Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 101

by Michelle Love

  Lexi laughs as she’s overheard her daughter. “Wow, are you going to be able to live without the constant admiration of Zoey, Kip?”

  I tweak the little girl’s nose. “I don’t think so, you must call me, Zoey and talk to me when I’m on the road and tired and tell me all the sweet things you always do.”

  “K, I will, don’t worry,” she says and I give her a hug.

  An idea comes to me and I say, “We have the month of December off from the tour. You should all come out to L.A. to my place. Perhaps for Christmas. What do you think?”

  Lexi smiles at Max. “Los Angeles? Max, I’d love to go.”

  With a shrug of his shoulders, Max says, “Sounds good to me. I suppose your parents will be there, right?”

  I shake my head. “Wrong, they always go to Paris for some damn reason. I’m not the biggest fan of France so I stopped going with them when I got busy with my music career. I spend most holidays with my mates in the band. With this tour and having to spend so much time with them, I’m sure I’ll need a break from them by then. A nice, long one at that.”

  Lexi runs her arm through mine as we walk into the mansion. “Well, we can’t have you alone on Christmas, so it’s settled. It’s your place for Christmas.”

  For the first time ever I find I’m excited about the holiday and having a real family to spend it with. “Good, this will be my first real Christmas, like in forever.”

  In my head I’m already picking out the toys I’m going to buy the children and the pretty little Christmas pajamas I’ll get them. It will be fun!


  I sit up in bed, reading a book and waiting for Max to get out of the shower. He and Kip bought motorcycles this afternoon and went on a ride down to Galveston. Apparently Kips is leaving his here so they can ride together when he has free time.

  Seems we’re going to be doing a lot together from now on and I wish I knew a good girl for him. He’s a happy guy, but I know he has to be lonely and he’d make some girl a great boyfriend. Then one day, a husband.

  Max makes his way into the bedroom, toweling off his chest and hair as he does. The towel gets tossed over the chair and I find myself sighing. “Can you never hang your towel in the bathroom like every other human being on the planet, Max?”

  He shakes his head. “Then you wouldn’t have anything to gripe about, and what fun is that?”

  “A day without gripping, sounds fantastic to me,” I say.

  He takes the book from my hands and lays it on the nightstand. “Put that romance novel down and let me show you some real life stuff, what do you say?”

  I shimmy down into the bed. “I say, yes.”

  The emerald color of his eyes goes dark as he sets them on my lips. My breathing stops as his lips touch mine. Softly he kisses me as he runs his hand over my hair. The touch of his tongue to my lips has me parting them, then he twirls his tongue with mine.

  The spaghetti straps of my silk nightgown he pushes down then takes one of my breasts into his hand, squeezing it, gently. They’re a lot bigger since I’m pregnant and he enjoys them a lot. His lips leave mine, kissing me all the way down until he catches my nipple between his lips and rolls it as he licks it.

  My hands run over his back as his mouth becomes hot on my flesh. One hand he runs down between my legs and pushes my panties to one side as he slides one finger into my vagina, getting it wet. Gently, he slides it back up and over my folds all the way to my clit, which is beginning to swell in anticipation of what he’s about to do to it.

  Softly pinching my clit between his thumb and forefinger it begins to pulse and with him sucking on one breast and squeezing the other I find myself arching up to him, wanting more. Moving his first two fingers inside my vagina, he places his palm on me as he rubs my clit with his thumb.

  The way his hand is moving on me has me arching up against it with every stroke he makes. Heavy breaths I take as he moves his fingers faster and presses my clit harder beneath his thumb. One hard bite he gives my breast and I moan as I come undone under his hand.

  Slowly he pulls his mouth from my breast and slides my nightgown all the way off, grabbing my panties as he does. His boxer briefs come off and he smiles at me. “Seems you’re ready for me, princess.”

  I hold my arms out and he comes into them as he slides into my hot, wet folds. “Always.”

  Slow, strokes he makes as he kisses my neck. I’m still pulsing from the orgasm he gave me and he moans as his dick gets even harder with the sensation. Steadily he moves back and forth as I arch up to meet every gentle thrust. I ache for him to move faster and harder.

