Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 114

by Michelle Love

  Bobby stops yelling and takes a step back, much to Silas’ relief. “Good! Okay, men, let’s just get one thing straight. As long as we all show up at each gig, that’s all that matters. The contract doesn’t state that any of you have to ride on the bus. Is it conducive to creativity? Yes. Is it mandatory? No.”

  Bobby’s eyes level on me. “Why can’t you let him go with us on his own?”

  My hand goes to my chest as I can’t believe he seems to be blaming me. “Bobby, it’s not me that wants this. It’s Kip.”

  Bobby smirks. “Are you going to lie and say you don’t want to be with him?”

  “I want to, yes. It’s not me that made the decision though. It was Kip.” I look at Kip and find him frowning. So I add. “He wants me around Bobby, so I will be whether you like it or not.”

  Kip smiles, making me feel better. He looks at Bobby and says, “You’re the one that’s making a bigger thing out of this than is necessary. And punching me in the eye was way out of line, mate.”

  Silas nods in agreement. “It was. Can we agree to keep our hands off each other, please?”

  “Whatever,” Bobby says and starts to walk off then stops and turns back, looking directly at me. “You will be the end of this band, Yoko.” He turns and walks away.

  Kip comes and wraps his arms around me. “Don’t listen to the wanker, love. I know that’s not true.”

  The rest of his band goes away, and Silas looks at me. “He’s jealous is all, Peyton. Just stay away from him until he calms down. I’ll try to talk to him some more. One more thing you should know, Kip. Bobby won’t be playing when you sing that song to her.”

  My insides quiver and Kip says, “I can do without the base guitar for that song anyway, fuck him.” His arms tighten around me and he kisses the top of my head.

  “Kip, maybe you should just let that go. It’s not something you have to do, after all. Maybe that’ll help him to see me in a different light. You are kind of making me seem like I’m monopolizing your time.” I run my hand over his chest and lean into him. “I don’t want you guys not to get along because of me.”

  “I don’t want you to worry about any of that crap, Peyton.” He lets me go and takes my hand, leading me away as we follow his manager to his dressing room. “You’re my life now.”

  His words make me feel odd. I am his life now, means a lot when we’re talking about how busy this man’s life is. I’m not sure I can or even want to keep up with his fast-paced life.

  “Kip, I have my things to do too. The writing thing, remember?”

  “Sure, love. Hey, did you pack your laptop? You can write on your novel while I’m busy doing other things. It’ll help you to be better-rounded and a better writer, don’t you think?” His smile is contagious and I smile back at him.

  “It should, shouldn’t it?” I ask as we walk into the large dressing room. A bottle of champagne and some fancy chocolates are in the room and a pretty, young woman waits inside.

  She makes her way straight to me, which I find shocking. “Miss Reed, hello. My name is Angel and I’ll be your stylist.” Her eyes go to Kip. “Hello, Mr. Dixon. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “The pleasure is mine, Angel.” Kip lets me go and gestures to me. “She’s all yours. Bring her back to me as soon as you can. I miss her already.”

  I laugh and the woman looks at my hand. “May I?”

  I nod and hold my hand up so she can inspect the large diamond engagement ring. “It’s pretty, isn’t it?” I ask.

  “Gorgeous! How do you feel about marrying such a public figure, Miss Reed?” She escorts me through another door and I see several dresses and shoes.

  “I’m not really sure yet.” I answer as I look around at what all she’s brought for me. My mind is spiraling at how odd this all is. “The time we’ve shared has been out of the public eye. In the past I’ve been the last person you would find in the spotlight. I’m not really sure how I’ll take it.”

  “You’ll be fine. I’ll fix you all up and make you gorgeous, don’t worry.”

  She sets me down in front of a sink and throws a cape over me. “Are you going to wash my hair?” I ask.

  “Wash, cut, dye, curl, make magic happen,” she says with a smile.

  I wish I felt more confident, but I just feel kind of dumpy. I mean I didn’t realize I needed a make-over, but this woman seems to think I do.

