Branded Wings

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Branded Wings Page 7

by S. I. Hayes

  “Some days.” Was I flirting? I composed myself, taking my thermos and coffee into the back, past him. Keegan would have my ass if he saw that display or the redness of my cheeks. I took a few deep breaths and opened the thermos, taking a long hard sip. As I licked back the bits of now warmer blood I heard a laugh come from Kendall.

  “Full of surprises. I knew you were Otherkind, but I would have never guessed Vampire.”

  “I-” I stared, embarrassed and curious. “How did you- “

  “Know? Well, I could smell the blood. Since it’s Human and not Fey, it was an easy conclusion, seeing as you don’t look or smell like you come from the Underdark.” He smiled, turning down the stove and retrieving the macaroons from the oven, seeing the ever mounting questions on my face. “You’re new to this world, huh? I’m what they call a Cŵn Annwn. Similar to a Werewolf, but just a little different as we are not ruled by the moon. We are Fey, typically soldiers to the Kings of the Unseelie Court. When needed, we are called to the hunt. Nowadays, mostly, we just like to fuck around and suck the marrow out of this life. I like to cook. So here I am.”

  I smiled. “Well, we have that in common at least. Listen, Sandy doesn’t know about me. I’d like to keep it that way. Lord knows how he would react, and I don’t want any issues.”

  “No problem. We work, we play and look the other way. It’s a saying we have from back home, and couldn’t be more fitting, today.”


  Chapter 17 Sig

  WHEN I GOT BACK FROM my run, Keegan was dressed and waiting for me on the front stoop, keys in his hand. I’d gone running so that I could gain my focus. These last few weeks had flown by and soon we would be back into the thick of the issues at Grigori. Keegan hadn’t really brought it up. Not since he had decided that rebuilding his play rooms and the carriage house was his priority. I understood he needed the place to vent, and take out his stress, but I also knew we had more pressing issues. Like who had facilitated his kidnapping in the first place? Charles couldn’t have been acting alone and if Rumor Amity wasn’t the brains, then who was? The ride up to the big house would take about forty-five minutes, no time like the present to bring up all my thoughts, since I had him contained and without Ryane.

  “Hey Boss, seeing as registration for our classes is next week, followed by the freshman inductions, have you given any thoughts to what we are going to be doing?” I stared straight ahead as though my question was commonplace and not a questioning of his motives as my master.

  He wiped at the corner of his eye, looking sideways at me. “I have been looking into some things. Did you know that Claudette disappeared right after I was taken? According to my father, Greisen made the call to her the night it happened, and the women that were sent were laced in Werewolf venom. It’s how they took me down.” He stared at me, waiting for my response, which was a bristling of my scales along my arm.

  “Greisen? That son of a bitch. I knew those fucking Calder’s were in it to their eyebrows.”

  Keegan shook his head. “Leonas will deny it, and rally around him. As there is no proof, there is little we can do without finding Claudette, she will tell us who she was working for. I have my father working on it as well as a few other things unrelated. I think that we need to keep an eye on that bunch and that includes Gage when he returns from the break. I know Ryane said he was helpful in my rescue, but he’s way too chummy with the rest of them. It may turn out to be nothing, personally I don’t think Greisen has the balls to outright attack me.”

  “Maybe not, but if he’s got help it might bolster him to action.” I gritted my teeth. All I wanted to do was get my hands on that weasel. “Let’s face it, you’ve let him control the Deviant Class for far too long and it’s gone to his head.”

  “Agreed, that’s why my first order of business when we get back on campus is to relieve him and Collette of their positions as the Deviant Class Representatives.”

  “That’s going to piss them both off. Who are you putting in their place?”

  “Why, you and Ryane of course.”


  “You. For a multitude of reasons. Firstly, I trust you, and frankly, you could use some softer attention that doesn’t come from my fiancé.”

  “Well, if it works, it won’t take long for those two to snap. It will make being your Guardian difficult though. Won’t I be expected to do all the social shit he was doing?”