  Thankfully he can’t stop himself any longer as he’s too close and pushes his large, hard dick into my wet pussy hard and fast, knocking the air from my lungs with each stroke. My legs begin to shake as I’m so close to letting go, then he stiffens and the heat fills me, sending me into a hard orgasm and I find myself screaming with the intensity.

  His mouth crashes down on mine to stifle the noise I’m making. He kisses me hard until the contractions from the climax stop, then his kiss softens. Finally he pulls his lips from mine and rests his forehead against mine. “I love you, you screamer.”

  “I love you too, thanks for stopping me. With the kids in the next room I may have woken them up,” I whisper.

  “It was really that good, huh?” he asks with a smile.

  “It really was. There’s just something about this pregnancy that has me feeling you a lot more than normal. I can’t hardly get enough of you,” I say.

  “I hope you never get enough of me,” he says with a laugh. “I want you to want me forever and then some.”

  “You have nothing to fear. I will want you forever, even when you’re old and wrinkled, I’ll still want you, Max.”

  He kisses my cheek and rolls off me, lying on the side of me as he strokes my stomach. “That sounds kinda gross, but I get it. I’ll still want you too. Good night, love.”

  I turn over and lean my back against him as he rubs my stomach like he does every night until he falls asleep.

  I suppose he thinks it brings him good luck!


  The sun sets, filling the sky with a deep orange. Kip and I sit by the swimming pool, drinking a couple of beers and talking about life and how hard it is to find normal in a life so full of money and all that comes with that.

  “I know exactly what you mean, Kip,” I say. “It’s hard to know if they like you for you or for the money you have.”

  “Yet, keeping only rich people around you is annoying, and even some of them seem to want something from you. Something to keep them in the lifestyle they’re used to,” he adds.

  I take a drink of my beer then say, “That’s all I used to date were rich women, and they were all crazy or ass holes.”

  “There was this one chic, she’s an actress so she shall remain nameless,” Kip says then smiles. “America’s sweetheart on screen and in public, but get her home and what a complete bitch she was. It was like she used up all her good elsewhere, so she had to be horrible at home. Her staff hates her, but she pays them so well, no one will dare tell on her.”

  “What’s your type of woman, Kip?”

  He looks off into the sunset and seems to be trying to think about his answer. Finally, he says, “I don’t care for any one type. I’m not partial to any certain hair color or height or even weight for that matter. Skin color isn’t a thing I care about, nor where one comes from. Maybe that’s why I’ve yet to find the girl for me. I’m too open with what I want.”

  “Wow!” I say and think about how I’ve always been attracted to tall, leggy blondes. “I was too focused on certain things about a woman. She had to have long legs.”

  “Like, Lexi has,” he says.

  “Yeah, and I like tall girls,” I say.

  “Like Lexi is,” he says.

  “Yeah, and they had to be blonde.”

  “Just like Lexi,” he says with a laugh. “Gee, bloke, you got what you were
looking for.”

  We touch the tops of our beer bottles together and laugh. “So get serious about what really turns you on about a woman. Is it her eyes, her laugh, her personality?”

  “Personality is a must,” he says. “I can’t stand so many types of people. Rudeness is never a thing I like, and so many with money can be so damned rude, my father is one of them.”

  “What it must have been like for you growing up with that man as a father. He’s so cool.” I look at him and see his eyes light up.

  “Pop is cool and was cool and at times so damn cool he couldn’t be bothered to have a kid around while he did his cool things.” Kip’s eyes go dark. “Cool isn’t always so hot, ya know?”

  “I imagine it would get in the way of bringing up kids. It’s practically impossible to be a hands on parent and maintain your coolness, believe me.” I look at him. “You don’t seem to care about always being cool. You get down and play with the kids on their level. I waited a long time for Lex, you shouldn’t wait as long as I did. I got a little crazy there for a while, thinking I’d waited too long to start a family. I thought I’d never have one. Don’t be like me. If you find the right one, just go for it.”

