The Jaguar Tycoon: Tales of the Were (Howls Romance)

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The Jaguar Tycoon: Tales of the Were (Howls Romance) Page 10

by Bianca D'Arc

  Hell, they were shifters. They probably could hear what was going on, or smell it or something. They had super-senses. But somehow, that didn’t bother her. Miguel and his family had left the site. There were no other children around. Just a bunch of big, burly members of the construction crews and the men who had chosen to prowl around in their big cat forms.

  Would she mind if they saw her fucking their boss into the next galaxy?

  What kind of thought was that? Shelly had never been into exhibitionism. But there was something tantalizing in that forbidden thought…

  Mark’s hands rose to cup her breasts, playing with her nipples, pinching with just the right pressure. Her head fell back as a moan tore through her body. Shit. No way those sensitive shifters hadn’t heard that mating call. Was she trying to draw attention?

  The honest truth was that maybe she was. Some instinct inside her wanted the jaguars to witness her claiming of their Alpha, though why her mind phrased it exactly that way, she had no idea. But…her instincts had never steered her wrong so far.

  Fire arced through her body as a small climax hit her. She saw sparkles of fiery light before her eyes, but wasn’t sure if they were real or some kind of optical illusion. Probably the latter. Mark was the magic man. He had proved himself capable of making her feel all sorts of new sensations that she’d never experienced before.

  She looked up and met the blue eyes of Heinrich, the pilot. He was standing a few yards away. Watching.

  A secret thrill shot through her body as she turned her head slightly.

  And met the steely gaze of Nick, the bodyguard who had been so mean to her on first acquaintance. He was staring at her now, his eyes filled with the gold of his cat.

  More intense vibrations went through her, driving her pleasure higher. Holy shit. She was an exhibitionist!

  She turned her head again and found more men watching. Some were naked, as if they’d just shifted from cat to human. And some of those had their hands on their cocks. Hard cocks. Excited by the view.

  And that excited her more.

  Mark pinched her nipple, drawing her attention back to him.

  “Don’t let them trouble you. They are here to bear witness. That’s all,” he told her. She didn’t really understand what he meant but was beyond caring as his other hand went to her clit.

  A few delicate strokes and she went higher than she had before, crying out his name as she came and came. She felt his warmth erupting into her, like the volcano in which they lay must have done millennia ago on a much grander scale.

  The heat rose in her, scalding her in the most intense pleasure of her life. Sparks flew between them, shooting from her fingers into the volcanic rock beneath the forest floor. Absorbed into it. Welcomed home.

  Or maybe it was all an illusion. Shelly couldn’t be sure what was real and what was fantasy anymore. Mark had made the impossible come to life, and the pleasure he gave her as they came together fuzzed the edges of reality too much for her to comprehend exactly what was happening.

  She collapsed on top of him, aware of the jaguar eyes on them. She knew they’d been seen, and that knowledge made her feel like a cat herself. A very satisfied cat who had just claimed the cream.


  Shelly didn’t know how she got back to the Jeep. Mark must have carried her, though she had no recollection of it. That last orgasm had knocked her out. Literally.

  Something earth shattering had happened there, but she wasn’t exactly sure what it was all about. She’d have to think about it later—when her brain had begun to function normally again. For now, she was toast. Happy toast. Satisfied toast. But still toast.

  What had just happened had blown her mind, but she was okay with it. Surprisingly, Mark brought out the wild child in her that she’d never known existed. She kind of liked the woman she was when she was with him.

  Uninhibited. Wild. Free.

  None of those words had ever applied to her before. No, Shelly had always played by the rules. She’d been a good girl from a good family. Respectable. Proper. Almost uptight.

  The old Shelly would never have made love in the grass with a circle of strange men looking on. The new Shelly reveled in her new freedom. Not that she wanted such displays to become commonplace, but she had sensed something special about what had just happened. Something life changing. Destiny altering.