  “You think I need that much done?” I ask as she leans me back to the sink.

  “Your picture is about to go viral, dear. Don’t you want to look better than you ever have before? The whole world will be judging you, you know.” She goes to work on me and the reality of being Mrs. Kip Dixon starts to settle in.

  Is life with him worth all this?


  The last black spike is pulled up in my hair and I hear the sound of a woman clearing her throat. I turn around in the make-up chair to see the young lady who was in charge of getting Peyton ready. “Hey, how’d she do?” I ask.

  “She did wonderful,” the woman says and steps away.

  A tall woman stands behind her in the shadows. I squint as I can’t really see if it’s Peyton or not. She steps forward and her smile gleams in the light. The smile I recognize, but not the woman.

  Her blonde hair has chunks of black running through it. Her make-up is so heavy, she looks completely different. Gorgeous, but so different. “Where did my girl next door go?” I ask.

  Peyton’s black-rimmed eyes blink at me. “It’s too much isn’t it?”

  The stylist laughs and takes her by the hand, bringing her closer to me. “Not too much at all. Do you like, Mr. Dixon? This is the woman who will be in the pictures with you as the world sends them all over once you let the news out about your engagement.”

  I glance down at the red T-shirt they have me wearing and notice it matches her tight as hell, red dress. Designer red heels that are at least three and a half inches high has her teetering towards me. The closer she gets, the more make-up I see.

  The country girl with naturally great looks is lost in the pounds of make-up and hair dye. But I smile anyway. “You look fabulous, Peyton.”

  She looks into the mirror I sit in front of and her eyes dart back and forth between her reflection and mine. “We look like the rock star couple, don’t we?”

  My lips are black and hers are red, and I know the sheer amount of color on them both will rub off when we kiss on stage. I look at my stylist, Gilbert. “We have to kiss and this crap on our mouths will get messed up.” He makes a face as he looks for something to help.

  I stand up to find she’s as tall as I am with her heels on. She looks uncomfortable in the form fitting dress. “Kip,” she whispers in my ear. “I feel ridiculous.”

  “You look great, love.” I know she’s not one to use all this stuff or dress like this. It makes me feel awful for putting her through this. “It’s only one song.”

  “There will be people taking pictures afterwards too I bet,” she says, and she holds her head awkwardly as I suppose the thick lip gloss feels odd to her. Her hand goes up to move a piece of her hair away from her eyes.

  “No!” the stylist shouts and reaches between us to grab her hand. “That’s how it’s supposed to go, Peyton. Don’t touch a thing. Not your face or hair, remember, please.”

  “This feels so strange,” she moans. “My hair feels yucky and stiff. My face feels like it can’t breathe, my body feels as if it’s constricted. I can’t move freely and my feet already hurt.”

  I sit her down in my make-up chair. “I know. It’s not a thing you’re used to.” I turn to her stylist. “She doesn’t usually wear make-up and when she does, its light. Her hair is left loose and the curls flow around her face on their own. She’s a natural beauty.”

  “That she is, but we want her to look as if she belongs with you, do we not?” she asks.

  “Well, yeah, but…” I say.

  She interrupts. “The way she came in here would never work with how y
ou look now, Mr. Dixon. It would be awful to have her looking all natural with you so made up. No one would believe you’d really want to marry her like that.”

  Peyton’s head goes down and I jerk my head back to her stylist. “Leave us!”

  She and Gilbert leave and I take Peyton’s chin in my hand, the country girl hidden beneath the mountain of make-up.

  “My family won’t even recognize me,” she says in a quiet voice. “This isn’t me, Kip.”

  “I know, but maybe it is better this was.” I say with a smile. “Now, when we’re out and about no one will recognize you either. Please tell me she used dye that will wash out.”

  “How should I now?” she asks with a pout on her deep red lips. “She just went to work on me and told me the whole world would be seeing my face. I guess my real face wasn’t good enough for the whole world.”

