Inside Detective (magazine), offering reward for Peugeots’ bodies, 311
interrogations, of Hoss: by Allegheny County detectives, 159–62; efforts to suppress in trial, 211–13; by FBI, 150–59, 179; Hoss denying knowledge of Peugeots in, 150, 153; Hoss telling about routes and crimes in, 173, 179; newspapers wanting report on, 155, 166–67; waiving rights in, 158, 222
Interstate Detainer Act, 245–47, 250
Iowa: FBI expecting Hoss to be in, 137–38, 139; warrant of transfer to take Hoss from, 164. See also Waterloo, Iowa
Irvis, K. Leroy, 312
J. C. Higgins .22 caliber pistol, 151; Hoss keeping close, 62, 86, 139; Hoss killing Zanella with, 66, 215; Hoss leaving in car, 139, 143–44, 147, 158; in Peugeots’ kidnapping, 105, 154; stolen in Falconer robbery, 17, 54, 220; in trial for Zanella murder, 205, 209, 215
Jackson, Brady, 279, 287–88
Jackson, Minnesota, Hoss traced to, 135–36, 212
jails, Hoss in and out of, 191, 194
Jennings, Deputy Bill (at Western Pen), 302–3, 327–28
Jennings, William (Allegheny County detective), 29, 54; on Defino’s rape, 22, 24, 33, 220; Falconer robbery and, 17–18
JoAnn (Hoss’s girlfriend), 218
JoJo, 252–53
Jones, Pete, 167
Jones, Richard A., 90
Joy, Jill, FBI agent posing as, 268–69, 272, 275–76, 310–11
Kansas, search for Lori Mae’s body in, 175, 178–79, 182, 186
Kansas City, Kansas: Hoss dumping Lori Mae’s body near, 174–77; Hoss killing Lori Mae around, 157–58
Keen, John, 265–66, 285–88, 298, 353
Kehoe, Don, 141–46
Kelly, Kevin, 357
Kelly, Rita, 118–19
Kelly Florist, 122
Kentucky, as destination in Maxwell kidnapping, 89–91
Ketchel, Walter “Monk,” 165–66
kidnapping, of Defino, 1–3, 19–20; Hoss calling voluntary, 168; Zurka in, 33, 151, 251
kidnapping, of Maxwell, 86–95, 98, 136, 168; called voluntary, 152, 168, 209–11; confessions of, 221–22; hints of in phone call, 88–89; Hoss abandoning, 94, 97; Hoss admitting, 152, 221–22
kidnapping, of Peugeots, 105–11, 128; anniversary of, 353–54; efforts to find, 129–30, 146–47; family’s response to, 125, 240–41; FBI not publicizing death of, 162, 166–67; Hoss admitting, 153–58, 161, 172, 221–24; Hoss denying knowledge of, 126, 150, 153; Hoss keeping Lori Mae, 112–16; Hoss not expecting to serve time for, 331; Hoss questioned about whereabouts of, 126, 148; Hoss slandering, 162; Hoss telling Fawkes about, 129–30, 172; indictment for, 179, 244, 258–60; influence on trial for Zanella’s murder, 201, 212; Linda Peugeot promising not to report, 108–9; mentioned in penalty phase of trial for Zanella’s murder, 219–24, 235, 238–39, 253–54; motion for dismissal of charges about, 250–51, 256; Pittsburgh Press article on, 336–37; police awareness of, 116–17, 120–21; precedence of vs. Zanella’s murder, 167–68, 182; witnesses to, 105–6, 121, 222–23. See also murders, of Peugeots; trial, for Peugeots’ kidnapping
kidnappings: committed in crime spree following escape, 220; death penalty as possibility for, 244
Kings Department Store (LaVale, Maryland), 116; Hoss at, 152–53; Peugeots kidnapped from, 103–7, 120; Peugeots’ purchases from, 104–5, 147
Kiser, Donald, 180–81
Klimko, Tony, 349
knives: Delker killing Sermons with, 279; in Falconer break-in, 17; in Hoss’s fight with Spruill, 261, 265
Knott, Jim, 104, 127
Kosmal, Reed, 77–80
Kozakiewicz, Charles “Kozak,” 313; after Peterson’s murder, 301–2, 306; as security chief, 286–87; unable to stop Peterson’s murder, 298–99
