Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 132

by Michelle Love

  “I do mean it.” I reached up and took her breasts into my hands. “These puppies will look even better when they’re filled with leche.”

  Moving her hands up to cover mine, she rolled her hips, making an extra-special sensation in us both and we moaned in unison and approval. “If we had a baby, we couldn’t be this sexual all the time, Cyprian.”

  “If that were true then how come so many couples have babies that are so close in age? I think the lack of sex after a baby is a myth. Let’s have one and find out if that’s true. It can be a test. You’re a scientist, you love doing tests and writing thesis papers on your findings. Think of our little boy like that.”

  “Boy?” Her eyebrows shot up. “And if it’s a girl?”

  “I’d love her almost as much.” I chuckled and bucked her up. “I’m kidding.”

  “Sure you are.” She knew me, I had to give her that.

  “Having a baby is serious, I’m not about to tell you yes to something like that just because you have me all hot and bothered.”

  “Always with that level-head, Cami. I suppose you’re right. I’ll shut up. Come here and give Daddy a kiss, baby.” I puckered up, and she grimaced.

  “Not anywhere near appropriate!”

  Flipping her over, slamming her back against the bed, I ran my cock right back into her sweet spot and pumped away as I held her arms over her head. “I’ll make you a deal. If I can make you have an Earth shattering orgasm in the next thirty seconds, you’ll have a baby with me in the very near future.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “I’m going to fight it. I’ll let you know that right up front, Cyprian.”

  “You can certainly try.”

  “You have thirty seconds.”

  I kissed her hard as I went monkey man on her. Stabbing my cock into her as I held her down. She wiggled and tried hard not to kiss me back, but I knew she couldn’t keep it up. My kiss would seduce her, and my cock would tame her.

  Her mouth went soft as her hips rose up to meet my body. I had no idea if thirty seconds or an eternity went by as our bodies took our minds over. Her fingers curled around mine as she arched up to me in submission.

  Heat filled her, the wetness inside her grew, and her walls began to pulse around me.

  I had her!


  I sat, starring at the shells on the wallpaper of the doctor’s office. Cyprian had no idea I was there that day. He had no idea what I was doing or what I was thinking.

  “Doctor Davenport will see you now, Miss Petit.”

  I got up and made my way to see the doctor. I just hoped she wasn’t someone Cyprian knew, once upon a time. He knew so many women intimately, it boggled my mind.

  Sitting on a large black chair, there was the woman I’d come to see. “Doctor Davenport, I’m Camilla Petit.”

  “Yes, I’m aware of that,” she said with a nice smile. “You can take a seat on the sofa, dear.”

  It was safe to say, she wasn’t anyone who’d been with Cyprian. She was in her sixties, I could tell by the puff of white hair that was combed back. The lines on her forehead and around her mouth were a clear sign too.

  I could get right to the heart of the matter, instead of trying to beat around the bush to find out if she’d been to any of the many parties at the Girard mansion where Cyprian’s father threw his lavish sexual parties. It was a relief and I took a seat, crossed my legs and watched her make a note on her pad.

  “I’m in need of some advice, Doc. That’s why I’m here. It’s not to work on myself, it’s just that I’m having a hard time deciding if I’m doing what’s right for me.”

  “Sounds good to me. Where would you like to start?” She ran her hand back and forth on the long string of pearls she wore.

  It drew my attention. “Are you married, Doc?”

  “As a matter of fact, I am.” She left the pearls alone and wrote something down.

  I supposed it was about me asking a question about her rather than jumping into things about me. But it was imperative that I not waste her time or mine by talking to a woman who wasn’t married.

  “That’s good. I need the advice of a married woman. Are you happily married?” I bit my lower lip as that question was a bit too personal and I had no idea how she’d react to an invasion like that.

