Playing With Fire (Power of Four Book 2)

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Playing With Fire (Power of Four Book 2) Page 30

by SF Mazhar

  Aaron honestly didn’t know what to say.

  Skyler pulled Aaron close and whispered in his ear. “And if you’re up for it, I’ll teach you all you need to know about kicking demon ass when you come back.”

  Aaron pulled back to stare at him. “Will you still knock me around for no reason?”

  Skyler grinned. “Of course,” he replied, but the small wink told Aaron he was only messing. “I’ll see you soon,” Skyler said and turned to walk away.

  Aaron was left dumbfounded. He stared after Skyler until he walked over to wrap Armana in his arms again. Aaron found himself remembering what the Empath had said about Skyler, that everyone eventually warmed up to him. Aaron smiled. He would never have imagined it was actually true.


  Familiar Marks

  Aaron couldn’t sleep. Being back in Marwa, back in their house, felt strange without his dad. He lay in bed wondering how far his dad had got in his journey. Had he reached the Blade yet? Was he still travelling to retrieve it? How many Hunters had gone with him? What if he was attacked by Lycans again? Aaron let out a breath, fighting back the fear that was bubbling inside him. Another few minutes of worrying thoughts and Aaron gave up on sleep. He got out of bed and, as quietly as he could, he opened his door and crept downstairs.

  The house was dark and still. Aaron crossed the landing, heading to the front door. He figured sitting at the front steps in the open air might help calm his frantic mind. He was about to reach out and open the door when he heard his name whispered in the dark.


  He turned to find Rose sitting at the window, her silhouette visible in the limited light coming through from the lanterns outside.

  “Rose?” Aaron frowned. “What are you doing?”

  “Couldn’t sleep,” Rose replied. “What are you doing?”

  Aaron stepped away from the door. “Couldn’t sleep either.” He walked over and sat down on the wide window ledge beside her.

  “Must be one of those nights,” Rose said.

  Aaron took a moment to look at his friend. “I don’t think blaming the night is fair.”

  Rose had her knees drawn up, her arms wrapped around them. She let out a sigh and leant her head against the glass. “You’re right,” she said quietly. “I can’t blame the night.” She paused. “I should blame myself.”

  “Why are you saying that?” Aaron asked. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “Then why does it feel like I did?”

  Aaron knew exactly what she meant. He had felt like that too, when he met Kyran in the City of Hunda. Talking to Kyran instead of attacking him or raising the alarm felt like a condemnable act, but only afterwards. At the time, it felt somehow right.

  “Ever since I found out who he really was, all I wanted was to look him in the eye and ask him why,” she said. “Why didn’t he help my parents? Why didn’t he stop the attack?” She closed her eyes. “I never thought he’d give me the answer he did.”

  Aaron felt guilt stab at him. “I’m sorry, Rose,” he said. “I should have told you about meeting Kyran in Hunda, about him claiming that he was too late to help your mum and dad.”

  “What did he say to you?” Rose asked, leaning in towards him.

  “Pretty much what he told you,” Aaron replied. “He said that he didn’t arrive with the vamages, and by the time he got to your house, there was nothing he could do to help.”

  Rose looked at him with big eyes. “Do you believe him?” she asked.

  Aaron paused. He swallowed heavily and shrugged. “I honestly don’t know.”

  Rose pulled back, looking disappointed with his answer before turning away and staring out of the window again.

  “Do you?” Aaron asked.

  Rose didn’t speak for long minutes. When she finally did, her voice was little more than a whisper. “Yes.” She bit her lip and even the shadows couldn’t hide her pain. “I did, when I met him. I believed him. I want to believe him, more than anything.” She shook her head, her brow furrowed. “But there’s this voice in my head telling me what he said makes no sense.” She looked over at Aaron. “He said he couldn’t help my parents, but the vamages follow his every command. Why couldn’t he stop them? He said by the time he got to my house there was nothing he could do to help, but if he didn’t arrive with the vamages, then how did he know they were attacking us?”

