Playing With Fire (Power of Four Book 2)

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Playing With Fire (Power of Four Book 2) Page 11

by SF Mazhar

  Aaron took off running. The cottage they had been staying in had caught on fire, but it didn’t matter to Aaron which cottage they took refuge in, as long as he got Sam and Rose into one. He ran up a pathway, ushering Sam and Rose ahead of him. They were almost at the door when something blazing flew overhead. Rose pulled back with a scream when the door was hit with a fireball. Flames spread across the cottage in seconds. Aaron and the twins ran to the next safe cottage.

  They reached it, but couldn’t open the door. It was bolted shut. Aaron pounded his fists against the wood, screaming over the noise of the battle. Whoever had locked the door wasn’t opening it. Aaron slammed himself into the door but it was no use.

  “Aaron!” Rose called. “Look!”

  Following her trembling finger, Aaron found his uncle Mike next to the ruined table, fighting back a group of vamages. Aaron’s gun was aimed but he didn’t pull the trigger. He found he didn’t need to. Michael fought effortlessly, knocking back vamages with shots from his own gun in one hand and fireballs from his other, all the while dodging the retaliating attack. The grace and elegance of his movements reminded Aaron strongly of Skyler. They both fought with confidence and apparent ease; even if it was just on the surface and panic was overwhelming them inside, they never let it show.

  Of course, there was one other person who fought with just as much confidence and grace, and right now he was the only one Aaron found himself searching the wreckage of the street for. But Kyran was nowhere in sight. Maybe she was lying, Aaron thought to himself. After all, how could Layla know for sure if Kyran had come?

  Just as the thought settled, Aaron heard the familiar roar of Kyran’s bike. Aaron turned, his heart hammering at his insides and goosebumps erupting over his flesh. Through the thick, billowing smoke of the fire that was ripping through the city came Lexi – Kyran’s red and black bike. It cut through the air, arching over the heads of the battling mages. Sitting on top of the bike, the ends of his red coat flapping behind him like scarlet wings, was Kyran. His arms were extended on either side, no longer controlling Lexi. With twin pistols clutched in both hands, he fired at the crowd of Hunters, forcing them back from the vamages.

  Aaron didn’t understand it. He knew which side Kyran belonged to now – he saw him firing at the mages instead of the half-demonic hybrid vamages, but still, seeing Kyran suddenly appear in the midst of the battle filled Aaron with nothing but relief. It was a force of habit, an instinctual reaction. For the last four months, every time he’d faced danger he’d known he’d be alright because Kyran was there.

  Lexi hit the ground and Kyran swerved to face the Hunters with both guns raised and aimed. The battle between this small group of Hunters and vamages came to a standstill, with every eye on Kyran. The vamages dropped back, wearing looks of triumph as their gaze darted from the Hunters to the Scorcher.

  All around them, the fight raged on, with the rest of the Hunters and residents of Balt doing their best to fend off the vamages’ attack. These Hunters, however, remained still, staring at Kyran. But Kyran wasn’t looking at them. His green gaze was locked with only one Hunter – Skyler.

  Kyran lifted himself off his bike, guns still in hands, his aim never faltering as he slowly approached the crowd. Skyler stepped forward with his twin guns aimed right back at Kyran. Skyler’s ivory coat mirrored Kyran’s long red one, both had their elemental marks studded in silver at the back – a spiral for Skyler and an inverted V for Kyran.

  “And here I thought I wouldn’t get a proper welcome,” Kyran said. His sweeping glance caught sight of Ella, her gun raised and locked on him too. Kyran grinned. “Hey, Ella,” he called. “How’s the neck?”

  “Great,” Ella replied. “Why don’t you come closer so I can reciprocate?”

  Kyran chuckled. “No hard feelings. It was never about you.”

  “No, it was all about my one and only family member,” Ella spat. “Isn’t that why you stalked around in Salvador? So you could get to Neriah and steal his key?”

  “Steal?” Kyran shook his head. “I didn’t steal anything. I only recovered what was taken from my family.”

  “Taken for good reason,” Skyler said, fury leaking from his words.

  Kyran smirked and came to a standstill. “And what reason was that?” he asked, in a tone that suggested he knew all too well. “Because my father had enough of James Avira’s tyranny? Or because my father decided to do what everyone else wanted but couldn’t muster up the courage to do themselves?”

