Infected World Trilogy (Books 1-3): They Only Come Out At Night

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Infected World Trilogy (Books 1-3): They Only Come Out At Night Page 66

by Guenther, David

  Peters left the building just as Werner was opening the door to the armored vehicle for him. How the hell does that little SOB do that? He wondered good-naturedly as he got in. The Staff Sergeant kept quiet, knowing the general was building up, he just didn’t know which way the shit would hit the fan.

  “Sir, I took the liberty of sweeping the cab for any bugs and the comm gears’ turned off. I’m guessing you want to get back to your quarters for the evening?” Peters just gave a loud sigh, and shoved the 5 point harness for the seat out of his way.

  “Take me home, and don’t get any ideas. I’m still legally married, to what, I don’t know.” He thought briefly about his ex-wife who was locked up in a large shed being looked after by his two sons. Somewhere on the east coast his soon to be ex-wife could still be there? Was she infected, or safe and in hiding? He’d been lucky enough to find his boys safe, could he be unlucky enough for her to show up in one of the many convoys of survivors that came in every day?

  Werner grinned at the general’s comment. The two had become close, especially after Werner was able to save the general’s sons from an armed mob trying to get to their infected mother. When the general was in a particularly good mood he’d razz Werner about his first name, Jody, and all the marching songs dedicated to him. Werner pulled away from the building, unconcerned since they were in ‘safe’ territory and headed towards the hotels near the National Guard Armory. When he was in sight of the hotel, he turned on his radio and clicked twice. He received the reply of three clicks. He turned in and drove for the back parking lot of the hotel, where all the lights were out. A second armored vehicle identical to the general’s pulled out onto Riverbend Drive, then headed onto the Yellowstone Highway towards the bridge that would take it downtown. Werner turned north onto Riverbend Drive to an older housing development, and then turned into Powder River Court, a cul-de-sac. The garage door was already opening, Werner pulled into the garage and then they both got out and exited the back of the house, walking across the lawn in the dark until they walked into the back of the house there and headed for the garage. Waiting inside was an ancient pickup of indeterminate vintage. The quarter panels on all sides showed the ravages of rust from the many years. Climbing inside, Werner had to remind Peters to be careful of the rusted hole, covered with a piece of carpet, where he was about to put his foot. Both men put on orange caps and vests, and then opened the garage door. The streets were quiet as they made their way towards Highway 59, and then on to the general’s residence.

  The ride was quiet, with the only occasional radio calls, they listened to on Werner’s handheld. Turning off the highway, they could hear a faint radio call for support.

  Lieutenant John McBride had been awakened by his man on sentry duty. He now sat in the kitchen of the general’s decoy house, watching the two suspicious panel vans that had stopped at the entrance to the cul-de-sac. Ten men got out of each van. It was easy to see in the streetlight that they were all armed and equipped with US gear, down to helmets and body armor, and were slowly walking down the center of the street, towards the general’s decoy house, and to the platoon leader, who had two medium M240 machine guns trained on them. Additionally, the eight homes on each side of the street housed four man infantry fire teams. The patrol was only fifty feet from the house. McBride figured they were perfectly in the box and had both his gunners open up firing down the center of the street. All fire teams heeded their orders, and the riflemen fired single shot to avoid hitting the teams in the houses across the street. The firing lasted ten seconds, then McBride was trying to get each fire team to cease fire. He was certain the patrol had not had a chance to even return fire and had picked up his radio to check in when the entire front of the house exploded. McBride found himself on his back, thankful to be alive as he looked out towards the street, there no longer being a wall to hinder his view. He glanced up at the ceiling at the same time as it collapsed down him, mercifully knocking him out before he had a chance to realize the house was on fire.

  “Do you think we got the bastard?” The driver shouted as two men piled into the back of the van. One threw the empty AT4 rocket launcher to the side in disgust.

