Aslan’s Evening

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by Jennifer Kacey

  Aslan’s Evening

  Jennifer Kacey

  Never Settle Publishing, LLC


  Aslan’s Evening

  Aslan’s Evening

  Aslan’s Evening


  Aslan’s Evening

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Jennifer Kacey

  Social Media Links and titles

  Aslan’s Evening

  Book Seven in the Fantasies A-Z Series

  Copyright Never Settle Publishing 2016

  Discover more titles by Jennifer Kacey


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  e-book - ISBN - 978-0-9970141-7-4

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  Formatted by Never Settle Publishing, LLC

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  Cover Graphics – Syneca Featherstone

  Aslan’s Evening

  By Jennifer Kacey

  Aslan’s Evening

  By Jennifer Kacey

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  Text Copyright Jennifer Kacey 2016

  All Rights Reserved

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  Discover more titles by Jennifer Kacey at


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  To You – For every morning and every evening. And every second in between.

  Aslan’s Evening

  By Jennifer Kacey

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  Aslan’s fantasy is to give Zeke an evening he’ll never forget. But by the end of the night, he delivers a gift she never knew to hope for.

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  A single glance across a crowded grocery store. The brush of a hand along the inside of a knee. An evening like any other. To Aslan, all of these things are everything she’s ever wished for and the things she’s most thankful for.

  For her next fantasy, she wants to give something back to Zeke. An evening of his choosing. A night of his desires fulfilled with nothing but a single glance from him in her direction.

  On her knees, restrained, waiting for him to command her? Perhaps.

  Immobile in the playroom, unable to utter more than a satisfied moan? Maybe.

  Bound by more than words is where she expects he wants her but the evening isn’t anything like her expectations.

  Soon, she learns her husband’s needs run deeper than she thought possible—she may just get a whole lot more than she begged for.


  “Do you come here often?” Aslan asked while trying to stifle her grin as she pushed her cart closer. She sidled up to a huge display of snapdragon hanging baskets and the guy lifting one down from the top rod.

  The sexy hulk of a man beside her turned. His smile said it all and even though she couldn’t see his eyes behind his sunglasses there was no doubt the affection was genuine. “Actually, no. My wife doesn’t like it when I cum anywhere else. She’s very picky when it comes to that. You might even say we have rules about it.”

  “Mmmm,” Aslan moaned and licked her lips. “Rules. Smart girl.” She glanced at the basket he was still holding. “That’s so pretty. Does your wife like plants?”

  He nodded and turned the plant around as if he were inspecting each branch. “She does. She’s a sucker for pretty plants.”

  “Oh, really? A sucker for them?”

  “Very much so. I actually wooed her with flowers.”

  “You wooed her?” Aslan smiled and melted a little because she knew he was absolutely right.

  “Yes, I did. And she loves flowers. But not roses and carnations and typical flowers. She likes tiger lilies and snapdragons and sunflowers. Unique flowers. They’re almost as special as she is.”

  Biting her lip, Aslan glanced up into at the man she’d fallen in love with years and years ago. “Almost?” she prompted him to continue.

  Zeke pulled her close with his hand on the small of her back. “Nothing is as unique as you are. Nothing is as special. Or perfect. Or amazing. You top everything, my Aslan.” He dipped his head down and tasted her lips. He didn’t divide and conquer or take over. No. He simply sipped at her lips, which parted on a sigh. He kissed her again, infusing her with his taste. “Everything.”

  In the middle of a greenhouse at their favorite garden store, they stopped and held each other close.

  “As are you, my husband.” Aslan backed up enough to get up on her tip toes and whispered in his ear. “I like pretending you’re a stranger sometimes. It reminds me of our first fantasy. And you’re really hot.”

  Zeke smiled and his chest puffed up. “Are you just saying you want me for my body? How dare you.” His mock indignation made her smile.

  “No, no, no. Not just for your body. But Lordy does that body do things to me.”

  Over the rim of his sunglasses, Zeke stared down at her. “What kinds of things? Anything I should know about? We are married you know. I should know things.”

  Heat crept up her chest and along her cheeks, making her feel warm. She took the hanging plant of the perfect flowers in the perfect shade of yellow and placed it in the basket.

  The strong palm of her husband’s hand crept beneath her hair at the back of her neck and then he moved in close, caging her between his body and the cart. The heat of his words against the curve of her throat pumped through her system like wildfire. “Blushing. How scandalous. What kinds of things, Aslan?” He leaned in close and brushed the front of his jeans across her backside. It seemed as if he most certainly didn’t mind their topic of conversation.

  “It makes me hot, all over,” she whispered. Glancing around, she made sure no one was close enough to hear them. “And wet.”