  He looks at me. “Prior to meetin’ you and Lex and your delightful kids, I’d never even contemplated settlin’ down. Meeting you and your family has really made an impression on me. I know it’s only been a few days, but I feel like you’re my brother in a way. Like I look up to ya.”

  “I was an only child, just like you. When my mother put me in a children’s home I had foster brother after foster brother, but not a one of them got me like you do, Kip. It’s been a real pleasure having your company.” He touches his bottle to mine and smiles.

  “Here’s to a long and happy future as best mates, Max.”

  Best mates? Who ever thought I loved to hear that so much?


  Crickets chirp as I fall asleep in the bedroom Max and Lexi have put me up in. It’s my last night here. Tomorrow it’s back on the tour bus and off to San Marcos. My heart has a soft ache in it as I don’t really want to leave. They’ve been so much more fun than the blokes in my band.

  A real family they are, and I never knew I wanted something like they have. I have a mansion in L.A. and one in London and one in Sidney, but they’re all empty. Only the keepers of the grounds and buildings live their lives in all three places.

  Never have I once felt like any of them were home. I wonder why that is. I wonder if it takes more than one person to make a real home. After a long tour being cooped up with my band mates I’m always ready for some alone time. I thought I was happy just being alone in my homes.

  I guess I was, but now I see how much more happy I could be with someone to share it all with. My life is so taken up with work though, it seems an impossible task to find a woman I could really love. It’d be no life with just any woman.

  She’d have to have me on my toes, not easy or overcome by my wealth or celebrity. Who am I kidding? No normal chic would ever come close to what I’m seeking. Too bad Lexi doesn’t have a sister.

  Lexi has it all down. She’s elegant when she needs to be, but so down to Earth, she makes everyone around her feel great. Somehow she makes people feel special, yet really normal. I don’t know how she accomplishes that. One like her would be great.

  Max just stumbled upon that rare find. How will that happen for me?

  My fame and fortune seem to get in my way, stopping women from looking past the glitz and glamor and seeing the real me. The man who is a bit on the lonely side and now the man who may be ready for a lot more than a one night stand.

  Too bad I have to be so rich and popular, it’d be so much easier to find a normal girl.


  Wrapping up breakfast, Hilda comes into the breakfast nook and pats Kip on his shoulder. “Mijo, you come back anytime. I love your crazy accent.”

  “And I love yours, Hilda,” Kip says then takes her hand off his shoulder and kisses the top of it, making her giggle like a school girl.

  His charm and wit are lost on no one. “Do ya really got to go?” Zoey asks him.

  She sits next to him and her bottom lip pouts. Kip runs his hand over her head and kisses her little cheek. “I do, sweetheart. Don’t fret though, you’ll be seeing me at Christmas and I plan on giving you and your brother lots and lots of big surprises.”

  Her eyes light up. “I want a pony and Mom told me no.”

  “Zoey, now don’t go asking Kip for a pony,” I say and wag my finger at her.

  She wags her little finger right back at me. “I’m not, I’m just telling him what you said.”

  Kip looks at me sideways. “So, is that an across the board, no pony, or perhaps one she might keep at my place might be alright?”

  “Kip! That’s too much trouble for you,” I say.

  My little flirt bats her long eyelashes at the rock star. “Would that be too much trouble?”

  His hand runs over her chubby, little cheek. “There’s not a thing in this world that would be too much trouble for you, my little sweetheart. But, we must see what Christmas holds. There are things better than ponies after all.”

  Zoey looks incredulously at him. “There are?”

  We all laugh and Zane says, “Heck yes there are, Zoey! Like bouncy houses and guns that shoot water and sharks. Sharks are so much cooler than ponies.” Zane gets a grin on his little face. “Unky Kip, if you get her a pony will you get me a shark?”

  Kip laughs and asks, “A shark? What will you do with that?”

  “Feed her pony to it,” Zane says with a shrug.

