Sainte: Knights of Silence MC

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Sainte: Knights of Silence MC Page 19

by Amy Cecil

  “Well, look at this. Mr. Impatience has changed his tune.” I laugh.

  “Hey, when we’re talking about my kids survival, I have all the patience in the world.”

  “Yeah, I guess I get that.” I walk to the fridge and grab a beer.

  “Come on, Emma has been asking about you. She wants to see you,” Ice says.

  We walk into the living room, where Emma is all situated on the couch. She has a blanket over her and is sitting up, chatting with Honey. She looks 100 percent better than she did the early morning when she was taken out of here on a stretcher. Holy fuck, I’ll never forget that night as long as I live.

  She spots me and says, “Sainte!” She is beaming.

  “Hey there, beautiful!” I say. “Motherhood agrees with you.”

  “Thank you.” She smiles.

  I lean in and give her a kiss on the cheek. “You scared the living hell out of all of us. You know that?”

  “I know. But look, I’m fine, and Aiden and Cadi are getting stronger every day,” she says proudly.

  “Well thank fuck for that,” I reply.

  “Sainte!” Honey admonishes me.


  She hits my arm. “Language.”

  I roll my eyes. They are being ridiculous. Do they really think a bunch of bikers, for whom swearing is a part of their daily life, will stop because of a couple of babies? I shake my head. Not happening.

  “Really, are you gonna start that? The babies aren’t even here.”

  “Well, they will be soon. Practice.”

  I roll my eyes again. “Whatever.”

  “You know, not that I want my kids’ first words to be the F-bomb, but really, around this club, it would not surprise me if they were.” Emma laughs. “Thank you, Honey, but I doubt we can stop it.”

  That’s what I’m sayin’. At least Emma is not expecting miracles. And I realize by the huge smile on her face, she already got her miracle.

  Honey smirks. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “Hey, before I forget,” Emma says and then turns toward Ice. “Caden?”

  He walks toward her, and she grabs his hand, “Cade and I would like the two of you to be Aiden’s godparents. We’ve already asked Rebel and Ari to be Cadi’s godparents.” She waits and then says, “Please.”

  Tears well in Honey’s eyes. Why in the hell is she crying? “Oh, Emma, we would be honored,” she says, and I realize she is touched. Chicks, they’re so emotional. I guess I kinda expected it. I mean Rebel, Ari, and I are all kin to the kids. And Honey goes with me. Oh well, I guess we all just think differently.

  They look at me.

  “Oh, hell yeah. Uncle Sainte can teach them a thing or two.”

  They both laugh.

  “You’re not their uncle,” Honey states.

  “Nope,” Emma says, “just cousins, but to my kids, you will always be Uncle Sainte.” She turns toward Honey. “And you will always be Aunt Honey.”

  Tara walks over and says, “Excuse me, Emma, can I get you anything?”

  Emma smiles. “I’m doing good right now, but I’m a little tired.” She looks up at Ice, “I think I would like to go lie down for a bit.”

  Without a word, he steps in and lifts her, cradling her in his arms. He carries her up the stairs to her room.

  Chapter 29

  The Wedding


  The last four weeks have been a complete whirlwind. Between getting the club up and running to planning Emma and Ice’s wedding, I haven’t had a chance to breathe, let alone think about getting high. The good news is I am so perfectly content with my life that I never want to go back there again. I always believed Ice was my hero and Hawk was my rock. I love both of them in so many ways, but there is only one man I can call my hero, my rock, my love: Sainte. He has been everything for me, and he is the reason I am here now, freaking out about a wedding I put together, hoping all goes well, and running the hottest club in Pennsylvania. Life is good.

  Brianne comes running up to me, and trying to catch her breath, she says, “Honey, Emma just arrived.”

  I look at my watch. “Right on time.” I look down at my clipboard. “Take her to my room. Don’t forget the blindfold. I don’t want her to see any of this until she walks down that aisle.” I pause. “Oh, and make sure Ice doesn’t see her. It’s—”

  “Bad luck, I know.”

  I laugh.

  “I got this.” She heads for the door.