  Keegan nodded. “You will, which will make me seem more vulnerable, but I’ve got that covered. Doing this, you are acting as my First Guard. You are responsible for my wellbeing and my interests. Well, keeping the Deviant Class together is my largest interest, next to Ryane.”

  I nodded. “Guess all those years of law school are gonna pay off, should you find yourself in any trouble.” I held to the wheel tightly. “Never thought I’d have to be pushed into having a social life.”

  Keegan gripped my shoulder. “Hey, if you manage to have a little fun in the process, no one will begrudge you it. Especially not me or Ryane.”

  I thought back to that girl, Aella, from the coffee shop. Images of her round little ass in those tight black jeans had gotten me through a rough night or two over the summer and I wondered if she would ever cross my path again.

  “You have that distant look again. Where did you go?” Keegan laughed. “If I didn’t know you better, I’d say you were in love.”

  I smiled, she was lovely, but I didn’t know her, or anything about her. “Nah, just rolling it over in my head about Greisen, and wondering how Ryane is doing on her first day back on the job.”

  “Well, so long as she doesn’t try to eat the staff or the customers, I’d say she’ll be just fine. I sent her off with a thermos of blood, spiked with a little bit of synthetic as well, so she should stay good and calm most of the day.”

  “I was curious about that, I know it’s not my business, but the synthetic was made for a reason. Just because you had issues doesn’t mean she will.”

  “I’m going to slowly introduce her to it. The hallucinogenic qualities it can have, take some getting used to.”

  “You seem to have it all worked out, boss.”

  “Yes, it does seem that way, doesn’t it? Let’s just hope it stays that way.”

  WHEN WE ARRIVED AT the big house on the cliff, it was busy with movement. King Herlihy’s hired Guardians scoured the grounds, making sure that the construction crew didn’t stray into the main house. They were heavily armed and deadly as sin. When we approached, we were stopped at the gate that had been recently installed. From now on, no one got by without first stopping at the gate and showing proper I.D. Of course, one look at Keegan and we were allowed inside, his resemblance to his father easily seen. We drove up the winding path and he smiled for the first time in a while.

  “It’s perfect.” His eyes scanned the grounds in full bloom, the new white stucco already beginning to be covered in brightly flowered vines. The last time we were out here had been two weeks ago and they had only just started the facial, now the exterior was complete. He had the window removed and the place seemed like a large box. His new toy chest, as it were.

  “The inside? Have they begun it yet?” he asked the foreman who was shouting up at the workers who were painting the trim a pale ocher to match the big house.

  “Yes, Sir, you should be able to move in your supplies by next week. All that’s left to do is paint and move in the items you have on back order and in the garage proper.”

  Keegan nodded, he looked like a kid in a candy store, his eyes wide as he headed for the entranceway. He needed, no doubt, to inspect it for himself.

  Chapter 18 Aella

  “OH, MUST I WEAR THIS ridiculous thing?” I stared at myself in the mirror. I wore a dark red, backless dress, the halter top pulling my cleavage up into my chin as it cradled the girls in an overly obvious way. Unable to wear a bra with it, my embarrassment was secured in a permanent nipple stand. I tried to slouch and hide in the miniscule fold
s made by the action, only to be smacked on my ass by my mother for it.

  “You and your sister Marigold are being presented to the Leanan Sidhe and their accompanying troop tonight. They have come to assess Marigold’s prowess in earth magics. If she is deemed capable they will accept her into the Unseelie Court as a maiden of the hills. This is important, you know we, your father and I, have no union with the courts, so for you, our blessed and beautiful ones, it is fortunate to be chosen.”

  “But must I show so much of me to them? This dress barely has a hemline to speak of, and look at how I am presented. I look slutty.”

  “You look like the Fey you were raised as, but it’s time you begin to embrace your Dragon self as well.”

  “What if I’m afraid?” I barely spoke the question, but it had to be asked.

  “Fear will get you nowhere fast, child. You will be brilliant as a shining star and all will look upon you in fascination and awe. You are one of two Dragonborn within the realm of the Fey. That is reason enough to be celebrated.”