  The tips of his fingernails skimmed beneath the bottom of her shorts on one side. “Are you wet right now, you dirty girl?”

  “Perhaps.” Aslan tried to push the cart away, needing some distance so she didn’t collapse into a puddle of horny woman.

  Zeke had other plans. He stopped the cart and pulled it back, trapping her one more time with his chest at her back. “I want a taste.”

  “As soon as we get to the car we can—”

  “Now, my pretty wife. I want a taste now.”

  She glanced up and over her shoulder to stare at her husband. His expression? Quite serious. “Right here? But…” Aslan looked around. “Somebody could walk up anytime. Somebody could see. How exactly are you planning on—oh fuck.”

  Zeke adjusted his position to block her more so no one else could see him slide his fingers up the leg of her shorts. “I’m pretty sure my wife is a bit of an
exhibitionist. A certain pitstop comes to mind. And your office. My office. The plane. Quite a few examples of your willingness to give me what I want. Where I want it.” He pushed his fingers beneath her panties, dragging the tips of two through her wet slit, which was more than ready for him. “So wet. As if you hadn’t been screaming my name this morning. Mmm.” Zeke pulled his fingers free and slid them into his mouth.

  His tongue licked up her moisture, which did nothing but make her wetter.

  “Any other things I should know about?” He leaned forward, quickly kissed her mouth, then motioned that she was free and clear to move.

  She stared at him, horny, aching, happy, dumbfounded. “You wreck me.” That was all she had. The witty banter from earlier was gone and all she could think was how insanely lucky she was to have found such an amazing man who clearly kept surprising her.

  “Ditto.” He kissed her forehead and urged her forward again.

  Talk about being thankful for having something to hold onto. She gripped the handle of the cart as she stumbled forward. Her palms slid along the plastic surface and she tried to focus.

  Zeke cleared his throat. “Problem, dear?”

  Staring over her shoulder, she caught a look of one-hundred percent satisfied male. “You just think you’re so cute, don’t you?”

  “Hmm? Twat you say? Cunt hear you?”

  Aslan laughed and shook her head.

  Her husband pulled her into his side and kissed the top of her head. “I love your laugh.”

  “I love you making me laugh, though your sense of humor has taken a nosedive into the gutter lately. You’ve definitely been hanging out with the tile guys too long on this build.”

  “Those dudes have the best jokes.”

  “You mean the dirtiest.”

  “Exactly. The best.”

  Aslan took a deep breath and tried to remember why they were out and not in bed still. “Oh, right. Plants for the back deck. Help me pick a couple more.”

  “As you wish.”

  Pausing again, she followed Zeke as he moved to another display. “You just quoted The Princess Bride.”

  “Mmhmm,” he replied. “To blave.” He stretched out the word and bobbed his eyebrows at her again as he lifted down another basket. This one was filled with purple petunias.

  “I thought you fell asleep at the beginning of the movie.”

  He brought the basket over for Aslan to approve. “Nope. Just wanted you closer.”

  The flowers were perfect, of course, and she hooked it on the side of the cart beside the first one. “I believe we were quite familiar with each other by the end of the movie.”

  “Movie night has an all-new meaning now, doesn’t it?”

  “Mmmmm,” Aslan moaned.

  They walked around a bit more, picking up another two plants for beside the back door. Calla lilies. They also picked a new mat with frogs on it.

  When they were checking out, Zeke decided to get the vehicle and pull it around close so she didn’t have to walk so far.

  As he walked away, he just stopped and stared at her, going so far as to look over his sunglasses at her. Head to toe. All of her. Inside her. Heat licked up her middle and moisture coated the lips of her pussy again.

  He wanted her. Needed her even. That’s why he was rushing to get to the vehicle so they didn’t have to dawdle in the parking lot. They had more important things to do on their rare free Saturday.

  That’s when it struck her.

  Something special about the fantasies she didn’t expect. Didn’t count on.

  As she inserted her card into the credit card chip reader, an amazing realization blossomed in her brain.

  The fantasies.

  They carried over.

  All of them.

  Him making her feel desired. Sexy.

  The way he looked at her. Took her.

  Those things reminded her of all the dirty and delicious things they’d already done. They just stopped her in her tracks. Not to mention the things they were still going to do. Decadent pleasure they could still share. Ask for.


  And it was her turn for the next fantasy.


  “Ma’am? Your signature? Ma’am?”

  With a start, Aslan yanked her head out of dirty-land back into lawn and garden where the cashier was looking at her with a bit more than a “your cheese done slid off your cracker” kind of expression.

