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Danika Page 11

by Varsha Dixit

  “Bro always supported me emotionally and then financially when he started working. Then Bro moved to US and he met a man here, an Indian, who he thought would be a good match for me. I married a complete stranger in less than 48 hours. We were so wrong for each other. I don’t know why I was surprised when I found him cheating on me. Within a few months of our wedding and with my best friend.” Danika did not notice Noah flinch. “They both used to hate each other. Even in my wildest dreams I couldn't imagine them together. Now they are married...happily!” Danika wiped her eyes, a wry smile creasing her mouth. “I clocked that too to shit is like really, really happening.”

  Noah took both her hands in his. “Danika-”

  She did not let him continue. “Simi, my sister in law works with several NGO’s and thanks to her I was introduced to children suffering from cancer who were admitted in this hospital. That’s how I met all these amazingly brave kids - four year olds, ten year olds, teenagers, suffering so much and with such dignity.” Danika’s sigh was uneven. “Sienna was one of them. She was so young. . so happy and so brave. She had so much potential, so much to live for and know she is gone. . . that is. . . that is... this is the kind of shit that should never happen, never ever happen” Danika's voice cracked and she lurched forward. Noah could not take it any more. He caught Danika's hand and pulled her to her feet and crushed her to his chest.

  “Danika!” Noah’s voice was deep and he blinked his eyes rapidly.

  Danika couldn’t stop herself. She dug her head in Noah's chest and started sobbing quietly. “Sienna...so young, so brave...it wasn’t her time.”

  “Sssshh!” Noah stroked Danika’s back, not quite sure how to stop her tears.

  Alicia considered crying a weakness. When she was sad she would disappear, finding it beneath herself to share her tears with anyone, even Noah.

  Noah simply pulled Danika closer to him and let her cry it out. Danika fit perfectly against his body.

  Danika let Noah’s warmth bath her. His steady deep breaths calmed her from inside out. Being held in strong arms was a new sensation, a fulfilling one. She stayed like that for a few minutes. Her pain seemed to loose its intensity as she rested her head on his strong chest. I can stay like this for an eternity! Danika stiffened. Oh god what am I doing?

  Noah felt his body react to Danika being in his arms. Danika's curves were soft and yielding. She felt so good to hold. Her fragrance covered him igniting a deep desire. Noah felt himself become hard. What will she think of me? Gently clasping Danika by the shoulders, Noah shifted back. It was one of the toughest things he had done. His body was screaming for Danika’s softness.

  Danika clasped her hand to her chest and her cheeks burned. “I’m sorry I don’t know what came. . “ She wiped her tears with the back of fist.

  Noah clasped her fist, his eyes gentle. “Stop! Its okay Danika. We all have rough days, some more than others.” He was sorely tempted to pull her back in his arms but resisted that need. Danika was vulnerable and exposed and not only passion - she stirred his protectiveness.

  “Thank you for this.” Danika swallowed her gaze shifting. “I just couldn’t stop myself.” Noah’s nearness was affecting her. The flutters were awakening in her belly. Her mind did not seem her own, her body yearned to be back in his arms, her cheeks craved the warmth of his chest. No man had ever held her like that, like she was something precious and cherished.

  Noah leaned back against his desk and glanced down at his shoes. He sighed. “I lost my first patient on the operating table- a twenty three year old. Her name was Nancy Harbridge. She had Ischemic Heart Disease because of abnormal amyloidosis buildup.” Noah looked up his eyes were dull. “In layman terms, her heart was very weak because of abnormal protein build up around it. I couldn't function for days, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat. Guilt and pain crippled me. But then my mentor who had been doing this for a while said to me that a surgeon's job is not to worry about the dead. He said if we worry about the dead Noah, who is going to save the ones who still have a chance?”

  "Heartless bastard!” Danika attempted to lighten the mood as she wrapped her arms around her torso. She was missing the warmth of Noah's body like she had lost a limb.

  “Indeed!” Noah's answering smile was soft. His hand reached out as if to caress her cheek but Noah stopped himself.