  “I love you Mother.” I bent down and she put her forehead against mine with a short smile.

  “Now, you will be presented tonight and you will stand proud. Understood?”

  “Yes, Mother.”

  A knock came to the door and Enrich slipped his auburn head inside. Looking over us with a sweep of his baby blue eyes, he smiled shortly. “Well, you look pretty good.”

  “Thanks... I think,” I mumbled.

  “Enrich, what have you come to your sister’s room for?” Mother asked, walking toward him.

  “We have a visitor who’d like to address you and Father.”

  “Really? Who would come so close to the feast?” She had a curious tone in her voice. “Come child.” She waved me on and I followed obediently.

  We arrived in the receiving room to see Father serving a cup of tea to a very tall platinum blonde man. My hackles went up and the scales on my arm began to tingle to the surface as soon as I set eyes on him. I stopped, feeling as though he may be dangerous to us. I grabbed Mother by the arm, gently pulling her back.

  “Stop child,” she insisted, pulling away. “Your Majesty.” She curtsied.

  His attention was pulled to us, and he set violet eyes upon my lowered mother. “You needn’t bow; I am not your King after all.”

  “It is customary to bow to any King, especially if he has designs to arrange a match within the family.”

  My heart tightened. This was the Vampire King, Lord Teague. Father to the one they intended to marry my sister off to, no wonder I thought him a threat.

  “Yes, it is about that for which I am here.” He sighed, looking me up and down. “You have a second Dragonborn in the house?”

  “Yes, Aella is our eldest adoptive daughter. You have come to see Marigold, however.” Kiva, our father added as King Teague approached me.

  “You are not branded yet?” He walked around me, inspecting me with his intense eyes. I wanted to fold into myself, and I could feel the itch in my back. I closed my eyes, remembering the damage I had done on the plane, and took several deep breaths before I answered.

  “No, Sire. I have not chosen a master or mistress, yet.”

  He came around to my face again and stared into me. “And why not? You are young and strong, now would be ideal.”

  “I-” I felt as though I had to tell him the truth, my throat burned with the lie I’d been keeping. “I do not want a master.” It was barely audible, but there it was, my truth. I was a Dragon who wanted nothing of her magics.

  “You’d deny yourself to keep yourself?” He smiled, gently touching my back. “Your secrets are safe by me, child,” he whispered, and the sensation that he had grasped my lance ran down my spine.

  I gasped, arching toward him, but he steadied me with a hand to my abdomen. “There are always ways to have both.” He kissed my cheek tenderly, releasing me.

  I leaned back on my heels to regain my focus, as he turned back to my parents. “There will be no marriage,” he announced solemnly. “I had hoped to arrange it better, but I understand that the girl is to be given to the Unseelie tonight.”

  “That had always been the plan for her, your Majesty. We never denied it.” Father retorted, a fist clenching in anger, which King Teague easily saw, but seemed to ignore.

  “Fetch me the girl,” he demanded, looking to my brothers. They nodded, bowing out of the room, as Mother stood by and watched at a distance.

  “What? Stop pushing!” I could hear Mary as she was being dragged down the hallway. “I’ll come, just tell me what-” She shut up, seeing the King. “Wh-Who are you?”

  “This is Lord Teague, High King to the Vampire clans.” Our father pulled her to them. “My Lord, this is our daughter Marigold, Slighfodt.

  She stood stiffly, her eyes lowered as he tilted down toward her. His height making him easily the largest in the room, next to me. Even my brothers weren’t quite six feet. This man, this beast was well over that. He lifted her face by the chin, looking deeply into her eyes with a nod.

  “She is lovely, to be sure, but my son has gone and blooded his soul mate. They are to be joined in marriage and immortal life.”

  “I- I’m not to marry your son?” A smile teased at her lips even as she tried to hide it.

  “Something tells me you don’t rightly care child. Tell me true, were you looking forward to marrying at such a tender age?”

  “No Sir!” She almost shouted, then covered her mouth, she couldn’t help her enthusiasm, making our parents frown.