  I turn and walk into the kitchen. As much as I wanted to do the cooking for the wedding, I couldn’t organize and cook. I’m good, but Wonder Woman I’m not. So I hired a caterer. Ice told me he didn’t want to spare any expense for Emma’s special day. I giggle when I remember I had to remind him it was his special day too.

  “How are we doing, ladies?” I ask.

  The chief chef—I can’t remember her name for the life of me—says, “We’re all good in here. No worries.”

  “Good to know.” I walk back out to the common area of the clubhouse and stare. We have totally transformed this place, and I am amazed at how beautiful it looks. All the couches and furniture have been taken out to the storage shed. A white sheet lines the stairs that come down each side, and it meets in the center of the room and joins each other down the aisle.

  At the end of the aisle, there is a wooden arch covered in sterling roses and lilies. When Emma said she wanted purple roses, I thought she was nuts. First of all, I had never seen purple roses, but then she educated me on sterling roses, and I have to say, they are beautiful. The purple against the white is stunning.

  Chairs are set up on each side of the alter. We only had room for 160 chairs, so we really had to narrow the guest list. So many Chapters had to be left out, but Ice made calls to them all, stating we were limited on room but would throw a huge after-wedding party once the kids got home.

  The best part of the decorations are the lights. There are strings of lights hanging from the ceiling tiles, which give the impression of a forest of lights. I sigh. It really is beautiful.

  I feel a presence behind me and warm breath on my neck. “Hey, beautiful,” he says as he places light kisses on my neck. I lean back into him.

  “Hey,” I say breathlessly.

  He wraps his arms around me. “Everything looks fantastic, babe.”

  I look up at him. “You really think so? Do you think Ice and Emma will like it?”

  “They will love it.” He gives me a squeeze and then releases me.

  “So what’s next on my list?”

  I look at my clipboard. “Ice.”

  “You got it,” he says and turns to head up the back stairs toward Ice’s room.

  I call after him. “Don’t step on the white carpet.” I giggle as I watch him try to avoid the white sheet that has been placed on the steps.

  I text Spike, Ryder, Doc, and Dbag.

  Guests will be arriving soon.

  Each one responds.

  On my way

  Be there in five

  Right behind you.

  I turn and see Ryder standing right behind me. “Guests will be arriving soon. You know what you need to do.”

  Spike and Doc and Dbag arrive. “I’m gonna go upstairs with Emma. You boys got this?”

  Ryder replies, “We got this, Honey.”

  I reluctantly turn to leave. It is so hard to let go, but they know what to do. I need to trust that they got this.

  When I get to my room, I hear Emma crying. Oh no, what’s happened? I open the door and rush in. “Emma, what’s wrong.”

  “Nothing, everything’s perfect,” she says through her sobs.

  “Then why are you crying?” I ask.

  “I don’t know,” she wails.

  I can’t help but laugh. Brianne just finished her hair and is getting ready to do her makeup.

  “I know.” She’s still crying.

  I pat her on the shoulder, and her tears seem to subside. “You need to stop crying, hun, so Brianne can get your
makeup on.”

  She nods, wipes the tears from her eyes, draws her shoulders back, and looks in the mirror. “Okay, Bri, I’m ready. No more tears.”

  Brianne begins, and I watch her beautiful face become flawless. She looks like a china doll.

  When Brianne is done, I say, “Look at you. You look beautiful.”

  She’s always been beautiful, but there is something about a bride on her wedding day that makes her radiant.

  I look down at my watch. It’s six thirty. “Ready to get dressed?” I ask, pointing at my watch. “Guests are arriving, and you have a half an hour before the ceremony begins.”

  “Has anyone seen Caden?”

  “Yes, he arrived about an hour ago and went straight to his room. Rebel and Sainte are with him.”

  She takes a deep breath. “Good.” Was she actually worried he wouldn’t show up? I wasn’t worried, and surprisingly enough, I didn’t hope for it either.

