The Enforcer

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The Enforcer Page 5

by Shanna Bell

  “I have curves,” she argued. He gave her a look. “Maybe not that big of curves, but I have them.” She was not going down without a fight. So far, he had found a flaw on every candidate she had proposed. When was he going to give up and just knuckle under?

  “You have the figure of Barbie.”

  “I do not.”

  “Long legs. Curly blond hair. Tiny waist. Big breasts.”

  Was it getting hot in here or was she imagining him staring at her chest?

  “Fuck.” He cursed a streak and backed away from his desk. “I don’t have time for this shit.”

  He was out the door before she could blink.

  She knew he wanted her. On some level. He might not particularly like her, but she got the vibe that he at least found her attractive. Hopefully it wasn’t just wishful thinking. If only she knew why he resisted her. Them. Unfortunately, her time for making him give in to her was getting shorter each day.

  Which meant that she needed help. One call later, Tommie and Jazzy whizzed inside Hector’s office.

  “I come bearing gifts,” Tommie announced, handing her over a cup of coffee and a chocolate muffin.

  For the next hour, they went through the documents, one by one.

  When Achilles’ picture came up, Tommie hastily put it away. “Not that one,” he said giving her a sheepish look.

  “Not that one,” she agreed. Tommie was all brash mouth, packaged in ripped jeans and colorful tees, but when it came to Achilles, he got tongue-tied. It was really adorable.

  “Oh, I like this one,” he said. “Just look at those pecs. I could play the bongos on them.”

  “What about this one?” Jazzy proposed. “He’s Italian. Those blue eyes are hot. I mean, of course, not as hot as my Gio’s, but he’d be okay. What do you think, Hector?”

  Mary turned to the door, where Hector had just come in.

  She blushed when she was reminded of how he blew her off. She wasn’t sure what she’d been thinking when she told him she’d picked him. Actually, she did know. It had been a desperate attempt to make him notice her. Perhaps even bind him to her. It wasn’t fair to him, and also, a little sad. What woman in her right mind had to practically trick the man she had been crushing on into marrying her? Still, when the opportunity had presented itself, she couldn’t just let it pass. She’d made herself clear; he was her first choice. The ball was in his court now.

  “Yes, do tell, Wolfman.” Tommie held up the picture of Jazzy’s choice. “Do you think this guy would be a good husband to Mary and a good dad to little Zoe?”

  Thank God she’d never told them about her stupid proposal to Hector. It would be mortifying if they found out.

  “He doesn’t like children,” Hector said.

  “Oh.” Jazzy sounded disappointed.

  “Maybe we’re going about this the wrong way.” Tommie’s eyes focused on Hector. “If your men are tenderloin, then you’re prime steak. I think you should marry Mary and be done with it.”

  “That’s a great idea!” Jazzy looked at her. “Well, why don’t you ask the man, Mary? It makes perfect sense.”

  “I… um…”

  Understanding dawned in Tommie’s mischievous eyes. “Oh, I’m getting the feeling that she already did. Interesting.”

  When Mary looked up to where Hector had been standing, she found him gone.

  And now I’m mortified.

  Jazzy huffed. “Really? He turned down hipster Barbie?”

  “I’m not hipster Barbie.”

  Tommie patted her hand. “I so feel you, baby girl. Unrequited lust sucks. But you do know he’s a bit, um...”

  “Grumpy,” she filled in. “Yes, I’m aware of his level of grumpiness.”

  “And you’re so... shiny.”

  “Which is why they’re a perfect match,” Jazzy claimed. “Just like Gio and me. He’s broody and I’m, well, me. He’d be lost without his bella.”

  Mary was glad to see Jazzy totally in love with her husband. It was what she wanted for herself. She had been trying to muster up the courage to ask Hector out. But she wasn’t as brazen as her cousin, and now she had Zoe to consider. Still, she wasn’t giving up without a fight.

  Tommie made a gagging sound. “Will your honeymoon never end? If I catch you two on the couch one more time, I’m going to have to bleach my eyes.”