  We all laugh, well not all of us, Zoey wears a frown. “You know what, Hunky Kip.” Her uncle went a little off, and I’m not sure if she even knows what hunky even means but the word isn’t lost on any of the adults. “I don’t want a pony no more, I want a bouncy house, cause a shark can’t eat one of them.”

  Kip smiles and tweaks her nose. “I’ll keep that in mind, sweetheart.”

  Breakfast is over way too soon and Kip is on his way out. Zoey’s new love is leaving and Max and I exchange looks as we can see she’s going to be a drama queen and that’s going to make her teenage years so much harder.

  We all wave as Kip gets in his rental car. “Call me, Hunky Kip,” Zoey says as her father holds her.

  “I will, doll,” Kips shouts out of the window of the car, then he pulls away and Zoey buries her face in Max’s chest.

  He pulls away and we all go back inside, he made a big impact on us all and I hope we made one on him. Such a great man and yet so alone. Hopefully love will find him.

  I hope it’s sooner than later!


  The tour bus smells worse than usual or the blokes do, not sure which. We head out to the college town of San Marcos and I feel a bit sad and melancholy. I miss the Lane’s all already.

  A yellow, silk ribbon I run ‘round my fingers as little Zoey gave it to me so I wouldn’t forget about her, the lil’ angel she is. Bobby crashes into the seat across from me. “So what hot piece of ass did you manage to find that kept you away for all four days, Kipper?”

  “No ass, mate. A family,” I say and run the silky ribbon over my cheek, remembering the little kisses Zoey gave me before I left their home.

  “A what?” he asks.

  “A family, ever heard of that thing?” I ask as I look at him with my eyebrows raised.

  “Sure, I’ve heard tale of the horrible things,” he says then starts plucking at his electric guitar that’s not hooked up to anything so it makes these weird little plinking sounds I don’t really care for. “So why’d you do that then? Long lost relatives? No, couldn’t be that. You’re not from the states.”

  “Nah, I met this man and his wife at the Tour de Champagne and we hit it off.”

  “A threesome! Bad ass, man!” Bobby leans up and holds his fist out for a bump and I ignore him.

  “No! Although Lexi is the cover model on that hot little series
of naughty books we all read a couple years ago while we were on tour in Europe. That was cool, I suppose.”

  “You suppose!” Bobby shouts. “Tell me you hit that!”

  Surprise fills my face. “No, I will not! She’s happily married and quite pregnant. Her husband is my new best mate, just so ya know, your ass has been replaced.”

  Bobby makes a pouty face and says, “Oh no! Please don’t tell me that!”

  “We shot wild hogs from his helicopter and he shot at me while I drove his car that he put bullet proof glass in which he invented,” I tell him. “It was fun and easy with no fuss about a thing. It made me think about if I had a family. I’d like it to be a lot like theirs.”

  Bobby laughs, and a snort follows. “You! A family man! Ha! That’s a joke. I mean, you’re Mr. Party, Mr. One Night is a Bit Too Long, Mr. Love and Leave ‘em Guy.”

  “I didn’t realize I carried so many names, you dick,” I say and pull out my head phones to listen to something other than his mouth.

  The windows on the bus are tinted really dark and I can look out the window I sit next to and look out at the people we pass on the highway. A lot of the drivers are alone in their cars. There’s a few mothers with children in the car with them. I search and search for a whole family in one and realize there just aren’t that many.

  Perhaps once school’s out there will be more families on the road. I shake my head and realize I have to do a show in a bit and my head is nowhere near where it needs to be. I’m all thinking with the wrong side of my brain.

  I find some head banging music and lean back and let the rock seep in and take over. Family life is very far in the future for me. I’m a rock star right now and nothing more.

  My shoulder is shaken and as I open my eyes I see our manager, Silas, looking at me. I pull off the headphones so I can hear what he’s trying to tell me. “Say it again, Silas.”

  “I said you need to go ahead and get your hair and make-up done. We’re only a couple of hours away and you need to completely change. You look like the kid next door, what happened to you?” he asks as he touches my collared pull over Max gave me since I was out of clean clothes that looked normal.


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