Begging to Serve

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Begging to Serve Page 9

by Morticia Knight

  “Ah, yes.” Roddy hissed, closing his eyes. “Such a gentle touch you have.”

  Colin curled his fingers around Roddy’s cock, delighted at the way it jerked and twitched against his palm. Tiny drops of moisture beaded at the tip and Colin rubbed his thumb across the top of Roddy’s member to spread it around. Roddy jumped, laughing. He carefully encouraged Colin to let go.

  “Let’s do this together while we’re in the shower. Two birds, eh?”

  “Whatever you wish, Sir.”

  Roddy took hold of Colin’s chin the way he’d been doing all evening. He seemed to like to gaze into Colin’s eyes, to study his face. It was a bit embarrassing, but Colin was sure it was meant to be a compliment of some sort. Or at the very least, it was an indicator that Roddy was very interested in him, which was a great relief.

  “Mmm. So sweet, yes.”

  Roddy straightened abruptly then turned his attention to the spigots of the claw foot tub, bending over to open them up. He waved his hand through the streaming water as he undoubtedly checked the temperature. Roddy peered up at the large round showerhead, attached on a tall aluminum pole connected to the pipes.

  “This is a very nice, very modern feature.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Master Saul has the finest of everything. I need to make sure I provide my darling with an equally magnificent abode.”

  “Oh, I don’t expect that. Anywhere we can be together is just fine.”

  Roddy opened his arms and Colin ran into them. It was going to be difficult for him not to be overly clingy with Roddy. Colin didn’t want to stop touching or holding onto him, but having the warmth of Roddy’s bare skin against his own was intoxicating. He rubbed his cheek in the soft curls of Roddy’s chest, ran his palms over the planes of Roddy’s back.

  “I know you don’t. But I want to give you the best.” Roddy kissed the top of his head. “Come on, before the hot water goes away.”

  Roddy helped him into the large iron tub. Colin loved how beautiful it was, how the curved feet that it rested on were so elaborately designed. As soon as they were both inside, Roddy pulled the white curtain around them then turned the lever for the shower. The water sputtered a few times then burst out, hitting them both in the face, Roddy taking the brunt of it as a consequence of being taller. Instead of being upset or complaining, Roddy let out a big laugh, turning his face away from the brutal spray.

  “No concerns about water pressure here!” He continued to chuckle as he adjusted the attachment, then reached for the bar of soap set in a porcelain dish along the windowsill. “Do you ever open the window? Peek out at the world as you stand here in your altogether, washing your bits?”

  Colin snorted out laughter. “No! I wouldn’t do that. Besides, I can barely see over the edge, it’s so high.”

  Roddy pinched his behind and he jumped and squeaked.

  “Or you’re so low. Oh, come on, Colin. Let’s do it.”

  Roddy handed him the white cake of soap, then undid the latch holding the small windows shut. He pushed them open, the panes extending outward. A rush of the cool fall air cut through the warm steam that surrounded them.

  Colin shivered. “Brr. It’s starting to get really cold outside.”

  He started, almost dropping the soap as Roddy snaked his tongue up the side of his neck then wiggled it in his ear. He hunched his shoulders, the sensation odd and tickly. His cock jerked though, so that still made it good. Roddy wrapped his fingers around his shaft, the touch almost making him spend right away as he’d done earlier. But he held on to his orgasm, his earlier ones helping to give him more control.

  Roddy whispered as he lazily stroked him, his hot breath more noticeable in contrast to the frigid air. “I want us to come together this time. Turn around, and I’ll show you.”

  Roddy let go, and he twisted within his embrace until they faced each other. “Put the soap down for a moment. I want you to hold onto my waist, and I’ll grab a hold of the sill to steady us.” Colin did as Roddy asked. Roddy held his gaze. “Keep your eyes on me, darling. I’m going to take care of both of us, but I also want to see if we can come together. Won’t that be grand?”

  Colin nodded. It would be grand. He bit his lip, almost drawing blood as Roddy grasped both their cocks together in a firm grip. Roddy vigorously tugged their heated lengths, the sensation so much, almost too much. Colin didn’t know whether to concentrate on Roddy’s eyes, his hand or the feel of hot, hard flesh rubbing against his own.