  Jazzy playfully slapped him on the arm. “Don’t hate me because you’re not getting any.”

  “Sadly, that is true.” Tommie pouted. “No one has been drilling me for months.”

  Jazzy put her hands to her ears. “TMI!”

  Tommie scoffed. “Says the woman using every room in her mansion to have sex in. Your staff drew up a schedule to avoid walking in on that peep show.”

  “What?” Jazzy gasped. “They really did that?”

  “Any other day, I’d love to discuss your sex shenanigans, but not today, Jaz. Today we’re going to find Mary a man. Though, I already have a sense which one she has set her eyes on.”

  Mary sighed. “He doesn’t want me.”

  “Oh, he wants, hipster,” Tommie claimed. “That six-five, two hundred and something pounds of muscle wants you bad. He just doesn’t want to admit it. I think it’s time we gave him a nudge, so he comes to his senses.”

  “I’m not so sure about that.” Sometimes, when Tommie set out to do stuff, things went a bit awry.

  “No worries. Leave it to me. I’m not gonna stand by and watch your mood turn as blue as my mohawk. Besides, even if the thing with Hector doesn’t pan out, you still need to find yourself a man, don’t you?”

  Excellent point.



  Hector stared at Mary over the brim of his Corona. It was day two of ‘How to find a husband in a few days’ as Mary had dubbed her ‘quest.’

  Tommie had come up with the brilliant idea that Mary should talk with her ‘potentials’ in a more laidback environment. So, he had arranged an impromptu happy hour at the Irish pub across the street. Everyone—that is, the single ones not working a job—had been invited.

  They had gone to O’Shea’s, and Hector had followed them. Just to keep an eye on things, of course. Make sure that his men behaved themselves. Though, to be fair, they were behaving just fine. Freaking fantastic fine, mooning over Mary, who was holding court in her corner in the back. With pretty boy Beau Walker plastered to her side. The guy was a chick magnet as he’d ever seen one.

  “You okay with this?”

  His gaze turned to Achilles, who sat next to him at the bar. “With what?”

  “The dates, or interviews, or whatever the fuck you want to call them, she’s been having with the men.”

  “Why would I care who she’s going to fuck?”

  Achilles raised a brow. “Going to fuck? I thought she was only looking for a fake husband to get the kid.”

  As if any man living under the same roof with her wouldn’t fuck her. Apparently, his scowl spoke for itself because Achilles nodded.

  “I see.” Achilles cleared his throat. “Funny, by the way, how Zoe’s uncle suddenly had a car drop on top of him.”

  Hector kept his face straight. “Accidents happen.”

  “Uh-huh. You got an alibi?”

  “You offering one?”

  Achilles clinked his bottle against his. “Always.”

  “Appreciated.” Not that he believed he needed one. Unless the fucker wanted Hector to finish the job. He hadn’t gone over to the garage to hurt him. All he’d wanted was to have a chat, possibly pay him off. Then the asshole had given him lip. The eager look in his eyes, as he talked about having Zoe with him, was the final straw that snapped Hector’s control.

  “So, you really gonna sit here, pretend you don’t give a shit about her?”

  Sometimes he hated Achilles’ ‘the glass is always full to the brim’ mentality. He was just about to tell him to shove his glass where the sun don’t shine, when he caught Mary hug Walker goodbye.

  Acid f
illed his stomach.

  Apparently, she was a hugger. Of course she was.


  “What?” he growled. Judging by Achilles’ look, it wasn’t the first time he called out his name.

  “Yeah, I can see you’re not interested in her at all.”

  He forced his gaze away from Mary. “You had your interview with her yet?”

  “Nope. She didn’t ask me.” Achilles looked amused. “Not sure if I should be insulted by that or not.”

  On second thought, he should’ve known Mary wouldn’t ask Achilles since Tommie had a thing for him. Something Achilles seemed completely oblivious to. She wouldn’t do anything to hurt her friend, because that was the kind of person she was. Thoughtful, always thinking of others. One of the many reasons why the two of them would never work out.