  “Today, at this very moment in time, I am. But I might get a phone call or go home later to find something that would alter that state. Marriage is just like any other relationship. There are ups and downs. Sometimes the ups and downs occur right on the same day. Just like anything in life, a marriage cannot be perfect. And who’d want it that way, anyway? How dull life would be if everything was perfect.”

  I nodded and thought about what I’d ask her next. So far, she seemed like she might have a good head on her shoulders. I needed that in a person.

  So, I forged ahead, “I’m in love with a man who’s past is more than a bit checkered. He was as close to a gigolo as a man can get without actually being one. And he wants us to have a baby.”

  Her hand furiously moved over the paper as she shook her head. “Oh, dear!”

  Oddly enough, I was glad to see her reaction. I wasn’t off base with how I thought about Cyprian. “He’s faithful to me now.”

  She lifted her head to look at me with rounded eyes as she seemed concerned. Again, a thing I was grateful for. “How long has he been faithful to you?”

  “About six months.” That’s all I got out before she began writing vigorously again.

  “That’s just not long enough! Miss Petit, please tell me how had this man been so close to being a male prostitute.”

  “His father.” Just as I knew what would happen, she wrote a lot more and even went to the second page of her notebook. I could see she might get a novel out of what I was telling her. Or, at the very least, a thesis paper she could publish.

  “Was his father abusive?”

  “He doesn’t think he was. It’s a thing I find upsetting. I mean, how does a man introduce his son to sexual activities when he’s young and not think there’s anything wrong with that?” I threw my hands into the air as if asking God above the question.

  The therapist wrote and furrowed her brow, nearly breaking into a sweat, she was putting so much into it. I should’ve been worried, seen red flags being throw at me from all directions, instead it gave me comfort.

  I had been right about everything!

  “His father introduced him to sex, you say. And how did this occur?” She looked at me and I saw her left eye was twitching as her lips were pulled up to the right side.

  “I’m not exactly sure, but he lost his virginity at only thirteen. And his sexual escapades were things his father was proud of. Being with more than one woman at a time was encouraged. Normal things, like faithfulness and not being promiscuous weren’t even concepts in the world my boyfriend grew up in.”

  “But he claims to be faithful to you now?” She looked at me as she shook her head. It was as if that couldn’t possibly be true.

  “He says he is. My boyfriend isn’t a liar. I have to give him that. He’s never had to lie and doesn’t do it.” I sat up and clasped my hands together in my lap and leaned forward. “It’s not that I don’t think he’s being faithful right now. The question is, can one go from having sex with whomever, whenever, with however many he wants, to having sex with one woman for the rest of his life?”

  “That is a good question. It’s one I don’t think I can answer without knowing said boyfriend. Do you think there’s a chance you could get him to come see me?” She pulled a pair of glasses out of the pocket of her skirt and placed the black hornrims on. Then she looked over the last page of her notebook. “I have some free time in my schedule tomorrow.” She looked up at me. “Do you think you could get him to come in tomorrow about one?”

  “I’m not sure. How should I approach him about it?” I was clueless about the whole thing.

  Would Cyprian want to talk to a stranger about his wild recent past?<
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  “If I can’t get him to come see you, can you give me some advice about what I should do?” I needed a little bit of advice. I wasn’t about to leave empty handed.

  “My advice to you is not to have a child with this man yet. When one has a buffet of sexual partners, I think it would be a novelty to have one partner. And novelties wear off. You know what I’m saying?” She pulled the glasses off and gave me a stoic gaze.

  I knew she was right. I came for an answer and I got the one I thought I’d get. But she didn’t know Cyprian. If she did, maybe then she’d see something in him that would tell her if he was through with other women and ready to devote his life to me and our children.

  Until I had a firm answer, I couldn’t go through with it. I’d keep taking the birth control. I couldn’t risk having a baby with him, then losing him for both of us.


  A bouquet of pink and blue carnations and a bottle of expensive wine are what I came into the house with to give to my girl. My sweet Cami, who’d agreed to start trying to have a baby the night before.

