Ryder (Resisting Love)

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Ryder (Resisting Love) Page 1

by Chantal Fernando


  A Resisting Love Novella

  Chantal Fernando


  Dawn Martens

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  Published July 2013

  "Cover design © Arijana Karčić, Cover It! Designs"

  Edited by Brandi Gilvaja and Arijana Karčić

  RYDER is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and events portrayed in this book either are from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental and not intended by the author. Please do not take offence to the content, as it is FICTION.

  Trademarks: This book identifies product names and services known to be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective holders, The authors acknowledges the trademarked status in this work of fiction. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Copyright © 2013 Chantal Fernando and Dawn Martens

  ISBN: 149058014x

  ISBN-13: 978-1490580142

  All rights reserved.



  My family - I love you all.

  My boys - You are my everything.

  Tenielle - Thank you for going over Ryder for me! You know how much I love you; you are the light to my dark. Oh and you are so smart AND beautiful. (She made me say that!)

  A huge thanks to Ari at Cover It! Designs for EVERYTHING, the woman is wonderful. (I’m constantly annoying her and she loves me anyway). You are such a hard worker Ari, and you’re so funny too. I heart you, even if you don’t like ice cream. THANK YOU SO MUCH for calming me down when I’m stressing out and always being there to help out.

  Thank you to all the beta readers.

  A special thanks to Alice Priday for all the encouragement and for loving Ryder.

  Thank you to Belle Aurora for always doing wonderful beta work, and taking the time to help us out, even though she is writing her own books. (Check her out everyone - she is amazing!)

  Brandi Gilvaja - a special thanks to you for helping with the editing <3

  Stephanie Knowles - Thank you so much for taking the time to read everything I write! Come to Sydney with me in November. LOL!

  Kara Brown - You are one scary woman! Haha, joking. Thank you so very much for all your help. I really am grateful.

  Dawn Martens - My partner in crime, you know I love you. Looking forward to working on James with you ;)

  You can find us on Facebook under ‘Author Chantal Fernando and Author Dawn Martens’

  Thank you to all the readers who messaged us on Facebook letting us know how much they loved Ryder, and were looking forward to his story.

  This one is for you.


  Thanks to our readers! It wouldn’t be possible without you!

  And to Chantal – love you! And thanks for letting me drunk talk to you all the time! Ha. You rock!

  Chapter 1


  The door buzzes and I stifle a grin. It must be the girl I met last night at the club. Shania? Shanae? Something like that. Performing there has its benefits, and women throwing themselves at me is definitely at the top of the list. She couldn’t have arrived at a better time because I could definitely release some tension right about now. I glance over at the couch, maybe we’ll start there. I pick up my jeans from the living room floor, not bothering to button them up, and answer the door. The sight that greets me douses any sexual thoughts or ideas I may have had.

  “Well, isn’t this a surprise,” I drawl.

  My cousin Tenielle raises her finely arched brow. “Nice to see you, too, Ryder,” she says sarcastically.

  I grin, already moving forward to embrace her.

  “Come here, give me a hug. When did you get back from Europe?” I ask her.

  “A couple days ago,” she says as she jumps in my arms and hugs me tightly. When she pulls back, I notice two things. One, she has her suitcase with her, and two, she’s not alone. I glance over at the girl she's with and realize that she’s fucking hot. Her amber colored eyes are currently staring at my bare chest and I think she likes what she sees. I’d be lying if I said the feeling isn’t mutual. She also has a much smaller suitcase with her, bright pink and covered with black skulls.

  “Ryder, this is my friend, Lexi. Lexi, this is my cousin Ryder,” Tee introduces. I glance over at Lexi and take her in. Honey coloured curly hair, golden almost cat-like eyes, and a body made for sin. She must be about 5’6, shorter than my cousin who I know is about 5’10, and she has the perfect hourglass shape figure. Her lips are painted a bright red, but the rest of her face is makeup free. She’s wearing a snug pair of denim cut offs, a black strapless top, and pink converses. She looks... cute.

  “Are you gonna stand there staring all day, or are you gonna invite us in?” Tee asks dryly. I step back to let them pass, catching a delicious cherry scent when Lexi walks by me.

  I glance over at my cousin’s bags, then back at her. She gives me her best charming smile, the one that gets her anything she wants.

  I know how this one works.

  While Layla makes you want to protect her, her older sister, Tenielle, makes you want to hide your valuables and cup your balls. She’s one of the hardest girls in my life to protect because she’s so damn independent. It frustrates me, but it also makes me proud as hell. She’s wearing baggy ripped jeans with a white net top. Black combat boots with lots of buckles are her shoes of choice, and from the looks of it they are the same ones I saw her wearing before she left for Europe a few months back. Her long hair, which was previously black, is now dyed blonde. She has a hoop in her nose, a tongue ring, an eyebrow ring, and various tattoos scattered all over her body. Most people would look at her and think that she’s a musician or something, but no, this crazy woman is a lawyer. Yes, a lawyer. That being said, she’s yet to find employment in her qualified field. She’s too busy travelling the world and breaking hearts.