  “Oh, Sir, I…” He clutched at Roddy’s waist, afraid to hurt him, but not sure he could stay standing otherwise. “This is too good, too good!”

  “Never, darling. No such thing. Stay with me, though, don’t look away, don’t close your eyes. I want to see it when it happens.”

  Colin’s nuts drew up, hugging his body so tightly he didn’t think he could stop the steam engine of his climax from barreling through him.

  “Sir! Now, please?”

  Roddy’s face twisted in a grimace and he nodded shakily, his hand stroking them vigorously. “Y-yes, now.”

  Colin’s thighs went taut, his ass cheeks squeezing as he froze and a string of seed shot from his dick. Roddy’s own cock pulsed with his, jerking within Roddy’s strong grip. He never tore his eyes away from Roddy’s, the expression radiating back at him so intense it made him inexplicably want to cry.

  Roddy grabbed him by his nape then crushed their mouths together, stealing Colin’s breath. At first, he didn’t react, his only thought being that he might hurt Roddy’s busted lip. There was a slight coppery flavor, but then each time Roddy plunged farther into his mouth, used his tongue to kiss him ever deeper, it caused Colin to melt even more into his sure embrace. It was his first kiss and his only wish was that it would never end.

  The cooling water interrupted what Colin believed to be the best moment of his life up to that point. “Oh, rats.” Roddy pecked him one more time on the lips before grabbing the cake of soap. “More when we’re warm and dry and in bed, okay darling?”

  Roddy didn’t wait for an answer, he just grabbed the soap then quickly lathered them both up. “Rinse off, sweet thing, while I close up this window.” He elbowed Colin. “Now whose looney idea do you suppose that was?”

  Colin giggled. He couldn’t help it. Everything Roddy did made him happy. He did as he was told, but by the time Roddy had finished latching everything up, the tepid water was quickly turning cold.

  “Go on now, I don’t want you catching a chill.” Roddy slid the curtain open a bit. “Take my hand and step out.”


  “Do as you’re told, darling. Don’t worry, I’ll be right quick.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Colin lifted his leg over the thick lip of the tub, stretching his body to reach the floor. If Roddy hadn’t been there, he would’ve held on the sides with both hands then climbed out the way he normally did—as if he was leaping over a short fence.

  “I wasn’t arguing, I promise. But I don’t want you catching cold either, Sir.”

  He’d barely gotten the words out of his mouth before Roddy yanked the curtain aside then jumped out, shivering and rubbing his arms as water droplets flew everywhere.

  “W-where’s your towel, d-darling? You must be freezing.”

  Colin blinked then yanked both towels off the bars. He’d have to work extra hard to keep up with Roddy, but it was much more preferable to how slow some of the staff members at Hampton were. The only one he sometimes had trouble keeping up with was Javier, but that’s the way he preferred it. It got too boring otherwise.

  Roddy accepted the towel then pulled Colin in close. They both dried off together, Roddy stealing kisses in between scrubbing him with the terrycloth then scrubbing himself. Roddy dropped the towels on the floor then grabbed Colin’s hand as he headed into the bedroom. Colin dug in his heels.

  “Sir, wait! Please?”

  “What is it? Don’t you want to be in my arms?”

  “More than I’ve ever wante
d anything, but the towels…”

  Roddy tilted his head, a crease forming between his eyebrows. “They’re all wet. Why would you want them?”

  “I need to pick them up then lay them over the edges so they dry out.”

  Roddy stared at him for a moment before an expression of understanding passed over his features. He let go of Colin’s hand. “Ah. Of course. Forgive me. They need to be arranged properly, don’t they?”

  Colin narrowed his eyes. Roddy seemed sincere, but other than his grandmother, he’d only ever been met with exasperation at his meticulous ways. “Are you making fun of me?”