  “Honey, I’m home!” I chuckled at the old fashioned and husbandly way I’d called out to her.

  Cami made me feel domesticated. And I mean that in a good way. I’d never been a one-woman man. I didn’t think it was possible. With Cami, I knew it could be done.

  Well, I hoped it could be. I’d had my transgressions before, in the beginning when she refused to get serious with me. But since we’d come to terms with us having real feelings for each other, I’d put all other women behind me.

  For Cami, I could do anything!

  I climbed the stairs two at a time. I thought she must be up there if she hadn’t come to meet me at the door. But when I got up there, I didn’t see her right away.

  Then the bathroom door opened and she came out, straightening out her shirt and smoothing her hands over her skirt. She looked up with a surprised expression. “Oh! When did you get here, Cyprian?”

  “A few minutes ago.” I held out my offering. “I brought these for you. I thought it might be a nice touch to have the baby flowers next to our bed as we do the baby making. And the expensive wine is just because it tastes good and will serve to relax us.”

  Her eyes were cutting from one side of me to the other in rapid succession. Something was up!

  “The flowers are pretty. And the wine looks great. How about you pour some for us now?”

  “Cool, you’re ready to get straight to it then. I like how you think, Cami.” I placed the vase on the nightstand and took the bottle to the mini-fridge to grab the corkscrew.

  Her hand was cool on my arm as she reached out. “Cyprian, I love you. As I say what I’m about to say, just remember those three words. K?”

  Putting the wine on top of the fridge, I turned to her. “This sounds bad, Cami. Why does it sound so bad to me?”

  “It’s not bad.” She ran her arms around my neck and looked me in the eyes. “It’s just that having a baby is huge to me. I don’t want to go into it as lightly as I did last night.”

  “You’re backing out?” I was crushed. “Cami, don’t worry. I promise you that I’ll never turn my back on you or our baby.”

  “And I believe you.” She ran her fingers across my cheek as she smiled. “But, I don’t know if I believe that you will be able to have only one woman in your life forever.”

  “I can…” She pressed her fingers to my lips to stop me from saying anything else.

  “It’s too soon to tell that. I want our baby to have a mommy and daddy who love each other and live together.”

  “Me too.” We were on the same page, I didn’t understand any of what she was saying.

  “Look, I went to see someone today.” She hesitated just long enough for me to get worried.

  “Who?” I looked deep into her eyes to see what she was hiding behind them. The night before wasn’t there anymore. The light of day had her flipping switches in her head. I hadn’t seen that coming.

  She moved her hands down, trailing them over my arms and taking my hand. “Let’s sit down and talk like two rational adults.”

  “How come I’m feeling all prickly inside?” I asked her as she led me to take a seat on the edge of our bed.

  “Probably because adulting doesn’t come that easy for you. While you’ve been years ahead in intellect your entire life, you’re behind in the adult part of your life.”

  “Harsh,” I mumbled as I took a seat.

  “I don’t mean to be. I really don’t, but having a baby requires some straightforward conversation.” She sat down next to me, our legs touching then she ran her hand over my thigh. “I went to see a therapist about this. It’s just too big of a decision to leave it to us.”

  “What? Damn it, Cami! Millions of people have babies all the time. They don’t go consulting a therapist to see if they can do that!” I got up and paced in front of her. “You and I are the only people who need to make this decision. The fact you went behind my back to talk to some shrink annoys the shit out of me. If you don’t want to have a baby right now, just fucking say so!”

  She grabbed my hand and pulled me to sit back down. “I know lots of people make the decision on their own. But lots of people aren’t you, Cyprian. Most men have had a handful of sexual partners. You’ve had so many, you can’t count them all. And you’ve experienced things that I won’t be doing with you. Unlike some of those other women, I am not up for everything.”

  “And I don’t expect you to be. You and I have our own thing. And my past is behind me.”

  “It has been, but for less than a year. It’s been half a year. It’s just too soon to know if that life is behind you or not. My therapist would like to talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Fuck that!” I tried to get up, but she grabbed my arm and held tight.