  “So, dad said you just bought a new apartment when I spoke to him last,” she glances around, and smiles like she approves. “Lexi and I need a place to crash for a week. Please, Ryder? You won’t even notice we're here. Thanks, cuz!”

  “I didn’t say yes, Tee,” I tell her dryly, but I already know my resistance is futile.

  “Yeah, but we’re family so you can’t kick me out.” She grins and bats her eyelashes at me. The woman is evil.

  “You could stay with your parents? Or Layla?” I suggest in a hopeful voice. I love my cousin to death but living with her may drive me a little insane. I know she wouldn’t want to stay with her parents, she and her mother don’t exactly see eye to eye. Tee is a free spirit but her mother would rather she stayed in Perth, close to family. I really wouldn’t mind her friend spending a little time in my apartment, though.

  “I’m avoiding mum and her lectures, and I don’t want to interrupt Layla with that man of hers. I haven’t even met him, so it would be awkward! That means that you’re the lucky one who gets me.”

Saying that, she walks off and starts exploring the apartment. I look at Lexi, who has a slight smile on her face, clearly amused by Tenielle’s sass.

  “Is it okay if we stay? I assumed Tenielle had already asked. Which is apparently not the case,” she says dryly.

  Fuck, her voice is sexy. Husky and just a little rough. I clear my throat, realizing that I have been standing here staring at her for a few moments too long.

  “No worries, of course you guys can stay. You’ll have to share the guest room, though.”

  “That’s fine. We’re going to start looking for places straight away,” she says simply.

  “It’s no problem, really,” I tell her. My eyes stray behind her, where I notice a guitar case on the floor next to her suitcase.

  “You play?” I ask, intrigued. She nods slightly, ducking her head. “I’m impressed. You’ll have to let me hear you sometime,” I say excitedly. Women that play instruments are sexy.

  “I’ve heard about your band. Tee says you’re ‘the shit’,” she tells me, her heart shaped cupid bow lips turning up.

  I smile smugly. “You should come by and listen to us.” I would love showing her what I do best. Well, what I do second best.

  “I think I just might do that,” she says as she absently toys with a lock of her hair. I’m so turned on by that husky voice, it does things to me.

  “Do you sing, too?” I ask, curious. She blushes, but I have no idea why. “I guess I’m alright, but I don’t like to sing in public.”

  I nod, remembering my own first time on stage. I was nervous as hell but that only lasted for the first song. “Stage fright?”

  She shrugs. “Something like that. I’d rather be in the background, playing an instrument. I get nervous as hell singing in public. I did it once, and never again.” She shudders like she’s remembering the moment.

  “I’d love to hear you sing, if you’re not too shy. I’m only one man,” I say with a grin. She rolls her eyes and scrunches her nose, which I find completely adorable.

  “I’ll think about it,” she says thoughtfully.

  “I’m very patient, Lexi,” I say, my eyes not leaving hers.

  We both just stare at each other in silence for a few moments. I notice her amber gaze stray to my nipple ring and her breath hitches. Oh yeah, she definitely likes that. I unconsciously take a step closer to her and I watch as she does the same.

  “This is going to sound weird, but…” she starts to say, but a knock on my door interrupts her. I throw a scowl in the direction of my door, annoyed by the interruption.

  “Hold that thought,” I say quickly. She nods. I walk the few steps to the door and pull it open, hoping to get rid of whoever it is. I take a step back when a scantily clad blonde jumps into my arms and fuses her lips to mine. I detach her from me as soon as I can, but by then the damage is done. Shit. I totally forgot about the girl coming over. I glance behind me to find Lexi gone. Fuck.

  “What are we waiting for, Ryder?” Shania or whatever her name is purrs in my ear. Instead of getting me excited, the sound makes me cringe.

  “Change of plans, my cousin is over, so you need to leave,” I tell her in a whisper, gently pushing her towards the door, and closing it shut after she’s past the threshold.


  Chapter 2


  I sit on the guest room bed and watch my friend unpack all of her things like she’ll be staying here for a couple of months rather than just a week.

  “We need to start looking for a place ASAP, Tee,” I tell her. After seeing Ryder with that mysterious blond, clearly we’re in the way by being here. I should’ve known he wouldn’t be single. He’s too gorgeous to be anything but taken. But seriously, I haven’t been this attracted to a man in a long time. Not that it matters, since he’s clearly unavailable. I inhale deeply and relax on the bed.

  “Yeah, Lexi, we’ll start looking tomorrow. Today I just want to relax, I’m tired as hell.” I nod in agreement, exhaustion finally catching up to me. We'd flown to Perth after spending a week in Melbourne. Before that we were backpacking in Europe. Now we're back for good or until Tee’s wanderlust gets a hold of her again.

  I met Tee in Greece and we bonded instantly. She was the new girl at the bar I was working in and I had to show her the ropes. I couldn’t believe she was from Perth, too, because most of the Australians I had met over there were from Sydney or Melbourne. The rest is history. I can’t really explain it, but we just get each other. She told me she wasn’t going to Perth without me, so here I am.