  “Not that I would have accepted anyway,” Achilles continued. “No one will, unless you tell them to.”

  “Unless I tell them to? Didn’t I already tell them?” He’d explained Mary’s deal to the men who were interested. It had felt like someone was pulling out his nails, but he’d still done it. “Isn’t that the whole fucking reason they’re sitting there with her?”

  Having a drink, and a laugh. Having a fucking good time, from what he could see.

  “Yeah, about that. There’s a pool going on, for how long it will take until you crack. Hate to say this to you, but the odds are in the girl’s favor.”

  “What the fuck?” He slammed his bottle on the bar. “Why would they do that?”

  Achilles looked at his fist. “Probably because you’ve been staring daggers at any man she’s been talking to.”

  “That’s my default face.”

  “Sure, sure.” Achilles took another sip of his drink.

  “Fuck you. I don’t need this shit.” He threw some bills on the counter and left, the laugh of his friend following him.

  Nobody seemed to fucking understand. He couldn’t walk into her life, unleash himself on her. She was the light. He was darkness. She was small and delicate. He was big and burly.

  He stepped into the cool night, looking for his car, when he smelled her delicious scent. Mary.

  She stood next to him, looking up at him. “You’re leaving already?”

  He saw her eyes flutter before focusing on his lips. Knowing that she was just as aware of him as he was her made everything worse. So much worse. He clenched his hands to prevent them from reaching out to her. He couldn’t just pull her to his chest and have his way with her.

  Or could he?

  No. Focus, Diaz. Focus!

  “You can have anyone. Why me?” Tomorrow, she would pick one of his men. This was his last chance to ask her.

  “You’re nice to dogs.”

  “What?” Of all the answers he expected, that wasn’t one.

  “The first time I saw you was at Jazzy’s wedding. I went onto the deck to get some air, and spotted you with a guard dog, petting him.” She chuckled. “Guess I’m a sucker for people who like dogs. I believe that a man who’s nice to a dog can’t be cruel inside. That’s when I knew that I’d always be safe with you. So, that’s your answer. I chose you because you make me feel safe. Because I know, no matter how big and strong you are, you will never hurt me. And also, because it feels right. Don’t expect me to explain the how or why. Some things can’t be explained. But if you don’t want me, I will pick another. I can’t fail Zoe.”

  It took courage to say all of that, so he could do no less than be honest as well.

  He sighed, suddenly feeling tired. “I’m thirty-two, you’re twenty-one. You have your whole life ahead of you and I’m not going to screw that up. You have no idea the things I’ve done and witnessed. There’s a beast in me so volatile it would scare you to even scratch the surface. I know why you—”

  Her lips thinned. “‘You know nothing, Jon Snow.’”


  She shook her head. “It’s a character from a TV show. Never mind. If you don’t get that reference, nothing I say will make a difference.”

  With that, she dismissed him and turned back inside, as if never having heard of this Jon Snow guy was a capital offense.



  Today was Doomsday; the day that Mary would choose a husband. It was that disconcerting thought that woke Hector up before the crack of dawn. He’d been punching a bag ever since. Almost an hour in, the sweat was pouring off his body, but he still felt like punching through a wall.

  Close to six, the first guys trickled in. Some went straight to their lockers, changing clothes to work out. Others just came in early to coordinate their new assignments.

  When he saw Achilles walk in, followed by Walker and Cortez, he couldn’t be happier. He left the punching bag and jumped into the boxing ring.

  “Who wants to go a round?”

  Suddenly, everybody made themselves scarce. Jess shook her head as she walked past him with a huge coffee mug.

  “Cortez, wanna go a round?”

  The guy shook his head. “My mamacita likes my face just the way it is. Smooth and pretty.”

  “I thought she had dumped your ass?”

  “She had. But then I gave her a puppy. Chicks are crazy about puppies. One look at the little ankle biter and she took me back.”

  Achilles snorted. “With your track record of fuck-ups, I’m sure she’ll need a kennel soon.”

