fist in her mouth as Zane gazes at me.

  For some reason I find it the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen and tears start flowing out of my eyes as my two babies listen to me hum a tune I made up. “Momma loves you, twins,” I whisper.

  “I win,” Max says as he comes into the room, running a towel over his short hair.

  “You win what?” I ask, then continue to hum.

  “The bet with Hilda.” He sits down next to me in his pajama bottoms. “She and I had a bet that you would be the first one to call the babies that. You said not to ever call them twins when you’re talking to them. Do you remember that?”

  Humming away, I shake my head, but I do remember, I just don’t want to tell him that. He rolls his eyes, most likely knowing I’m bullshitting him. “I got them to stop crying,” I say in a sing song voice as the babies look at Max and then me.

  Max reaches out and runs his hand over Zoey’s little head. “I can see that. I heard them screaming like you were trying to kill them, then they went quiet and for a second there, I was afraid you’d actually done it.” He laughs and I frown at him.

  “Max! Don’t be ridiculous!” I stop humming and say. The babies seem content and look around everywhere. “It’s taking me a while I know, but I’ll get the hang of this being a mother thing.”

  With a gentle kiss to my cheek, Max runs his arm around my shoulders and pulls me to him. “I know you will, baby. I have all the confidence in the world in you.”

  I’m glad he does. To tell the truth I’m afraid of just how long it’ll take to get into the groove!


  The year has flown by and the twins are in perfect health. I guess all my worrying about them was for nothing. Its odd how a person’s mind can be so consumed about what might happen that they stop wanting to live a life that’s full of people.

  I’d have it no other way now. I sit back and watch Lexi as she plays in the shallow pool that we had put in just for the babies. That girl was a mess at first. She couldn’t hardly get anything right with those babies. Then one day, out of the clear blue, she got it. She fell ass-backwards into motherhood, kinda like she fell into everything else.

  This crazy woman is planning on filling this house with children. She can’t wait to have another baby, though her doctor is making her wait one more year before we get going on that. Lexi wants to do it all over again with a newborn since she thinks she’s discovered what she calls ‘my gift’ with babies.

  She’s not quite as good as I am, but she’s getting better all the time.

  We take bets on who’s right about certain ways the babies cry. She almost always gets the wet diaper one right, but I get the hungry one right every time. We both get the cry when they’re tired, which is often.

  It’s hard to believe just how many years she and I have been together, off and on. Now it’s on and I’m never letting her go and I hope she feels the same way about me. I’m pretty sure she does too.

  “Come out here,” she shouts as she waves at me. “You won’t believe how they’re kicking like they know how to swim, the little geniuses.”

  I get up and go sit in the shallow water with my family.

  My family! Man, that took some damn time, didn’t it?


  Sunlight trickles into the bedroom as I watch my husband sleep, a toddler under each arm. Peaceful and quiet for now, but as soon as they wake up the whole mansion will be bathed in their laughter and the occasional screaming fight they have now and then. These two are both stubborn as mules and I have no idea where they got that from.

  Or do I? Perhaps their parents are a little bit on the stubborn side. Max more than me, obviously.

  We celebrated Zane and Zoey’s second birthday a couple of months ago. Then we got started on the next baby. When Max wakes up I have good news for him. I wonder just how happy he’ll be this time.

  I just told him yesterday that I’d not be taking a pregnancy test until I missed at least two periods, but I was two weeks late and got antsy to know for myself. So, I placed the positive pregnancy test on a tissue on the nightstand, hopefully Max will pick it up before one of the twins does.

  I sit and watch just to be positive they don’t. Everything they get a hold of goes in their mouths and that might make me toss my cookies if that went into one of theirs.

  He’s starting to move a little and I can see his eyes beginning to open. Like every morning, he starts off kissing each of the little munchkins’ heads. His eyes meet mine and he says, “Good morning, beautiful. What are you doing? Watching us sleep?”

  With a nod, I say, “I woke up and went to the bathroom and couldn’t fall back to sleep.”

  Gently he slides his arm out from under Zane’s head, then does the same with Zoey. He climbs over Zane to get out of the bed without waking them up. “I can’t imagine that. These two woke us up three times last night, the little demons.”