  Roddy’s expression became very serious. It was a startling visual on such a jolly man. “No, darling Colin. Never. I might tease, but I’d never make fun at your expense. You’re a precious thing and I can already tell that everything you do is from a good heart. Do you know I have a sister just like you? She goes out of her way to make certain that everything stays nice and she has a very particular way that she likes to make that happen. So, I know this is important to you and that most people don’t appreciate how well you take care of everything.” Roddy stroked the top of Colin’s head. “I’ll always appreciate it.”

  “Thank you for understanding, Sir. And I’ll be…” He tried to bring up the expression in his mind that Roddy had used. “Oh, yes. I’ll be right quick too.”

  Roddy let out a hearty laugh. “I’m glad of that. Because if I don’t have you wrapped up in my arms soon, I don’t know what I’ll do!”

  “Oh, my, okay.”

  Colin hurried to finish his task, which wasn’t that difficult anyway. It was what caused the biggest problem. Since he could finish any job he was given many times faster than most people, that was how he’d ended up getting into trouble, by sticking his nose in where it didn’t belong.

  “Is that better, then?”

  Colin nodded.

  Roddy smiled. “I think so too. We’ll do it your way from now on.”

  He needs me. I can tell. “Thank you, Sir.”

  Roddy gathered up his hand once again. “But now, let’s get under those warm covers so I can feel your soft skin rubbing against mine.”

  “Don’t you want your pajamas?”

  Roddy tugged on his hand then grabbed him in a fierce hug. “Pajamas? What in heaven’s name do we need pajamas for when we have each other?”

  “Really?” That sounded perfect to him.

  Once they lowered the comforter, blankets and sheet, they crawled into bed, Colin snuggling up to Roddy as much as he could. It was beautiful, but so scary too. He couldn’t imagine he’d ever be able to sleep without Roddy in his bed ever again.

  “Comfortable, darling?”


  Roddy squeezed him. “You’re a cuddler. I like that. I’ve never had the opportunity for this, Colin, so it means a lot.”

  “For what, Sir? You said you’d had lots of sex.”

  “Oh, darling. This isn’t sex. This is sharing affection with each other, enjoying the warmth and comfort of another person.”

  “And you haven’t had that part of it before?”

  “That’s right. My clinches have been taken in secret, sometimes done and over within a few minutes then never seeing that man again. I’ve never had a place where I stayed that afforded me the safety of having a man share my bed like this. Especially not where I come from.”

  “Oh no, I’m sorry. But you can hold me whenever you want for as long as you want.”

  “My sweet darling.”

  Roddy kissed the top of Colin’s head, then let his lips drift down the side of his face until their mouths touched. Roddy dipped his tongue into Colin’s over and over, slanting his head at a different angle each time. They were lazy kisses and Colin finally felt the excitement of the evening drift away only to be replaced with a sense of calm and peace. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so safe.

  Eventually, they both settled with their noses almost touching, their limbs still entangled. Colin drifted off with the musical sounds of Roddy’s voice echoing in his head.

  Chapter Seven

  Roddy lay awake on his back, staring at the ceiling. Colin was curled to his side, head on his chest and Roddy had one arm wrapped around his boy, the other behind his own head.

  Boy, huh? So strange, but so perfect.

  The sun had barely come up. Even though they’d gone to bed only a few hours before, Roddy had so much on his mind, was so jazzed from everything that’d happened to him in quick succession, that he couldn’t have stayed asleep if he’d tried. There were a multitude of decisions to be made, tasks to be handled. Everything from retrieving his belongings to his new Master training to securing a more permanent place to live—the jumble of thoughts all battled for prominence in his head.

  Colin mumbled something in his sleep then snuggled closer. Roddy pressed a small kiss on Colin as he inhaled the aroma of his freshly clean hair. His lip hurt like the dickens, but he wouldn’t alter one moment of what they’d shared. Roddy didn’t get flustered easily, but the sudden changes in his life, the complete upheaval of his original plans—the entire situation had him questioning whether he’d gone off his trolley.

  The heat of Colin’s erection against his thigh brought Roddy back out of his head. He’d never taken settling down into consideration as he’d mapped out what he needed to do to start his life over on the west coast. In truth, it hadn’t really seemed to be a viable option, so it hadn’t made any sense to include such an idea into his schemes.