  “Just drive, dammit! We’re dead meat if we can’t get away. Just head for where the troops are all billeted and we’ll just blend in until we can get away later. Damn, I wanted to see that bastard burn.” Above, he didn’t see the AH64 Apache.

  “Target is approaching friendlies; do not know if they plan to attack. Request permission to fire before they close with friendlies.” The pilot radioed, afraid the target would get away.

  “Bandit One, you cleared to engage, guns only.” The pilot heard on the radio.

  The gunner was listening in and commed. “I’m lazing the target now, awaiting permission to fire.”

  “Permission to fire granted, grease those fuckers.”

  “Target is lazed, firing guns.” The black and white grainy display showed a two second burst of 30mm take out the van’s engine and driver. One figure popped out from the back of the van, carrying a long rifle. “One target is exiting the vehicle, carrying weapon. Request permission to fire.” The gunner commed as the survivor sprinted towards a house.

  “Permission to fire granted, grease the fucker.”

  “Target is down. We have two dozen more heading towards the downed target.”

  “That’s a friendly patrol, secure weapons. Our night is over. We’re heading back to the ranch.”

  Werner was standing next to Peters. The transmissions were broken up and hard to hear. Peters surprised Werner when he pointed to the south.

  “Over there, looks like someone is having a bad day.” Werner tried to see what Peters had been pointing at when there was a short burst of tracer fire from the sky. He knew it was too far to hear but could swear he heard the sound of a 30mm chain gun.

  “You can call it a night, Werner. I’m going to say ‘Hi’ to Elora and see how the boys are doing.” Peters sounded tired to the Staff Sergeant.

  “Thank you, Sir. I just want to do a quick walk of the perimeter and make sure my boys are still awake. God help the first one I see before they see me.” Werner had already seen the first sentry when they’d driven up the road. He just had to find the two roamers. He debated with himself about trying to talk the general into getting at least a full company for security, because of the dangers and his importance to rebuilding the military. He didn’t see the sentries until they were both almost on top of him.

  “Evening, Staff Sergeant Werner, nice night for a stroll isn’t it?” The first sentry asked as the second chuckled softly.” Werner had to laugh at the situation.

  “Yes, gentlemen, it certainly is. Now I can get into my nice warm bed for the night, secure in the knowledge we are all safe for another night.” Werner headed for the main house and saw Peters was standing in front of the door to the building housing his ex-wife. He had his arms around both his sons while they talked softly, an occasional shriek heard from inside the building. Sometimes things are better on your own, he thought, turning away before they noticed him.

  Chapter 10

  Surprise, Arizona. April 11, 2029

  Gloria sat and watched Caleb sit and appear to silently fight his demons until his eyes closed, and his head dipped down until his chin was resting on his chest. She got up and walked to the doorway and began to move all the candles in front of the door, to discourage any infected from trying to open it, or otherwise disturb her. She glanced once more at Caleb, and then over at the huge inflated bed that was calling to her. She sat down on the edge of the bed and took off her shoes and socks before taking off her web belt and laying it next to the bed. She looked over at Caleb one more time, then reached under her shirt and took off her bra, leaving the muscle shirt in place. Next, she removed the MC1 knife she had taken to carrying, pulling the little bar out of the way, then pressing the button to make sure the switchblade popped out, and locked in place, before closing it and sticking it under her pillow
. She quickly got up and doffed her pants before climbing under the covers. She began to say her prayers and was softly snoring before she could finish.

  Caleb woke with a start and it took a minute for him to remember where he was. He looked at the break room door, and could see the light from the candles leaking under the door. He rose from his seat and walked over to the bed and dropped the gear he was wearing on the floor, making sure the pistol was on the top of the pile. He then removed his boots and socks, wincing slightly at the smell, before standing to remove his pants and drawers, and then taking off his shirt and undershirt, leaving only his dog tags. He climbed under the covers, then thought about the soft breathing he was hearing from next to him, someone infected like him, who he couldn’t hurt by touching. I wish I’d made my move when she was still awake, he thought as he pulled the cover higher to his neck as he felt sleep overtaking him. There’s always morning sex, I guess.

