Begging to Serve

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Begging to Serve Page 11

by Morticia Knight

  Saul held Roddy’s gaze as he worked to keep his own expression as blasé as possible.

  “Colin will not be viewing such a thing without me present.”

  Roddy appeared flustered, and Saul couldn’t help but note the way Colin’s shoulders drooped in disappointment and that both of them had prominent bulges in their pants.

  “In that case, since he’s already separated the books in my library into categories, maybe he could alphabetize them?”

  Roddy gave a quick nod of his head. “Yes. That’s perfect.” He angled Colin so he could face him. “Darling, I know you’d rather see the show, but I don’t want you watching it without me. But since you’re very good at organizing, will you take care of Saul’s books for him until I’m finished? I’ll come fetch you afterwards.”

  Saul applauded Roddy’s instincts in his mind. He’d made eye contact with Colin, had acknowledged that he understood Colin’s wishes, but requested that he do what made Roddy happy instead. It was also clear that Roddy wished to control Colin’s pleasure. Saul was confident that between him and Theodore, they could get Roddy up to speed in no time.

  “Yes, Sir. Whatever you want.” Colin had responded without hesitation or discontent in his voice.

  Saul was pleased. Things are working out just fine so far. “Before you go, Colin, do you have a spare key you can fetch for Master Roddy? He’ll need to put his belongings away.”

  “I have one in the top of the dresser in my…our room.”

  “Excellent. Once you locate it, could you deliver it to Javier? He’ll make sure Master Roddy gets it.”

  “I can bring it right back here, it’s no trouble at all.”

  “Now, darling. Do what Master Saul asked.”

  It was obvious Colin was doing his very best to mask his emotions. He took a couple of deep breaths before answering and meeting Roddy’s gaze. “Yes, Sir.” He directed his next remarks to Saul. “I didn’t mean to question you, Master Saul. I’m sorry.”

  “That’s quite all right, Colin. Apology accepted.”

  Roddy hugged him then placed a kiss on the top of his head before letting him go. “Such a good boy. I’ll see you soon.” Roddy winked at Colin right before he scampered out of the room. Roddy let out a long exhale before turning to them, clapping his hands together. “How did I do, gentlemen? I didn’t want to be too rough with him, but I know he wants to be ordered about, right?”

  Saul indicated toward Roddy’s empty chair. He waited to speak until Roddy had lowered himself onto the cushion, noting that he remained perched on the edge as if in anticipation.

  Saul locked gazes with Roddy. “It’s more than wishing to be ordered about. It’s from a place of desiring to please. If you give him a direction, then he knows what it is he can do in order to please you. If he does a good job, if you praise him, then it brings him happiness.”

  “I’ll always tell him what a good boy he is, how much he pleases me. I never thought to meet someone as precious as him.”

  Saul leaned over to clap Roddy on his arm. “Glad to hear it. You have a wonderful manner with him and I can tell he’s quite smitten with you.”

  “Well, I have to confess that I’m goofy for him too!”

  Everyone laughed lightly, then Aaron interjected with a fond tone. “You’ve taken quite easily to referring to him as your ‘boy’.”

  “I have, haven’t I?” Roddy grinned. “It’s so exciting, everything that’s happened so far. There are feelings running through me I’ve never experienced before. I hope you don’t think I’ve gone looney, but I have this sense of ownership over Colin. All I can think of is that he’s mine and no one else can have him.”

  “That’s a good thing, old sport. Not only are you cultivating your dominant nature, but it’s an excellent indicator that building a relationship as Master and submissive with him is the right course for you both. That you’re ready to keep him as yours.”

  Roddy’s expression of joy hadn’t changed. “Yes. That’s it exactly.” He glanced around the room at them. “Do you all feel that way?”

  Aaron nodded as Theodore answered Roddy’s query. “It’s more for me, it’s a deep love for my boy that I never knew existed. And while I won’t speak for Saul or Aaron, I believe it’s similar for them with their submissives.”