  But in his arms was the opportunity to have what he’d never dared dream of. All he’d ever allowed himself to hope for was to find some men who would welcome his rougher brand of lovemaking without retaliating against him. The notion that he could not only find a beautiful, sweet lover who enthusiastically wished for harsher attentions—but one who wanted to build a life with and take care of him—it was much too incredible to pass up. After all, his main consideration had been to discover a fun and exciting place to live, buy a home and participate in some enjoyable trysts. Colin and Hampton Road were all that and much more.

  It’s decided then. I’ll begin my training and search for a spectacular place to house my darling.

  He had a decent budget. His horses had done well that year and his father had generously allowed him to keep the remaining monies that would no longer be needed for his University education. He’d been rather startled by his generosity, but then again, what had his father always said about a gift horse? Roddy hadn’t questioned the offering.

  Colin stirred in his arms, and Roddy hoped he hadn’t disturbed him. He was sure the poor thing was exhausted.

  “Oh…” A puff of warm air wafted over Roddy’s skin as Colin spoke in a sleep roughened voice. “You’re still here. It’s like the best dream come true ever.”

  Roddy chuckled. “Indeed I am. Did I wake you, darling? Go back to sleep and rest. It’s barely light out yet.”

  Colin rubbed a knuckle in his eye. “Is it six yet?”

  “I assume so. My pocket watch is in my trousers, though. Do you have a clock in here? I could pull the chain on the lamp so we can take a gander.”

  “Yes, please. I don’t want them to be mad at me.” Colin rose to a sitting position, throwing the covers aside. “I never sleep this late. I always get up before the sun so I can help clean up the rooms as soon as the club has closed for the night.”

  Roddy rolled to his side then turned the light on before rolling back to watch Colin scurry about the room. He noted Colin’s hard little cock, bouncing as his boy dug through the drawers of his dresser pulling out undergarments before whisking over to the closet to choose a shirt and pair of pants.

  “What are the club’s hours?” Roddy was fascinated by the whole setup at Hampton Road.

  Colin yanked on his clothes as he talked. “Six at night until six in the morning. The day crew has breakfast after the last of the guests leave, then we go about cleaning everything and setting it to right
s for when the next group of guests come in that evening. The entire staff has dinner or lunch at five, depending if it’s the day crew or night crew.”

  “When do they have supper? While the guests are here?”

  Roddy couldn’t imagine living such an upside down lifestyle. He didn’t want to insist that Colin no longer work at Hampton Road if he really loved it, but between the odd hours and all those men ogling him…

  “Supper? What’s that?” Colin regarded him with a puzzled expression.

  “Well, darling, if we were living a typical life with a typical schedule, it would be the last meal of the day.”

  Colin had finished dressing and considered him as he ran a square brush through his hair. “Oh. I’m sorry. That’s what I meant by dinner.”

  Roddy shrugged. “Nothing to be sorry for. Just a different way of saying the same thing.” He stretched and yawned. “I suppose I’d better get a move on too.” He climbed out of bed. “Let’s see how close to my size these clothes are that Javier brought for me.”

  As Roddy examined the items he caught a glimpse of Colin. He straightened. “What is it?”

  “You’re still coming back though, right?”

  Colin appeared frantic and Roddy had to remind himself that not only was Colin a sensitive man, but that he’d barely just awoken. He hadn’t had the chance to contemplate the drastic changes in his life the way Roddy had done.

  He held his arms open. “I’ll always come back to you.”

  Colin rushed into his embrace and Roddy held him close, stroking his back as he did.

  “So everything’s still okay, Sir?”

  “Everything is magnificent. But I do need to get my belongings.”

  “Of course, Sir. But you should have some breakfast first. We could share it together before you leave.” Colin had his face pressed to Roddy’s chest as he spoke. “That is, if you’d like.”

  “But isn’t that only for staff?”

  Colin peered up at him. “Your membership includes everything here. You have access to food, drink, smoke, the rooms, the toys, the submissives—whatever you like.”


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