  Gloria felt warmth against her side and slid her hand over, unconcerned, feeling naked skin against her palm, she didn’t feel any danger or even fully awake as she rolled over towards the warmth and cuddled, as she fell back into a deeper sleep, her head now on her bedmate’s chest. Caleb partially woke to the feeling of a head on his chest and didn’t give it a thought as he moved his arm protectively around her, enjoying her warmth.

  Memories of senior prom, dressing up, and dancing, before going to the post-party celebration at the hotel, was invading Gloria’s dream, remembering awkwardly sharing the rest of that night with a boy who was more skilled than herself in the bed. Still more asleep than awake, she felt her sleeping companion and grasped him in her hand and felt him quickly grow. She pushed herself against him harder as she threw her leg over his. She started to wake up, realizing what she was holding in her hand, and the fact that the man attached to it was soundly asleep. She pulled back her hand like it’d just been burnt, disengaging herself from him and rolling over to her side of the bed, breathing hard in embarrassment that turned to anger. What’s he think he’s doing in my bed? Gloria wondered angrily, reaching for the knife under her pillow, and then pulling her hand back, realizing there was no danger. She looked over at the couch and was about to move over to it when she took another look at Caleb, then at her watch to see it was 0400 hrs, and then decided she was warm and comfortable, before going back to sleep.

  Caleb could feel the coldness from the room and he realized the sheet and blanket was only partially covering him. He looked at his watch and realized it was only 0500hrs, too dang early for this crap, he thought as he gently tried to recover the blankets and sheet before simply rolling over on his side so he could at least be covered. When he felt his sleeping companion, he instinctively formed himself against her, spooning. She felt warm and soft and he entertained ideas for a minute or two as he felt himself harden, he forced the idea away as he closed his eyes and fell back into a dreamless sleep.

  Hmmm, that feels nice and warm, Gloria thought as she forced herself to wake up to start the day. She could feel herself spooned from behind and an arm wrapped over her side. She realized she was holding Caleb’s hand against her chest as he slept. She fully came awake and jumped out of the bed, taking the sheets and blankets with her. “What the hell have you done to me, you bastard?” She shouted at the naked figure, hustling to put some clothes on.

  “What the hell are you talking about? I never touched you, except to try to get some blanket to cover myself with after you stole it!” Caleb replied facing away from her as he pulled up his drawers. “What are you insinuating that I did?” Gloria flashed back to when she woke up holding him. She was once again embarrassed and infuriated.

  “Oh, screw it! Why did you sleep naked, and in my bed like that, to boot?” She felt like she’d just won a major debate, crossing her arms as if to seal her point.

  “You came over here in my little nest. I set you up with sheets and a blanket for the couch.” He pointed to a sheet, blanket and pillow on the floor next to the couch. “I dozed off for just a little bit at the table, and you went to my bed. Where the hell did you think I was going to sleep? And I wouldn’t mention anything about personal space or anything like that if you must go there!” His suspicions about the night were answered when Gloria looked down at her feet, but he didn’t want to blow any future chance with her.

  “Now you get yourself dressed as well! We have a long day ahead of ourselves loading the truck and getting on our way to Texas. I figure it’s going to take most of the day.” He willed himself not to look at her as she grabbed for her clothes, letting the sheet and blanket drop. “I’ll be back in a minute. I’m going to get a case of water.” Going through the door to the warehouse, he kicked over candles that were still lit and burned the sole of each foot as the bottom of each foot was covered in hot melted candle wax.

  “SON OF A BITCH!” he shouted with all the energy he had, waking the infected who started shrieking equally loud. He turned to go back into the breakroom, still bent over, as the door slammed open, smashing him in the head and knocking him out cold, on top of the still hot freshly melted candle wax.