Krall, Captain, 302
Kuenstling, Robert, 139–40
Kurtik, Lawrence, 78
Kyler, Julius, 343
Lake Motel (Richfield), 177
Lakewood Cemetery: Hoss and, 27–28; Hoss buried in, 351; Hoss working at, 86–88; Hoss’s father working at, 188
Lapansky, Daniel, 33–35
LaVale, Maryland: Hoss avoiding telling FBI about, 152; Peugeots kidnapped from, 103–7, 120
law, Hoss studying, 242–43, 245
Lechwar, Ken, 264–65
letters: inmates seeking pen pals, 256–57
letters, Hoss’s, 268; correspondence with media personalities, 349; desperation for, 233, 236–37, 335, 337; to and from Diane, 231–35, 250–51, 256, 269, 289, 313, 338; to and from Fawkes, 213, 251, 257; improving grammar and penmanship of, 236; motions to courts in, 242–43; promising more violence, 274; revenge fantasies in, 251; talking about murders in, 239, 313
Levine, Mike, 317
Lewis, Loran L.: on defense’s complaints about trial for Zanella’s murder, 235; McGrogan acquitted for Peterson’s murder by, 335; presiding over trials for Peterson’s murder, 316–17, 323–24, 326, 330–31, 333, 340; sentencing for Peterson’s murder, 339
Livingston County, Illinois, 355
Lockhart, Eddie, 304
Lopinson, Jack and Judy, 245–46
Lower Burrell, Pennsylvania, 84–86
Lubresky, Thomas, 57; blaming escape on Hoss, 248–49; escape from Allegheny County Workhouse, 45–49, 151; Hoss needing for escape plan, 41–44; police looking for Hoss and, 58–59; recaptured in California, 232
MacLennan, Ian, 136, 213; agent posing as Jill Joy and, 310–11; desire for Hoss’s execution, 317; in power struggle over Hoss, 164–65, 181–83; taking Hoss to look for Peugeots’ bodies, 181–82
Madera, Don, 301
Malloy, Pat, 304
Mangol, Fred, 60–61, 205, 217
Manning, Bill, 306
manslaughter, for Zanella’s murder, 97–98
Maroney, Jimmy, 56
Maroney, Michael, 56, 71
marriage, Hoss and Sharon trying for, 272, 288–8
marriage, Hosses’, 24, 189–91, 232–35, 237
Marsh, Tom, 189–92
Maryland: death penalty in, 357; Hoss demanding speedy trial in, 245, 257–59; Hoss in, 90, 129; Hoss planning escape en route to, 242–43
Maryland State Police, 128, 179
Mason, Donald, 54, 128; asking for continuance, 246–47; Peugeots’ kidnapping and, 244, 260
Mason, Floyd, 52–54
Massof, Bill, 201
Mastros, Gus, 263, 266, 308; on anger at administration after Peterson’s murder, 303–5; on rumors of conspiracy in Pe-terson’s murder, 313, 337; on treatment of killers after Peterson’s murder, 312
Matecka, Betty Hoss (sister), 52, 124, 188, 190–91, 231; death of, 337–38; Hoss’s trials and, 218, 225–26, 317, 322; possible incestuous relationship of, 195–96, 272; similarity of Hoss’s victims to, 104, 196; support for brother, 273–74, 310, 344
Matecka, Bill (brother-in-law), Hoss using as alias, 124, 127
Matzen, Tom, 141–46, 160, 213
Maxwell, Gertrude, 88–89
Maxwell, Karen: Hoss boasting about Zanella’s murder to, 87, 90, 95; testifying in trial for Zanella murder, 208–11, 217, 238–39. See also kidnapping, of Maxwell; rape, of Maxwell
Mayberry, Richard, 36, 245
Maywood Lunch (Waterloo, Iowa), 139–46
Mazzone, Leo, 353–54
McCall, John, 63, 68, 205
McCauley, Mark, 179–80
McCullough, Ray, 122–23
McCune, Garland, 77–79
McGowan, Bernard, 310