  Saul murmured his agreement along with Aaron.

  “Oh, my. I’m not sure if I love him yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I eventually did fall head over heels. He’s more than I’ve ever dreamed of in a man.”

  “I wouldn’t be surprised either.” Saul gave him a smile. “Now, let’s finalize your membership so we can begin your hands-on training. Are you ready?”

  Roddy winked at him. “More than you’ll ever know.”

  Chapter Eight

  Since Colin had so recently sorted all of Saul’s books, he didn’t have to carefully dust each one off the way he had previously. Colin was very good at alphabetizing and he loved to read. His grandmother had made sure of that. She’d read to him when he was still very young but then as he’d learned to read on his own, she’d make him read the stories to her. When they’d run out of books, Colin had made up his own stories to tell her. He wondered if Roddy would enjoy hearing him tell stories too.


  Even though he knew it wasn’t his place to be with the Masters in Saul’s study, he hadn’t been able to help himself by sneaking up there. He’d needed to see Roddy. If for no other reason than to prove to himself that his handsome new lover and soon-to-be Master was real.

  Saul hadn’t seemed upset when he’d appeared at the door, but he knew Javier would be very unhappy with him if he ever found out. It’d happened several times before. Colin had a knack for giving the club manager the slip when there was something he really wanted.

  Colin yawned. It’d been a long day, he’d worked very hard and on top of everything else, he’d had very little sleep the night before. He glanced up at the mantle clock. It was almost midnight, which meant that Roddy had been working with Masters Saul and Theodore for almost five hours.

  Colin sighed. He didn’t want to be selfish, but he’d barely get to see Roddy by the time he was through for the night. His job required that he get up before six every morning except Sundays. Sundays and Mondays were when staff members each took on twice the work in order to give the other half a full day free of duties.

  But at least I’ll lie in his arms. That’s a million times better than anything I’ve had before.

  He had to remember that only a couple days before he’d been fretting over whether he’d ever find a man for his very own. Now here he was, the luckiest man alive because he had the best Master there ever was or ever would be. He had no right to feel sorry for himself.

  The knob turned with a click and in strolled Roddy. Colin shot up so fast, he dropped the book he’d been holding. It hit the ground, the spine breaking as a big chunk of pages broke loose from the binding. Colin gasped.

  “Oh no!” He stared at the ruined book with dismay.

  “Now there, darling. Don’t be upset.” Roddy hurried over to him.

  Colin gingerly picked up the mangled volume then laid it on the large desk. “This is awful. It was such a nice book and I ruined it. Master Saul is going to be so mad.”

  Roddy pulled him close then surprised him by lifting him up. Colin instinctively wrapped his legs around Roddy’s waist and arms around his neck to keep from falling. Roddy supported his butt with his hands then rubbed their noses.

  “He won’t be happy, but he won’t be mad. Not ever at you, darling. Saul has a special place in his heart for you, I can tell.”

  Colin shook his head vigorously. “Oh no, that can’t be true. Kenneth is his special man and they both love each other very much. Kenneth has only been back at the club for a short time after the attack and Saul’s been very extra careful of him.”

  “I’m sure he has, he told me the story. But I didn’t mean that Saul cares for you in the same way he does
Kenneth. I think it’s more of a fatherly affection. So he might not be happy about what happened to his book, but he’d never stop caring about you because of it.”

  “Oh. Well I sort of feel that way about him too. How you said, like a father. I still have to pay him back for it, though.”

  Roddy rubbed noses with him again. It was so nice to be back in his arms, to breathe in what was quickly becoming Roddy’s familiar and comforting scent. “I’ll take care of it, darling.”

  Colin tensed. “No! It’s my fault.”

  “It was an accident. Also, I startled you. And anyway, I’m the Master. Unless you’re adamant about it and can give me a strong reason why I shouldn’t, that’s my final decision.”

  Colin considered Roddy’s words. “Gee. You’ve certainly been learning a lot about being a Master already. I can tell.”

