Indebted: Part Three (Series Finale): The Virgin & The Bad-Boy Billionaire (A BWWM Billionaire Romance)

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Indebted: Part Three (Series Finale): The Virgin & The Bad-Boy Billionaire (A BWWM Billionaire Romance) Page 4

by Sadie Black

  The last thing I want to do is creep Matthew out. Dueling images flash through my mind, in one I run into his arms and he kisses me passionately. In the other he calls security and I get dragged out of there in front of everyone. “Isn’t it weird for me to just show up like that?”

  “Any weirder than his appearing at the diner? If anyone understands big gestures, it’s gonna be him. Come on, you can’t just let him slip away and you know it.”

  She’s right, again. Damn, I’ve been saying that a lot lately. “You’ll come with me?”

  Her eyes glint as a smile spreads over her face, “of course!”

  “Ok, let’s do it.” There’s more to lose by not going than by trying.

  “Oh, I’m so happy you said that!” she grabs my arm and hugs in against her body in an awkward embrace. “Ok, now first thing’s first. Let’s go find your family and head out for supper. You and I will figure this all out tonight.”

  Following Brianna back through the sparse crowd, I let her lead the way. I should probably get used to it, she’s a woman on a mission, and I have a feeling she won’t give up until it’s completed.

  Chapter Four

  When Brianna opens her wardrobe closet, I’m shocked to see how many clothes have gone missing. “What happened to all your stuff?” I start sweeping her hangers to the side, looking at the severely trimmed down selection. The clothes that remain are so different that what I’ve grown used to seeing Brianna in. Plain blouses, knee-length skirts, dresses made from other fabrics than just spandex.

  “I donated a bunch of it, some of it I just trashed,” she shrugs. Is this the same girl who has insisted on modeling every one of her new leather miniskirts or sequin covered halter tops over the past few years? “Sometimes you just need a fresh start, you know?”

  “That’s great, I’m just surprised. I thought you loved those clothes.”

  “When I was younger I did. But I’m changing too. I can’t dress like a club rat forever. I’ve got bigger plans for my future than that.”

  “Since when?” I watch her eyebrows knit together as she cocks her head at me. That didn’t come out right. “I mean, I’m so happy to hear that, I really am. I’ve just never heard you talk about any of this stuff before.”

  “You’ve been kinda busy lately,” she says pointedly. I have been pretty self-centered. It isn’t as though I’ve been the greatest friend for a while now, but in the last month I’ve sunk to a new low.

  “Yeah, I deserve that.” Staring at my feet, I wish that I could go back in time and stop myself from making all the dumb, reactionary mistakes I’ve made over the past month. “How about you tell me now? I’d love to hear about your plans.”

  “I guess I’ve been getting inspired by you. Now I’m thinking more about what I want out of life.” Really? I bite the inside of my cheek and let her continue. “I’m not sure what I’m going to do yet, but I do know that I’m not going to work at the diner for the rest of my life. And I figured I would have to start dressing like a grown up if I want to be taken more seriously.”

  “That’s wonderful! I’m happy to hear that you’re thinking about the long term now. Whatever you decide to do, I’m sure you’ll be amazing at it.”

  “I’ll let you know.” She smiles before returning her focus to her clothes, “Alright, let’s see what we can throw together here.” She pulls out a simple but chic black dress that hangs just at her knee when she holds it up to herself. “I think I’ll wear this with my pearl earrings. That’s classy, right?”

  “It is,” I agree still getting used to her new selection of conservative clothes. For as long as I can remember, I’ve seen Brianna dressed in flashy, short and tight clothes. It’s like those outfits have come to define her in a lot of ways. It’s going to take a bit of time to get used to her changing her style from Nicki Minaj to Michelle Obama overnight.

  “Here, why don’t you wear this one,” she flicks a few hangers over and reveals a navy dress with a flouncy A-line skirt and a bodice that is embellished beautifully with pink stripes. It’s feminine, understated and most of all elegant.

  “Perfect,” I smile back at her.

  Brianna looks so different with her hair swept up in a sophisticated bun and her sleek, black dress complimenting her curves without revealing every inch of her body like her other dresses used to. “Wow, you’re beautiful!”

  “Try not to sound so surprised,” she laughs.

  “No that’s not what I meant, and you know it. I mean you look sleek. It suits you.”

  “Well, thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself. I’m impressed at how well you’re doing your make-up now,” she steps closer to inspect my face, “I guess you just needed the right inspiration to learn, huh?”

  Matthew’s hypnotic blue eyes flash in front of mine, leaving me in a trance even when they’re a figment of my imagination. “You could say that,” I answer slowly, pulling myself back from his image.

  “Are you nervous?” Brianna walks toward her window and lights up a cigarette, making sure to breathe the smoke directly outside. Progress, not perfection. I try not to twist my face into my usual disapproving scowl.

  “Nervous, excited, worried… basically a basket case. But you know what?” Brianna stops focusing on her cigarette and listens intently. “For the first time in my life, I’m not afraid that I might get hurt. Matthew might not even want to see me again, but I know I have to try. Living without him is just much more painful than any worst case scenario my pride can come up with.”