  Aaron had asked Kyran the same thing, and Kyran hadn’t given him an answer. “I know,” he said. “It doesn’t add up.”

  Rose looked out of the window, curling tighter against it. “He was lying,” she said quietly. “He didn’t get there too late. He was there the whole time but he just didn’t help.” She let out a deep breath and closed her eyes. “God, I’m so stupid.”

  “You’re not stupid,” Aaron said at once. “You’re the furthest thing from stupid, Rose.”

  But Rose was shaking her head. “I am. I’m stupid for listening to him, stupid for falling for his lies again. I’m stupid for not shooting him when I had the chance!” She lifted both hands, pressing the heels against her eyes. “And I’m stupid because, despite everything, I can’t stop thinking about him,” she said in a broken voice. She dropped her hands into her lap, blinking tears out of her eyes. “I can’t forget him, Aaron. No matter how hard I try, no matter what I do, I can’t get him out of my head. I sleep with him on my mind and I wake up thinking about him. I find myself looking at Gates, waiting for him to walk in.” Her tears spilled slowly, drop by drop, down her cheeks.

  Aaron’s heart broke for her. He reached out and touched her leg. “Rose, don’t–”

  “I know Kyran’s just as responsible for my mum and dad’s murder as the vamages that killed them,” she said. “I know I should hate him. I should hate him with everything I have but...but I don’t.” She looked at Aaron with wide eyes. “Why can’t I hate him?” she asked. “I want to. God, I want to hate him so badly. I want him to pay for standing back and letting his vamages kill two innocent people. I want justice for my parents’ murder, but...but when I imagine Kyran facing execution, I feel like I can’t breathe.” She shook her head. “What kind of a daughter am I? I can’t stand the thought of him getting hurt when he let my parents die. What’s wrong with me?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with you,” Aaron said. “You’re confused, that’s all. Kyran saved your life. He looked out for you. That’s why you can’t hate him. And you’re not a vengeful person, Rose. I don’t think you could stand the thought of anyone getting hurt.”

  Rose sniffed, drying her tears with the ends of her sleeves before leaning her head back on the wall. She stared at the dark ceiling. “I wish someone could take away all the complications,” she said. “And I could just feel nothing for him.”

  Aaron nodded. “Yeah,” he agreed. “Me too.”


  Using the light of the lanterns that moved along with them overhead, Chris led his team of eight Hunters through the dark woods. Neriah had wanted more Hunters to accompany him, but Chris had outright refused. He still didn’t like the fact Neriah had underage mages trained as Hunters, so he had picked a handful of Hunters who were of age and asked Neriah to hold back the rest. Scott had assured him he would have back-up ready, should he need it.

  Chris trekked through the forest until he saw the gleaming white Gate that guarded the Blade of Adams. The Hunters around him gave appreciative hoots. Chris shook his head but he was smiling, knowing full well he had once been just as immature.

  “Come on,” he instructed. “We’ve not got the Blade yet. The celebration can wait.” They continued forward.

  It happened in a heartbeat.

  With a mighty roar, flames leapt up from the ground and spread out in a brilliant circle around the Hunters. Guns clicked behind Chris, as the Hunters searched the darkness to see who had trapped them.

  Two of the Hunters tackled the flames, extinguishing them. For the next few moments, they stood on the smoking ground, looking around th
e dark woods. They noticed the figure approaching them, walking calmly, ignoring the guns that had turned to him.

  When the stranger got close, the light of the lanterns washed over him, revealing his identity. Chris felt his chest seize with pain. The Hunters behind him shifted, drawing closer, guns aimed.

  Kyran smiled and came to stop in front of the Hunters, his eyes on Chris. “Christopher Adams,” he said quietly. “Out for an evening walk? You might want to go in the other direction.”

  Chris didn’t say anything. His gun was in its holster, his sword in its sheath. His belt was lined with daggers. They were still on this side of the Gate, so they could use their powers – and Chris had all the strength of the mighty earth at his beck and call. And yet Chris felt defenceless, because the one he had to fight looked so much like the younger brother he had loved and lost.