  Roddy let out a hearty laugh then sat them both in one of the large wing chairs with Colin facing him while straddling his lap.

  “Yes, I have, darling.” He let out a big puff of air, chuckling. “Quite a night. Had a bit of a whipping too. Saul handles it mighty fine. Could use someone like him back at the horse ranch.”

  Roddy laughed some more but Colin was horrified.

  “A whip… He… Saul struck you?”

  Roddy petted his face, tucked a tuft of hair behind his ear. “Oh, I’ve fared much worse when out for a night’s frolic.” He locked gazes with Colin as he pointed at his lip. “Case in point.”

  “But why was he hitting you? I don’t understand.”

  “Oh, darling. Don’t be so distressed.” Roddy snorted. “Now I’ll admit, I had my questions too. But once it was all explained, it made perfect sense. If I don’t know how it feels when I’m being hit, how will I know what it’s like for you?” Roddy gave him a light peck on his forehead. “I’ve learned some very interesting things and there’s so much more. I’ll be working with Theo tomorrow evening then I have the following night to myself. Should we watch a show together? Would you like that?”

  Colin blinked rapidly, so much information coming at him all at once. “Oh. I’d love that.” Colin fiddled with Roddy’s open collar. The bow-tie from earlier was gone and he wondered where it was. “Am I allowed to know what happens next? I mean, with us? I don’t want to pester you, but I’m dreadfully curious.”

  “Of course you should know!” Roddy jostled him on his lap. “Don’t ever think you’re pestering me. Ask away! It’s your life too, darling. You’re not my slave.”

  “All right. So what happens next?”

  Roddy let out a guffaw and Colin almost pitched off his lap. He was grasped tighter. “Do you know how happy you make me?”

  Colin was glad Roddy felt that way, but he couldn’t imagine that he’d done anything all that special. “I suppose I don’t, but it’s good you think I do. And I promise I’ll do even better.”

  Roddy cupped his cheek, using his other hand to keep hold of his waist. He stroked Roddy’s skin with his thumb. “You’re already wonderful. But to ease your mind and answer your query, I did discuss our situation with Saul this evening. Before I get into the details, I need to ask you something first.”

  “Me?” Colin wasn’t sure how he could contribute when he was only the submissive, but he’d try.

  “How much do you love your job here at Hampton Road?”

  “It’s a very nice job. Much better than the bathhouse, and I only get into trouble once in a while.” He paused as a few recent incidents came to mind. “At least not every day.”

  “Would you be very sad if you didn’t work here anymore?”

  Colin wasn’t sure what Roddy was trying to figure out by questioning him. “The only thing that would make me sad would be if I never got to see Master Saul or my other friends again. Or, if I didn’t have a place to live because I lost this job for being bad.”

  Roddy shook his head. “Now, darling. You know you needn’t worry about that ever happening. You’ll always have a place to live with me.”

  Colin tilted his head. “With you?” They’d discussed getting a house together someday only the night before. It was too soon to be someday, wasn’t it?

  “Yes. After going over everything with Saul, it became clearer to me than ever that I want you with me night and day, that I want us to work on being Master and submissive together. With your responsibilities here at Hampton Road, I think it’ll make that more difficult. But if you were to tell me it would break your heart that you couldn’t work or live here anymore, than I’d figure something else out for us.”

  “I want to be with you night and day too!” Colin had blurted it out so vehemently that he clapped a hand over his mouth in a belated attempt to prevent his outburst.

  Roddy’s smile was soft and gentle, his eyes filled with warmth as he gazed at him. His expression filled Colin with peace.

  “Then that’s what you shall have, darling.”

  Roddy pressed his lips lightly on Colin’s. Colin was sure his heart must’ve stopped because he couldn’t breathe. His cock filled, the memory of what he’d shared with Roddy the night before threatening to make him spend right there as he sat on Roddy’s lap. He exhaled on a sigh as Roddy pulled back.

  “So…Saul knows that I won’t be working here anymore? He’s not angry?”