  Danika felt a slice of warmth creep back in her body. He is really handsome! The thought was like an unexpected smack in the face. It made her flinch. Noah did not notice her tiny movement, he too was thinking of the past.

  “He wasn't the best with words but I understood the intention behind his words. One has to let go of the pain and not loose focus, focus on those still here.” Noah's eyes darkened with a flash of feeling.

  Danika saw the intense brief pain that flickered in his eyes.

  How he lost Alicia hovered on Noah’s tip of the tongue but he could not bring himself to speak about it. “Are you going to be okay?”

  Danika nodded giving him another rare smile, but a smile that stayed on her face. “I’m fine thank you. I just need some water.”

  Noah couldn’t stop staring at Danika’s luminous face. “I have some. Just a second.” He walked to his fridge.

  “Thank you!” Danika took the bottle.

  Danika and Noah stood there facing each other, not really saying anything, just stealing glances when the other wasn’t looking. The atmosphere in the office was intimate. Danika and Noah felt cocooned in a world of their own where only their words and thoughts mattered. A world, neither of them wanted to leave but had to.

  Danika licked her suddenly dry lips as she dragged her eyes away from Noah’s gaze. “I should be going. Thank you for listening and the water.”

  Noah pushed his hand in his pockets lest he pull Danika back in his arms. The feeling was so intense that he actually took position behind his desk. “Sure! Any time.” He strove to keep it casual.

  Danika and Noah kept looking at each even as Danika slowly backed to the door.

  “I'll see you around.” She did not wait to hear Noah's response as she exited the room.

  “You okay?” Ahmad asked her as he clicked a pen.

  “Much better. Thank you. I’ll see you around.” Danika was eager to get out of there.

  “Doctor's healing touch eh?” He teased.

  Danika just grunted, and fled from there.

  Chapter 35

  Noah fell down in his chair. Danika has gone through so much. She's one heck of a fighter! A tender smile played around Noah's lips as he leaned back in his comfortable chair remembering Danika's feel in his arms. Her pain continued to worry him. I have to do something to cheer her up. What can I do? Noah drummed his fingers on the desk. He had an idea.

  Picking up his cell he texted Simi. “Hi! Hope all is well. I have a favor to ask.”

  Simi replied instantly. “We are good. Hope the same for you. Sure, what do you need?”

  Noah - I need your help in throwing a party for the neighbors. It’s about time. Danika shared that you are good at organizing things, so will you, please, help me? I’m thinking this weekend, Saturday evening.

  Simi - Would love to.

  Noah –Sorry should have asked first, are you guys available this Saturday evening?

  Simi – (Sent a smiley emoji) Yes we are.

  Noah – Wonderful then you, Hans, Danika and the girls are invited.

  Simi – You don’t have to worry about inviting Danika. She’s not really your neighbor. Hans and Danika wouldn’t mind. Also Anya is coming over this weekend. Do you mind if I bring her along?

  Noah – Please do bring Anya.

  Noah mulled over how much he should tell Simi. She seems quite all right! He decided to come clean to her.

  Noah – Danika is very upset about something. I actually thought of the party in hopes of cheering her up. Also, I would get to meet all the neighbors.

  Simi seemed to be taking her time in replying to him.

  Damn! Did
I over speak? Noah remembered he had a few friends who were from India and their households were quite conservative and rigid. Hans and Simi do not seem like that. Noah tapped his foot as he waited for Simi’s reply. She did soon.

  Simi - Is Danika helping you with the party? Cleaning the house, helping with caterers etc.

  Noah shook his head – No, she’s a guest.

  Simi – Lovely! I will let her know and we all shall be there. Once I get home I will text you a list of the caterers, cleaners etc I have used as well as the contact info of all the neighbors. Would that work?

  Noah – That would be perfect. Thank you for your help.

  Simi- Of course. Anytime.

  Putting his phone down, Noah sat back in his chair. His smile was one of satisfaction.

  Chapter 36

  After dropping off the goody bags at Pediatrics Oncology Danika headed back to the Nurses Station in Cardiology.