  “Don’t worry.” She drags on her cigarette, pulling the smoke deep into her lungs. “I know he loves you. He’ll take one look at you and be falling all over himself. Besides, you’ve got me there with you if things don’t go…” smoke pours out of her mouth as she talks like dry ice on a dance floor. “Well, let’s not think about that. It’s going to be fine.” She takes one final lung full of smoke and spews the gray cloud out the window before closing it back up. Walking into her bathroom, Brianna sprays herself with some perfume, “there we go. Good as new.”

  I sigh but resist the urge to tell her that now she just smells like a flowery ashtray instead of the regular kind. “Ok, well let’s head out then.”

  The room is humming with the chatter of pompous, rich men prattling on about themselves. No one is even blinking an eye at the stately lobby of the Guggenheim. The white, circular staircase forms a tunnel to the spiderweb skylight several stories overhead. Nature’s artwork is being showcased by the large glass window, a tapestry of stars shining down on us. The atmosphere is very much like it was when I went to Matthew’s place in the Hamptons for the Heart and Stroke fundraiser dinner. Despite the fact that this is supposed to be a silent auction for original pieces of art, no one seems to even be glancing at the paintings and sculptures blanketing the room.

  Brianna and I make our way to an empty spot in front of a large oil painting. We stare at the extremely realistic looking deer eating at a cartoonish looking McDonald’s, surrounded by human patrons who don’t seem to be bothered by his company.

  “You know what? I don’t even want to know what this is about,” Brianna turns her hand up toward the imposing piece.

  “I’m guessing it’s some kind of anti-consumerist message.” I don’t have time to think about any of the strange collection hugging the walls. My eyes are preoccupied with scanning the room for signs of Matthew. “Do you see him anywhere?”

  “Hmmm?” Brianna is still eyeing the painting distractedly.

  “Can you help me look for Matthew, please?”

  “Relax, we’ll find him. You know he’s here somewhere.”

  “I know, I’m just anxious.” My eyes finally lock on a target, but it isn’t Matthew. Standing across the room is a man I’ve never seen before with the unmistakable plastic smile of Marjorie hanging off his arm. Her blond hair looks even lighter against her floor length pure white gown that she easily could have purchased at a bridal shop. “You have got to be kidding me.” My
teeth grit together as I watch Marjorie shamelessly pawing at the mystery man, laughing like he just told her the pinnacle of all jokes. He leans in and kisses her like they aren’t in the middle of a crowded room but in the privacy of their bedroom. “Seriously? After all that shit with Matthew, now she’s with that guy?”

  Brianna follows my locked on stare until she finds my target. “Oh my god, that’s her isn’t it? I should go smack that smirk off her stupid bitch face.” Brianna’s shoulders tighten and her arms flex like a boxer ready to throw the first punch of the round.

  “No, just leave it. It won’t do us any good to be thrown out of here by security. Besides, I don’t want to give her the satisfaction.” Just below my calm surface is a deadly current of rage ready to wash Marjorie away forever.

  “Fine,” Brianna pouts, looking back at the painting again. “But someone needs to put her in her place.”

  I can’t disagree with that.

  “Can I interest either of you in a glass of wine?” A maitre-d holding a large platter of tall-stemmed wine glasses appears by our side. Brianna’s eyes sparkle as she starts checking out the selection.

  “Yes, that would be lovely,” she purrs. “I’ll have a white wine, please.” The gentleman nods, handing her the wine she requested.

  “And for you, Miss?” He waits for me to decide.

  “Oh, no thank you, I’m not drinking tonight.” I smile, with my lips pressed tight together.

  “Very well.” He turns to find other attendees with a thirst to quench.

  “That’s weird, isn’t it?” I turn to Brianna.


  “Didn’t you say this was an art auction for MADD? Like, Mother’s Against Drunk Driving? It just seems strange to me that they’re serving booze to a bunch of people who might have driven here for a function against drinking and driving.”

  “Ha! I didn’t even think about that. You’re right.” She laughs.

  “Stunning isn’t it?” A white man with raven colored hair and hazel eyes nods toward the painting while standing unnaturally close to Brianna.

  “I don’t know that I’d call it that.” Brianna breezily answers, barely looking at his svelte frame almost pressing into her body.

  “You’re right. Stunning is too strong a word. It should only be reserved for true beauty, like yours.” Gag, really? That’s your line? Brianna, however, lights up like a Christmas tree at the compliment, suddenly turning her full attention to the man pursuing her.

  “I’m Bradley,” he holds his hand out to Brianna, who giggles when she shakes it. “Brianna,” she introduces herself.

  They seem to disappear into a world of two as they slowly shake hands like it’s foreplay. Bradley finally seems to remember that I’m standing next to them, an awkward observer to their chemistry explosion. “And you are?” He waits for me to fill in the blank as he reluctantly releases Brianna’s hand.