  Or maybe she was just caught up in the fantasy. Magical Mark had shown her things she’d never experienced before. He’d given her a gift. One that she would never, in this lifetime, forget.

  Whether there was to be a repeat performance or not remained to be seen. She certainly hoped there would be. If she had anything to say about it, she’d lock him in her bedroom and throw away the key. His kisses had been addictive enough, but his lovemaking was something else altogether.

  He drove them back down the mountain while Shelly dozed in the passenger seat. Mark had helped her dress. She remembered that. And he’d buckled her into the Jeep, adjusting her seat so that she could recline a bit more. He’d also stowed her pad and the small portfolio she kept it in behind her seat. She’d been awake enough to remember that much, but the rest of the trip was accomplished in a bit of a daze.

  She knew in her heart that her response wasn’t quite normal, but it also wasn’t dangerous. It was just…new.

  “Hold on, querida, we’ll have you at the mansion in no time. And then, I want Abuela to look at you.” She could hear worry in his tone, but she didn’t have the energy to wonder too much about it.

  “I’m okay,” she tried to tell him, but her words were slurred. It sounded like she was drunk or something. Odd.

  He made calming sounds as he maneuvered the Jeep down the mountain trail. It seemed like no time at all before they pulled up in front of the mansion, and she was in his arms once more. Mark carried her up the steps as if she weighed nothing at all, and then into the room that she’d been shown earlier. He laid her on the bed, and it wasn’t a minute before an old woman came into the room.

  Shelly was confused, but still groggy, so she didn’t question it too much. Mark welcomed the old woman and led her to Shelly’s side.

  Shelly didn’t really register what happened next until a jolt of…electricity? Lightning? Some sort of magic?

  It lit her up from inside, shocking her system into rhythm once more. Like a light switch had been thrown, she started to become more aware of her surroundings and the strange old woman seated at her bedside.

  Mark hovered over the old lady’s shoulder, his expression concerned. His gaze sought Shelly’s, and she could see the relief in his eyes as her vision cleared. Things began to come back into focus, and the hazy feeling departed.

  “Was it your first time loosing your magic?” the old lady asked her. The question made no sense.

  “My magic?” The old woman’s words didn’t make sense…and yet… “I don’t have magic. Do I?”

  Abuela laughed. “Chica, it is flame I sense in your heart. Fire is your element and sparks your nature. You are well suited to this island and to the jaguar. Perhaps that is what woke your sleeping talent.”

  “Fire?” It all made a strange sort of sense. “I felt sparks…”

  “I felt them too. They scorched, but did not burn. And you released them into the ground. The obsidian heated beneath us and welcomed the fire magic like an old friend.” Mark was rather poetic when he wanted to be, she thought.

  “The magic went to reinforce the wards I’ve already put in place. You added a great deal to the protections on our new home, mis hijos,” Abuela told them. “I will pray to the Mother of All in thanks for your strength. It will do our Clan good.”

  “The Mother of All,” Shelly repeated, smiling. “I like that. Is that what shifters call Her? The Goddess?”

  “You believe in the Goddess?” Mark asked in a shocked tone.

  Shelly smiled. “I was raised with the Goddess. My father said the Howells have worshiped Her since the family began, a
nd he wasn’t about to change things now. But I’ve never heard Her called that before. The Mother of All,” she repeated. “It’s a beautiful description.”

  Abuela nodded in agreement. “Do you also have this saying—that the Goddess works in mysterious ways?”

  “I may have heard something like that a time or two,” Shelly agreed, chuckling faintly.

  The old woman laughed as she stood from the chair. “I think I see Her hand in this union, since our Clan is sworn to the Goddess and Her Light. Now, I shocked you into wakefulness,” she said carefully. “I think you were drunk on your new power and drained yourself a bit too low when you released it into the earth. You must learn what power level is best for your health. I can help you, if you wish, when you are recovered. You will sleep deep tonight, but you should be fine in the morning. Call me if you have any problems, Alpha. I will have Marie send up a tray for your dinner and make your apologies to the others.” Abuela winked at Shelly with a smile. “They’ll understand. It’s not every day a new power awakens or a mate bond is forged. There will be dancing in the jungle tonight.”