  She waved down Nurse Claudia. “Hi!”

  Nurse Claudia immediately put down the chart she was reading. “Hey Danika. Feeling better?”

  “Hmm! You know Sienna’s family right?”

  “They live a few doors down from me.”

  Danika held out a children's book “This was Sienna's favorite book to read. I had some of her friends write their thoughts in it. Could you please give it to her parents?”

  Claudia smiled. “That is sweet. Her folks will really appreciate this. Thank you.” Claudia took the book. “Did you meet Dr. Collins?”

  Danika nodded. “I did!” She couldn't help a slight flush remembering how close she and Noah had just been. She could still smell his tangy cologne on her hair where he had rested his chin as he had held her to his chest. Her cheeks tinged darker.

  "If you don't mind my asking, how do you know him?” Claudia tried not to sound curious, but she failed.

  "He is my brother's neighbor and I prepare meals for him.”

  “You are a chef?”

  “When I want to be.” Danika smiled.

  Claudia leaned over the counter between them and lowered her voice. “Dr. Collins asked my best friend, Shania, out on a date. They are going out tonight.”

  Danika’s felt like her heart stopped for second, her hand curled in her wool skirt. She took a long swallow then spoke. “That’s great.” She tried to inject some enthusiasm in her voice. “I should be going.”

  Nurse Claudia picked up the book. “Oh okay! Catch you later Danika. Take care!”

  “Bye.” Danika pivoted and stopped.

  Noah stood there his eyes on Danika.

  He raised his brow as if asking if she was okay.

  Danika simply nodded. Her tongue felt thick and useless in her mouth. Noah gave her thumbs up and a smile.

  Danika took an uneven step forward even as her chest burned.

  Noah watched her intently.

  Danika touched the base of her neck, as she got closer to Noah. Why am I hurt? He’s single, of course he is going to date? Why do I care? “I'll see you around.” Danika could only dare to raise her eyes as high as Noah's chin. Her thoughts and newly developed feelings for Noah were confusing the heck out of her.

  “Take care Danika!” Noah touched her elbow as she passed him.

  Danika quashed the thrill at the possessive manner his warm fingers had lingered against her skin or how he had uttered her name in a low familiar manner. Delusional Dani! Shoulders straight, she walked to the elevators and got in without a single backward glance.

  Danika stepped out of the elevators into the hospital lobby. She went past the reception area with worn chairs and patients waiting their turn. Sounds of murmurs, human chatter and an odd child or two crying came to her ears as she kept walking.


  Danika halted as someone called out her name. The voice was familiar. Danika turned and halted.

  A burly man with thick blond hair was making his way toward her. Craig Hutchinson! Her ex-boss, the one who had stolen her project and fired her, the reason Danika was working multiple jobs.

  Meeting his gaze, Danika pointedly turned around. Craig was the last person she wanted to talk to.

  “Danika wait, please.”

  Dammit! Danika stopped her mouth pressed in a thin line. She only waited till Craig got close enough to hear her. “What do you want?” Her voice wasn’t polite.

  “Can we go outside please, just for minute? If you have the time. Please Danika!” His tone was pleading. On a closer look, Danika noticed that Craig’s eyes were anxious and he had lost considerable weight.

  “Fine! Lets go outside.” Danika pivoted and stalked out past the automatic sliding door of the hospital uncaring whether Craig had followed her or nor. He had.

  The wind outside was strong today and Danika moved to the side of the building entrance.

  “Can we move there?” Craig requested pointing to a covered metal and glass two-sided structure at some distance from the entrance. “Please Danika.”

  Danika’s expression was sullen and she shrugged off Craig’s hand when he put it on her back as they avoided the slow oncoming vehicles and crossed the narrow road.

  Chapter 37

  The elevator door opened and Noah took quick steps hoping to catch Danika before she left the hospital building. I want to invite her to the party. I should have said something earlier but she is always in such a rush to leave. Noah rubbed his nape. He knew why he had been unable to invite Danika, he had been too busy gawking at her.