  “My goodness. Where do you get the idea that Saul’s going to be upset with you all the time? All I’ve heard from him is how precious you are and that I’d better do right by you, or else!”

  “Oh. Well, I guess it’s because I make Chef Jean so mad, and I frustrate Javier and then Saul has to smooth everything over with them, so I think someday he’s going to have no choice but to be mad at me.”

  Roddy’s laughter made his body shake. “Let me ease your fears. After a long discussion, Saul agrees that it would be best if we could forge our new association without the encumbrance of your duties here at Hampton Road. As it turns out, Bruce and George’s submissive, Angelo, needs a job and can take over yours immediately. It’ll work out better for them all since Bruce and George handle the security and live here already. This way, they can all reside here together.”

  It was all so sudden. “Does Angelo need my room right away too?”

  Colin wasn’t sure about that. He’d need to pack up his belongings and leave everything as he’d found it. Trying to accomplish such a thing as well as doing it properly would be difficult in the middle of the night, but if he had to, he’d do his best.

  “Not at all. He’s in the claimed submissives’ room right now, and will no doubt be moved in with Bruce and George for good soon enough.”

  “I see.” Colin stopped playing with Roddy’s collar and teased the curls of hair on his chest instead. “When do you think I’ll be allowed to stay in the room with the claimed submissives?”

  Roddy smacked his forehead with palm. “I knew I’d forget that part of it. Saul wanted me to pass on his apologies until he gets a chance to give them himself. It didn’t occur to him until later when he and I were talking, that he should’ve suggested you go there beginning tonight.”

  “Really?” Colin caught himself bouncing then stopped.

  “Mmm.” Roddy’s voice was like a growl. “Felt good, darling. Gives me an idea for one of these days.”

  “I couldn’t help it. I’ve been waiting to be allowed to go in that room ever since I got here. Now I’m one of them.” Emotion filled him, making his heart hurt in a good way.

  “More importantly, you’re all mine.”

  “Yes, Sir, I am.”

  “Then tomorrow when we go out house hunting, we’ll have to stop at the place Aaron and Saul told me about. I can get you a training collar there. That way, you’ll have something to wear at the club that lets everyone know you’ve been claimed.”

  The solid press of Roddy’s cock against his ass alerted Colin that he’d been bouncing again.

  “As tired as I am, and I know you must be too, darling, I think we’ll both need some quick relief tonight if we
’re to have any sleep.”

  “Oh, yes, Sir. That sounds perfect. But, did you say house hunting?”

  “Yes, darling. I want us to have our own home, I don’t want to wait. That was one of the reasons I needed to find out how you felt about no longer living at Hampton Road.”

  “I see.” Colin’s words had come out softly. In some ways, it seemed as if any small disruption could break the spell of perfection that’d been cast over his life.

  “Let’s go back to your room, darling. I’m beat.”

  “It’s ours, Sir, if you don’t mind me saying.”

  Roddy petted him again, this time with both hands. “Now you must remember that I don’t mind you saying whatever pops into that pretty head of yours.” Roddy stood, bringing Colin with him before setting him down. “How about we bring the book with us, and I’ll discuss it with Master Saul, the next time I see him?”

  “If that’s what you think we should do, then yes.”

  “Good boy. Grab that up for me then.”

  Colin did as Roddy asked then followed him out of the door. He fell in step behind him the way he’d been trained already, but Roddy paused before snatching up his hand.

  “If I can hold your hand without getting my face punched in, then I’ll take that any day over you walking to heel.”

  Colin gazed up at him as Roddy entwined their fingers, his Sir’s grip so strong and sure. He’d follow Roddy anywhere.

  Once they reached the bedroom, Colin retrieved his key then let them in. He set the broken book on top of the dresser with a sad sigh. The whole incident left him with a heavy heart. Not only because he’d ruined something that belonged to his wonderful Saul, but because it was such a beautiful book.

  Roddy came up behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist then resting his chin atop Colin’s head.


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