  “You shouldn’t have come here,” Chris said.

  “I could say the same to you,” Kyran returned.

  “It’s my Blade,” Chris said. “Why shouldn’t I come to claim it?”

  Kyran smiled. “Why?” he asked. “Let’s see. How about because you didn’t give a damn and ran out on this realm fourteen years ago?” The green of his eyes darkened. “Is that reason enough?”

  “No,” Chris said. “It isn’t.” He stepped forward and lifted a hand, gesturing for Kyran to move. “Step aside.”

  Kyran smiled. “I was here first.”

  “I think you’re missing something,” Chris said. “There’s nine of us and only one of you. If you don’t back down, you’re going to have a problem.”

  Kyran raised an eyebrow. “Is that right?” he asked.

  White clouds hit the ground on either side of Kyran. Out from the swirling mist stepped a whole crowd of vamages. Chris swore under his breath. Their numbers easily outmatched the Hunters three to one. Chris looked back at Kyran, who met his eyes and smirked.

  “Looks like you’re the one with the problem now.”


  Aaron was still sitting with Rose, comforting her, when he heard someone coming down the stairs. The lamps flickered to life and Aaron saw his mum standing mid-staircase, staring at them. She looked from Aaron to Rose, before her expression softened.

  “Can’t sleep, either?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” Aaron replied.

  He should’ve expected his mum to be awake. With her husband away to collect one of the most powerful weapons of the realm, she was bound to be a little nervous and anxious for his safe return. Aaron could see his mum had no intention of sleeping until his dad came home. It was the middle of the night and she was still in her day clothes.

  Kate came down the stairs, wearing a smile. “Come on, then,” she said. “I’ll make us a hot drink.”

  She headed into the kitchen and started bustling around, putting the kettle on and setting out three mugs. Aaron and Rose followed her in and sat down at the table. Aaron noticed a box on the floor, near the front legs of the table.

  “How about some camomile tea?” Kate asked. “It’s very calming and can help you fall asleep.”

  Rose nodded. “Thank you, Mrs Adams.”

  “Mum?” Aaron called. “What’s in that box?”

  Kate paused. She turned and glanced at the square box before meeting Aaron’s eyes. She smiled but Aaron could see the pain behind it.

  “I was trying to be brave,” she said. “I’ve been meaning to clear out some of...of Ben’s things.” She walked over. “I started this evening, after all of you went to bed.” She sat down at the table. “Suffice to say I didn’t get very far.” She attempted a smile but it fooled neither Aaron nor Rose. “I managed to pack one box, and then spent the next few hours looking through his things.”

  Aaron’s heart ached. He wasn’t used to seeing his mum like this. She was the strong, strict one. Until now, Aaron had never understood that behind her strength was her greatest weakness, that her smile was to hide her tears and that her discipline was her way of keeping him safe.

  He reached out and held her hand. She looked grateful for the gesture, and gave his hand a little squeeze. Aaron looked at the box.

  “Can I?” he asked.

  Kate looked surprised and then smiled, a glint of excitement in her eyes. She quickly let go of his hand and lifted the box, setting it on the table. She opened the flaps and looked inside, as if deciding what to take out first. She reached in and pulled out a few framed photos.

  Aaron laughed. “You had them in his room too?”

  Kate looked almost offended. “What’s wrong with that?” she asked. “He liked having pictures in his room.”

  “How do you know, Mum?” Aaron smiled.

  “Trust me,” Kate said, “if Ben didn’t like something, he would let you know.”

  Aaron chuckled, shaking his head. He reached out and picked up the first framed picture. He stared at the image of Ben – the cute baby with dark hair and perfect blue eyes – sitting on Chris’s lap. Kate was by their side. They looked like the happiest family in the world. Aaron gazed at it for long minutes, seeing the joy on his mum’s young face and the bliss on his equally youthful-looking dad.

  Rose leant in to have a look and Aaron handed her the frame. She took it and smiled at the picture.