  The guns in Skyler’s hands were shaking. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I know more than you can possibly imagine,” Kyran replied. “I’ve lived with the truth, not Neriah’s lies.”

  His last words sent an uproar through the Hunters. The few mages who weren’t already aiming at Kyran turned their guns on him. The vamages reacted at once, lunging forward, but a single command from Kyran kept them back. Kyran stepped closer, apparently not fazed by being the target of so many. His eyes were still on Skyler.

  “You know, spending a year of my life with you, I learnt you’re a lot of things, Skyler,” Kyran said. “Big-headed, talentless, a waste of potential.” He smirked. “But you’re not stupid.” He glanced at the vamages, standing awaiting his orders. “You know you can’t win this one.”

  Ella’s recovery after Kyran’s attack proved Kyran was in fact a mage, and the only way a mage could kill another mage was with a personalised bullet. So Kyran’s bullets wouldn’t kill any Hunters, and neither would theirs fatally wound him, but Aaron figured being shot – especially at close range – would still be enough to temporarily incapacitate them. Kyran’s very obvious glance to the vamages was clear to read; Kyran couldn’t kill the mages, but the vamages could.

  “Make it easier for yourself, as well as for them,” Kyran said, tilting his head to the side to gesture to the rest of the Hunters and mages of Balt, still battling the other vamages. He stepped closer, all amusement gone from him when he asked, “Where is she?”

  Skyler smirked. “Missing your girlfriend already?” he asked. “You’re too late. I’ve already driven a stake through her black heart.”

  Kyran didn’t move, but the air around him sizzled, small sparks flew out to singe the ground at his feet. “I sincerely hope, for your sake, that you’re lying,” Kyran warned.

  Skyler bared his teeth. “What are you waiting for, Scorcher?” he asked. He beckoned Kyran with his guns. “Come on!”

  Kyran paused, his gaze flickered through the crowd of Hunters. He looked almost regretful before he fired, and the battle that had been paused started up again. The vamages leapt at the Hunters, but most of the mages were aiming at Kyran and Kyran alone. There was no way Kyran could avoid every bullet and as the thought penetrated Aaron’s mind, he felt his grip tighten around his own gun. He lifted it but his aim wasn’t on Kyran. Despite everything, Aaron couldn’t watch the Hunters bury every bullet they had into Kyran.

  But it seemed Kyran had no intention of becoming a human sieve. The minute he fired his first bullet and became the target of the Hunters, he dropped one gun and threw up his hand. The ground split. A huge slab of concrete broke from the road and stood up tall, which Kyran used as shelter from the onslaught of bullets.

  Aaron gaped at the sight. He was sure he had never seen Kyran demonstrate this particular trick during their training.

  Skyler threw out a hand and air swirled before him, taking the shape of a small tornado that ripped across the street, blasting Kyran’s shelter to rubble. Kyran leapt out of the way just in time.

  Aaron was quickly brought out of his shock when a stray bullet almost caught him, piercing the door behind him instead. Aaron ducked, as did Sam and Rose. Aaron glanced around him, at the line of cottages that were either on fire or had their doors sealed shut. He couldn’t take the chance of checking every one. They had to get out of the line of fire, quite literally. Aaron was terrified a stray bullet or jolt would catch Sam or Rose. They were
human; they wouldn’t survive either type of attack. But the entire city was under assault, and Aaron didn’t know where to go to keep them safe. Then an idea came to him. He pulled Sam’s arm to get his attention, which was currently fixed on Ella battling the vamages.

  “Come on!” Aaron shouted, over the gunshots.

  They got up and bolted down the street. Aaron led them, his gun clutched in hand, but he didn’t need it. The vamages didn’t notice him or the twins, not yet. They were too busy battling the Hunters. Aaron kept close to Sam and Rose, guiding them past the burning buildings.

  “This way,” he said, heading towards the gaping rectangular hole that once held the Gate. “We need to get out of the city.”

  “And go where?” Rose asked.

  “Nowhere,” Aaron replied. “We’ll have to hide once we get onto the Gateway.”

  “Aaron!” Rose tugged on his arm, halting him. “There’s nothing out there.”