  After their unexpected personal conversation in his office, Noah was beginning to feel inexplicably close to her. He swiveled his head hoping to spot Danika as he trotted to the entrance. She couldn’t have gone far!

  Noah stepped out of the hospital and looked around for Danika. That is when he noticed the two figures under the covered structure.

  Noah frowned. Danika was standing with a tall blond man and as he talked to her he touched her arm in a gesture of familiarity.

  Noah felt his muscles tighten and he clenched his jaw till it started hurting. His mouth tasted pungent. He took a spot outside from where he could watch them his expression pinched.


  “Danika, I have wronged you. Terribly wronged you. I’m so sorry for firing you.” Craig touched her arm, his expression sincere.

  Danika shrugged off his touch, her eyes stormy and face unyielding. “You are sorry now? Do you have any idea what you and Kelly have put me through? Why did you do it? I was honest and hardworking and my performance was excellent and you knew that very well. I worked so darn hard for your company for two years, day in day out and you and your minion threw me out like yesterday’s trash.”

  Craig lowered his head and then looked up. His eyes drooped at the corners. “I know, I have treated you most unfairly and every word you say is true. You were honest and hardworking and excellent at what you did, I was so full of shit then. I got greedy and started coveting what wasn’t mine. But Karma caught up with me. Now I’m bankrupt and broke and going through a divorce.”

  Danika gasped and covered her mouth. “What happened?”

  “Kelly duped me. She had me sign some documents that made her the partner and then she and her husband threw me out of my company. They blackmailed me using intimate pictures of me with her. If I fought them they would make those pictures public. I had no choice.”

  “Why didn’t you tell the police? Blackmailing is a crime.”

  Craig shook his head. “It was a very well orchestrated plan by Kelly. Everything is good on paper. I contacted a few lawyers but they all said I had no case. They advised me to cut my losses and move on.”

  Danika exhaled. She felt no satisfaction for what Craig had suffered but neither could she feel any pain for him. He had put her through the wringer. “Why the divorce?”

  “I came clean to my wife. Told her the truth of how I cheated on her with Kelly. One less thing Kelly can blackmail me about.” Craig rubbed his eye with the back of his hand.

  Danika hesitated an
d then said. “I’m truly sorry Craig. Hope things get better for you. What about the others at the company?”

  “Kelly is their new boss.”

  Danika felt like kicking herself. Her friends from work had tried to contact her several times after Danika’s abrupt firing but wallowing in self-pity and working round the clock Danika had shunned them all. No wonder I had no idea so much had happened at the company. “Why are you at the hospital? Is your health okay?”

  Craig’s smile was wry. “I’m fine. I brought my dad for a check up.”

  Danika nodded and then became quiet not sure what else there was to say.

  “Where are you working nowadays?”

  “At a few places?” Danika hedged.

  Craig shook his head. “You know, Kelly never liked you because she knew you were more talented and better at your job than her.”

  Danika shrugged. “Fat load of help that talent was. She is till screwing me even when I don’t work for you or her. I haven’t landed a single decent interview. I gave her as one of my references.”

  “Why would you give her as a reference? You shouldn’t have.”

  “She was my third choice but I guess those who interviewed me called her first.” Danika scuffed the ground with the tip of her shoe. “Anyhow I have to be somewhere-”

  “Let me help you.” Craig touched her arm.

  Danika jerked her head back. “How? You will give me a good reference?” She could not keep the sarcasm out of her voice.

  “No one better, I will get you work. You are still skilled and I have contacts. I know people. I can get you a few well paying free lance gigs.”

  Danika studied Craig’s face for a few seconds and then said. “There’s no catch to this offer.”

  Craig swallowed. “No Danika, no catch at all expect wanting to undo the harm I did to your career.”

  Danika studied the top button of his coat. Should I believe him? What do I have to loose? Its not like he can do me any more damage. “Thanks for your offer. Let me think about it and call you in a few days.”

  “Danika, I still know a lot of people in the industry. I can recommend you to them. I can get you freelance work. I promise I can. Just say yes!”


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