  Aaron lifted the next frame. It was a photo taken outside, at the table of Marwa. Seated on top of the table were two little boys. One was Ben, the other was a blond-haired boy. Both looked no more than two years old. Sitting at the table, next to Ben, was Chris with his arms around his son. A young man, with hair so blond it looked white, was doing the same to the other boy, across the table.

  “Can you guess who this is?” Kate asked with a smile, pointing at the blond-haired baby.

  Aaron stared at the smiling face and clear blue eyes.

  “Oh my God.” Rose stared at the photo. “Is that Skyler?”

  “Yep,” Kate laughed. “It’s Skyler Avira.”

  Aaron held the photo closer, even as Rose tried tugging it towards herself.

  “Let me see it.”

  “Hold on,” Aaron grinned. “Let me have a proper look.”

  There was no denying it. Skyler was a darn cute baby. Both Skyler and Ben looked adorable in their small shorts and sandals. Their bare chests and rosy cheeks told how hot the day must have been.

  Aaron’s gaze moved from Skyler to the man behind him. He had his hands around Skyler’s waist, supporting him in case he fell. There was a wide smile on his face as he looked at Skyler with warm blue eyes. There was no question about who he was but Aaron still asked, to be sure.

  “That’s Joseph, right? Skyler’s dad?”

  Kate nodded, her smile small and sad. “Yeah,” she said quietly. “That was Joseph.” She took in a big breath. “A world apart from his son.”

  Aaron looked at the picture of baby Skyler and smiled. “He’s not all that bad, once you get to know him.”

  “Here, let me show you something else.” Kate took the frame from Aaron, putting it flat on the table. “Look.” She pointed at someone in the background of the photo. Just to the left of the picture, behind Skyler’s dad, was a woman. A very familiar woman. Aaron was certain he had seen her before, but he couldn’t figure out where.

  “Any guesses as to who she is?” Kate asked. Both Aaron and Rose stared at the woman with a little girl in her arms. “That,” Kate tapped the photo, “was Lily Afton, Ella’s mother.”

  Aaron realised he had seen her photo on Alaina’s wall. She had been standing next to Neriah, next to her brother.

  “Ella looks so much like her mum,” Rose said, staring at the picture. “Wow, she’s beautiful.”

  “Yeah,” Kate said. “Lily really was beautiful, inside and out.”

  “Is that Ella?” Rose asked, pointing at the little girl in Lily’s arms.

  “It is,” Kate confirmed.

  “Oh man.” Rose smiled and picked up the frame, holding it close to examine it carefully. “I can’t wait to show Sam.”

sp; Aaron looked at the photo: at Ella with her mother, Skyler with his father and his dad with Ben. He didn’t want to think about how each pair was left broken. Instead, he focused on the smiles and the joy the picture had captured, at a time when all the Elementals were together, living in the City of Marwa.


  The fight wasn’t a fair one. There were too many vamages and not enough Hunters. The darkness of the forest was lit up with gunshots and fireballs. Kyran hadn’t stayed for the fight. He had instructed his vamages to ‘deal’ with the Hunters but not to kill them, before moving towards the Gate.

  Chris fought valiantly, taking on two, three, even four vamages at a time. He knocked them out, using the darkness to his advantage by throwing trees at them that they couldn’t see coming. The Hunters with him were holding their ground, using their powers and familiars to fight the vamages.

  Chris got a moment’s pause in fighting and turned to the glowing Gate. His heart leapt in his chest when he saw Kyran about to reach it. Chris grabbed the pendant dangling from the chain around his neck.

  “Scott! Where’s your back-up?”

  “They’ve passed through the portal,” came Scott’s reply. “They’ll be there any second.”

  “Kyran’s about to drop the Gate,” Chris said. “I can’t wait for the Hunters. I need to stop him.”

  Chris ignored Scott’s warning for him to hold on and wait for the new team of Hunters to reach them, and ran towards Kyran. He saw Kyran lift his hand, about to touch the Gate. He frowned with surprise. He’d been sure the Scorcher would drop the Gate, not simply try to open it. Chris raced forward and raised a hand, taking aim.


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