  “We’ll find something,” Aaron said, grabbing her hand. “It’s better than staying here.” He turned, resuming the race to get to the fallen Gate.

  The sun had set hours ago. The night’s darkness was only partially punctured by the few lanterns floating overhead that hadn’t been engulfed by the thick smoke of the blaze spreading through the city. Not being able to see too far ahead of him was panicking Aaron. He couldn’t protect or defend himself and his friends if he couldn’t see what was coming at them. A hand grabbed his shoulder and Aaron’s heart almost kicked its way into his mouth. He turned, knocking back the hand, his gun raised and ready. He was met by a livid-looking Michael.

  “What are you doing?” Michael cried, seemingly oblivious to the gun pointed at his chest.

  Aaron couldn’t find his words fast enough.

  “Get back inside!” Michael raged.

  “Can’t,” Aaron finally managed. “The cottages are either locked or on fire.”

  Michael turned suddenly, drawing back his hands to block the fireballs that came at them, pelting them back at the vamages. Michael gripped Aaron’s arm, the heat from his palms seeped into Aaron’s skin.

  “Get behind me and stay close!” he instructed roughly.

  Aaron and the twins did just that as Michael made his way back to the line of cottages, desperate to find his only nephew and his friends a sanctuary. Michael kept his eyes on the battle, ready to fend off any more attacks.

  In his panic, Aaron didn’t see the odd way his uncle was holding himself, not until Michael made his way to the front of the first flame-free door. He banged his bloodstained hands on the wood and called out for someone to open the door. There was no answer.

  Michael was curling to one side, a hand gripped under his ribs, while the other continued to smack at the door.

  “Uncle Mike?” Aaron called, cautiously. “Are you okay?”

  Michael didn’t answer. He simply pushed away from the door. He swayed on his feet before managing to stumble down the pathway and to the next cottage.

  “Gotta get you inside,” he managed, before his breath hitched and he stopped in his tracks. His expression twisted in pain but still he staggered forward, just reaching the door. He thumped his fist against it. “Open up! Please!” he yelled. “I’ve got...I’ve got kids here. They need get–” He slumped against the door with a groan.

  “Uncle Mike!” Aaron rushed forward and grabbed him as he fell to the ground.

  With great effort, and the help of Sam and Rose, Aaron managed to get his uncle leaning against the door. Michael’s face was pale, sweat glistening on his forehead. His breathing was fast and shallow. Looking down, Aaron saw the reason. A large cut at his side was leaking blood. One of Michael’s hands was clutched around the wound, but that did nothing to stem the flow.

  Aaron felt his insides grow cold with horror.

  Michael reached out, holding on to Aaron’s shoulder to pull him close. “Get...out of here,” he panted with difficulty. “Get...indoors.” His eyes were losing focus. Aaron could see them glazing over in pain.

  “Uncle Mike?” Aaron called.

  “You...have” Michael’s hand fell from Aaron’s shoulder just as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

  “Uncle Mike!” Aaron yelled in panic. “No! No, no, no!”

  Sam was by his side, two fingers held against Michael’s neck to check for a pulse. “He’s alive, Aaron, he’s alive,” he said in a shaky voice. “He just lost consciousness.” He quickly unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off, leaving himself in his vest top. “Here,” he said. “Help me tie it around him, to stop the bleeding.

  Aaron, Sam and Rose wrapped Sam’s shirt around Michael’s middle, trying to stem the blood loss. Aaron’s heart was beating so fast he felt sick. He looked behind his shoulder to see the fierce battle still going on. They couldn’t just stay there with an unconscious Michael – they would be sitting ducks. But leaving his uncle alone and unprotected wasn’t an option either. Aaron turned to look to Sam and Rose before back to his uncle, coming to a difficult decision.

  “Help me lay him down,” he said.

  They pulled Michael to lie flat on the ground, just at the doorstep of the cottage. Aaron put both hands onto the ground next to his uncle.

  “Grow,” he commanded and before his eyes, the grass grew tall and thick. “Protect him,” Aaron instructed with desperation. “Keep him hidden.”