  With that rather odd declaration, the old lady left. Mark saw her to the door then returned and sat on the side of the bed, taking one of Shelly’s hands in his. He kissed the back and held it to his chest. She could feel his heart beating against her palm and knew the moment was a significant one, though she didn’t fully understand what was going on. She was still a little foggy on the details.

  “Don’t ever scare me like that again, querida,” he admonished in a gentle voice.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you,” she protested weakly. “I still don’t really know what happened.”

  “You rocked my world. That’s what happened,” he told her, grinning widely. “And then, you all but passed out after the most amazing light show I’ve ever witnessed. There were sparks shooting from your fingertips.”

  “Really?” She held up her free hand and examined it. Looked okay to her.

  “Really.” He lifted the hand he still held and kissed each fingertip in a gesture she found highly romantic. “It tickled when the sparks hit my skin. It made the climax so much…more… Just more intense than anything I’ve ever experienced. I knew being with my mate would be special, but this was…” He shook his head. “I don’t have adequate words to describe it.”

  “That good, eh?” A little thrill of feminine pride stirred in her middle, though she’d never felt anything of the kind before. Mark was helping her experience all sorts of new and exciting things.

  “Seriously, though…” He placed her hand back over his heart, his fingers linked loosely with hers. “We should probably figure out where your wild magic comes from. There must’ve been a mage or some kind of magical being somewhere back in your family line.”

  “I doubt my father would know anything, but there might be some old records of ancestors back at his house,” she offered. She really couldn’t see that her somewhat aloof father would have any idea about magic, but then, stranger things had happened. Just this afternoon, in fact.

  A gentle knock on the door preceded its opening. Janice entered, carrying a large tray laden with delicious-smelling dishes. Only then did Shelly realize she was really hungry. She sat up in bed with Mark’s help as Janice set everything up on a folding table that had wheels on the bottom that she retrieved from the closet.

  Janice left with a shy smile, and Mark served them both. They shared an intimate meal and didn’t speak of anything too weighty until they had finished their main courses and were looking at the selection of sweets Janice had brought.

  “You know…” Mark began, his low tone alerting her to the fact that he was changing the mood of their conversation. “Something very special happened today. I know you’re human, and I’ve been trying not to rush you, but you’re my mate, querida. That means something very special to my kind. Today only solidified the fact that we were meant to be.”

  “You believe in fated mates? That there’s just one person meant specifically for you?” she asked, curious.

  He nodded slowly. “We do. And we spend most of our lives searching for that perfect mate. Sadly, it doesn’t happen for everyone, but for those who are blessed—as I have been blessed to find you—the promise of a lifetime of happiness with a perfect match is assured. I am only concerned that you may not feel the same since you are human. Although… You probably aren’t completely human if that light show is anything to go by.” He tilted his head and gave her a gentle smile. “You have magic of your own.”

  “I’m not sure I agree with that. I’ve never been…magical.” Even as she said the words, she thought about the hunches, and what she called instinct, that she had learned to rely on throughout her life. As far as she knew, normal people didn’t have that sixth sense that had steered her in the right direction time after time.

  “I saw it with my own eyes. And felt it. You have power, mi amor. Perhaps it was latent up to this point, but you won’t be able to stuff that genie back in its bottle. You’ll have to train to control it and temper it to your will.”

  “I’m not sure about any of this, but if you’re right about me having some kind of fire magic, then I can definitely see your point about controlling it.” She yawned, the stresses of the day catching up with her.

  “You are tired,” Mark observed. “We can discuss this tomorrow. For now…” He took the plates away and piled everything on the tray then rolled the table to an out-of-the-way spot near the door. He then turned back to the bed and started unbuttoning his shirt. “We will sleep. And I will hold you through the night and make sure you are all right.”