McGrogan, Robert, 291; acquitted for Peterson’s murder, 310, 335; crimes after release, 354; denying participation in Peterson’s murder, 301, 310; and plan to murder Peterson, 292–93, 294; reporting on murder of Peterson, 294; as state’s evidence in Peterson murder, 314, 320–23, 342–43; treatment after Peterson’s murder, 300–301, 306, 312; at trial for Peterson’s murder, 327–29; unwilling to help stop Peterson’s murder, 297–300, 335; wanting to avoid involvement in Peterson’s murder, 292–94, 300, 321, 324; Zimmerman cross-examining, 321–
24, 325–26
McInery, Charles, 205
McKenna, Kenneth, 21, 34–35
McLafferty, Bill, 41
McWilliams, William J., 258–59
media, 159, 309; broadcasting plea for Hoss to release Peugeots, 129–30; change of venue requests due to, 238, 316–17; coverage of Hoss’s crimes in, 124, 313; defense’s complaints about, 235–36, 310; on Hoss’s recapture, 147–48; Peterson’s murder in, 310, 316–17; on Peugots’ kidnappings and murders, 182, 245; trial for Zanella murder and, 218–19, 227–28; wanting interviews with Hoss, 199–200; Zanella’s murder in, 198, 208, 235–36, 238. See also newspapers
Mercury station wagon, stolen from Falconers, 17–18
Meredith, Carol, 59
Meyers, Mary (alias). See Hoss, Mary (mother)
Meyers, Samuel (alias). See Hoss, Samuel (father)
Miceli, John, 71
Mid-Western Motel (Fremont, Nebraska), 130
Minahan, Don: after Hoss’s trial for Zanella’s murder, 218–19, 231; in penalty phase of trial for Zanella murder, 208–11, 219–25; prosecuting Hoss for Zanella’s murder, 200–202, 204, 207–8
Mitchell, South Dakota, 130, 179
mob figures, and Hoss, 28–29, 191
Mohr, Gerald, 220
Molly, at Maywood Lunch, 140–44
money: Hoss holding up gas stations for, 113–14, 124, 130–31; Hoss not supporting families, 51, 191, 195; Hoss using victims’, 91, 108; Hoss’s lack of, 97, 103, 112; reward offered for location of Peugeots’ bodies, 275–76, 311
Moore, Thad, 299, 301
Morrow, Steve, 240–41
“Mr. Husky,” Falconer identifying as Hoss, 15–16, 25
“Mr. Slim” as robber at Falconer break-in, 15–16
Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Petersons’ involvement with, 307, 351
Mullen, Bob and BeLinda, 105–6
Mullen, Vickie, 100–101
murder, of Peterson: blame for, 311; coroner’s inquest after, 309–10; Delker denying, 358; Delker denying plan for, 327; Delker taking blame for, 327–28, 333, 358; Fagan prosecuting, 310; Hoss and friends choosing victim, 287; lack of remorse for, 310, 313; McGrogan wanting to avoid involvement in, 292–94; McGrogan’s guilt in, 343; mutilation of body in, 300–301, 304, 310, 319–20, 325–26; officers’ anger after, 304–5; planning for, 278–80, 284, 289–91, 325; preparations for, 293–95, 320–21, 333; as reason to reinstate death penalty, 311; Reilly watching, 295–300; rumors of conspiracy in, 307, 312, 337, 339–40; sentencing for, 339; treatment of killers after, 305–6, 310, 312; weapons used in, 294–95, 299–300, 306, 321, 328–29. See also trial, for Peterson’s murder
murder, of Zanella: aftermath of, 67–68, 89; death sentence for, 227; grand jury indictment for, 162–63; Hoss boasting to Maxwell about, 87, 90, 95, 209, 217; Hoss charged with first-degree murder for, 97–98; Hoss pleading “not guilty” to, 198, 200, 205; Hoss shooting, 66; Hoss’s confession to, 158, 161; Hoss’s conviction for upheld, 332; Hoss’s lack of remorse for, 90, 239; Hoss’s lawyers asking for new trial, 231–32; media coverage of, 81–82, 86; struggle over jurisdiction for Hoss for, 160–62, 167–68, 182; witnesses to shooting of, 67, 204–5, 207–8. See also trial, for Zanella murder