  I’ve heard a lot about Ryder from Tee. From what she said, he's loyal, protective, loving, and incredibly talented. He's a family man, but also a player; he gets around. Apparently, he's a talented musician, well known locally as a bad ass guitarist and front man for his band ‘Morning Alliance’. Naturally, that makes him a favourite with the ladies. Whatever moment I thought we had was obviously a figment of my imagination. A girl can dream though, right?

  I put my guitar case safely under the bed where Tee won’t accidentally step on it. That guitar is the only thing I have from my father, who left us for another woman when I was five. My mother passed away three years ago and I’ve been nomad ever since. I’m alone. I’ve been travelling for the last three years, playing music, and taking random bar jobs wherever I go. My mother’s insurance money is still sitting in my bank account; I only use it when I really need to.

  Truth be told, I haven’t missed Perth much in the last three years. I can only hope that I don’t run into my ex-boyfriend. If I never see him again, it would be none too soon.

  “I’m gonna jump in the shower, Lex. You can put your stuff in these drawers, and I left half the cupboard for you. Make yourself at home, okay?” Tee says, motioning to the drawers.

  “Okay,” I say, opening my suitcase and starting to put all my things out. A quiet knock on the door causes me to raise my head. “Yeah?” I call out.

  “Can I come in?” It’s Ryder.

  “Sure. It’s your house,” I reply dryly. He opens the door and hesitantly walks in, taking a quick glance around before bringing his gaze to me.

  “Sorry about before, darlin’, it was…”

  “You don’t need to apologize, Ryder,” I say, cutting him off. I pick up a handful of clothes and start to fold them.

  “I know. It’s just…” He drums his fingers on his thigh, and sighs. I decide to put him out of his misery.

  “Ryder, it’s fine,” I assure him.

  “We’re cool?” he asks, searching my eyes. I have no idea why we wouldn’t be, so I nod. I’m graced with an easy smile. Tee walks in, dressed in a plush white towel, and nudges Ryder with her hip.

  “Why are you in my room?” she asks as she steps inside and heads for the chest of drawers, pulling out lacy red underwear.

  Ryder groans, and looks heavenward. “I’m not going to last a week!” He glances over at Tee and grimaces when he sees the underwear in her hand. “For fuck’s sake, Tee, at least pretend to wear granny underwear or something while you’re here! I’m heading out. I’ll bring us all dinner.” He shudders and walks out the door, slamming it behind him.

  Tee flashes me an evil grin. “This is gonna be a fun week!”

  I disagree.


  Chapter 3


  I’m sitting on the hood of my truck in front of Kidd’s house. The band usually meets here because Kidd has a huge garage where we used to practice when we were just getting started. His house has become our home ground. Kidd, Jet, and Sax walk out the front, greeting me with a handshake and a tap on my shoulder.

  Jet is my baby cousin. My dad’s brother Finn cheated on his wife, Elena, with a stripper who ended up getting pregnant. Because of this, Jet isn’t always well received by our family. Aunt Elena won’t even look at him. Fuck, the way I see it, it’s not Jet’s fault Uncle Finn couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. Jet has the Crawford family gray eyes and thick head of dark hair. At twen
ty-one, he is the youngest in the band.

  “Hey, Ry,” Jet greets, leaning his wiry body against my truck.

  “Hey, cuz,” I say, mussing his hair playfully. I love Jet. The kid hasn’t always had it easy.

  “Did we get it?” Sax asks, rubbing the back of his neck with his palm. Saxon Tate is about two inches shorter than my 6’2, but a little more muscular. His brown hair is spiked up with product; fuck knows how long that takes him every day. His eyebrow ring suits him, and the women flock to him like crazy, although for some reason he rejects pretty much all of them. He has a noticeable scar on his other eyebrow that looks like a small knife cut.

  “Yeah, we did!” I tell them, and then laugh at their cheers and coos.

  Kidd grins. He looks nothing like his younger brother Sax, with his blonde hair and leaner build. Kidd is twenty eight, four years older than Sax.

  “Fuck, can’t believe we got it,” Sax says, chuckling.

  “What? No faith in Morning Alliance?” I tease. We all know we have put our heart and soul into this band.

  “I have faith, bro, but come on. Us, an opening act? That’s huge!”

  It is. We’re finally going places. Not that I don’t love playing our weekly gigs at various pubs and clubs around Perth, but this is taking a huge step up. Jet starts talking about some chick he hooked up with, and my mind wanders to Lexi. What is it about her? I want a taste of her. Anything I can get.

  I’m losing my mind.

  “What’s wrong?” Jet asks, his brow furrowing.

  “Tee’s back, and she moved her and her friend in with me,” I tell him, laughing when he cringes.

  “Is her friend hot?” Jet asks, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

  My grin is answer enough.

  “Really?” Sax asks, interested. I’ve seen Sax hook up a few times, but Kidd told me he’s still in love with his ex, AJ.


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