  Tara goes to the closet and grabs Emma’s dress. Tara and Ari help her get it on. Emma could not have picked a better dress for herself. She decided to go with off-white. It’s a silhouette A-line princess style with a V neckline and no sleeves. The fabric is silk and tulle, with beautiful appliques around the bodice and down the front and a sweep/brush train. It’s simple and elegant and oh so stunning. When they get it on her, she takes my breath away.

  “Beautiful,” I say.

  “Thank you, Honey. Thank you for all you’ve done for me and Cade.” She looks around the room. “All of you, thank you.”

  “It’s been my pleasure, Emma. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.” I’m so glad I was able to work through all my shit. Jealousy is an evil thing and can completely destroy someone. I’m so thankful Sainte helped me to realize all the feelings I had been harboring were a waste of time.

  “Brianne, hurry, you need to get dressed now. It’s almost time.”

  “Oh yes, I almost forgot I am the maid of honor.”

  We all giggle as Brianne rushes to get dressed. Ari and I are bridesmaids, but we’re already dressed.

  A few minutes go by, and there is a knock at the door. I answer it, and there is an older couple standing there. “You must be Emma’s parents.”

  Mr. Baylee smiles and says, “Yes, may we come in?”

  I look around to make sure Brianne is dressed and then open the door. “Mom, Dad,” Emma says.

  “Oh my goodness, look at my baby girl,” Mrs. Baylee says as she rushes to her daughter.

  “Don’t make her cry,” Brianne quickly states.

  “You look radiant,” her dad says and gives her a big hug.

  “Emma dear, I just have to ask you one question.” Her mom fidgets with the gloves in her hand. “Is this what you really want? Is this”—she looks around disapprovingly—“biker life really the life you want?”

  “Jane, you promised,” Emma’s father says.

  “Oh, William, I just have to be sure. You and I both know this is not the life we would have chosen for our Emma.” Emma’s mother sounds like a first-class snob, and as much as I try, I don’t like her. I text Sainte because I have to vent to someone.

  “What’s important is that Emma is happy. She has loved Caden all her life. If this is the life she wants, then by God, this is the life she’s gonna get.”

  I really like her dad.

  “Mom,” Emma says, joining their discussion. “This is the life I want and the life I choose. I can’t even begin to imagine a life without Caden. And we have two children, your grandchildren. Don’t you think their parents deserve to be happy?”

  Her mother shakes her head, still not convinced her daughter is happy. What the hell does Emma have to do, swear it on a stack of Bibles? The woman is irritating me, and I decide enough is enough. “Mrs. Baylee, it’s almost time. Could you please make your way downstairs and have one of the boys show you to your seat?”

  She gives me a disapproving look and says, “Well yes, if you insist.”

  I smile sweetly. “In fact I do.”

  She turns and stomps off.

  After she leaves the room, Emma’s dad says, “Don’t you go worrying about her, sweetheart. She’ll get over it.”

  “I know, Dad, I just don’t know why she has to be that way.”

  “She’ll never change.” Her dad shakes his head.

  “Okay, guys, it’s time,” I say, interrupting.

  “Are ya ready?” He holds his arm out for her to take. She takes a deep breath, nods, and wraps her arm around his.

  Just as they are getting ready to leave, Ari walks up to Emma and says, “Thank you for loving my brother. I’ve always looked to you as a big sister, and now it’s really happening.”

  “Oh darn, Ari, don’t make me cry.” She gives Ari a hug and says, “Loving your brother is the easy part, and it’s an honor to call you my sister.”

  Ari hugs her back. Emma then gets herself together, and we all make our way toward the stairs. I send a quick text to Sainte, letting him know we are ready.

  Meanwhile at the other end of the clubhouse…


  “Emma is gonna be fucking pissed.”

  “Ice, she’s marrying a biker. I’m sure she is not expecting you to appear in a penguin suit. Besides, the gray shirt is a nice touch,” Rebel says.

  He looks at himself in the mirror. He’s got on black dress pants, a gray button-down shirt, a tie, and his cut. Personally, I think he looks better than most bikers at their weddings, but who am I to judge? “I think you look great,” I say reassuringly. The man is a nervous wreck, and frankly I am not sure why. Does this happen to all grooms on their wedding day?