  “Sorry. Distracted.” She signed her name and waited until the machine beeped so she could pull her card free.

  “Have anything to do with the tall, dark and wow guy you were with?”

  Aslan smiled. “It most certainly does.”

  “Lucky.” The cashier smiled and handed over her receipt.

  “You don’t even know the half of it.” With a tiny wink Aslan pushed the cart outside to where her tall drink of water pulled up to wait for her.

  Her husband.

  The star of every fantasy she’d ever had.

  The most amazing man on the planet and he was hers. Forever.

  “Lucky” truly didn’t touch the surface on how blessed she was.

  Zeke got out and met her on her side and opened the second door. Before he could start loading their purchases, Aslan stopped him with a hand on his arm. He looked at her hand and then at her face.

  “I love you,” she whispered. Emotions immediately threatened her composure and she swallowed a couple times to get it under control. “I love you and us and everything we have together. Simple Saturdays like today and once-in-a-lifetime trips we get to take together on the cruise ships we build. And our fantasies. I will never take you for granted. Each day I want you to know that I stop and just thank my lucky stars for whatever perfectness had to come together in the universe for me to be with you. Every day.”

  Zeke slid his hands along her jaw and cupped her cheeks.

  In the parking lot of a home improvement store in Florida, he kissed her. Not a quick peck of nonchalant affection or a kiss that could have been any other day or week or year.

  The world all around them stopped and he kissed her.

  He invaded her senses as he staked claim to her mouth and they breathed each other in.

  No idea how long they stood there.

  A few seconds. A few hours.

  But for that infinite moment in the sunshine, everything was perfect in her world.

  She inhaled, trying to capture the moment and trap it in her consciousness so she could recall it any time she wanted to.

  Moment’s like that seemed to fade sometimes.

  But for her something about it resonated through her, inside her.

  Something so special she never wanted to forget it.


  Love of the man she wanted and needed and ached for if ever they were apart.

  “You wreck me,” Zeke mumbled against her lips.

  Aslan smiled. “Ditto.”

  They loaded their new items, returned the cart and were soon on the way home. Aslan was in a daze, it’s true. In that happiest blissful daze, she thought about her first fantasy. Sex with a stranger. Well, not so much a stranger.

  “What’s that little grin for? What’s that little brain cooking up over there?”

  Turning her head to the side, she stared at the man beside her. “I was thinking of a certain cruise we were on. A certain fantasy. A very hot man at the bar I approached about that fantasy.”

  Zeke adjusted himself a tiny bit in the seat.


  He needed to adjust something more than just his lumbar support.

  Aslan licked her lips.

  “And what exactly were you thinking about that fantasy?”

  “Two things, actually. About how good your cock tasted that night and about what I think I want for my next fantasy.”

  “Well, fuck. Why don’t you slide this direction to get a little closer and you can tell me all about it?”

  Aslan lifted the middle console
between them and instead of sliding closer she laid down on the bench. Scooting closer on her elbows, she eyed Zeke. “You’re looking mighty confined in those jeans. Don’t you think you should let me help you with that?”

  “Fuck. I never say no to a lady. Especially a lady that looks hungry.”

  “Thank. God.”

  Between the two of them, they got his jeans undone and shoved low enough that his cock bobbed up between him and the steering wheel.

  “So hard.” Aslan ran the tip of her middle finger up the length of him, swirling the tiny drop of clear liquid over the flushed head.

  “So sexy.” Zeke’s hand settled on her upturned rear. Not cajoling or directing, just possessive.

  Scooting a tiny bit closer, Aslan wrapped her hand around his shaft and squeezed. She simply wanted to hear him—


  “Feel good?”

  “Fuck, I love how you touch me. It’s always exactly what I need, how I need it. So fucking sexy.”

  As she slid his cock through her fist, his balls drew up tight to the base of his shaft for a second. “Are you really already that close to coming?” Aslan could hear the own wonder in her voice but she couldn’t hide it.

  “Hell, yes. It’s a battle of heads right now. They’re fighting over who has the control. I told you. You wreck me with how you love me, need me. It takes my knees out from under me when you look at me like that.”

  Aslan peered up at him. “How do I look at you?”

  Zeke squeezed her ass and then rubbed it. “Like you can’t get enough of me. Like I’m the hottest thing you’ve ever seen—with something that looks a lot like awe and you can’t wait to touch me, taste me. It’s so fucking hot. You make me feel a million feet tall. Jesus.” He shook his head a bit. “And then you rub that thumb under the head of my cock like that. Damn. You know all my buttons and exactly what to do with them. And you don’t use them like it’s some kind of game. You just use them because it’s what you want. That’s how you look at me.”


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