  “Aww, it is too. Come on, love. Look at it like I said. Now no one will recognize either of us. It’s for the best.” I give her a hug and she sighs.

  “It’s not like I could change it if I wanted to,” she says.

  “Well, that’s the spirit! Not!” I touch her cheek, lightly. “You look the part, so now let me show you how to act it.”

  I stand back and jut out my hips all Mick Jagger style and walk for her. It works, and she laughs. “You look like an idiot.”

  “Come, love, let us be idiots together.”

  She stands up and steadies herself on the sky-high heels. Slow, sexy steps she makes as she comes to me. “Is my ass moving the right way?”

  My eyes go wide. “Yes, Jessica Rabbit. You are working the heels and tight dress like a pro. Get into character and let’s show the world the fake as hell couple we pretend to be, so the real us can live a bit of a normal life.”

  She loops her arm with mine and puts on a fake, million dollar smile. “Shall we go greet your fans now?”

  “They’re a little rowdier than your fan club, but you’ll get used to them,” I say as I lead her out.

  As we make our way down the long hallway, Silas and Bobby walk out of one of the many doors along the corridor. Both stop and stare. “You like?” I ask.

  “Who the hell is that?” Bobby asks as he narrows his eyes and looks Peyton up and down. “And where did the country mouse go?”

  Silas takes him by the arm. “Watch what you say. Do you remember what we just talked about? Our little beauty is obviously right in front of us, Bobby.”

  Peyton looks down and I speak up, “We thought it best for her appearance to be altered just like the rest of us. It’ll be better in the long run. She looks hot, doesn’t she?”

  “Too hot,” Bobby says. “No one will ever believe she wants to marry the likes of you, bloke.”

  Peyton looks at him and smiles. “Is that a compliment, Bobby?”

  With a shrug he says, “I wouldn’t got that far, Yoko.” He smiles and I think he may be coming around. “How are you going to handle his groupies, doll?”

  She looks at me and smiles. “They’ll play hell getting their hands on my man.”

  “Ohhhh! Look who’s suddenly the tough little thing?” Bobby says as we begin to walk again. “Put some make-up on her and she transforms into another woman.”

  I look her over and see only the tiniest resemblance to my girl and find I miss her already. This night can’t get over with fast enough.


  Bobby played the song after all and we all had a good laugh after the show was over. I soak in a hot tub of water in the fancy hotel as Kip does an interview over the phone with some DJ in L.A.

  The word is out that we’re getting married and the circus has begun. I never really knew how it was to be in the media. They want every little detail and it seems my fiancé is giving it to them. Save where I’m from or what my real face looks like.

  The black dye washed out, thank the Lord. I feel human again with all that goop off me. I don’t know how Kip and the guys can perform with that much crap on their faces. It’s hot as hell!

  A little knock on the door I hear then Kip’s head pops around the door.

  “Can I come in?”

  “I’m surprised you asked. Yes, you can. Take a shower and get all that shit off you.” I splash water at him. “Then you can climb in here with me.”

  He smiles and comes in, stripping down as he makes his way to the separate shower. “They want you and I to make our way to L.A. as soon as possible to do a morning talk show over there.”

  I close my eyes and go under the water. That’s the last thing I want to do. To marry Kip is one thing. To become this thing with him is quite another. I push my head back up and sigh, but the fact I haven’t answered him he notices.

  He hurries to get all the make-up and hair crap off him then comes and gets in the large tub with me. Facing me, he takes my foot in his hand and rubs it. “Do your feet still hurt?”

  I nod and say nothing. He takes the other one and rubs it too. Watching him as he does the little massage thingy, I realize he really does care for me. Not just a little, like a lot.

  He was so damn sweet when he sang to me. Running his hands along my neck and my back as he sang the words. I took them so differently this time. I kissed him this time, and the crowd went crazy. They went even crazier when he told them I had agreed to become his wife as he held up my hand and the spotlight caught the glimmer of the diamonds in my engagement ring.