murders: committed in crime spree following escape, 220; Hoss always planning, 157, 344; Hoss’s death rumored to be, 350 murders, of Peugeots: evidence of in car, 147, 155, 222; FBI and, 153–58, 162, 177–78; first official confirmation of, 182; Hoss admitting, 153–58, 161, 172, 177–78, 221–24; Linda’s, 111, 155–56; Lori Mae’s, 157–58; Maryland unable to prosecute for, 244; precedence of Zanella’s murder vs., 182, 221–24. See also grave sites, of Peugeots
Murphy, Frank, 258
Murray, Duane, 141–46
New Kensington, Pennsylvania: Hoss getting ride to, 78–81; Hoss meeting mob figures in, 28–29; in search for Hoss, 76–77, 84
newspapers: on Falconer robbery, 18–19; Hoss feeling misrepresented in, 173; Kathy Defino’s name released to, 32; on search for Hoss, 84–85, 98, 124; wanting report on interrogations of Hoss, 155, 166–67; on Zanella, 84–85, 117–18. See also media
Nix, Robert, 340
Novosak, John, 22–23
Oakmont, Pennsylvania: heavy traffic in, 76, 80; Hoss trying to get out of after Zanella’s murder, 73, 76
Oakmont Police, 60; responding to Zanella’s shooting, 70–72; Verona not able to call, 62, 73; Zanella requesting backup from, 63–65; Zanella’s friends on, 57–58 Ohio: Hoss in, 90, 115; search for Hoss in, 129, 155; search for Linda’s body in, 175–76, 182
Ohio state police, in search for Hoss, 94–95
O’Mally, Officer, 18
Orris, Melvin “Red”: Defino and, 24, 49–50; Hoss wanting to kill, 88, 157; in search for Hoss, 20–21, 52–54, 73; Zurka’s escape from police station and, 21–22
Orris garage, old guys from testifying at Defino rape trial, 11–12, 35
Ottawa, Ohio, Hoss sending postcards from, 125–26
Otto, Denny, 164, 166
Painter, Punch, 52–54, 151–52, 194
Parker, Elizabeth, 61, 205
Parrett, Burt, 26
Penn, Connie, 125–26
Penn, Walter “Pookie,” 132, 211; Hoss’s death threats to, 215–16; in jury pool for Hoss’s trial, 317–18
Penn Hills Police, 62, 73
Pennsylvania: death penalty in, 334, 347; Hoss being driven through, 90, 107; police officers killed in action in, 356–57
personality, Hoss’s: arrogance, 159; charismatic, 274, 344; coldness of, 90, 96, 158; control and, 128, 288; coolness of, 27, 128; cruelty, 191–92; as doomed, 332, 352; ferocity of, 144–46; as hard, 130; hatred for authority, 192, 236, 269–70, 288, 313; lack of remorse, 87, 162, 313, 353; as natural-born killer, 270; “paranoid,” 328; psychopathic, 128, 224–25; spoiled, 191; testimony about in penalty phase of trial, 225–26; volatility of, 6, 29, 91–92. See also racism
Peterson, Asaline Coon, 307; after husband’s murder, 302, 310; concern about husband, 290–91; life as widow, 350–51; at trials, 319–20, 335; Walter and, 282–84
Peterson, Walter: attempts to warn, 290, 353; explaining Home Block basement to Shapp, 281–82; family of, 282–84; funeral of, 307–9; Hoss changing behavior toward, 290–91, 294; inmates impugning at Hoss’s trial for murder, 327, 330; of-ficers’ affection for, 301, 330; promotion of, 307. See also murder, of Peterson; trial, for Peterson’s murder
Peterson, Walter Neil, Jr., 290, 302, 350–51, Peterson family, 302–3, 310, 337
Petika, Frank, 39–40
Peugeot, Gerald, 354, 356; effects of loss of family on, 184, 240; family’s kidnapping and, 125, 128, 130; marriage of, 101, 103