  I watch as he walks right by the little pink stick on the night stand and rubs his eyes. “You may want to look on the night stand, if you want to know what kept me awake.”

  His nose wrinkles and his eyebrows come together. “What? Why is that?” He turns back and looks at the nightstand and then his face brightens. He looks back at me. “Is that what I think it is?” I nod and he goes to pick it up. “You said you weren’t going to do this yet.” He picks it up and the smile on his face lets me know he’s happy.

  “Fertile Myrtle is your new nickname, Lexi.” He places the stick back on the tissue.

  “Nope,” I say, gesturing to the table. “Pick that thing up and take it to the bathroom and throw it away now that you know. I don’t want one of the twins to get it.”

  He laughs and picks it back up. “Straight into their mouths it would go, gross!”

  As he passes me, he stops and picks me up into his strong arms. “I love you, Lexi.”

  “I love you too, Big Daddy,” I say with a giggle.

  His lips touch mine and I’m lost, just like I always get when we kiss. This is it for us, marriage and family and all the ups and downs that go with that.

  And we couldn’t be happier!

  The End

  When Billionaires Collide

  An Alpha Billionaire Romance

  By Michelle Love

  Billionaire, Max Lane and gorgeous wife, Lexi, take a night away from the twins to enjoy one of Houston’s famous Galas, The Tour de Champagne. As the gala benefits the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation many people with great wealth are in attendance as well. Prior to performing, Aussie rock star and billionaire, Kip Dixon, makes his way around to sample some of the many champagnes and gourmet foods chefs from all over the world have prepared for the generous donators. One last mini quiche on a silver tray has Kip and Max both reaching for it, but they come up empty handed as the quick and very pregnant, Lexi, beats them both to it. The men become fast friends, forming a tight bond as Max invites Kip to stay a few days at his mansion. Lexi finds Kip to be full of charisma and charm, yet extremely lonely and offers him a bit of advice, leading Kip to think in a different direction.


  Pinks and yellows fill the sky as the sun sets and I take my wife out on a much needed date. Lexi waves out the window of the Jag at Zoey and Zane as they hang onto Hilda’s legs and whine about getting left behind. The two-year-olds seem to think they must go every time Mommy or Daddy leaves the house.

  I reach out and run my hand over Lexi’s large tummy as she’s seven months pregnant now with our next child, a little boy we’re going to name Zakk. She’s pretty stoked to be only carrying one baby this time

  “Are you ready for a night of bumping elbows with some of the richest people in Texas?” I ask.

  She smiles. “I’m ready to be eating some of the gourmet food from all around the world, prepared by famous chefs, if you must know the truth. I have my billionaire, I don’t need to meet anymore.”

  “The Tour de Champagne benefits the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and all of Houston’s elite come out to donate. There may even be some stars there. I hope you don’t find yourself star struck by any of the beautiful people.” I move my hand and take hers in mine, lifting it up and leaving a kiss on top of it.

  Her cute little nose wrinkles. “I’ve been around plenty of beautiful people, they don’t phase me anymore.” She twirls a lock of her long blonde hair, which she had Cake curl for this event. The press will be there and she wanted to look her best so she let our stylist fix her up.

  I got a haircut as I keep it short now. Lexi makes me keep it a little longer than I think is fatherly. She says she has to have something to hang onto every once in a while, the little vixen.

  The twins have her blonde hair and my tan skin and green eyes. They’re a perfect combination of the two of us. Somehow everything is all working out for us, finally!

  The valet waits for us to pull in as I stop and one of them helps Lexi out of the car. Even in her present state she moves with such elegance and she doesn’t even realize it. Motherhood has made her more confident, it radiates around her and makes her even more gorgeous.

  As I catch up to her, I take her hand and place it in the crook of my arm. “Allow me to escort you, my lady.”

  She giggles and kisses my cheek. “Too sweet, you are.”

  The place looks fabulous and Lexi spots the first tray of food and smiles as she picks up a dainty little piece of I have no idea what and pops it right into her mouth. A long yum sound she makes and I know she’ll completely enjoy this evening.


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