  “Then I have not slighted you, in coming here to tell you this?”

  “No, Sire.” She smiled. “You have saved me today!” She hugged him and he laughed, letting her have the embrace. “I- Oh, I’m sorry. I hope I do not offend you in not wanting your son either.”

  “It is no offense, you are young, you are spirited, you are beautiful. The Leanan Sidhe will be most fortunate to have you. Your sister, on the other hand, I think she may have another path to follow.” He looked to me and I could feel his hands on me again, making me shudder as he nodded.

  “I will be at the festivities; I do hope you lovely ladies will indulge me in a dance. That includes you Jessamine.”

  My mother wrapped her arm around Father. “I don’t see why not. You’ve made a happy girl of our daughter after all.”

  “I’ve a car full of savory butters and heavy cream outside for you and your family. I do hope it will help to ease your burdens.” With a bow to us, the King made his leave, so that we could finish preparing for the Great Feast.

  I WAS ESCORTED BY ADRIAN into the Great Hall of Festivities, and Mary was escorted by Enrich as was the custom of the Fey. Like always attracted like and if it had not been for the fortune that we had been raised as siblings, they would have paired Adrian and I off long ago, but with my status as a Half-blood still being whispered, they had stayed with caution and kept us in our places. I was glad for it. I loved Adrian as a brother, I could never imagine taking him to my bed, although I often wonder if he feels the same.

  The High Court rarely attended these things, but tonight was different. The Leanan Sidhe were High Officials of the Unseelie Court. They were the Faery Mistresses, to men. Giving them inspiration even as they absorbed the very life of them. Those chosen to their beds became great men, but lived only a handful of years within their passionate possession. It was this darker side to these women that made them members of the Unseelie. The malevolence of the feeding ritual, and the presence of death around them, called them to the Winter Court.

  She was here to see Mary, as she had been exhibiting the behavior of her kind. Mary’s song and spirit called to men and held sway over them.

  Mary held my hand as we looked around. “Where are Mother and Father?” she questioned, alarm filling her voice.

  “I don’t know, but we must keep our heads up and act accordingly.”

  She squeezed my hand as Enrich pulled her toward a group of people dressed in deep ri
ch red. Very similar in color to my dress, I noted. They looked past her, to me. The tallest of them leaned into one of the surrounding members to whisper. A nod came in response and the group parted themselves before the pair.

  “Adrian? Who is that?” I nodded toward them as they approached. The smaller one dropping her hood to reveal long blonde hair and pale blue green eyes.

  “That is Collette Wourdwize Athame, daughter to the Muses. They say she is here with the Leanan Sidhe as a favor. She actually lives just outside Boston.”

  “Really? She’s so pretty.” I suddenly felt insecure in my nothing of a gown as she smiled up at me. Her companion lowered his hood and pushed back his dirty blonde hair, a smirk now on his face as well.

  “You are the Dragonborn’s, yes?” Collette asked, staring up at me.

  Adrian bowed, pulling me down with him. “We are, my Lady Athame.”

  “Your Lady? Did you hear that Greisen? He called me his Lady.” She smirked as I looked up at her and at the man with her. I righted myself. They couldn’t be much older than I was. At least not from the looks of them.

  “I did hear it, my pet.” The one called Greisen wrapped an arm around her, pulling her into him. “A little birdie also told me that this one is headed for Grigori soon.”

  I shifted in my space, they knew far too much about me already. I didn’t like it. I wanted to get as far from them as possible.

  “Now, now.” Collette slipped her arm through mine. “You can’t just run off! I’m in charge of the freshman Deviant Class, if you are going to join us, you’ll need a friend like me... Like us.”

  Greisen had sidled up to my other side, effectively separating me from my brother. I looked at him desperately, but he shrugged, waving me off and heading for the stage where I finally spied not only my parents but also King Teague. I could hear my sister as she was made to sing.

  “I must go and pay my respects to the Lord and Lady.” I tried to pull from them, but Collette squeezed my hand and I suddenly felt more at ease. What was she doing to me? I wondered and where were they leading me?


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