  “No! Don’t immediately toss the idea out. This lady has the right idea, Cyprian. I’m not saying we’ll do as she says just, because she’s a licensed doctor who seems to know what she’s talking about. But I’d like you to go see her and talk straight with her.”

  I felt like I was in a corner. Trapped by my want to have a baby and the woman I loved, “So, if I don’t go see this woman, then you won’t agree to have our baby?”

  She was slow to do it, but she finally nodded. “That’s right. This is important to me. I need you to understand that.”

  “Oh, I understand how important it is, Cami. And now I see how little faith you actually have in me. I have to tell you, this hurts like hell.” I got up, brushing her hand off my arm as she tried to keep me there, talking about this shit she’d conjured up. But I couldn’t do it.

  I left her sitting there. I didn’t know what else to do. If I stayed, I was going to say some harsh things to her. Things you can’t take back once you put them out there.

  One thought was running circles around my brain. Was Cami not one hundred percent in love with me?

  Because I was that and then some in love with her. I couldn’t see my life without her in it. But maybe she saw a life where I wasn’t a part of it. All I knew for sure, was I needed some space. If Cami wasn’t as committed to me as I was to her, then I had been lying to myself about how special what we had was.

  Maybe I was seeing it for something it wasn’t. Maybe Cami was just playing in the shallows of our relationship while I was in the deep water. Whatever it was, it fucking sucked to feel the way I did.

  Cami didn’t want to have my baby. She didn’t trust in my love for her. I’d failed miserably with her. I had before on many occasions. Maybe it had been too many. Maybe I couldn’t ever have her entire heart.

  That was a thing I couldn’t live without.


  I thought he’d be right back. Well, maybe not immediately, but within an hour. But an hour came and went, and Cyprian was still gone. After two hours, I went to the garage to see if any of the cars were gone. They were all there. I had no idea where he could be. I began a room to room search of the ramblin
g mansion as I called out his name continuously.

  Had I been wrong to go to another person to help make a decision as important as that of having a baby?

  Were my doubts about Cyprian viable? Or were they hurtful?”

  I had no idea. All I knew for sure was I wanted my man back and that was that!

  The sunset, and still, Cyprian’s whereabouts remained a mystery. His cell was on the table by the front door. He had to be on the grounds somewhere. But the estate was vast, and it was already dark.

  Putting on my hiking boots, I got a flashlight and went out back to search for him. The stars were coming out, a cluster at a time, then the moon began to rise and still I was calling out for him and walking further away from the house with each step I took.

  I’d gone out far enough. He wasn’t out there. He had to be hiding from me in the house somewhere.

  Now, I was angry. What he was doing was juvenile and only served to prove my point. He wasn’t a grown man yet. He might never be.

  As I headed back up toward the house, I heard something. It was faint, but I knew I had heard a sound. Walking in that direction, I pointed my flashlight and then heard it clearly, “Cami! Cami, be careful! I’ve fallen in some kind of a well.”

  “Cyprian!” I started to run toward where I heard his muffled voice.

  “Cami, don’t! Just go get help. Try to mark the area with something.”

  I wasn’t about to leave the area without seeing him. I slowed my speed but kept going to him. “Cyprian, baby, I’m so sorry for taking so long to come look for you.”

  “It’s okay. I wouldn’t have been able to know you were around anyway. The flashlight was what alerted me. Now, go get help, baby.”

  “I’m coming to see you first.” I was almost there, I could tell by the sound of his voice that I was getting closer.

  “The ground might cave in. That’s what happened to me. Just stop, Cami!”

  I was almost to him, but he was right, I might only fall in too. Or worse, I might cause dirt to fall in on him, burying him alive. Pulling out my cell, I called for help. The emergency dispatcher was confused by who she should send out to help. In the end, the fire department, the police department, and an ambulance service were all called to help with the rescue.


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