  Her body perked up a bit at the sight of his bare chest, but she really was exhausted. Her spirit might be willing, but her flesh was weak at this point. It craved sleep more than Mark’s irresistible body…for the moment.

  Still, she couldn’t help salivating just a little as he stripped. Just for her.

  And then, he climbed into bed with her, spooning her from behind and tugging the covers up to cover them both.

  Sometime in the night, he must have removed her clothing, too, because she woke naked in his arms, in the hour just before dawn. They came together, a slow, soundless loving. A meeting of bodies and hearts in the quiet of the darkness that still shrouded the world. Then, she dozed again.

  The next time she woke, the sun was shining, and Mark was gone from the bed. She could still feel his presence, though, and she knew he hadn’t gone far, or for long.

  She showered and dressed, heading out into the house in search of Mark. Or breakfast. Preferably both.

  She ran into Leena and Miguel, who was in his human form this time, in the hallway, and they exchanged greetings. It was Leena who told Shelly where to find Mark. Apparently, he and Julio, Leena’s mate, were having a big discussion about the building project, and Shelly would be most welcome to join them, according to Leena.

  Following the other woman’s directions to something called the Morning Room, Shelly knocked somewhat hesitantly before entering. She wasn’t exactly sure she would be as welcome as Leena thought, but when she poked her head in the door, Mark was all smiles as he stood from the table. He ushered her inside and even pulled out a chair for her next to his.

  He’d greeted her with a kiss, right in front of the other men in the room, and she realized they probably all had heard the tale of their sexcapade the day before—if they hadn’t been there in person. Shelly felt the blush flood her cheeks with warmth but kept her head as high as she could. She had nothing to be ashamed of. She was a consenting adult, and everything she’d done with Mark in the jungle had felt absolutely right at the time.

  She might be a little embarrassed now, but there was no use crying over spilt milk. And besides, shifters probably had different rules than other people, right? She certainly hoped so. Otherwise, this job might get a little uncomfortable.

  “Mi amor, you met Julio yesterday. And this is Keith. He built the warehouse using Redstone plans,�
� Mark said, then proceeded to go around the table, introducing the half dozen men who each had some part to play in the planned and ongoing construction on the island.

  What followed was a lively discussion of what had been done so far and where they planned to go from here. Shelly noticed Mark had taken her sketch book from her room and showed a couple of the designs she’d been playing with the day before to the others. She didn’t mind, though normally she would have preferred to only show finished drawings to her clients. But, of course, nothing about this job was normal.

  When she’d entered the room, she’d been afraid things might feel awkward after what they probably had witnessed the day before, but it wasn’t. Much to her relief, they didn’t make her feel strange. In fact, they treated her like an old friend—a somewhat different attitude than she had received on arrival. It was almost as if she had passed some sort of test and was now somehow a bit more accepted among these secretive people.

  Janice came in with trays of food, placing them in the middle of the table, but everyone waited for Shelly to select her breakfast first. It was strange, that, but very considerate. She was hungry enough to fill a plate for herself, but there was plenty left, and as soon as she had hers, the men descended on the platters like locusts.

  They spent the next hour eating, talking and going over her designs. They also talked about the improvements that could be made to the warehouse she had mentioned the day before. Shelly was really pleased with how cooperative and knowledgeable these men were proving to be. Working with them would be a pleasure, if this meeting was anything to go by.

  “Do you have any women on your construction crews?” Shelly didn’t feel too intimidated being the only woman in the room, but at one point, she felt it only fair to raise the question.

  Mark laughed. “Actually, we have quite a few,” he replied as all the other men smiled. “In fact, while Julio might be lead carpenter on the Clan hall project, it’s Leena who is the project manager. She’s the one who will be doing all the oversight, scheduling, and generally keeping everybody on their toes.”


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