  Cortez clutched a hand to his heart, looking wounded. “Don’t hate me, man. It’s our thing. I fuck up, then give her stuff, and she forgives me. It’s love.”

  Oh, for fuck’s sake.

  “Walker. What about you?”

  Beau looked him up and down. “I don’t think so. My mom likes my face the way it is too; in one piece.”

  Achilles dropped his bag on the floor and jumped up into the ring, shaking his head.

  “What?” Hector asked.

  “You really need to ask? You’ve been out for blood all week. No one in their right mind is going to step in the ring with you.”

  Hector jumped up and down, loosening his muscles. “Yet here you are.”

  “Never said I was right in the head.”

  “Damn hippie.”

  Achilles smiled. “And a proud one. Communal living is the best gift my dads and mom gave me. It was a great practice for the military.”

  Hector didn’t know anyone like Achilles. From the stories he’d told, he was raised into a polygamous family, in a small town where that was pretty much the standard. Nothing ever fazed the guy.

  “Anyway, I just got a call from Mary,” Achilles said. “Apparently, her car broke down and she couldn’t reach Jazzy. She needs a ride. I’d love to help her out, but I have to take care of the Hollywood project.”

  Walker, who was just passing by, groaned at hearing the new job. Nobody liked being the bodyguard to some spoiled celebrity, but it paid well. His men were the best and highly sought out.

  “I’ll pick her up,” Hector said. “You take care of Planet Hollywood.”

  After he quickly cleaned up, he got into a company car and drove over to the address Achilles gave him. Apparently, Mary was modeling for some art class at the center where she worked. He got the room number from the front desk and that was when he saw her.

  Draped over a red couch, without a stitch of clothing covering her body. Her gorgeous, mouthwatering body was on display for every fucker to see and lust after in the classroom.

  For a brief second, he stood rooted to the spot.

  He wasn’t sure what shocked him the most. The fact that she had the courage to pose nude or be confronted with the green-eyed monster tearing up his chest. Without a ‘how do you do,’ he walked up to her, ignoring the teacher and students behind their easels staring at him.

  When Mary saw him, she straightened from the couch. “Hector, what are you—”

  “Don’t talk. Not now.” He took off his shirt, removed the excuse for a drape from between her legs, and pulled h
is shirt over her head. The garment swallowed her up.

  “What are you—?”

  “I said, not now.” He scooped her up in his arms and walked out, leaving a string of baffled looks behind him. Not that he gave a fuck. That was the last time they got to see his woman naked.

  Yeah, his woman. He’d come to a few conclusions concerning Mary. First, Achilles had set him up. The asshole had known exactly what Hector would walk into. And second, he was fucking tired of denying his feelings. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so out of balance. It was driving him loco.

  He didn’t let her go until she was safely tucked into the passenger seat. He cranked up the engine and they drove in silence for a while.

  “Can I speak now?”

  “If you’re going to say that I had no right taking you out of that classroom, save it.” Of course, he didn’t have any right. But that was going to change; she just didn’t know it yet.

  Naked. She had been naked.

  The image of those long legs and gorgeous breasts was etched into his brain. It was one thing to fantasize about it, jacking off to what she might look like under her clothes, or pretend that a woman he fucked was Mary, but it was a whole different ballgame to see the real thing.

  The reality was so much better. He wanted to devour her. Do filthy things to her. Things she would have no experience with, ‘cause he had a feeling she was a virgin. He didn’t do virgins. Once again, he went through all the reasons why he shouldn’t do what he was about to do, but it all ended the same; his desire for her overrode any rational thought.


  He turned to her. “That’s it? Just, ‘okay’?”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “Clearly you’re upset and not in the mood to talk about whatever it was that had you cave-manning me out of that room. I’m sure you will tell me when you’re ready, so we can have a rational talk about it.”

  Oh, he loved it when she went all prim and proper on him. She had no idea that it turned him on when she used her teacher voice. In his mind, it was her version of dirty talk. Still, he didn’t like that he was the only one burning up with pent-up desire. It was time to even the odds.


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