  The grass did as Aaron asked and grew tall enough to cover Michael’s slumped form. The entire front lawn of the cottage grew to match the rest. With a heavy heart, Aaron got up. He had no choice but to leave and hope no stray bullets or jolts from vamages caught his uncle.

  “Come on, hurry,” Aaron called to Sam and Rose before running back onto the street, going back to his original plan of getting onto the Gateway.

  He raced past the battle, using the skill Kyran had taught him to block and throw back the jolts that got too close. He had just deflected three ice spears that would have impaled him when he found a vamage’s attention shift to him. Aaron stopped in his tracks, breathing rapidly, eyes fixed on the bloodthirsty demon that was grinning at him. Aaron raised the gun Ella gave him and shot three rounds, all of which the vamage dodged. Aaron threw down the gun and raised his hands. A ripple tore its way across the ground, hitting the vamage and sending him flying backwards.

  “Aaron, move!”

  Sam’s yell was accompanied by a shove in the back and Aaron hit the ground, just missing the fireball that blazed past his cheek and ear. Aaron turned to see Sam and Rose had to jump aside to avoid the jolts three vamages were sending at them. Aaron was up on his feet in seconds. Two ripples blasted the vamages back. But now the attention had shifted to the two defenceless humans amidst the mages. Vamages turned to seek out the twins, grinning with delight, hunger lurking in their cold, cruel eyes. Aaron deflected the jolts that came towards his friends, but there were too many. Sam and Rose were forced to duck and dive to avoid being hit.

  The jolts drove Sam and Rose apart, so much so that Aaron realised he could only protect one of them.

  “Rose!” Aaron cried, seeing her pushed even further away from him and Sam by a mighty blast of air that threw her to the ground.

  His panicked gaze moved from Rose to seek out which vamage was targeting her so he could fight back. His eyes caught Kyran’s. For the briefest of moments, Kyran paused. Aaron felt his thudding heart bruise his ribs as he held Kyran’s gaze. A flicker of something crossed Kyran’s features before he looked away. His vivid green eyes moved to rest on Rose instead, just as she was picking herself up from the ground.

  It felt like time had slowed down when Rose looked up and found Kyran. They stared at the other as the battle raged around them. Then Kyran’s eyes darkened and his expression turned to fury. He pulled back his hand and threw out a stream of fire, straight at Rose.


  Broken Trust

  Aaron was sure his heart stopped when the flames raced towards Rose. She stood in stunned stupor, too shoc
ked at Kyran’s attack to move out of the way. Aaron’s scream bubbled in his throat but didn’t make it out in time. His hand lifted and aimed a ripple at Rose, to push her out of the way – but he was too late.

  Rose ducked but Kyran’s flames hit the ground before her feet. They spread out, encircling her, confining her inside a ring of fire. Aaron’s ripple died just as it reached the flames. Rose stood in the middle of the circle, staring in terror and confusion at what Kyran had done to her.

  Aaron turned, his fury made him lash out and the ground at Kyran’s feet cracked. The gap would have swallowed him whole if Kyran hadn’t jumped back in time.

  Sam belted towards his sister, screaming her name. Aaron was at his heels. Before they could reach the trapped Rose, a jolt of power came at her from a vamage. Trapped by the ring of fire, Rose could do nothing but duck to try to avoid it. The jolt was about to hit her crouched form when the flames surrounding her roared and shot upwards, forming a fiery wall that swallowed the jolt. Aaron came to a standstill, looking on in disbelief. Rose slowly stood up, staring at the flames that dropped back down to encircle her. They leapt up again to block an ice spear that came at her from the other side.

  Aaron turned to seek out Kyran, meeting his blazing gaze. Kyran only held Aaron’s eyes for a moment, before turning to fight the Hunters that had taken his moment of distraction to get close enough to attack.

  “Rose! Rose, oh my God.” Sam’s hysterical cries pulled Aaron’s attention. “I’ll get you out! Don’t worry, Rose, I’ll – I’ll get you out.” Sam was drowning in panic.

  “Sammy,” Rose yelled back, separated from her brother by the fire that leapt up the minute Sam got too close.

  “Sam! Sam, wait.” Aaron grabbed his arm, pulling him back from the flames. “She might be safer in there.”

  “Are you crazy?” Sam yelled, tears shining in his eyes. “It’s fire!”


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