Peugeot, Linda Mae, 104–11, 168; community’s affection for, 100–101, 180–81, 230; marriage of, 101, 103; as mother, 103, 107, 110–11; moving in with mother, 101–2; no longer with Hoss, 127, 131. See also grave sites, of Peugeots; kidnapping, of Peugeots; murders, of Peugeots
Peugeot, Lori Mae, 103–4; after mother’s murder, 113–14, 131; birth of, 101; ghost of, 355–56; with Hoss, 113–14, 147; Hoss irritated by, 107–10, 131; Hoss trying to feed, 115, 121–22, 158; left out of kidnapping indictment, 244, 260; mother and, 107, 110–11. See also grave sites, of Peugeots; kidnapping, of Peugeots; murders, of Peugeots
Phelan, Frank “Hatchetman,” 270–71, 276, 289; as Hoss’s backup in fight, 261, 265– 66; as Hoss’s “witness” in trial, 245–46
Phillips, Barney, defending Hoss, 31, 33, 168–69
Piper, Luther, 104–5
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Hoss heading back toward, 130–31; Hoss returned to, 162, 168–69; Hoss staying close to, 124, 129
Pittsburgh Police, in search for Hoss, 72–73, 84, 121
Pizzuto, Charles “Spitzy,” 22
Plum Boro police, 76–77
Pochapin, Sherman W., 224–25, 334
police: communication among, 79–80, 83, 85; coordination among, 68–72, 84–85, 121; in efforts to recapture Hoss, 53, 76–79, 123, 125�
��26; efforts to suppress confessions to, 211–13; FBI and local, 136, 213; Hoss wanting to kill, 157, 215–16, 272; Hoss’s recapture by, 166–67; kidnappings reported to, 89, 108–9, 116–17, 120–21; in search for Hoss, 73–74, 82–85, 87–88, 90, 124, 136; security by at Hoss’s sentencing, 169; tips in search for Hoss, 84, 87. See also specific agencies
Pontiac, ’56, Hoss stealing after Zanella’s murder, 81, 84, 86
Porter, John L., 132; filing federal charges against Hoss, 97–98; interviewing Fawkes, 192–96
Price, Grant, 36
prison life: changing conditions of, 249, 261–63; on death row, 236, 241, 249; Delker blaming for murder of Peterson, 334, 341–42; Hoss, Delker, Butler never to be in general population, 342, 357, 358; Hoss as “custody problem,” 253, 269, 343; Hoss feeling victimized in, 255–56, 269–70; Hoss in general population, 249–50, 257, 332; Hoss in segregation, 255–56, 267, 271, 332, 342, 349; Hoss’s, 251–52; Hoss’s conditions in, 273–74, 343–44; Hoss’s hatred of segregation, 249–50, 276–77; sameness of, 264–65, 348. See also inmates
prison reforms: Shapp and, 249, 280–82; trying therapeutic method, 285–86; Walters’ plans for, 261–63
psychopath, Hoss as, 128, 224–25
public opinion: call for Hoss’s punishment, 187, 303; on death penalty, 230–31, 311; of defense lawyer in trial for Zanella murder, 200–201, 207; desire for Hoss’s death, 164, 230–31, 303; interest in trial for Peterson’s murder, 319; interest in trial for Zanella’s murder, 200–201, 207; lack of sympathy for Hoss, 273–74, 350; repugnance at Hoss, 98, 303; sympathy for Hoss, 230; wanting Hoss tried for Peugeots’ kidnappings, 246, 260
Putnam County, Ohio, possible grave site in, 346
race: in Peterson’s murder, 287, 312–13, 337; segregation in Verona, 57–58
racial tension: among inmates, 37–38, 40, 332; Hoss inciting, 40, 252–53, 255, 274; inmate assaults and, 252–53, 262–66; in Western Penitentiary, 202, 252–53, 264, 288, 297–98, 328
racism: Delker’s, 279–80, 284; Hoss’s, 40, 42, 192, 202, 284, 338, 341; Lubresky’s, 41–42
Radage, Betty, 26
Radage, Steve: Falconer robbery and, 13–17, 26; Hoss and, 26, 73, 157 radio: on search for Hoss, 84, 86, 98. See also media
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