  “Rebel, you got the rings?”

  “Rings, what rings?”

  Oh, Rebel, this is not the time to tease him.

  Ice turns toward him and glares. He raises his hands, both rings dangling from his fingers. “Sorry, just thought a little humor would help ease the tension.”

  “That’s not humor, asshole,” Ice retorts. He paces the room. “And Emma, she’s here, right?”

  “Ice, will you fuckin’ relax? Yes Emma is here, and I just received a text from Honey that they are ready and waiting to begin.”

  “Did her mom and dad arrive?”

  “Yes, they got here about fifteen minutes ago. Honey says her mom is a bitch.”

  Ice smirks. “You can say that again.”

  “Hey, by the way, you owe me a hundred bucks,” I say to Ice.

  He looks at me curiously. “What the fuck for?”

  I take my phone and pull up a picture of me and Honey. It’s my favorite picture of us and you can see how much in love we are. “I won the bet,” I say, shoving the picture in his face. He laughs and grins.

  “Yes you did.” He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a hundred-dollar bill. “This is one bet I’m glad I lost,” he says as he hands the money over.

  I can’t help but grin. Honey and I are doing fantastic, and I couldn’t be happier. Hell, I have a feeling it won’t be long before this club has another wedding.

  “So are ya ready?” Rebel asks anxiously.

  I think it is time. Rebel is his best man, and hell, I don’t know what I am, but we all have our dress pants on, gray shirts, and cuts. So I guess I’m part of this shindig as well.

  Ice nods, and we all proceed out of his room and to the stairs.

  Standing at the top of the stairs, we wait for our cue. When the violinist begins to play “Canon in D Major,” I proceed down the stairs, followed by Rebel and Ice. We walk down the white carpeted steps and follow it to the center. All the guests are seated, and the clubhouse is packed. I walk to the left of the arch and stand a few paces away. Rebel falls in place next to me and then Ice.

  Flashbacks of his younger days fill my head, and I’m glad to see he’s finally marrying the woman he’s always loved.


  Once I get the cue that the guys are in place, I proceed down the stairs, followed by Ari and then Brianne. We fo
llow the white carpet to the arch and stand in our respective places. I look at Sainte—who, I might add, looks fabulous—and he smiles and winks at me. God, I love that man.

  Pachelbel’s “Canon” plays for a few more seconds and then the first notes of Wagner’s Bridal Chorus begin. We’re all in place and anxiously waiting for Emma and her dad to come down the stairs.

  Chapter 30


  As the wedding march plays, goosebumps travel along my body. I can’t fucking believe I am marrying Emma. It all seems like a dream, one I never believed would come true.

  I keep looking toward the stairs as the music plays, but there is no sign of Emma. Where is she? Did she fucking change her mind? I look at Sainte and Rebel, who both nod reassuringly and then glance at the stairs where Emma and her father emerge. Holy fuck, she’s beautiful! And I’m the lucky bastard who gets to call her wife and the mother of my children.

  As she walks toward me, I flashback to all our times together. The key memory I see first is the time she was so upset because I would not be able to spend time with her ’cause Tyler was making me go to work. The images change, and I see several of our ice cream dates. It’s like a slideshow of so many happy times. Then I get to when my parents were killed, and that’s when everything went sour. Those times I was constantly pushing her away, but then I remember her strength and tenacity, and I quickly jump to the day she was crying at the clubhouse gates. Afterward, even though we were dealing with some shit and I almost lost her, she was at my side as she was always meant to be.

  And now, as she approaches the arch I’m standing under, I think about our wonderful children and the promising future we have. It doesn’t get any better than this.

  “Who gives this woman away?” Doc asks. He got ordained a couple of weeks ago to perform marriage ceremonies, and Emma and I couldn’t have been happier. It’s nice having someone we know marry us, biker style.

  “Her mother and I do,” William replies. He smiles and walks toward me to shake my hand.

  I knew I always liked him. I take Emma’s hand as we face each other in front of Doc.

  He looks down at his paper. “Please be seated.”


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