  “Nice to meet you, Kendra” he extends his hand and shakes mine with brusque efficiency before turning his focus back to Brianna. “Do you come to this auction every year?” He looks at her like whatever her answer is going to be; it will be the most interesting thing he’s heard in his lifetime. I roll my eyes and watch Brianna get sucked in. Normally I wouldn’t mind watching yet another man try, but we’re here for a reason and this guy isn’t on the to-do list.

  “No, this is our first time,” she cocks her head to the side coyly and I shift my weight from foot to foot, itching to get away from this scene so I can look around for Matthew. While they continue their mating dance, I sweep the room with my eyes. As much as I try to avoid her, they keep trailing back to Marjorie. It’s difficult not to notice her since she’s standing under a bright light, making her shining locks and brilliant white dress glow ethereally. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Matthew making his way to a podium set up with a few microphones. A few reporters are hovering around the front of the wooden column like fans standing in the front row of a concert.

  My heart is beating like a hummingbird’s fluttering wings as Matthew appears across the room. I’m happy that I turned down a glass of wine because it surely would’ve fallen from my sweaty palm to the floor. “Hey!” I interrupt Bradley, excited to get moving. “There he is,” I point. “There’s Matthew.”

  “Oh, it looks like we’re getting started,” Bradley looks over at Matthew making his way through the swarm. “Please, excuse me Brianna. I just have to go make a quick speech, but I’ll look for you afterward?”

  “I’ll be around,” Brianna answers nonchalantly.

  Bradley strides across the room like he’s trying not to run until he catches up with Matthew at the podium.

  “Excuse me,” Matthew speaks into the microphones, “if I could just have a moment of everyone’s time, please.”

  The crowd begins to shuffle toward the men. Grabbing Brianna’s hand, I start heading over with her in tow. We find a place on the periphery of the group and I keep hoping that Matthew will see me, but if he has, I’ve seen no indication.

  Flashes from the reporters cameras are momentarily bleaching out the men’s faces as Matthew waits for the crowd to quiet down.

  “Thank you, I’ll try to keep this short, I promise. I’d like to welcome everyone to the 12th annual Zervion MADD Arts silent auction. As you all know, the pieces you see here tonight have been donated by artists who are as generous as they are talented.”

  “Pffft,” Brianna scoffs. I elbow her gently without taking my eyes off Matthew.

  “Since 100% of the proceeds are going to Mother’s Against Drunk Driving, please remember to bid liberally and help make this year’s donation our best yet.” I shake my head as I notice crowd of exquisitely dressed men and women, murmuring in approval as they clutch their wine glasses.

  Another round of flashing goes off making it look like Matthew and Bradley are under strobe lights in a club. I can’t help but smile picturing Matthew on a dance floor, somehow I can’t imagine him having too many moves.

  “As many of you know, this event is very dear to my heart. Thank you all for coming out over the years to show your support. Tonight, I’m surrounded by familiar faces,” my heart whooshes in my ears. Does he mean me? “Many of you have been with Zervion Communications since I first took my position as CEO thirteen years ago. Because I’m surrounded by so many friends and family tonight, I would like to share my announcement with the very people who’ve stood by my side for over a decade and helped Zervion flourish. Tonight, I’m announcing my retirement from the position. I’ll be stepping down as CEO and Bradley Sheppard will be taking my place. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Mr. Sheppard, let me assure you there is no man better suited for the job than him.”

  A murmur ripples through the crowd as Bradley and Matthew shake hands. The small mob of reporters elbow each other in a petty attempt to find the best camera angle to splash on the front of their newspapers.

  “Mr. Blackwell, what has prompted your resignation from the company?” A faceless reporter yells abruptly.

  “I won’t be answering any questions tonight. The evenings focus should remain on the charity and the art. Within the next week, Zervion will be holding an official press conference where I will officially step down. I will say that I’ve enjoyed my time as CEO, but now I’m ready to see what other challenges life holds for me.”

  The crowd’s murmurs grow louder with speculation as the reporters continue to blind the men with their camera flashes. Bradley and Matthew look completely unfazed by the reaction. My thoughts escape to when I first stepped off the helicopter with Matthew, in the Hamptons. I remember how sensitive my eyes were to the onslaught of bright explosions as reporters surrounded us like they’re surrounding Bradley and Matthew now. When you live such a public life, this probably becomes second nature.

  “I’ll turn the microphone over to Mr. Sheppard now, and let him say a few words before we get back to our evening.” Matthew steps back from the podium, maki
ng Bradley the focus of the photography and the crowd.

  “Don’t worry folks, I’ll keep this short. I would like to thank Mr. Blackwell for his service with Zervion. Let’s give him a round of applause, folks.” Soft clapping and jewelry dinging against the side of wine glasses fill the room. “It’s an honor and a privilege to be taking over a business that’s been under the Blackwell name for two generations. Mr. Blackwell, I’d like to wish you the best on your future endeavors, whatever they should be. And I would like to take this opportunity to assure the shareholders and employees of Zervion Communications that I’m ready to hit the ground running. Thank you, enjoy the auction and please, as Mr. Blackwell already said, donate generously. After all folks, it’s for a great cause.”


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