  Chapter 11

  Douglas, Wyoming. April 12, 2029

  The two travel mugs of coffee filled the truck cab with their rich aroma as the pair were both deep in their thoughts. Werner was trying to think of a new approach to convince Peters that he needed to take his personal security more seriously. Perhaps I should use the family angle and not even mention him, he was thinking when he became even more alert when they came closer to their transfer point. Even with the windows closed tight to keep out the morning chill, he could smell smoke, then he saw the fire trucks, still blocking the cul-de-sac where their safe house lay gutted, their blackened JLTV visible where the collapsed garage still partially stood minus its roof.

  “Go around those guys and get us closer to the house.” Peters ordered angrily as he pulled off the orange hunter’s cap and worked at taking off the hunter’s vest in the tight confines of the cab. A military policeman with a civilian police officer working together tried to intercept the pair until the MP Sergeant recognized Peters and saluted, before hollering at others to make a hole for his truck.

  Peters fought the initial urge to throw up, tasting his vomit rise in the back of his throat and fighting it back down, gagging slightly. The smell of burnt flesh, curiously strong, then Peters noticed the three body bags by the curb. He gave the entire street a look and then saw there were more body bags along the street and he felt even sicker. “Who’s in charge here?” he asked loudly.

  A young lieutenant peeled himself away from a group of firefighters and a mixed group of MPs and civilian law enforcement. “Sir, I’m Lieutenant Evansky. How may I help you?”

  “I want a report of what’s going on here from the beginning, Lieutenant.”

  “Sir, last night, approximately 2230 hrs, two vans stopped at the opening of the cul-de-sac and offloaded twenty personnel dressed as US troops. They approached the house behind us, staying in the center of the street. A firefight was initiated when automatic weapons opened up from the residence. Immediately troops on both sides of the street commenced fire also. The firefight lasted less than a minute. After it was over, a rocket was fired into the house from an unknown assailant. Minutes later two vans matching the description of the ones that ferried the troops here were destroyed by an Apache helicopter. That’s all I know at this point. The four troops stationed in the house were KIA and twenty enemy were KIA. I don’t have the numbers for those in the van.”

  Werner walked up to the remains of the garage and made his way through the debris to the driver’s door, taking a moment to appreciate that the armored exterior’s paint job had not even bubbled up or seriously marred. Climbing in, the interior of the cab, only had a slight smoky smell remarkably. Time to see if this animal blows up, Werner thought whimsically as he fired up the truck. Nothing like made in the USA, he thought as he backed up, knocking aside parts of the fallen roof and other debris, making a noisy ex
it from the burned out garage.

  Everyone in front of the building and in the street watched the armored truck emerge from the ruins, then someone cheered and everyone began to clap and chant, “Hooah!” Werner heard the commotion behind him and grinned as he reached for the microphone on the console.

  “Hooah, you mothers. Like the mighty Phoenix we have risen from the ashes and will not be stopped!” He wasn’t sure if the double meaning was caught but the small crowd started chanting even louder. Especially when Peters opened the passenger door, looked to the crowd and shouted at the top of his voice “Hooah” followed by making a fist and appearing to punch the sky.

  “Let’s get out of here, Werner. I think you did a damn good job of motivating the troops. I want to get back to the office and see what the hell happened last night. The troops and civilians opened a path in the center of the street for them to pass, continuing to chant and clap even louder as they passed.

  “Sir, you really need to concede that you should have a full security detail. What if our little trick of swapping out trucks hadn’t worked? If that twenty man team had followed us home, it would have been able to take out the mansion and probably kidnap you and your sons. Whoever those fuckers were, they’re playing for keeps.”

  “Yes, dammit, they’ve made it abundantly clear, especially to Lieutenant John McBride and his men. That was exactly what I was hoping to avoid. It was completely unrealistic on my part to think they wouldn’t come after me in some degree of force. I’ll make the necessary arrangements when I get to my office.” Neither said anything for the remainder of the drive.


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