  A fairy tale is what it felt like. So many people cheering and after we walked off stage together, so many strangers congratulating us both. As if I was someone special too.

  I pull my feet from his hands and make my way to him. Up his hard body I slide through the warm water. His deep blue eyes light up as I rub my breasts across his chest. “Will you kiss me, Kip?”

  His lips touch mine and I melt in an instant. My hands slide along his bulging muscles of his upper arms and my legs move between his. His long dick begins to pulse and harden.

  I slide one hand down and take his now hard dick and guide it into me as I straddle him. He and I moan together as I move him into me. His tongue slides over mine. The touch of his hands on my waist make me go warm inside as he slowly moves me up and down.

  Our bodies slide easily against each other. My breasts move up and down his chest, making my nipples hard and erect. The feel of him inside me with no condom in between us is something I’ve found I missed since he forgot to put one on the other morning.

  Something about him telling the world he’s in love with me and marrying me has me feeling more for him. More security, more trust, more everything. I pull my mouth away from his and leave little kisses down his cheek and place my lips near his ear. “I love you,” I whisper.

  He groans and arches up to me. “I love you.”

  My stomach starts to go all wiggly as my orgasm begins. I sit up and let him lift me up and down his hot, hard dick. I arch my back and feel him go deeper inside me.

  The little waves start to run through me and I place my hands on his broad, muscled chest as I fall apart. A loud moan I let out.

  “Oh, baby,” he moans and then he stops lifting me. “Okay, get off, baby. I have to cum.”

  “Just do it,” I say as I try to move my body up and down him on my own but he holds me tight.

  “Peyton, I don’t want you to take another one of those pills. I don’t like you doing that,” he says as he holds me steady and I can fill his dick starting to pulse inside me.

  “I won’t, just do it, Kip.” I run my finger along his chin and lean over and kiss him hard.

  His arms wrap around me and he kisses me like he never has before. Deep and hungry, his kiss is, and he growls as he moves my body up and down the length of his cock again. Hard and fast until he fills me with the heat of his seed and I find myself climaxing again.

  I pull my mouth away and let out a little scream as it feels like Heaven. His moan follows, and he pulls me back and kisses me hard as he keeps moving me up and down to stroke him until both of us have stoppe
d the hard climaxes.

  His kiss softens, and he lets my mouth go. I rest my forehead on his as I catch my breath. I bite at my lip as I know what I’ve just allowed and what could happen.

  “I love you, Peyton. Thank you for letting go and allowing me to love you the way I want to. I’ll try my best to never hurt you. You can trust me to always be here, baby.” His words fill my heart and tears start to fall.

  Somehow he notices them and kisses my cheeks, taking them away. “I don’t know why I’m crying. I’m an idiot, I guess.”

  “You’re crying because you’re letting that wall you had built up to keep others out fall apart. It has to fall so I can come in. Me and whoever else comes along to build our family.” His lips touch mine again.

  My heart pounds with what I think must be hope. Hope for a real love, hope for a real shot at happiness, and hope for a future with this man and a family with him as well.

  Can it really be this easy?


  A sharp pain on my ass wakes me up. I move away as it seems Peyton’s foot has kicked me. The sun’s light peeks out from behind the chocolate colored drapes in the hotel room. I suppress a laugh as I don’t want to wake her up.

  She and I made love a whopping six times last night. The most times in one night for me, a record. I do believe my announcement of our impending marriage has her finally believing this thing between us is real. She’s much more free, and it seems she’s more than ready and willing to get started on our family, the little minx.

  As long as I’m awake I may as well go and use the bathroom. I scratch my head as I get up and walk away. “Where are you going?” she asks.

  I turn back and give her a smile.

  “To take a piss. I’ll be back, don’t move.”

  She giggles and I find it adorable and my dick finds it exciting and begins to harden. I have to hurry if I’m going to be able to empty my bladder before my dick changes things for me.


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